
發現地球真相, 藍圖先生研究銀河大曆史。

[2014簡報]新時代思想. 重要事件簿

(2017-06-25 18:56:39) 下一個

 [2013簡報] 地球轉變時期 重要訊息窗口人物簡介   
[2013簡報]銀河聯邦GF 大計劃和了解外星社會
[2013變革時期]  中國的光信息傳播者   (9月更新)
[2013簡報] 銀河聯邦, 庫瑪拉團隊, 和地球解放團體 2013
[2014簡報]新時代思想. 重要事件簿
藍圖先生 匯編



藍圖先生LT:              編於. 2014.12月
20世紀最複雜的思想,  就是神智學會的思想與揚升大師學說。
銀河的 2大陣營, 一直存在於地球曆史上。
墮落耶洛因 與 艾洛希 ,  黑暗與光明,  惡與善,  2大陣營。
最有趣的, 是他們 都可以同時作用於同一人身上 去發佈訊息。
例子, 有沒有想過,  
光明與黑暗的勢力, 同時 讓一個渠道人物, 坎迪斯 Candace去傳播訊息。
同時 讓一個關鍵人物, Cobra先生去傳播訊息。
阿西塔    VS   阿斯塔
薩南得     VS  撒南達
路西法     VS   基督

20世紀, 既於 Sananda 而出現的 邪教/異端組織, 至少 3起。
共濟會,  路西法基金,
共濟會之中,  絕大部份是正義之士; 隻是頂層的一撮人, 是邪惡的光明會的化身。
美國政府內,  有白騎士, 與黑騎士的鬥爭。
中國共產 D內,  有熱心為人民服務的鬥士, 也有賊心為自己謀利的紅後代。

基督與彌勒, 已經降臨,
可惜, 明白的人,
依然 很少, 很少。
能聽懂的人, 都已懂了;
聽不懂的人, 再說下去也是浪費口舌.



New Age Timeline新時代思想. 時間表


1607 – Birth of Rosicrucianism.玫瑰十字會的誕生。
1624 – Sir Francis Bacon publishes New Atlantis.
1624 - 弗朗西斯•培根爵士發表《新亞特蘭蒂斯》  。
 據楚雯訊息說, 聖哲曼大師的轉生, 就是哲學家培根; 同時, 培根就是莎士比亞, 一人分飾 2份。
1875 – The Theosophical Society was founded.(Helena Blavatsky)
1875年 - 神智學會成立, 海倫娜.布拉瓦茨基夫人。
請記住, 布拉瓦茨基夫人所推祟的一個人物是路西法。神智學會,從一開始便有共濟會的背景。
1896 – Theosophist, William Scott-Elliot first publishes The Story of Atlantis & The Lost Lemuria.
1896年 - 神智學論者威廉.斯科特.艾略特, 第一次出版:《亞特蘭蒂斯與失落的利莫裏亞的故事》。
1903 – Jesuits found the Society of Stewards secret society at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. to keep an eye over the university and maintain Jesuit principles at the university.
1903年 - 耶穌會創辦[管家協會]的秘密社團在喬治城大學在華盛頓特區,以保持監視大學和維護耶穌會的精神原則在大學。
1908 – Levi Dowling publishes his Aquarian Gospel of the Jesus Christ.
1908年 - 利維道林出版 《耶穌基督, 他的水瓶福音》(中文又譯為:水徒福音)。
參閱:  [2014重新發現耶穌]06. 耶穌,消失的歲月: 水徒福音

1912 – Rudolph Steiner breaks away from the Theosophical Society to found Anthroposophy.
1912年 - 魯道夫.斯坦納脫離神智學會, 創辦人智學。
1917 – The Thule Gesellschaft is founded, initially as a cell of the teutonic Germanenorden.
1917年 - 在'圖樂會社'GESELLSCHAFT成立,最初為日爾曼Germanenorden的細胞。
Thule Society圖樂會社:  後來演變成納粹德國的精神哲學。
1922 – Alice Bailey founds the Lucis Trust.
1922年 - 神智學會的愛麗絲貝利開創了Lucis信託。(中文又理解為: 路西法基金)
1930 – “I AM” Activity founded by Guy Ballard, the father of modern Ascended Masters teachings.
1930 - “I AM我是”活動提出, 由蓋伊.巴拉德,現代揚升大師教誨的創辦之父。
Guy W. Ballard (July 28, 1878 - December 29, 1939) 在加州Mt. Shasta 遇見 St. Germain聖哲曼大師 ,  (注: Guy W. Ballard 自1930-1939年 傳遞 '淨光兄弟(the Great White Brotherhood) "I AM" 訊息  。
1931 – Edgar Cayce founds his Association for Research and Enlightenment.
1931 - 著名的預言家凱西創立自己的研究協會和啟示。
1947 – The alleged Roswell incident takes place at Roswell, New Mexico. USAF maintains that it was the crash of military spy balloon.
1947年 - 被指控的羅斯威爾事件發生在羅斯威爾,新墨西哥州。美國空軍認為,這是軍事間諜氣球墜毀。
1952 – George von Tassel is the first person to contact the UFO related being Ashtar. The channelling of this entity spreads over the years and becomes an informal cult related to Ashtar Galactic Command, a fleet of UFOs that are continuously monitoring the earth, cf. The Federation of Galactic Light.
1952 - 喬治.馮.他蘇是第一人接觸UFO相關的存有是阿斯塔。這個實體的蔓延多年來,成為一個非正式的崇拜阿斯塔銀河司令,不明飛行物艦隊在連續監測地球。參照:銀河光明聯盟。
(LT 注: Ashtar, 這個名字, 可能是光明的阿斯塔; 也有可能是不光明的阿西塔。   阿西塔.謝蘭, 這個名字, 也許根本不是阿斯塔本人, 是一個冒用阿斯塔名字的銀河人。
鄧小平, 大家都知道這名字是誰。 不過, 在中國, 稱這個名字的人, 可能有很多。)
1952 – The USAF begins Project Blue Book. A systematic study into the phenomenon of UFOs.
1952年 - 美國空軍開始藍皮書計劃。這是開始係統地研究,探討不明飛行物UFO的現象。
比利.邁爾(比利叔叔) 他自稱在1942年5歲時便與一位名叫Sfath 的昴宿星老人發生了的第一次接觸,與Sfath的接觸持續到1953年,1953年至1964年繼續同一位名叫Asket的女外星人接觸,之後接觸中斷了11年。1963年, 比利叔叔(
當時26歲)和Markus-Isa Rashid 馬庫斯.伊薩.拉希德 (一個希臘東正教神父) 在耶路撒冷發現了 《伊曼紐爾塔木德TJ》的古卷文本; 後來由伊薩.拉希德翻譯成德語。
1955 – The Urantia Book is first published.
1955年 – Urantia Book《地球之書》首次出版。
(2005坎迪斯說, 地球之書其中的 2位作者, 是 Mother Sekhmet,和 Father Alcyone。  2012楚雯說, 此2位父母神, 現在已經再次出現在地球了, 基督的再臨,也將實現!!)

1958 – ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) is founded by Dwight Eisenhower, becomes DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) in 1959. The agency is credited with many military-industrial complex advances, but most notable of them all is the internet.
1958年 - ARPA(高級研究計劃局)是由德懷特.艾森豪威爾總統成立,成為DARPA(國防高級研究計劃局)在1959年該機構是用作與許多軍工企業的發展,但最引人注目的他們全部是互聯網性質的。
艾森豪威爾總統與灰人簽訂條約後, 接著組成了 MJ-12組織。在美國, 外星人的事跡一直是被隱藏的。
1959 – January – Benjamin Creme is first contacted by his ‘Master’.
            (1991 – Share International is founded by Benjamin Creme.)
1959年  神智學會, 本傑明克廉首先被他的“大師”聯係。他的大師, 是一個叫 Maitreya彌勒的人。(1991 - 分享國際是由本傑明克廉成立。)
1975 – The Church Universal and Triumphant is founded by Elizabeth Claire Prophet as an outgrowth of the The Summit Lighthouse.
1975年 - 神智學會, 著名人物伊麗莎白克萊爾先知, 創辦了通用和凱旋教會, 是為會議燈塔的成立。
1977 – Thelma B. Terrill (“Tuella”) founds the UFO cult Ashtar Galactic Command, based on the Ashtar channelings of George von Tassel.
1977年 - 塞爾瑪B.特裏爾(“Tuella”)創立的教派UFO, 在阿斯塔銀河司令的信息基礎上,以喬治.馮.他蘇和阿斯塔的通訊交流為依據。
阿曆克斯.科利爾(Alex Collier) 是一個與的外星族類的“接觸者”,卡米洛特揭秘工程參與者之一。他們是來自仙女座係統有著人類外貌的外星族類。

1995 – Ivo A. Benda begins public work on the Universe People.
1995年 - 伊沃.A.本達(捷克)開始於他的 "宇宙人"的公開工作。
他跟比利叔叔一樣, 同樣接觸了昴宿星人, Ptaah普塔; 另外, 還有一位叫阿西塔.謝蘭的銀河人。
1995 – Joshua David Stone, becomes the first ascended master teachings teacher to admit a UFO related being. Ashtar. Ashtar is elevated to ascended master status itself.
1995年 - 神智學又一著名人物, 約書亞.戴維.斯通,成為第一個揚升大師學說的老師, 他承認不明飛行物與揚升大師相關, 阿斯塔爾跟UFO有關。
1997 – Sheldan Nidle founds the Planetary Activation Organization in El Dorado Hills, California. The PAO predicted that 10,000 alien ambassadors would arrive on Earth in 1997.
1997 - Sheldan Nidle裏都大叔, 開創了行星激活組織在埃爾多拉多山,加利福尼亞州。 該PAO預測,有一萬位外星大使將在1997年抵達地球上。
2001      Wingmakers造翼者係列發表。
------{1956     Dr Jamisson Neruda賈米森.聶魯達 的父親在玻利維亞Bolivia發現墬毀的UFO。(彩虹注:與WM資料的釋出有關。)
1997,一件未被預期的事永遠改變了ACIO。古箭地址的23個密室,被認為包含來自創造者的數據的光碟被譯解。在多次進入光碟的努力之後,Jamisson Neruda聶魯達 領導的ACIO 隊,最後終於成功,並且確定場所的創造者稱他們自己為WingMakers。
超過8,000 頁的哲學,詩,音樂,遺傳學,次維度方程式,和宇宙學被包含在光碟內。
透過很多古老的正文包括聖經和可蘭經裏享有的神話地位,中央類族為迷宮小組所熟知,他們又稱為Shining Ones,Elohim,又名WingMakers。 Corteum也熟悉中央類族的神話的地位,雖然WingMakers對他們而言也是一個秘密。
2001年     由James Mahu 發表了 Wingmakers  CD資料。  }


2005     坎迪斯Candace 創辦了無限希望網站, 發表了她的CM係列文字。 織拉娜 Jelaila創辦了尼比魯議會網站, 發表了她的NC係列文字。
2012 – Nothing happens.  2012無事發生。很多人不上網看博客, 所以認為什麽事都沒有發生。

2012.    Cobra眼鏡蛇先生開始發表重要文字。 ACIO的楚雯E.Trutwin開始發表重要文字。 這2位,也是在中國讀者群中最矚目的二人。
一直以來,  Zecharia Sitchin  撇迦利亞.西琴 請求Sasha Lessin Ph.D.   薩沙. 萊辛博士去建立一個普遍的網站, 更方便傳播有關阿努納奇人的知識。
Janet Kira Lessin   珍妮特.奇拉. 萊辛, 是西琴的學生, 也是薩沙的妻子。 同時, 她也能作心電感應。奇跡地, 她連接上了阿努納奇大神.寧瑪。 於是, 便出現了這 3個神奇的網站:
http://www.anunnakis.com/   阿努納奇網站   (2011-2012)
http://www.enkispeaks.com/ 恩基的說話網站   2011 -2014..
http://www.ninmah.com/  寧瑪:人類的母親網站 2011- 2014..

2012-2014  中國新浪博客, 有3000人開始傳播光的訊息。   
     其中,  藍圖先生博客2013-2014。   藍圖先生編的 2個係列文字:  2001年以來的主要外星思想;  2014藍圖先生重新發現耶穌係列。
同時, 銀河人類以心電感應跟很多地球人類接觸, 在中國也數以千計。          本篇編者, 藍圖先生也是其一。
2015   時間依然是現在.
古往今來,雖然事情已經發生, 不過要待很長時間以後,  人們才會明白當中的意思。
LT編於: 2014.11.28





{ 2001年以來的主要外星思想 }
2001年,進入21世紀, 一個新的銀河故事正被敘述著, 不過知道的人們並不多。
銀河大曆史,   2001年以來的重要外星思想:
2013-14中國學者: 藍圖先生   整理
WM- Wingmakers造翼者係列            作者: James Mahu詹姆斯.馬湖
BB  -  藍色的血液    真實的血液     作者: Stewart A. Swerdlow
SSOA  提升之進化學堂
AC----- 阿曆克斯.科利爾 –(仙女座人議會Andromeda Council) -仙女座人的銀河史
CM--   基督邁克係列 -坎迪斯 Candace傳導,  AH無限希望網站  , 引申包括 UB地球之書,    CAC宇宙意識體通訊, PJ 鳳凰期刊;   與神對話係列; 海奧華預言.);  
NC--   尼比魯議會 - 織拉娜 Jelaila傳導
BM-   比利梅爾 (比利叔叔) 昴蓿星人接觸筆記。 ---引申: 《伊曼紐爾塔木德 TJ》.
AI ------ [Alien Interview]  (外星訪談)  外星人艾羅Airl訪談錄1947      
GA -----  守護者聯盟 (MCEO石青通訊社,  作者:Ashayana Deane)
GF ------ 銀河聯邦 (Hilarion, SaluSa, 大天使, 各揚升大師, SheldanNidle裏都大叔.
                極具份量的訊息者:  琳達迪朗Linda Dillon   ; 還有  奇跡課程; 約書亞傳導; 天堂來信>                                                     
2013 [-地球事件Event-]     (請百度一下,  ‘地球的真相與未來’.)
I.   Cobra  眼鏡蛇 先生
II.  2013-2014   阿斯塔指揮部  Ashtar Command
        1.   ACIO 外星接觸情報組織-----塔拉Tara&羅摩Rama, 庫伯Mark Huber, 楚雯 E.Trutwin, 蘇珊利蘭Susan Leland。
        2-- 阿曆姍.斯赫爾Alexandriah Stahr     (不確定是否ACIO)   
        3.-- WM-第5篇訪談 2014發表    ( ACIO的另一支線 )
4--凱瑟琳梅 Kathryn.May  ;   (非ACIO, 很像前輩Alice Bailey愛麗絲貝利, 伊麗莎白.克萊爾Elizabeth Clare Prophet.)      (LT 對凱瑟琳梅和愛麗絲貝利, 伊麗莎白.克萊爾都了解甚少;    我不知道, 到底凱瑟琳梅的文章是在發佈真相, 還隻是文學(小說)創作?  同時, 我也在懷疑, 陰謀集團已經滲透了凱瑟琳的訊息, 這是一種 Black Operatives黑色的行動, 目的是汙染我們對於真相的認知。)
III.  Lessin萊辛係列  -  西琴大師的學生, 萊辛夫婦的總結性作品。
對尼比魯Nibiru和阿努納奇人Annunaki 的研究,
將引向我們注意古代蘇美爾,古巴比倫, 古埃及, 古以色列, 古瑪雅, 古印度和古中國的神話研究。
阿努納奇大神們, 跟古代的神話故事有相關。
以後,更進一步, 我們將要明白 "白色兄弟團Great White Brotherhood" 和
"阿努納奇/尼比魯議會 " 之間的關係。 在神的世界裏, 充滿新奇與想像。
藍圖先生說, 眾神正在回歸了: 2012-2072 眾神回歸. 看看阿努納奇大神之來臨






2015. 4月  藍圖先生博客
2012-17銀河大曆史真相  (請點一下,收藏在手機瀏覽器中,感恩)
·  置頂簡報-科普(30)
·  藍圖先生簡訊(32)
·  以下是我所關注2015(5)
·  2013-17前沿思想(50)
·  耶穌基督再臨的事實(29)
·  阿努納奇與庫瑪拉專題(41)
·  路西法-銀河大實驗(8)
·  NC尼比魯係列-BM比利…(30)
·  NESARA-ACIO塔拉與羅摩(26)
·  CM係列-Candace坎迪斯(18)
·  撒南達-楚雯E.Trutwin(59)
·  薩南得-凱瑟琳梅Kathryn(13)----
·    2013-地球大轉變(28)
·    2013重點收藏文件(32)
·    2013地球解放事件簿(25)



-- 全文--
This document is intended to be an organic document, tracing the growth and development of the New Age over approximately the last 400 years. It will be constantly updated.
1607 – Birth of Rosicrucianism.
1624 – Sir Francis Bacon publishes New Atlantis.
1639 – John Amos Comenius publishes Pansophiae Prodromus.
1650 – Thomas Vaughan publishes Anthroposophia Theomagica, under the nom de plume Eugenius Philalethes. Vaughan was the first to coin the term anthroposophy and was important in the development of transpersonal philosophy. Vaughan was a Welsh mystic philosopher, that had an important influence on Rudolph Steiner. Quite possibly Vaughan was a druid.
1660 – The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge is founded.
1719 – The Hellfire Club (formally known as the Order of the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe), is founded in London, by the 1st Duke of Wharton.
1717 – The building of the Grand Lodge of London in Appletree Tavern in Covent Garden.
1717 – In Appletree Tavern in Covent Garden, the inaugural assembly of the Universal Druid Bond is held, this marks the intertwining of British Druidic orders and Freemasonry for years to come. The first Chosen Chief is John Toland a member of the Masonic organisation the Knights of Jubliation.
1726 – John Toland writes The History of the Druids.
1740 – Martinism is started by Martinez de Pasqually. A form of mystical and esoteric Christianity.
1750 – Hermann Fichtuld founds the master Masonic organisation, The Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross (Orden des Gold und Rosenkreutz).
c. 1750 – Jacob Frank declares himself as the direct successor to Sabbatai Zevi and Osman Baba and states that his revelations have been received straight from heaven.
1758 – Emanuel Swedenborg publishes Heaven and Hell (De Caelo et Ejus Mirabilibus et de inferno. Ex Auditis et Visis.)
1765 – Martinez de Pasqually founds l’Ordre de Chevaliers Maçons Élus Coëns de l’Univers (Order of Knight-Masons Elect Priests of the Universe) as a Masonic disobedience; commonly refered to as the “Elus-Cohens”.
c. 1770s – The Society of the Druids of Cardigan and Druid Society of Anglesey were founded in this decade, attempting to base their orders on what they believed to be the ancient Celtic Druidic religion of Britain.
1773 – The Grand Orient de France is founded out of the ashes of the Grand Lodge of France. Founding modern liberal Freemasonry. Instrumental in the French Revolution of 1789.
1776 – Adam Weishaupt founds the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati.
1780 – The Asiatic Brethren order is allegedly founded. Its masters not known about until 1788.
1781 – The Ancient Order of Druids is founded in London by Henry Hurle. It’s origins are largely unknown as the order’s documents have been lost.
1792 – Gorsedd Beirdd Ynys Prydain (The Gorsedd of Bards of the Island of Britain) was founded by Edward Williams (Iolo Morganwg). The Gorsedd is the national coming together of modern-day bards. Edward Williams was a well known antiquarian, collector, poet and forger.
1795 – Karl von Eckartshausen, publishes The Cloud Upon The Sanctuary. The first known document to outline the Secret Chiefs or Ascended Masters, that later taken on by The Golden Dawn and Helena Blavatsky. Eckartshausen a known spiritualist later joins the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati but leaves after realising that their quest is solely to achieve enlightenment through reason.
1798 – Thomas Malthus, first publishes An Essay on the Principle of Population.
1807 – The Nascent Dawn or (L’Aurore Naissante) a German Masonic lodge was founded in Frankfurt-on-Main. This was the lodge that Lord Edward Bullwer-Lytton was initiated.
1809 – English poet, mystic and Freemason, William Blake mentions the New Age in his preface to Milton a Poem on, refering to a coming era of spiritual and artistic advancement.
1830 – The crypto-masonic The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is founded by Joseph Smith Jr. in New York. They finally settle in Salt Lake City, Utah.
1832 – The Order of the Skull and Bones secret society is founded at Yale University, New Haven, Conneticut by William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft.
1833 – Members of the Ancient Order of Druids found the United Ancient Order of Druids.
1842 – Phineas Parkhurst Quimby begins formulating the beginnings of New Thought.
1844 – The Bahá’í faith starts with the declaration of Siyyid `Alí Mu?ammad Shírází, declaring himself Siyyid Kázim’s successor and the bearer of divine knowledge. He goes on to claim that he is the gate to the hidden twelfth imam, thus starting Bábism.
1848 – Karl Marx publishes The Communist Manifesto.
1858 – Fraternitas Rosae Crucis (Fraternity of the Rosy Cross) is founded by Paschal Beverly Randolph in the U.S.
1856 – Eliphas Levi publishes Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie.
1859 – Charles Darwin first publishes, On the Origin of the Spieces.
1861 – Moses Hess publishes Rome and Jerusalem. In which he proposes the Jews resettle Palestine and set up a socialist state.
1863 – The Seventh Day Adventist Church founded by Ellen White et al, at Battle Creek, Michigan.
1865 – Robert Wentworth Little founds the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. An esoteric Masonic Christian Order based on the Asiatic Brethren.
1867 – Karl Marx publishes the first volume of Das Kapital.
1868 – Mikail Bakunin founds the secret revolutionary organisation of the International Brotherhood within the 1st International, based along similar organisational lines as freemasonry. He calls it “revolutionary in the Jacobin sense”.
1869 – The Metaphysical Society is found by John Knowles.
1870 – According to official documents The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor is founded by Max Theon. The order drew on the theories of Paschal Beverly Randolph. The organisation was a big influence on the Ordo Templis Orientis.
1871 – Edward Bullwer-Lytton publishes his science fiction novel Vril, the Power of the Coming Race. Bullwer-Lytton was Grand Patron of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia.
1874 – The Ancient and Archaeological Order of Druids was founded by Wentworth Little
1875 – The Theosophical Society was founded.
(Helena Blavatsky)
1875 – Mary Baker Eddy publishes Science and Health.
1877 – Mdme Blavatsky publishes, Isis Unveiled: A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology.
1879 – Mary Baker Eddy founds the first Christian Science church (The First Church of Christ, Scientist), in Boston Massachusetts.
1879 – Art Nouveau and Symbolist painter and member of the Lebensreform movement, Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach founds his commune in Ober Sankt Veit near Vienna. The prototypical hippy commune, Diefenbach was influenced deeply by Blavatsky’s Theosophy.
1881 – General Guiseppe Garibaldi directs the Masonic Rite of Memphis-Misraim from the two rites Memphis and Misraïm.
1882 – Maria Deraismes is initiated into the ‘Les Libres Penseurs’ freemasonic lodge, Pecq, France.
1883 – Francis Galton writes Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development, birthing the modern conception of eugenics.
1883 – The Fellowship of the New Life is founded in the UK.
1883 – Friedrich Nietzsche begins to publish Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None, over the course of a two year period.
1884 – The Fabian Society is founded in the United Kingdom as an offshoot of The Fellowship of the New Life.
1884 – The first German Theosophical Society is founded under the presidency of Wilhelm Hübbe-Schleiden.
1884 – Francis Galton sets up the Anthropometric Laboratory at International Health Exhibition of 1884. It becomes known as the Galton Laboratory.
1886 – German Theosophist leader Wilhelm Hübbe-Schleiden begins publication of the Die Sphinx periodical.
1887 – The Austrian Theosophical Society is set up, by Friedrich Eckstein
1887 – October – Freemasons, William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers found The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. An initiatory order based on Freemasonic and Rosicrucian grades and organisation structure.
1888 – The first Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn temples are founded. In Germany, Licht, Liebe und Leben #1; In England Hermanoubis Temple #2 and Isis-Urania Temple #3.
1888 – Alpha et Omega is founded in London, by Samuel Liddel MacGregor Mathers, branching off from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. It was sometimes know as the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega.
1888 – Madame Blavatsky publishes the two volume, The Secret Doctrine, the Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy.
1888 – The occultic Whitechapel murders occur.
1888 – Gérard Anaclet Vincent Encausse (Papus) founds the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix.
1888 – Gérard Encausse and Lucien Chamuel found the Librarie du Merveilleux and begin the publication of the monthly L’Initiation.
1889 – Charles and Myrtle Fillimore found Unity Church after being exposed to Christian Science.
1890 – Dr. Georges Martin of Les Libres Penseurs, and the Lodge La Jérusalem Écossaise, also of the Grande Loge Symbolique Ecossaise begin to petition freemasonic lodges for the admission of females into their lodges.
1892 – Franz Hartmann begins the publication of Lotusblüten (Lotus Blossoms).
1893 – Swami Vivekananda exoterically introduces Hinduism to the Americas at the first Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago.
1893 – The La Respectable Loge, Le Droit Humain, Maçonnerie Mixte (Worshipful Lodge, Human Rights, Co-Masonry), co-freemasonic lodge is founded in Paris, France by Maria Deraismes and Dr Georges Martin.
1894 – The Dreyfus Affair occurs in Paris.
1894 – The Christian Liberal and socialist literary journal The New Age is founded in the UK. Instrumental in spreading Nietzschean philosophy, Woman’s Suffrage, Fabian Socialism and Freudianism amongst the middle-classes of the UK. Key members involved in founding the deeply Fabian communitarian newspaper The New Statesman.
1895 – The Ordo Templis Orientis is birthed by Carl Kellner and Theodor Reuss, not much is known of this order until around 1904 where they finally get approval to use certain freemasonic grades in their order.
1896 – Adolf Just rewrites the influential book of the Lebensreform movement, Return to Nature: Paradise Regained.
1896 – Jugend magazine is started in Germany by publisher and writer George Hirth.
1895 – Beatrice and Sidney Webb, Graham Wallas and George Bernard Shaw found the London School of Economics.
1896 – Theosophist, William Scott-Elliot first publishes The Story of Atlantis & The Lost Lemuria.
1897 – The First Zionist Congress is held in Basel, Switzerland.
1902 – The General Education Board is founded by John D. Rockefeller Sr. in the U.S.A.
1903 – Jesuits found the Society of Stewards secret society at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. to keep an eye over the university and maintain Jesuit principles at the university.
1903 – Philipp Maschlufsky, connected to the Association for Occultism in Vienna, Austria begins publishing the journal Die Gnosis.
1903 – Carl Kellner and Theodor Reuss publish Oriflamme the initial manifesto of the Ordo Templis Orientis.
1903 – The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is first published in Russia.
1904 – Francis Galton sets up the Biometric Laboratory at University College London.
1904 – The Carnegie Institution founds the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island
1904 – Lanz von Liebenfels first publishes Theozoologie.
1905 – The German Society for Racial Hygenie (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rassenhygiene), is founded by Alfred Ploetz.
1906 – Guido von List publishes ‘The Secret of the Runes’
1907 – The Order of the Temple or New Order New Templars is founded.
1907 – The A∴A∴, (Argenteum Astrum) is established by Aleister Crowley and George Cecil Jones.
1908 – The Guido von List society is founded.
1908 – Levi Dowling publishes his Aquarian Gospel of the Jesus Christ.
1909 – Max Heindel establishes The Rosicrucian Fellowship.
1909 – MI5 and MI6 founded as parts of the Secret Service Bureau in the U.K.
1909 – The Rider-Waite tarot deck is first published. Designed by occultist Arthur Edward Waite and illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith the cards take inspiration from Eliphas Levi.
1910 – Expressionist art magazine, Der Sturm founded by Herwarth Walden in Berlin Germany.
1910 – Aleister Crowley admitted to the Ordo Templis Orientis.
1910 – Henri Bergson publishes L’Evolution Créatrice (Creative Evolution).
1911 – International Business Machines (I.B.M.) founded as the Computing Tabulating Recording Company, from the merger of the Tabulating Machine Company, the International Time Recording Company, and the Computing Scale Company.
1911 – The Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Science (Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften) is founded. Its board includes Walther Bothe, Peter Debye, Albert Einstein, Fritz Haber, Otto Hahn and Werner Heisenberg.
1911 – Karl Pearson starts publishing the eugenics scientific journal, Biometrika.
1911 – The Germanenorden, a teutonic secret society is founded.
1911 – The High Armanen Order founded as the inner circle of the Guido von List Society.
1912 – The Piltdown Hoax starts.
1912 – Carl Jung first publishes: Psychology of the Unconscious: a study of the transformations and symbolisms of the libido, a contribution to the history of the evolution of thought.
1912 – Rudolph Steiner breaks away from the Theosophical Society to found Anthroposophy.
1913 – The Rockefeller Foundation is instituted by John D. Rockefeller Sr., John D. Rockefeller Jr., and Frederick Taylor Gates.
1913 – June – Max Heindel founds the Rays from the Rose Cross magazine.
1914 – World War I begins in Europe.
1915 – Theosophist composer, Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin’s plans for his gesamtkunstwerk Mysterium is dashed by his death.
1916 – Austin Osman Spare becomes the editor of Form magazine a quarterly of arts and publishes an article on automatic drawing, prior to the continental surrealists.
1917 – The Thule Gesellschaft is founded, initially as a cell of the teutonic Germanenorden.
1917 – Ernest and Fenwicke Holmes found the Metaphysical Institute of Los Angeles and the United Church of Religious Science.
1920 – The Tavistock Clinic is founded in London, by Dr. Hugh Crichton-Miller.
1921 – René Guénon writes the critique of Blavatsky, Theosophism: History of a Pseudo-Religion.
1921 – Heinrich Tränker an O.T.O member founds the Pansophical Lodge.
1922 – Alice Bailey founds the Lucis Trust.
1922 – Foster and Alice found the quarterly magazine of esoteric philosophy called The Beacon.
1922 – October – George Ivanovich Gurdjieff founds The Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man in Fontainebleau-Avon France.
1922 – The Fraternity of the Inner Light is founded as a split from the Alpha et Omega temple by Dion Fortune.
1923 – The Social Science Research Council is set up and begins to be funded by the Russell Sage Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial and the Rockefeller Foundation.
1923 – Austin Osman Spare becomes the editor of The Golden Hind magazine.
1923 – Alice Ann Bailey founds the Arcane School
1923 – J.B.S. Haldane writes the essay Daedalus: Science and the Future
1924 – Alfred Richard Orage editor and owner of The New Age, sells up and goes to France to work with George Gurdjieff.
1925 – The Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft allegedly founded to study vril energy.
1927 – Karl Germer founds the Thelema-Verlags-Gesellschaft in the U.S. Begins publishing German translations of Crowley’s works.
1927 – The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics is founded in Berlin, Germany. The Rockefeller Foundation partially funds the building of the foundation and keeps it afloat during the Great Depression.
1928 – H.G. Wells publishes, the well known Fabian piece, The Open Conspiracy (aka What Are We To Do With Our Lives?).
1928 – Manly Palmer Hall publishes, The Secret Teaching of All Ages.
1928 – German magical order, Fraternitas Saturni (Brotherhood of Saturn), forms by a split from within the Pansophical Lodge. Founded by Eugen Grosche.
1929 – The Museum of Modern Art in New York is founded by Abby Aldrich Rockefeller and John D. Rockefeller Jr.
1930 – “I AM” Activity founded by Guy Ballard, the father of modern Ascended Masters teachings.
1930 – July – Wallace D. Fard Muhammad founds the Nation of Islam in Detroit, Michigan.
1930 – The Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft prints a publication called Vril. The Die Kosmische Urkraft (Vril, the cosmic elementary power) is included in the 60 page pamphlet, written by the pseudonymous “Johannes Täufer”, (John the Baptist).
1931 – Edgar Cayce founds his Association for Research and Enlightenment.
1932 – The Lumen Club founded in Austria.
1932 – Alice Bailey founds the World Goodwill organisation.
1934 – Julius Evola publishes Revolt Against the Modern World: Politics, Religion, and Social Order in the Kali Yuga.
1935 – July 1st – The Ahnenerbe (Studiengesellschaft für Geistesurgeschichte‚ Deutsches Ahnenerbe e.V. (“Study society for primordial intellectual history, German Ancestral Heritage, registered society”) is founded in Nazi Germany by Heinrich Himmler, Herman Wirth, and Richard Walther Darré.
1936 – Karl Maria Wiligut promoted to the rank of Brigadeführer, works in Berlin under Karl Wolff, Chief Adjudent of the SS on the plans of the spiritual home of the SS and Germanicism, Wewelsberg castle.
1938 – Albert Hofmann whilst working for Sandoz Labs in Basel, Germany synthesises L.S.D. (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide).
1938 – Julius Evola publishes Tools of the Occult War in La Vita Italiana.
1939 – World War II starts in Europe.
1939 – Gerald Gardener claims he was initiated into the New Forest Coven, in Hampshire. According to Gardener the coven was a continuation of European pre-Christian pagan religion. Scholars regard the coven as being of modern construction, probably being formed in the 1920s or 1930s. It makes sense that Gardener would say he was in an ancient coven to give credit to his insertion of theosophy into witchcraft.
1940 – Jorge Luis Borges publishes his short story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius.
1940 – Viktor Schauberger, constructs the ‘repulsine’ engine in Vienna Austria.
1942 – Karl Germer appointed the Outer Head of the Order of the Ordo Templis Orientis by Aleister Crowley.
1943 – Albert Hofmann takes his first trip on acid.
1943 – Abraham Maslow publishes “A Theory of Human Motivation” on the hierarchy of human needs. He is the first notable proponent of the Human Potential Movement.
1943 – Joseph Mengele is made medical commandant at Auschwitz, Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer of the Rockefeller Foundation backed Kaiser Willhelm Institute secures funding for Mengele’s experiments at Auschwitz from the German Research Council. Verschuer is never tried for war-crimes.
1944 – Gregory Bateson works for the U.S. O.S.S. doing forward and long-term intelligence planning for them, he also works on black propaganda against the Japanese applying his anthropological skills for intelligence services.
1945 – Viktor Schauberger starts construction on his ‘Klimator’ near the end of the war. The allies noticing his work confiscate it from him.
1945 – The United Nations is founded.
1945 – UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is founded. Julian Huxley is the first Director-General.
1945 – Operation Paperclip begins smuggling in Nazi scientists into the U.S.A.
1946 – SRI International is founded as Stanford Research Institute, in Menlo Park, California, initially as part of Stanford University.
1946 – John D. Rockefeller Jr. donates $8 million to the United Nations. They purchase their current site in New York with the funds.
1947 – The Tavistock Institute is founded in London by Elliott Jaques, Henry Dicks, Leonard Browne, Ronald Hargreaves, John Rawlings Rees, Mary Luff and Wilfred Bion, with Tommy Wilson as the chairman. It is started with funds from the Rockefeller Foundation. Dedicated to group and mass psychology, the organisation is consistently touted as the worlds premiere mind control organisation. Interesting figures related to Tavistock are Melanie Klein, Carl Gustav Jung, J. A. Hadfield, Beckett, Charles Rycroft, Wilfred Bion, and R. D. Laing.
1947 – U.S. Congresss passes the National Security Act of 1947 and Harry Truman signs the legislation creating the Central Intelligence Agency.
1947 – The alleged Roswell incident takes place at Roswell, New Mexico. USAF maintains that it was the crash of military spy balloon.
1948 – Norbert Wiener publishes Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine.
1948 – The C.I.A. founds the Office of Policy Co-ordination.
1948 – Frank Wisner of the Office of Policy Co-ordination establishes Project Mockingbird in an attempt influence “foreign media”. Which is clearly bullshit considering it has many major U.S. media players onboard.
1948 – The RAND Corporation is founded in the United States by Henry H. Arnold and Donald Wills Douglas, Sr., a non-profit policy analysis think-tank for long-term planning. The Ford Foundation provided the initial starting capital.
1949 – The C.I.A. founds Radio Free Europe.
c. 1950 – The UFO cult, The Seekers (aka Brotherhood of the Seven Rays) is founded by Dorothy Martin (aka Marian Keech).
1950 – A mind control project under the post hoc name of Project MK Ultra is started by the newly founded C.I.A’s Scientific Intelligence Division.
1950 – L. Ron Hubbard first publishes Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.
1950 – The Landig Circle, an occultist and neo-völkisch organisation is founded in Austria.
1950 – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin develops Omega Point theory in his book The Future of Man. A teleological evolutionary theory that posits the universe will culminate in a supreme consciousness as we complexify as a species. This theory leads the way for the theories of John Godolphin Bennett, John David Garcia, Paolo Soleri, Frank Tipler, and Ray Kurzweil.
1951 – Geraldine Innocente founds The Bridge to Freedom church based on the I AM ascended masters teaching of Guy Ballard.
1952 – It is alleged that Jacques Breyer established the original Sovereign Order of the Solar Temple.
1952 – George von Tassel is the first person to contact the UFO related being Ashtar. The channelling of this entity spreads over the years and becomes an informal cult related to Ashtar Galactic Command, a fleet of UFOs that are continuously monitoring the earth, cf. The Federation of Galactic Light.
1952 – L. Ron Hubbard begins Scientology emerging from his inital theory of dianetics.
1952 – Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) founded as a UFO research group by Jim and Coral Lorenzen.
1952 – The USAF begins Project Blue Book. A systematic study into the phenomenon of UFOs.
1953 – George von Tassel founds the Ministry of Universal Wisdom.
1954 – Aldous Huxley publishes The Doors of Perception.
1954 – Gerald Gardner introduces Wiccan witchcraft to the public.
1954 – Kenneth Grant founds the New Isis Lodge.
1954 – Ernest L. and Ruth Norman found Unarius Academy of Science. UFO cult.
1954 – George von Tassel on receiving funds from business magnate Howard Hughes starts building the Integatron.
1954 – Kenneth Anger releases his film Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome.
1954 – Truman Bethurum founds Sanctuary of Thought a UFO cult.
1954 – John C. Lilly whilst at the National Institute for Mental Health devises the first isolation tank.
c. 1955 – Le Cercle Pinay a right-wing think-tank is founded by ex-French Prime Minister Antoine Pinay and intelligence agent Jean Violet. Supposed to have as much influence as The Bilderberg Group.
1955 – Gloria Steinem indirectly begins working for the C.I.A. abroad.
1955 – James Warren “Jim” Jones founds the People’s Temple, a socialist communist utopian Jones draws inspiration from Theosophy and New Thought.
1955 – French Jesuit philosopher and palaeontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin publishes The Phenomenon of Man.
1955 – Kenneth Grant is kicked out of the O.T.O. by Karl Germer. Grant declares himself Outer Head of the Order, assuming the XII° degree, causing a schism in the order. His followers leave as he founds the Typhonian Order of the Ordo Templis Orientis, later to mutate into simply the Typhonian Order.
1955 – The Urantia Book is first published.
1955 – George King establishes the Aetherius Society, a UFO cult.
1955 – William A. Ferguson founds the UFO cult Cosmic Circle of Fellowship.
1956 – The National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena founded as a civilian group by the physicist Thomas Townsend Brown to research UFO sightings.
1956 – The The Process Church of the Final Judgment, is founded by Robert DeGrimston and Mary Anne. They were a splinter group from Scientology.
1957 – Biologist Julian Huxley coins the word ‘transhumanism’ in an essay of the same name.
1958 – Mark L. Prophet founds the The Summit Lighthouse church.
1958 – Robert W. Welch Jr. founds the John Birch Society with aid from Nelson Rockefeller. Officers of the society are comprised of Welch’s aquaintances from the Council on Foreign Relations. This is to control the opposition of republican Americans in a fashion suitable to the plans of the elite.
1958 – ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) is founded by Dwight Eisenhower, becomes DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) in 1959. The agency is credited with many military-industrial complex advances, but most notable of them all is the internet.
1958 – Viktor Schauberger visits the U.S.A. after they begin experimenting with ‘implosion’ propulsion. Schauberger was forced to sign an agreement, forbidding him any further research with Implosion.
1958 – Savitri Devi Mukherji publishes The Lightning and the Sun.
1958 – Gloria Steinem directly recruited by Cord Meyers of the C.I.A. She begins a lifelong relationship with the organisation and elitist funded front groups.
1959 – January – Benjamin Creme is first contacted by his ‘Master’.
1959 – Maharishi Mahesh Yogi founds Spiritual Regeneration Movement Foundation. The Transcendental Meditation School or TM as it gets shortened to.
1959 – Peter Kolosimo (Pier Domenico Colosimo) publishes Il Pianeta Sconosciuto (The Unknown Planet), beginning ancient astronaut theory that Von Däniken would later rip-off. Kolosimo.
1960 – Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, publish Le Matin des Magiciens.
c. 1960 – Doreen Valiente is initiated into the Coven of Atho in England.
1960 – Mark-Age, a Christian mystic, esoteric, UFO cult, is founded by Charles Boyd Gentzel and Pauline Sharpe in Miami, Florida. Mixes in Unity Church teachings with Kabbalah, Hiduism and Theosophical teachings.
1961 – The World Wide Fund for Nature is founded from an initial idea proposed to Julian Huxley by businessman Victor Stolan. Godfrey A. Rockefeller acts as a cohesive force in organising the group bringing together the first staff. Ex-Nazi HRH Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld is the first president of the organisation, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh serves from 1981-1996.
1962 – Findhorn Ecovillage is founded in Moray near Findhorn.
1962 – The Esalen Institute is founded by Michael Murphy and Dick Price in Big Sur, California as an exploration of what Aldous Huxley called “Human potentialities”. Some its early leaders include Richard Alpert, Ansel Adams, Price Cobbs Gia-Fu Feng, Buckminster Fuller, Michael Harner, Timothy Leary, Robert Nadeau, Linus Pauling, J.B. Rhine, Carl Rogers, Virginia Satir, B.F Skinner, Paul Tillich, Arnold Toynbee. Odd to see Leary and Skinner as leaders of the same institute.
1963 – Jane Roberts begins to channel her “Seth material”.
1963 – The Reformed Druids of North America is founded at Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota.
1965 – Servants of the Light is founded by W. E. Butler. Butler originally coming from Dion Fortune’s Fraternity of the Inner Light.
1966 – Anton Szandor LaVey, formally declares the founding of the Church of Satan.
1966 – Gene Rodenberry’s Star Trek pilot goes on air.
1966 – Outer Dimensional Forces (aka Armageddon Time Ark Base Operation) is founded byOrville T. Nodrog.
1966 – Swami Prabhupada founds The International Society for Krishna, ISKCON.
1967 – Charles Mason establishes himself as a guru in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco. Taking concepts from the Process and Scientology. It is possible that Mason was a Scientologist as in ’61 he claims on his prison forms that his religion was Scientology.
1967 – Dwight York under the alias of Amunnnubi Rooakhptah founds the Ansaar Pure Sufi.
1967 – Robert Gordon Wasson, publishes his study on vedic soma in Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality. Wasson, much touted later on by Terrence McKenna and other New Age and entheogenic proselytisers has ties to the C.I.A and the C.F.R.
1968 – C.I.A. begins Operation CHAOS, to boost the effort to illegally spy on U.S. citizens and suppress student protests.
1968 – Erich von Däniken first publishes Erinnerungen an die Zukunft: Ungelöste Rätsel der Vergangenheit (Chariot of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past).
1968 – The Family International are founded as the Children of God, in Huntington Beach, California, United States by David Berg.
1968 – Paul R. Ehrlich publishes The Population Bomb.
1968 – Dwight York founds Nubian Islamic Hebrews.
1969 – The Beatles visit the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, in India.
1969 – The Weather Underground first form as a faction of Students for a Democratic Society.
1969 – MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) originally Midwest UFO Network is founded to investigate reported UFO sightings. Started by Walter H. Andrus, Allen Utke, John Schuessler, and others.
1970 – PARC (Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated as XEROX PARC), founded in Palo Alto, California as a division of the Xerox Corporation.
1970 – Greenpeace is founded.
1970 – Alvin Toffler publishes Future Shock.
1970 – Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles found the Heaven’s Gate cult.
1971 – The Order of the Nine Angles is alleged to have been formed out of three neo-pagan temples Camlad, The Noctulians, and Temple of the Sun.
1972 – Dwight York, under the alias of Issa al Haadi al Mahdi founds the Islamic Ansaru Allah Community in Brooklyn, New York.
1973 – Allen Michael founds The Universal Industrial Church of the New World Comforter. UFO CULT.
1973 – Timothy Leary publishes Neurologic, which outlines an early form of his Eight-Circuit Model of Consciousness.
1974 – Claude Vorilhon founds what becomes the largest UFO cult on the planet: Raëlism.
1973 – U.S. DOD forms the Office of Net Assessment. Designed to handle net assessment and futurological planning matters in the U.S. military. Andrew W. Marshall has been the head ever since he was appointed by Richard M. Nixon.
1974 – Jean and Ruth Mountaingrove begin publishing the journal WomanSpirit, it begins to explore re-explore Goddess Spirituality and conceptions of the feminine deity from a second-wave feminist perspective.
1975 – The Church Universal and Triumphant is founded by Elizabeth Claire Prophet as an outgrowth of the The Summit Lighthouse.
c. 1975 – Ray Sherwin begins to publish the ritual magic journal, The New Equinox.
1975 – Microsoft is founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
1975 – The Temple of Set is founded in Santa Barbara, California by General Michael A. Aquino.
1975 – Robert Anton Wilson publishes The Illuminatus! Trilogy.
1977 – Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne H. Ehrlich, and John Holdren co-author the textbook Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment.
1977 – Thelma B. Terrill (“Tuella”) founds the UFO cult Ashtar Galactic Command, based on the Ashtar channelings of George von Tassel.
1978 – Miguel Serrano publishes El Cordón Dorado: Hitlerismo Esotérico (The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism).
1978 – Theodore Kaczynski begins his bombing campaign as the “Unabomber” in an attempt to take down DARPA and the rise of the military-industrial death camp that was forming and continues to do so to this day. Kaczynski was part of the elitist faux revolutionary culture programmers of the 60s and 70s. The bombing campaign terminates in 1995 after he releases his manifesto: Industrial Society and Its Future, which gives him away, leading to his capture. Lyndon LaRouche’s Executive Intelligence Review notes that the Unabomber has the signature of British intelligence and Prince Phillip.
1978 – The chaos magick order, the Illuminates of Thanateros was first announced to the world.
1978 – The Cult Awareness Network is founded in the wake of the Jonestown Massacre.
1979 – Ralph Tagtmeier (also known as Frater U.D.), forms The Bonn Group, during this time he translates Peter Carroll’s Liber Null and develops the concepts of Cyber Magick of Ice Magick. Ice Magick later, in the ninties, gets him excommunicated from the Illuminates of Thanateros. Tagtmeier is a member of the Fraternitas Saturni, he later gets involved in forming an internet company in natural language generation, SEO etc.
1979 – The first Robert Muller School was founded.
1979 – The British Druid Order is founded in the United Kingdom by Phillip Shallcrass.
1979 – James Lovelock first publish the book Gaia: A new look at life on Earth, popularising his Gaia Hypothesis.
1979 – Founded as the American Family Foundation the American Cultic Studies Association is founded in Florida, U.S. by Kay Barney a retired Raytheon International Affairs Director.
1980 – Uriella founds the UFO cult Fiat Lux in Zürich, Switzerland.
1980 – Gilles Deleuze co-authors A Thousand Plateaus with Félix Guattari, Nomadology: The War Machine represents a coded attack on freemasonic thought and statism, whilst simultaneously laying down an intellectual strategy for combatting generic imperialism.
1981 – Phillip K. Dick publishes his gnostic hallucinatory novel V.A.L.I.S.
1981 – Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth is founded by Psychic TV, Coil, Current 93 and others as a loose confederation of chaos magicians involved in the arts. Drawing inspiration from Brion Gysin, the Process Church of the Final Judgement, William S. Burroughs, Aleister Crowley and Austin Osman Spare.
1983 – Ár nDraíocht Féin (A Druid Fellowship) is founded by Isaac Bonewits as an academic attempt to reconstruct the old religions of Europe.
1983 – Constance Cumbey publishes, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism.
1984 – Joseph Di Mambro and Luc Jouret found the International Chivalric Organization of the Solar Tradition in Geneve.
1984 – The cult Aum Shinrikyo (now known as Aleph) is founded by Shoko Asahara in Japan.
1987 – The chaos magick order the Illuminates of Thanateros (The Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros), are formed proper. Formed by Ray Sherwin, Ralph Tegtmeier and Peter Carroll they claim it is the heir to the Zos Kia Cultus, the system of chaos magic designed by Austin Osman Spare. Members have included, William S. Burroughs, Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, and Richard Moult (Christos Beest).Tegtmeier is later excommunicated due to alleged right-wing activities.
1987 – The first publication of the original Tempelhofgesellschaft.
1987 – Monica Sjöö and Barbara Mor co-author and publish The Great Cosmic Mother. Building the myth of the “Great Mother”, whilst critical of the mainstream of New Age thought, she bears a striking similarity with them.
1989 – Julia Middleton founds Common Purpose, a blend of charity and company its aim is to give leadership education for a coming Post-Democratic Age. Deploys insight roles in a similar way to the Order of the Nine Angles. In 2012 Common Purpose is a large influential international organisation, said to have had exerted undue influence over the Levenson Inquiry (the investigation into Murdoch and the NOTW hacking scandal). Various conspiracy theories abound, especially that they are part of a communitarian/Fabian takeover strategy deploying sub-intelligence and secret society like techniques to usurp local governance, social organisations, corporations and generally every aspect of British life.
1990 – The new Tempelhofgesellschaft appears in Vienna, Austria, teaching a variant form of Marcionism and neo-volkisch UFO cultism.
1991 – Share International is founded by Benjamin Creme.
1991 – Population Matters, formerly known as the Optimum Population Trust founded in the UK by David Willey. Actively engaged in spreading lies about population issues.
1992 – Agenda 21 is created as a product of the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro.
1992 – Marshall Vian Summers founds The Society for The Greater Community Way of Knowledge (known also as The Society for the New Message from God).
1992 – Terence McKenna propounds his “stoned ape” theory of human evolution, in his book Food of the Gods.
1993 – The second conference of the Parliament of the World’s Religions.
1993 – Dwight York leaves Brooklyn for Eatonton, Georgia, where he builds his compound called Tama-Re and founds the Nuwabian Nation or (United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors”). An Afro-centric, New Age, UFO cult.
1993 – Waco seige at the compound of the Branch Davidians (reformist Seventh Day Adventists). ATF, FBI and Texan National Guard disproportionately raid the compound with official line that federal firearms laws had been breached, but only obtaining the warrant under the false claim that David Koresh had been manufacturing methamphetamine; the secondary unofficial propaganda line was that child abuse had gone on. It is alleged that the real reason was that the Branch Davidians had been spying on the U.S. government and had data on their operations. U.S. government breaches Posse Comitatus laws. British SAS appear as ‘observers’.
1993 – Laurance Rockefeller funds Dr. John Mack’s Center for Psychology and Social Change. Mack investigates alleged UFO abductions.
1994 – Serge Monast publishes, Project Blue Beam (NASA).
1994 – The Order of the Solar Temple’s members begin a three year series of mass suicides leading to 74 deaths over all.
1995 – Timothy Macveigh responds to the seige at Waco by bombing the FBI building in Oklahoma City.
1995 – Hoaxed footage of an alien autopsy from the supposed Roswell disaster is released by Ray Santilli.
1995 – Hon-ming Chen founds the UFO cult Chen Tao (or “True Way”) in Taiwan.
c. 1995 – The White Order of Thule is formed by Peter Georgacarakos, Michael Lujan and Joseph Kerrick in Washington State. It was an esoteric, Odalist far-right esoteric terrorist organisation.
c. 1995 – Ivo A. Benda begins public work on the Universe People.
c. 1995 – Joshua David Stone, becomes the first ascended master teachings teacher to admit a UFO related being. Ashtar. Ashtar is elevated to ascended master status itself.
1995 – The USAF publish Full Spectrum Dominance: Weaponising The Weather … Owning the Weather in 2025, outlining military plans to control future war-theatres with weather weaponry.
1996 – Google is founded as a research project between two computer science PhD students Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
1997 – Heaven’s Gate cult members are found dead by businessman Richard Matzorkis and ex-cult member Rio DiAngelo(Matzorkis is linked to Nicholas Rockefeller through the SHMNM Investment Trust – allegedly have most of the control over Matzorkis’ US Search company). Three of the thirty-nine members (Cheryl Elaine Butcher, Suzanne Sylvia Cooke and Denise June Thurman (?)) are alleged to have worked for Advanced Development Group Inc., later to become ManTech Advanced Development Group. ManTech create information systems for the U.S. Army and were involved in contracts in Iraq. Deeply involved in 911. Richard Armitage tied to the Paul Wolfowitz group of Bush administration and futurist Andrew W. Marshall, the head of the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment. There is seems to be a deep connection along the lines of InfoTech here.
1997 – Sheldan Nidle founds the Planetary Activation Organization in El Dorado Hills, California. The PAO predicted that 10,000 alien ambassadors would arrive on Earth in 1997.
1997 – The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation instituted. The organisation promotes population control and reduction, actively targets Africa. Announces later in the 2000s that they were attempting to develop a cybernetic insect to vaccinate Africans against their will.
1999 – Originally under the name of Pelus, In-Q-Tel, headed by Gilman Louie acts as a front company for Central Intelligence Agency Directorate of Science & Technology. Acts a privatised venture capital strategy group for the CIA.
2001 – Keyhole, Inc. founded, develops Earth Viewer for the C.I.A. which eventually becomes Google Earth.
2001 – The World Trade Centre false flag attack occurs in New York.
2002 – D.A.R.P.A. founds the I.A.O. to begin the application of surveillance and information technology against terrorists and other supposedly “asymmetric threats”, read “everybody”. It has the stated aim of achieving Total Information Awareness.
2002 – Leo Felton and Erica Chase (Felton supposedly a member of the defunct White Order of Thule), are caught plotting to blow up various Holocaust museums, several well-known Jews and leaders of the Black community in the U.S. including the Reverend Jesse Jackson.
2003 – The Temple of THEM (Satan and Baphomet), is founded as an ONA nexion in Australia.
2003 – The Roman Catholic Church publishes the critical: A Christian reflection on the New Age.
2003 – The Hermetic Order of the Temple of Starlight (Ordo Templi Lucis Asterum) is founded in the Netherlands by Ina Cüsters van Bergen. Supposedly having a directly lineage to Dion Fortune and the Golden Dawn. Initially a daughter school of the Servants of Light School of Occult Science.
2004 – Joshua David Stone founds the I AM University, (Integrated Ascended Masters University) San Luis Obispo, California.
2005 – Ray Kurzweil first publishes The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology.
2005 – Facebook receives $12.7 million in funding from Accel. Links to C.I.A. front company In-Q-Tel and ex-DARPA employees.
2008 – Dr. Dharmendra Modra of IBM announces their plan to build a globally integrated, decision making computing brain based on funding from DARPA.
2009 – In collaboration with Google and NASA Ames Research Center, Ray Kurzweil founds the the Singularity University.
2012 – Nothing happens.






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