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Ray Dalio: "America Is in a State of Civil War Without Guns" ... Tucker Carlson Interview

2025-02-26     Blockmedia

# Ray Dalio Warns of U.S. Civil Division in Tucker Carlson Interview

Ray Dalio, founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, claimed in an interview with Tucker Carlson that “the United States is in a state of civil war without guns.”

Dalio elaborated, “There are irreconcilable differences that each side is willing to fight for,” highlighting that cooperation between the Republican and Democratic parties is at its lowest historical levels, resulting in the most severe political divide since the 1900s.

# Education Gap - A Core Issue

Dalio identified the ‘education gap’ as a key problem in American society, citing alarming statistics that 60% of Americans lack reading comprehension skills beyond a sixth-grade level. In contrast, only 3 million people (1% of the total population of 330 million) are driving technological innovation in the country. This disparity exacerbates income inequality and fuels social conflict.

# Rapid Advancements in Artificial Intelligence

Dalio predicted that artificial intelligence (AI) will transform every sector, including economic policy, military strategy, social systems, and healthcare. He warned, “The advancement of AI over the next five years will be much faster than we anticipate.”

# Growing Economic Disparity with China

Dalio expressed concerns about the increasing economic gap with China, stating, “In our lifetime, the U.S. will not catch up to China’s manufacturing capabilities.” Currently, China accounts for 33% of global manufacturing, surpassing the combined output of the U.S., Europe, and Japan. China holds a dominant competitive edge, particularly in robotics, semiconductors, and AI application technologies.

# Challenges to U.S. Innovation and Academia

Although Dalio acknowledged that America’s last competitive edges lie in 'innovation' and 'universities,' he pointed out significant issues. He noted, “More than half of America’s leading innovators are foreign-born,” and warned that the existing education system might collapse with the further development of AI technologies.

# True Measure of Happiness

Dalio argued that neither economic wealth nor power guarantees happiness. He emphasized, “The most important factor for happiness is community,” citing Indonesia as an example. Despite having a lower GDP and economic power than the U.S., Indonesia has the second-highest happiness rate in the world thanks to its strong community culture.

Dalio proposed a fundamental solution to recover communities rather than focusing on political conflicts.

美國極端分裂?橋水 Dailo:貧富差距加劇,美中 AI 競爭成新型態冷戰

Louis Lin 2025/2/25
美國極端分裂?橋水 Dailo:貧富差距加劇,美中 AI 競爭成新型態冷戰

橋水基金 (Bridgewater Associates) 創辦人 Ray Dalio 於 2/22 受訪時表示,美國正麵臨某種類型的內戰,社會極端分裂、貧富差距持續擴大,甚至可能出現大規模動盪。他還警告 AI 等新興科技的發展,將翻覆未來 5 年的全球秩序,而各國政府與社會並未做好準備。


Dalio 指出,美國現在的政治與社會環境,已經達到新型態的內戰。而這種內戰不是傳統意義上的武裝衝突,而是來自於兩個陣營在價值觀、政策、執法權力等方麵的全麵對抗,彼此毫無妥協空間。

他認為這種分裂可能會演變成暴力衝突,因為當法治無法解決問題時,雙方就會訴諸更激烈的手段。他提到像是庇護城市 (Sanctuary Cities,註1) 這類政策衝突,已經讓地方政府與聯邦政府發生激烈對抗,而執法權的歸屬也成為爭議焦點。

(註1 庇護城市:美國部分城市或地方政府,主動限製配合聯邦移民執法,保護非法移民不被驅逐出境的政策。)


Dalio 分析,美國社會當前的分裂,與貧富不均和教育資源失衡有關。他指出現在的科技發展創造了極端的財富差距,那些進入頂尖大學、從事高科技創新的大約有 300 萬人,與美國總人口 3.3 億相比,隻是極少數的菁英。但另一方麵,有 60% 的美國人閱讀能力低於國小六年級水準,導致許多勞動人口無法跟上現代經濟的需求,貧富差距越來越嚴重。


科技發展速度驚人,未來 5 年世界將翻天覆地

談到 AI 等科技發展對社會的影響,Dalio 認為未來五年將迎來顛覆性的變化,甚至可能比歷史上的工業革命影響更深遠。他提到,AI 目前的學習能力已經接近博士水準,未來將在各領域加速應用,從醫療、金融到軍事,甚至改變人類的思考模式。


(馬斯克 XAI 團隊推出 Grok 3:基準測試超越競業,可視化思考、懂創造新遊戲)

全球經濟秩序重組,美中競爭進入 AI 冷戰

對於美中競爭,Dalio 認為,雙方都在 AI 競賽中激烈競爭,但很難有一方能完全主導。他解釋,AI 技術的進步太快,智慧財產權 (IP) 的保護幾乎不可能,一旦技術被開發,很快就會被競爭對手複製。因此美中之間的競爭,可能會更多表現在製造能力、基礎建設與應用層麵,而非單純的技術領先。

他舉例,中國在自動化、機器人應用方麵發展迅速,加上擁有全球最完整的製造供應鏈,這讓中國在 AI 技術的落地應用上可能會比美國更有優勢。而美國則仍在頂尖人才、研發能力與資本市場方麵佔有優勢,但在實際生產與應用方麵,可能會逐漸落後。

(橋水創辦人 Dalio:美債規模達 36.4 兆鎂急需改革,美中 AI 競爭影響全球供應鏈)


談到未來發展,Dalio 強調:「世界正進入一個極端不確定的時代,政府沒有具體的計畫,社會缺乏應對策略。」他認為美國的決策係統目前極度混亂,政府換屆頻繁,領導層也沒有長遠規劃,這使得美國麵對經濟、科技與社會問題時,顯得手足無措。

Dalio 警告,如果政府與企業不正視這些挑戰,未來五年內,美國可能會麵臨更嚴重的經濟與社會動盪,而這將影響全球秩序的重組。


Dalio 最後表示,雖然科技發展帶來無限可能,但他最擔心的並不是技術本身,而是人類如何彼此相處。他指出,世界歷史上不乏技術進步的時代,但若缺乏社會和諧與公平分配,這些技術發展最終可能會加劇衝突,而非帶來進步。


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