
發現地球真相, 藍圖先生研究銀河大曆史。

[2012伊斯塔] 簡史:不平靜的阿加森網絡

(2017-08-11 19:20:42) 下一個

2015前沿 . 阿加森網絡 Agartha Network
[泰勒斯城公主] 探尋地下城邦文明之謎

[Cobra訪問]地下分離文明與阿加森網絡 201509月
[2012伊斯塔] 簡史: 不平靜的阿加森網絡
[地球解放簡報] 抵抗運動組織介紹

[泰勒斯城公主1995]夏露娜.達克絲訪談 Sharula Dux
[2015阿加森聯盟] 阿加森網絡 (夏露拉.達克絲Sharula Dux)
[2015阿加森聯盟]《魔戒》之王 &利莫裏亞的科普常識 (Aurelia & Nidle)
[西藏密宗神話] 西藏密宗的秘密: 香巴拉的秘密
[西藏密宗神話] 黑魔法. 《時輪經》, 時輪金剛
藍圖先生博客  悅讀 (201512月). 對阿加森世界最前沿的理解


Cobra地球盟友眼鏡蛇和伊斯塔.安塔瑞斯都來自於[抵抗運動組織The Resistence Movement Organization], 所以具有相似的訊息來源。
Cobra2015,提及阿加森網絡其實由各種不同的部份組成, 有光明的,也有黑暗的。這些部份包括有, 香巴拉Shamballa,、阿加森Agartha 、那迦王國Naga kingdom 、帕特拉Patala, Bhogavati 城, 泰勒斯城Telos, 海神市(Posedid)...等等。
[Cobra訪問]地下分離文明與阿加森網絡 201509月:
很多那些團體在1996年執政官的入侵後被滲透。在那些地下區域發生了很多戰鬥,許多人死了,尤其在1996-2001,2002年。因為地下有數百萬人死亡。出於安全理由,那些組織和地表切斷聯係。然後我們還有抵抗運動,抵抗運動我已經介紹過很多次。在過去兩年(2013,2014),發生了很多轉變,我會說是向好的方麵轉變。絕大多數地下爬蟲人(蜥蜴人)已經被移除,唯一剩下的是齊美拉[Chimera Group]和他們的據點。我會在以後再談他們。 在2014年11月底12月初有一個非常重要的進展,在抵抗運動和東方阿加森網絡和藍龍之間有了一次正式的接觸。在各個派係集團之間建立了一些聯係,整合和統一過程,在這之前他們是獨立的。 "
LT:  一直以來, 光明和黑暗的勢力都有分佈在地下。在1996年,執政官的入侵事件,對整個阿加森網絡構成重大震撼。至今,其實阿加森人並不想將所有事情告訴我們, 當中有很多原因,他們也一直有扮演`神`的角色…。
伊斯塔.安塔瑞斯在2012年文章曾經向我們交待了阿加森網絡的一份簡史。再結合2015年一位阿加森接觸者和 科瑞Corey的敘述, 我們對於阿加森可以有更多的認識。
有遙遠的地方,有一處阿加森, 你和我都很響往。(請上音樂)
我們的曆史,地麵上有阿努納奇王朝(龍之王朝), 地底下有那伽王國(Naga Kingdom蛇之王朝); 地麵上有大天朝中國, 地底下有大天朝香國(香巴拉Shamballa), 傳說中Gandharvas & Apsaras乾達婆和阿紗拉(飛天),這2群天人, 都來自於香國。
連帝釋天都迷上了乾達婆和阿紗拉, 叫我們如何忘懷? (請上音樂)
乾達婆 - 天上的歌者;阿紗拉 -天上的舞者, 是印度教神話,是大仙人迦葉波所生的孩子們之一。
下文隻有4000字, 很好。
伊斯塔.安塔瑞斯(Ishtar Antares-男)1971年出生於斯洛文尼亞,盧布爾雅那市。   幼時起,他有許多自發的昆達裏尼體驗,這為他帶去了清晰而又不間斷的關於他過去的人世以及他在來到這顆星球以前在亞特蘭蒂斯的記憶。他於1993年開始有意識地通靈。很快,他的信息影響到了許多人,他得到了斯洛文尼亞,克羅地亞和意大利許多廣播電台和電視台的采訪邀請,差不多有1百萬人觀看和收聽他的信息。
他為數個不同的地方雜誌和國際雜誌撰寫了許多文章。他的書《曙光2012》(《Aurora 2012》),最初出版於斯羅文尼亞,現在也有英語版且很快也會有西班牙語版。他在世界範圍內為揚升,富足和光體激活開設了許多工作坊。
Cobra說: “我知道lady Dragon和伊斯塔.安塔瑞斯,他們兩個都是好人...”
“...同樣,伊斯塔與來自Former White Hat的對他的所有愚蠢指控沒有任何關係。   他是一名有獻身精神的光之工作者,是一個有許多外星信息來源的美麗的光之存有。"——眼鏡蛇,2012年9月24日信息《瘋狂》    翻譯自:cvn717

The Underground Kingdom of Light
http://www.karinya.com/ishtar1.htm [抵抗運動介紹]
轉載於昴宿星_天狼星的博客(2012-12-16 15:47:21)
 校讀:  天朝的藍圖先生  2015.12
The Underground Kingdom of Light
Ishtar Antares
Original in Slovenian, this English version is a translation by the author.
Published here by request from the author.  
First published in this website on February 1, 2004.
A very very interesting group of articles you will not want to miss! The insights and information contained in these is incredible. We suggest you read these in sequence as they link to one another as regards to content. There are five (5) articles of which this is the first.

In Atlantean times, 25,000 years ago, when Earth became a quarantine planet under the occupation of dark forces, one part of forces of light withdrew under the surface and built there a civillization of many cities of light, interconnected with vast system of tunnels. In those Atlantean cities, beings were pursuing their spiritual path under the vigilant guidance of the King of the world, lord Sanat Kumara. This kingdom of light is known by the name of Agartha or Shamballa and must not be confused with Shamballa which exists on the etheric plane since Lemuria and which served as a spiritual beacon for the underground civillization.
亞特蘭蒂斯時期,25000年前,當地球成為了一顆被黑暗勢力佔領的隔離星球時,一部分的光明勢力撤退到了地麵以下並在那裡建造了一個有著眾多光之城,由無數龐大的管道網絡互相連接而成的文明。那些亞特蘭蒂斯城市中的存有們都在世界之王(King of the world),[庫瑪拉家族的聖納.庫瑪拉]lord Sanat Kumara的智慧領導下追求著他們的靈性之路。這個光的王國被稱為阿加森(Agartha)或香巴拉(Shamballa the lesser小香巴拉國-(簡稱香國)),但絕不要把這個香巴拉與起源於列穆裏亞時期,存在於`以太層且象征著地下文明的一個靈性標杆的香巴拉弄混淆。

In underground Agartha people lived in harmony between spiritual world and advanced Atlantean technology that served for their highest good. Each of them knew his higher purpose and followed it so they lived with each other in harmonious relationships. Until the final deluge of Atlantis they were protected against attacks of the dark forces which have also built their strongholds in certain areas of the underworld since then. After the deluge everything changed. Dark forces began to attack Agartha and as the Tibetan holy book Dzyan said there were fightings between builders and destroyers and fightings for space". Forces of light were forced to leave many territories which they inhabited before. The system of underground tunnels was encircling the whole planet. The western tunnel network had its beginning under Atacama desert in Chile and went in direction of Tiahuanaco - Cuzco - Mount Shasta - Grand Tetons, under American mainland and under Atlantic ocean towards Atlas mountain range in western Africa and then under Ahaggar/Tibesti mountain ranges towards their final station - the Giza pyramids. One important center was under Mato Grosso region in Brazil, where Agartha had strong connection with Atlantean cities on the surface. The Himalayan network was of extraordinary importance. Here underground civillization developed as a mirror of Atlantean colony which existed on the surface in the area of contemporary Gobi desert. Of course it was no desert then, it was a subtropical paradise. Himalayan network had its souce under the Gobi desert and it expanded under Takla Makan desert and then onwards under Pamirs, Altai, Karakorum, Baltistan, under Kunluns and under Chang Tang plateau towards Himalayas.

直到最後的亞特蘭蒂斯大洪水之前,他們一直都在被守護中對抗著黑暗勢力,而自那以後,黑暗勢力也在地下世界的某些地區建造了他們的要塞。大洪水過後,一切都變了。黑暗勢力開始攻擊阿加森,正如西藏聖書多基安(Book of Dzyan)所描述的: 在建造者與毀滅者之間發生了戰爭,爭奪空間的戰爭。
{LT:  Dzyan書是西藏古文字的原產著作,該書是秘密教義(1888年),神智學運動的基礎教義來源,由海倫娜.布拉瓦茨基夫人提出。原著來自於Stanzas, 布拉瓦茨基夫人將它命名為《Dzyan書》  。}
{LT: 傳說, 香國的揚升大師,藍道大師隱居於大提頓山Grand Tetons。藍圖先生的真實本名是Lanto, 他掌管第二道光 ---純理性之光。 絕不虛言。善哉,善哉。}

有一個重要的據點位於巴西的馬托格羅索地區,在那裡阿加森與地麵的亞特蘭蒂斯城市有著非常緊密的聯係。喜馬拉雅網絡(Himalayan network)曾有著極其重大的意義。這裡的地下文明發展成了亞特蘭蒂斯殖民地的一個典範,而亞特蘭蒂斯殖民地則位於同時期戈壁大沙漠地區的地表。
{LT:  中國的神話,缺乏真正體係。她和佛教神話一樣, 都是新生代的作品,年代很年輕;  相對於阿努納奇之三大神話(蘇-巴-以), 與及古埃及神話, `古波斯-印度神話體係。
中國的昆侖山神話, 說不準都是講述香國的文化(阿加森人); 我們古代以為的天人, 其實都是阿加森人。 這事情, 隻有在2015年以後, 國人才會慢慢了解。善哉,善哉。 }}

After the deluge of Atlantis, certain groups on the surface have come across important spiritual and scientific discoveries and have therefore retreated in the underground Agartha from the dark forces which had almost whole surface in their grip by then. These reinforcements have accelerated scientific and technological progress in Agartha and with united forces they have unsealed old Atlantean tunnels, restored old Atlantean machines and expanded original underground spaces in which they dwelt. With those expansions they often followed the course of undergound rivers and underground energy streams. Development of technology was outstanding. Beyong old Atlantean crystal technology they were developing teleportation chambers and free energy technology. They have connected their underground cities with trains that used magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) drive, which then reached speeds up to 3000 mph. They came into touch with the galactic starfleet which has succeeded in rescuing some of them from the quarantine Earth. Resistance movement of the forces of light, which had its starbases on the Moon, Mars, asteroids, moons of outer planets and on planet X was sending in reinforcements all the time.
亞特蘭蒂斯的大洪水過後,某些位於地表的團體無意中發現了重大的靈性和科學進展並因此從黑暗勢力的周邊撤退到了地下的阿加森,因而幾乎整個地表世界都落入了黑暗勢力的掌控之下。 這些增援促進了阿加森科學和技術的發展,並且借由聯合的力量,他們開啟了古老的亞特蘭蒂斯通路,修複了古老的亞特蘭蒂斯機器並把原來的地下空間擴建到了他們棲身的地方。

他們常常沿著地下河道以及地下能量帶來開展這些擴建工程。在科技的發展上他們有著卓越的成就。參照古老的亞特蘭蒂斯水晶科技,他們研發出了傳送室(teleportation chambers)和自由能源技術(free energy technology)。他們用由磁流體動力學(MHD)驅動的列車連接起了他們的地下城市,後來其速度達到了每小時3000英裏。他們與銀河艦隊建立起了聯係,銀河艦隊曾成功地把他們中的一些人從地球隔離區中營救出來。在月球,火星,小行星帶,月球周邊以及X行星上有著星際基地的抵抗運動Resistance movement)光明勢力則持續不斷地送去增援。
{LT: 請記住, X行星跟昴宿星人抵抗運動有關; 跟傳說中的Nibiru, 是兩碼事。 不要人雲亦雲, 不要人雲亦雲。}

In time of ancient Greece certain colonists have voyaged across Atlantic to Brazil and US west coast and made contact with Agartha there. Many ancient cultures that vanished without a trace (for example the Mayans) have in fact moved into the Agartha empire. Some Hopi Indians have had contact with Agartha just a few decades ago. In Agartha, Order of the Star was very active. Its purpose is healing of separation on planet Earth and also successful completion of experiment of duality. Kings of Agartha were leaders of the Council of twelve and were a physical anchor for the energies of Sanat Kumara. Certain American presidents and presidents of some other states had contact with kings of Agartha during their term. Agartha often exerted its spiritual influence on the surface, especially the Himalayan network in the region of India and Tibet. Over one thousand years ago, representatives of Agartha near Gilgit in contemporary Pakistan spread tantric teachings to the surface. In nineteenth century they strongly influenced teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky who had physical contacts with them. In the beginning of twentieth century Aagrtha had over twenty million members. During WW 1, invasion of the dark forces begun. They wanted to break the power of Agartha. Hordes of warriors of darkness rolled from enormous bases under China, Indonesia, near East and Africa through tunnels across Atlantic towards Mexico and then southwestern US to limit the spiritual influence of Agartha on arising western civillization.
就在幾十年前一些霍皮印第安人還與阿加森有著聯係。在阿加森,秩序之星(Order of the Star)曾非常的活躍。它的目標是療癒行星地球上的分離以及成功地完成二元性的試驗。

阿加森之諸王(Kings of Agartha)曾是12理事會(Council of twelve)的領導者們, 並且是聖納.庫瑪拉Sanat Kumara的能量的一根 `物理上的表現physical anchor for the energies of Sanat `。
{LT: 這可以理解為 超級大神9D聖納.庫瑪拉, 以阿凡達體化身於阿加森眾國,成為阿加森諸位王者們。這些王者, 都具有Sanat Energy 聖納能量。}   

{LT:   坦陀羅Tantra /Tantric影響了印度教的薩蒂派, 及佛教密宗派。薩蒂派,Shaktism注重女神祟拜。
古印度, 男神叫提婆Deva, 女神叫提子Devi。 我LT喜歡提子。
Lakshmi 吉祥天女- SARASWATI妙音/辯才天女- Durga難近母 - Shakti -  Parvati雪山神女(Shakti的化身), -Umma烏瑪- Kali迦梨。}

       在19世紀他們強烈地影響了[神智學會] 海倫娜.布拉瓦茨基夫人(Helena Petrovna Blavatsky)的教導,而海倫娜與他們有著實際的接觸。在20世紀初期,阿加森有著超過兩千萬成員。
{LT: 請記住, [無惡不作]光明會滲透了神智學會, 光明會滲透了德國的維利會Vril society, 及圖勒協會Thule society。這些新時代的會社, 本來是受阿加森力量及善意外星力量的參與, 不過很快便被光明會的黑黑們佔據了。 無間之道Infernal Affairs, 中國人懂的東西, 銀河人早就懂啦。}

There were severe underground physical battles that mirrored on the surface as WW 1 and WW 2. After victory of the forces of light at the end of WW 2, Agartha turned its attention towards spiritual awakening of the West. Forces of darkness turned their forces to annihilation of Himalayan network which reflected on the surface as Chinese occupation of Tibet. Stroke of the dark forces in 1996 weakened Agartha dramatically and in 1999 Agartha was almost erased from its underground dwellings. Therefore at the end of 1999 very strong reinforcement of forces of light came in the shape of the resistance movement fighters from the asteroid belt and planet X. Planet X has a radius of 9000 miles with a suface of frozen methane that gives it a bluish colour. Planet X is orbiting the Sun in very inclined elliptical orbit 6 to 7 billion miles away.
[1910年代, 阿加森發生了 阿加森人和納粹爬蟲人戰鬥, 史稱 `1910地下納粹戰役 underground Nazi War` ---- 由LT 提名的。一個出色的曆史學家, 必須要親臨其境的去閱讀, 去思考;要同時站在雙方的立場,去思考問題; 不要老是說馬克思主意是正確的,偉大的,請不要做一個低水平的中國人。}


[震驚太陽係的, 1996執政官入侵 --地表上剛果入侵,地下文明大災難]   
而在1999年,阿加森幾乎被從他們的地下居所中消滅一空。因此,在1999年年末,一股非常強大的光明勢力增援以抵抗運動的戰士們從 `小行星帶和X行星上而來。X行星的半徑為9000英裏,地表覆蓋著甲烷冰,這使它看上去帶藍色。X行星以非常傾斜的橢圓軌道在60至70億英裏外環繞著太陽軌道運行。
(LT: 在1996執政官入侵中, 阿加森網絡有數以百萬計的生命死去。有機會,我會去考証一下。   這些死去亡靈,  部份進入了星光層(以太空間), 在那裏作為光之戰士們,繼續和黑暗力量戰鬥; 另部份被阿斯塔指揮部,聖納.庫瑪拉的高級組織接走了。在古代佛教中, 聖納的名字被稱為燃燈佛。
佛教神話, 燃燈佛Dipamkara,又叫定光如來(錠光佛)、普光如來,是過去莊嚴劫中所出世的千佛之首。他的位置,相若於Five Dhyani Buddhas五方佛:
中央為大日如來(Vairocana),又作毗盧遮那佛Maha-vairocana。 東方為不動如來(Aksobhya),  南方寶生如來(Ratnasambhava), 西方阿彌陀佛(Amitabha), 以及,北方不空成就佛(Amoghasiddhi)。
事實上,  至尊神(Supreme God),其名字多如繁星 (Vishnu隻是其一), 傳說,他在地球曆史上有24次重大化身,  聖納Sanat/Dipamkara; 釋迦牟尼佛Gautama, 以及卡爾基Kalki/彌勒大佛Maitreya(Mitra密多羅),  都是其中三次重要化身。

Forces of darkness had their maximum power between 1996 and 2003. Outer part of the dark forces are Draconians, humanoid beings from Alpha Draconis star system. Since Atlantis they have a plan for mass control of human population, named New World Order. They use world politics to create artificial conflicts between nations and ignite wars to gain profit. Their main centres od activity are in Washington, Bruxelles and Rome. They enslave humanity with programmable biochips that are inserted into human body with vaccinations, and with nanoelectronic devices that control and direct human thoughts. Through their representatives in church, freemasonry and occult groups they control human spirituality and create spiritual conflicts. Their core are so called Illuminati, a chosen group that has control over the System on Earth. Only Illuminati are directly connected with true masters of the quarantine Earth, a race of creatures which was created millions of years ago by the Dark lords of Orion with genetic engineering. These creatures prevent advanced extraterrestrial civillizations access to Earth, holding humanity as a hostage, threatening with nuclear war. They enslave humanity and keep it in quarantine since Atlantis. This race mostly incarnates in humanoid clone bodies, although their true shape is in a form of various mutations of spiders, beetles, insects, reptiles, worms and serpents. Their only motivation is total control over all Creation, spreading malice, terror and dread. They mostly control humanity with implants that create space/time black hole anomaly and thus deface human consciousness to a unrecognizable extent, confusing human mind and emotions. Implants are programmable crystals that were put into physical and energetic bodies of every single human being on Earth with strong electronic devices. The creature race is maintaining distorted space/time structure with electromagnetic space/time chambers similar to those used in Philadelphia experiment. Most efficiently they retard evolution on Earth with threats and violence, spread by their representatives. They are infiltrated in all pores of human society, pretending to be ordinary people. Using unlawful means, threats and violence they prevent meetings between twin souls. In their secret underground bases they have created sexual traumas to many women with horrible rapes, thus blocking the flow of sexual energy on planet Earth. They also created traumas to produce multiple pesonality disorders, using victims of this process as slaves. Height of their power has fortunately already passed and forces of light are defeating them step by step.

黑暗勢力的外圍部分是天龍人Draconians ,來自阿爾法天龍星恆星係統Draco的類人型存有。自亞特蘭蒂斯時期起他們就有一個大規模控製人類的計劃,名為`新世界秩序NWO`。他們使用世界政治來在國家間製造人為的衝突,點燃戰爭之火。
{LT:  亞特蘭提斯時期的黑暗勢力, 其中一支天龍星人,被稱為阿努納奇Annuanki,創立了[光明會Illuminat], 已有13000年曆史, 他們建立家長製, 據說有21位家長們Parents,幫助建立地上的13家族血統(稱為撒旦血統/路西法 路線 Lucifer Line)。
與此對立的, 是聖納的兒子,撒南達Sananda所遺傳下來的阿米流斯血統Amelius Line,圖坦卡蒙王,瑣羅亞斯德, 及約書亞(耶穌),都是這個聖杯血統的繼承者。此是根據楚雯信息及凱西的經典解讀。現實的世界, 比任何小說更精彩。 藍圖先生編的,楚雯地球大實驗紀要2013_, 已掛上了百度文庫,隨時可下載。 }

[黑暗勢力]他們的主要活動中心是華盛頓,布魯塞爾和羅馬。他們用通過接種疫苗植入人體的可編程芯片來奴役人類,並用納米的電子設備來控製和操縱人類的思想。通過他們在教會,共濟會和隱匿團體中的代表,他們控製著人類的靈性並製造著靈性衝突。他們的核心是所謂的光照派(光明會Illuminati),一個挑選而出控製著地球上種種係統的團體。隻有光照派/(光明會)才與地球隔離區的真正主宰者,一個在數百萬年前由獵戶座黑暗之主(Dark Lords of Orion)通過基因技術製造出來的種族,有著直接的聯係。  {這個故事讓我們想起 WM造翼者係列文章-第三篇訪談 ,路西法的魔法。}

       這些生物阻礙著進化的外星文明進入地球,將人類劫持為人質,用核戰爭作為威脅。在亞特蘭蒂斯時期起他們就奴役了人類並把他們隔離了起來。這個種族主要轉生到類人型的克隆身體中,盡管他們的真正形態是各種各樣的蜘蛛,甲蟲,昆蟲,蠕蟲以及巨蛇(naga)的變種。(WM 稱之為Animus。 我們有時稱之為Asuras 一大群阿修羅們。其實是天龍星人的半生命機械部隊。2012年前後, 很多光的工作者也受這群敗類的攻擊。絕無虛言。我唸六字大明咒。)
   他們唯一的意圖就是徹底控製所有創造物,散播怨恨,恐怖和恐懼。(製造恐懼無奈情緒, 製造他們想要的 Loosh energy露食能量。)}他們主要通過植入物來控製人類,它製造著時空黑洞異常並且將人類的意識打入到一個無法被感知的層麵,攪亂人類的心智與情緒。植入物是可編程的水晶體,通過強大的電磁設備來植入到地球上每個人類的物質體和能量體中。這個被製造出來的種族通過類似於他們在費城試驗中所使用電磁時空室來維持著那扭曲的時空結構。他們通過他們的代表來施加威脅和暴力,從而顯著地阻礙地球上的進化。
他們滲透了人類社會的所有麵向,假裝成普通人。通過非法的手段,威脅和暴力,他們阻礙著雙生靈魂(twin souls)的相遇。在他們的秘密的地下基地中,他們用極可怕的強姦蹂躪給許多女性留下了性的心理創傷,從而阻塞行星地球上性能量的流動。他們也通過製造心理創傷來製造多重人格失調,並把這些程序的受害者作為奴隸。幸運是, 他們的權力的高度,已經通過光的力量一步一步被擊敗了。  {無惡不作光明會, 種種惡行, 實在令人發指。}

Forces of light are coming to assist in the shape of seventy million members of resistance movement from planet X. They will cause a change of system on Earth in a near future. Old Asian legend says that warriors of Shamballa will come to the surface and destroy the forces of darkness. Resistance movement has developed advanced technology of teleportation chambers, free energy, cloning and biotechnology as a whole. They have their underground cities mostly under bigger cities of Europe and USA. Their cities are interconnected with MHD drive tube-train system with speeds up to 15000 mph. Their underground civillization is a successor of the kingdom of Agartha which was almost destroyed in attacks of the dark forces between 1996 and 1999.
*{古印度傳說: 卡爾基Kalki率領大軍,作最後的 `大解放戰爭`---人類的大解放。時間,就是現在。 卡爾基, 是至尊神(Supreme God) 毗濕奴/銀河中央太陽的第十次摩訶(重大)化身maha avatar, 所以卡基爾,又稱為 Kalki Avatara.
現實世界,永遠比任何小說更加精彩, 更加好看。}

The core of the light forces are representatives of Atlantean network. This is a group of few thousand individuals of a very high spiritual vibration that is maintaining the purity of Atlantean legacy permanently since the times of Atlantis itself. Atlants have their underground residences on some chosen locations under the Himalayas, under Southern California, under some atolls near Tahiti and under Titicaca lake. They inspire individuals towards their ideals of creating a harmonic society that will be known by the name of New Atlantis.

    光明勢力的核心是亞特蘭蒂斯網絡(Atlantean network)的代表者們。這是一個由幾千位有著極高靈性振動的個體組成的團體,自亞特蘭蒂斯時期起它就一直保存著純正的亞特蘭蒂斯遺產。在喜馬拉雅山,加利福尼亞州南部,塔希提島附近環礁以及的的喀喀湖下方的一些選定的地點上他們有著他們的地下居所。經由他們創造一個和諧社會的理想,他們啟發著人們,而它將以新亞特蘭蒂斯(New  Atlantis)的名字被世人知曉。
{地下阿加森, 有新亞特蘭提斯遺產, 亦有新利莫裏亞遺產。
香巴拉,和泰勒斯,  一起合一。
利莫裏亞文化通往中國和印度, 亞特蘭提斯文化通往美洲和歐洲,世界合一。}

Ishtar Antares
伊斯塔.安塔瑞斯寫的經典文章,{簡史:不平靜的阿加森網絡},還有{紀錄1996-2014]銀河係戰爭}, 真是天才之作。
cvn717 翻譯   
{2011最早期翻譯伊斯塔.安塔瑞斯和地球盟友Cobra的大師 }

LT選編- -經典文章:  
伊斯塔•安塔瑞斯:  [紀錄1996-2014]銀河係戰爭
[2015前沿][地球盟友Cobra] 26000年以來的地球大曆史 (2015.5月)

[昴宿星_天狼星博客] 建議參考伊斯塔•安塔瑞斯文章:
【伊斯塔•安塔瑞斯】讓我們成為智慧的大師(揚升一、二、三波係列-4) http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b5cfeefe0101k755.html
【伊斯塔•安塔瑞斯】亞特蘭蒂斯 I



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