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川普這次生病住院正應了中國成語 “種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆”。從三月起,他就輕視新冠病毒,一再對老百姓說,“It will go away”。從哲理上看,他說得沒錯,一年、兩年、十年以後,終究會有一天人類戰勝新冠病毒,病毒會“go away”。然而,眼下一而再,再而三地散布這種說法,無視科學,反對口罩,給自己播下了惡果的種子。第一次總統辯論,他公開在億萬美國民眾麵前嘲笑拜登戴口罩。上帝看不過去了,第二天就讓他得了新冠病毒,第三天發燒咳嗽,第四天住院。
1/ “I’m back!See, I’m back. Nobody comes back quicker from the China virus than me. It’s nothing, if I can, so can you, and you, everybody can. It’s nothing. I’m even stronger than before. I have more energy now, can’t you see? I’m stronger, really stronger. And guess what, I’m immune to the virus now, I don’t even need to wear a mask. It’s nothing. I even enjoyed staying in the hospital. Oh boy, it’s such a nice place, the doctors are nice, the nurses are nice, the food is good too. ”
2/“I was not supposed to get the coronavirus. The White House is the most protected place in the world from all kinds of enemies and threats, including Covid-19. I get tested every day, yet still, I was affected. I thank God for giving me a second chance to lead America in the fight against Covid-19. We will do better this time, we can do this together. Don’t let your guard down against the coronavirus, follow the CDC guide lines, and wear a mask.”
But hope Trump can learn from this lesson, if he still has any capability to learn.
做為國家元首,從三月到現在一直輕視導致全國二十萬人死於新冠,不應該反思嗎? 一直傳播反智,反科學,What he got now, he deserves it. I am not surprised at all.
有句話說,老狗學不了新技能,如果這次川普病情輕微,天知道他又會怎樣興風作浪。Very likely coming out from his mouth will be: "See it's nothing. It's just a flu"