Dr. Liu ResearchTIPS



(2019-04-28 18:55:23) 下一個

Two Basic Rules for Time and Energy Management – Four Time Blocks That We Need On Schedule -023










我們在每周時間表上想要的其他時間塊是用於節省未來時間的任務的時間塊。我們應該讓我們把時間花在今天可能看起來不重要的事情上,但會給我們更多的時間。我們應該花時間問自己,今天我能做些什麽,這將使未來變得更好?這可能是一個戰略思考時期。也許是學習新工具的時候了。 “人”的時間塊將允許我們通過有效地利用其他人的時間來節省更多時間。 “未來”的時間塊將使我們能夠通過提前思考來節省更多時間。



Hey, it’s Dr. Liu here again. In a previous video, we discussed the common reasons for procrastination and how to stop procrastination. In this video, I will show you some specific methods for better time management. And with regard to efficiency and productivity, very often, it is more about energy management in addition to just time management.

There are two basic rules for management of time and energy. They are the two “S”, “Separate“ and “Simplify”. The first rule is “to separate”. That means we should separate our tasks from possible distractions. In time management, a very effective method is called time blocking or time boxing. The idea is, by dedicating a certain block of time to a specific task, we “block off” our time from possible interruptions or distractions.

However, if we block time for each task we have, and schedule the entire day, that may be too constraining to many people. My suggestion is, in our daily schedule, we should at least have two blocks of time. One block for “complex tasks”, and one block for “simple tasks”. That is because the required mental status for these two types of tasks are different. For complex tasks, we often need to be in a focus mode. For simple tasks, we could be in a diffuse and relax mode.

In the video about procrastination, I mentioned there are two types of procrastination. The reason we are procrastinating on complex tasks is often that we are not sure how to start and it is difficult to enter the focus mode needed for complex tasks. And the reason we are procrastinating on simple tasks is often that we have stress in our life, and that stress is often related with some complex tasks that we are struggling with. By separating these two types of tasks using time block, we can minimize procrastination for both complex and simple tasks. On the one hand, when we have a time block for complex tasks, we can minimize possible distractions from simple tasks. It would be easier for us to enter the focus mode required for deep work. On the other hand, when we have a time block just for simple tasks, we temporarily release ourselves from whatever complex tasks we may have. In this way, we do not allow the stress from the complex tasks to delay the other tasks on hand.

During the time block for simple tasks, it may be a good idea to complete the easier task first. Tasks that can be completed within 5 minutes should be done immediately, whenever possible . Completing easy tasks will give us sense of accomplishment, and a momentum of work energy, so we will be more energetic for the remaining tasks. For the time block for complex tasks, the beginning is also most important. It will be very helpful if we can develop a certain routine to start the time block, a routine that can create a sense of rituality that can help us to enter the focus mode we need for deep work. It is like an appetizer before the main course. Different people may need different kind of appetizer. We just need to try and find the right appetizer that works for us. It could be as simple as just counting “1, 2, 3, and start”, as what we may do before jumping into cold water.

When we have multiple complex tasks need to be handled, we may make a list of all the tasks, put all the tasks before us, on the desk, and try them one by one. And we can choose the task that is easiest for us to focus on. Foe example, we may be procrastinating on task A. By comparing task A and task B, we may find it is easier to focus on task B. Then we will just work on task B for today. The idea is, on different day, we may have different mood for different tasks. By comparing, some originally intimidating tasks may look easier, and it would be easier for us to enter the focus mode for that task. We should be satisfied as long as we are able to work on at least one of the complex tasks. And later, we may have to give more strategic thinking for the difficult task that we have procrastinated for a long time, and further divide or simplify that task.

This is for our daily schedule. We should have one time block for “complex tasks”, and one time block form “simple tasks”. For our weekly schedule, we should have two more time blocks. One block for tasks that deal with people, and one block for tasks that save time in the future.

In the time block for tasks that deal with people, we think of two things. First, we should think, who do we need to reach out in order to improve our productivity. Second, we should check with people who we are waiting on. We may need to chase people down to be more productive as a team worker. Having a separate time block for “people tasks” reminds us to check with people regularly, and in the same time minimize distractions to our own work.

The other time block we want on our weekly schedule is the time block for tasks that save time in the future. We should allow us to spend time on things that may seem not important today but will give us more time in the future. We should take time to ask ourselves, what can I do today, that would make the future better? It may be a strategic thinking time. It may also be a time to study a new tool. A time block for “people” will allow us to save more time by using other people’s time effectively. A time block for “future” will allow us to save more time by thinking ahead.

So, that is the rule of “separate” for time management. We use time blocking to help us to focus. The other rule is “simplify” for energy management. The idea is, the total energy we have is limited. If we have less options in life, then we can have more energy to focus. Less options for more focus. You may notice that, many high performance people, such as Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg, they always wear the same style of shirts in daily life. One reason is, they do not want to spend energy on deciding less important stuff, such as what to wear. They prefer to save energy as much as possible so that they can maximize their focus on work.

Thanks for watching, I am Dr. Liu with research tips for the underdogs. Separate and simplify are the two basic rules that can help us to focus. Until next time, let’s learn how to separate and how to simply our tasks, for a more focused life.

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