
Leave Canada Before 2030

(2024-11-23 23:23:33) 下一個


Leave Canada Before 2030


Nomad Elite 2024年10月31日

Leave Canada Before 2030   https://guide.nomadelites.com/

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Canadians are leaving Canada for Paraguay before 2030. Canadians are moving abroad for more freedom, lower taxes, second residency, and dual citizenship.



@reginaldomoreira8283 4天前

My family and I moved back to Brazil in 2023. Canada is like a 2 star hotel charging people like 5 star hotel.

@12monkeys29 3week ago

Canadian health care is not FREE! We pay for it through taxes!

@ronjcharity 3week ago

Cost of living, taxation, rent basement for 3000-3500 a month, homes 1.2mil and up…heavily woke society.

@amirtak9886 3week ago

25K to leave Canada. This country is sinking to new lows.

@DavidSonnenberg-s3i 3week ago

I agree, Canada is no longer a home,it's a graveyard

@andreaaedwards7490 3week ago

If you leave and dont come back you don't need to pay the tax, move your money and tell the gov to f off

@hbbstn 3week ago

People never tell you the real reason why they left Canada. Cost of living Trudeau and immigration have become auto responses.

@guitarpicker7464 3week ago

Don't forget, you may be taxed between 30-40% on your income, but Canada charges another 15% tax (HST) on everything you purchase with what you got to keep.

@glennkemp7450 3week ago

Canada is a great place for people who don't want to work and the people who do work have to support them. The average Canadian tax payer is living paycheck to paycheck, I don't see it lasting.

@shawonahmed5775 8天前

I'm from Bangladesh, lived in Canada for 5 years in the hope of a better life, with skills I could contribute to Canada. But now I'm considering to go back, cz it feels like life back home was better in every aspect

@lougarou8431 3week ago

My wife and I are planning to relocate to Nicaragua for the same exact reasons That this gentleman mention.

@zblip22 3week ago

My wife and myself left Canada to survive retirement. We presently live in Turkey. We are learning Turkish and adapting slowly. We are not Muslims but we find that the folks in Turkey are very friendly to us. Turkey is great and it is close to Europe.

@paulie_b-007  3week ago

Healthcare is not "free" in Canada, which is one of the reasons why we pay such high taxes in Canada to finance various social benefits.

@Ahmed-knows 3week ago

I left 2021. Quebec is ugly, Montreal is ugly, and Canada is gone.

@BudzzableRides 3week ago

My wife and I are in our 60’s and are considering this. Our savings account is being raided by Trudeau every April.

@johnwhitney6736 3week ago

Vote Conservative 8n the next election. Kick out the NDP & LIBERALS, BLOCK QUEBEC.

@chunyinkwan7756 3week ago

I remember went to a restaurant and they automatically added service fee and tip which with tax it goes from 28.99 to 37 dollars. That is pretty insane

@amirthehammer240 2天前

My Ukrainian tenants just left Canada to go back to Ukraine. They said the life is too expensive here in Canada. I don't blame them.

@carlosdurney8547 3week ago

My dear daughter  is moving to Serbia . she got tired to be living  check to check, no future here for her, Tax are  killers and you don't have a really  return .  F. trudeau

@Beeem9 3week ago

I've lived in many countries, and Canada, despite its current challenges, stands out as the best. People often leave their countries during tough times and return when conditions improve. While I wasn't born in Canada, my loyalty remains with this nation, regardless of the situation. This is how you build a country—you can't do it by abandoning it in difficult times. Research shows that Canada has the foundation to overcome its challenges, especially if Pierre is elected. Trust me on this: people don’t leave Canada unless they’re earning a Canadian income, which enables them to live anywhere in the world. I visited over 30 countries this year, and each of them is facing struggles, including places like the UAE, Belgium, and France. If you disagree, I encourage you to travel or speak with middle-class families in other countries to confirm this. don't make decisions based on videos like this you see online.

@anniebee6568 3week ago

I completely agree with Nico in regards of the challenges we face in Canada.  It’s really not what it used to be living here… I was born and raised in Canada (also in Québec) and I’m looking at my options for a new beginning - a brighter and happier future.  Bon courage pour la suite à ta fiancé et toi Nico (sans oublier vos petites bêtes poilues !).

@jelenajm1160 2week ago

My husband and looking into moving from Canada to Serbia. The cost of living and housing is significantly better there. Serbia also has a great healthcare system - a combination of a publicly funded system that residents can access at no cost, and a private healthcare system that is very affordable.  It is also a country where a larger portion of the population speaks English, making it an easier country to emigrate to for those who do not know the native language. Serbia currently has some of the highest home ownership rates in the world with home ownership rates at about 95% due to the fact that housing is both plentiful and cheap.

@cherokeefit4248 3week ago

I’m leaving for florida. Got $9,000 US and some gold. I won’t miss Ontario/canada/free healthcare…

@Xalta_Sailor 3week ago

Wealthy and productive people will leave. The poor and freeloaders will stay. Sounds like a great long term plan…..

@NickEnchev 2天前

We left just over 3 years ago, my wife and I are thankful for that decision every single day.

@joserego9210 3week ago

Being a residential 14:20 Landlord in Canada is the worst thing u should do. Laws only protect tenants even if they don’t pay rent or utilities. Something I really regret.

@vanybartheeban1124 3week ago

My reason will be too many Indians

@Bro4mIndia 3week ago

Is that the deadline given by khalistanis to Canadians to leave so they can convert Canada to Khalistan?

@eva-gz1wi 3week ago

I live in the EU now, yesterday I was on the tram with a Texan. He was telling me that alot of Canadians have left Canada. Especially people who are able to work out of country, they are leaving or have left already.

@bibipersaud9018 3week ago

I'm so blessed to be a dual citizen ....I came back after pandemic to be with son going thru chemo!!! OMG!!!! Canada sucks!!??? Horrible in hospitals.... I work and pay in the system! Holy smoke!!!! I'm leaving asap! Thank God son in Australia & daughter in Boston?!?? Never again.....this will NEVER be good again!!!! To many Indian kids being born....enjoying baby bonus and becoming the future of Canada!!!!

@PhamVans 3week ago

Canadian Electrician here, who's been seriously planning to move out the country (most likely the US).

I spent my entire life here thus far (turning 40 in the new year) and all I can say is that the country headed down a dark path.

I could go on and on about what's wrong with this country now, but it's just too much on my heart. I will find a way out, just like my parents had to find a way out of their country.

@southdetroitentertainment7741 3week ago

I'm relocating down to South Texas as soon as i can. I was not aware that the canadian government charges people $25,000.00 because they chose to leave.

@gratt2 2天前

I pay $15,000/year for healthcare premiums alone. Btw, private insurance here in the US doesn't always pay out, and there are large deductibles. 30-40% taxes and no out-of-pocket is a savings.

@devooski4751 2天前

I love the winter weather in Canada. I’m aboriginal Canadian. I have family owned lands. Should’ve just went to a northern aboriginal community or looked for an aboriginal women. They have family lands. They would’ve taught you how to be a real man. But that’s my own opinion. I get fire logs every winter and I have a snowmobile of my own to take care of my house. We never needed governments help to be honest. My people was here in Canada for thousands of years without kings and governments. We are very peaceful and very territorial people.

@bradleylang1752 1天前

What happens to the entire economic situation in Canada if there is a change in government? More of the same or huge improvement?

@martinc8057 3week ago

I desperately want to move out of Canada.

@hbbstn 3week ago

That's weird! You need to sell all your assets to leave Canada? So why foreigners own real estate in Canada?

@admin6228 3week ago

So in Paraguay, what is his source of income to stay living at the same standard or better?   I am guessing something online, please clarify. thanks.

@paradise6606 3week ago

Why don't you kick your government to jail.

@chion918 3week ago

taxes doesn't stop there.  67% of Canadian owns their home, then, there's property tax that's based off from the gov assessment of what they claim as market value, most detached home pays around $5000 to $7000 of taxes just because.  and there's estate tax, if/when your parent pass away, they will sent you their condolences via estate tax depending if your parents owns anything,  possibly half of estate is gone to the gov.  i can continue and name more insanities in Canada such as how they promote communities to ask for donations to run social services, kids going to school and school ask for financial supports to buy overpriced lunch during certain days, buy school uniforms that's monopolized by school's association, and charges outrages amount for the uniform, activities fees for sports and music instrument use.... etc.  in the past, car owners having to buy a stupid sticker for their licence plate each year and to pass emission test and pay the fees.... now, it is common that most restaurant setup tipping by default... excise tax, carbon tax.... 32% of gasoline price is tax,,, it is hell in Canada!

@carlric 3week ago

Interesting, I'm leaving too, in my case to Argentina.


@dyantrottier5271 10小時前

Young man, I left everything to go looking for a 2 room appt. I am multilingual, had a small family to raise years ago. I left Chateauguay QC.  I made it  but you're better to plan ahead.  I fought for my freedom, I won. Never give up. Good luck to you and your partner. Stay safe.

@paulcapirchio4378 3week ago

Montreal is cheap in comparison to the lower mainland in BC. A 2 bedroom apartment in the Fraser Valley, one hour from Vancouver is $600,000+

@Jav202x 3week ago

We moved to Colombia, and we are very happy here.

@IslandDeep 1天前

PP will be the start of turning Canada around. With where we are now i'm highly optimistic for our economic growth in the next 5-10 years. SOOO much room for growth. The entirety of the west has been shit in the past 5 years not just Canada. I love Canada, I love being a Canadian, I'm unhappy with the current state but like I said i'm HIGHLY optimistic of the future.

If you want to abandon your country, go for it. I will be fighting to continue the Canadian dream. Buy the dip.

@freemindcanada9319 3week ago

Real estate investors helped ruin Canada just as much as the policies that has built a shaky economy primarily supported by speculative activities.

@44Paws 1天前

Free health care, tell that to Buddy in Saskatchewan who had the wrong leg amputated last week .... its a farce!

@moatazmosallam 5天前

Well said, good luck guys and I hope I can make it asap

@phyllisnowosad2004 2天前

First of all neither of you are real Canadian. You’re both passport Canadians. I’m Indigenous to North America and my ancestors have lived in North America for centuries. When you are true to a homeland you fight for it not abandon it. Loopholes is what you mention, not loyalty or pride


3week ago(修改過)

If you run, you’re going to be running for the rest of your life. Stay and fight for your home. As William Wallace said: FREEEEDOM!



2week ago

Thanks for sharing your experience.  It was very informative.



3week ago

I live in the Lower Mainland, Tricities area. Neighbours on the 1st floor just sold their 2-bedroom condo of 1100 sq ft for well over the asking price of $620,000. Insane!



3week ago

What is happening in Canada come 2030? It wasn't very clear



3week ago

I'm thinking about immigrating to Indonesia when I retire. I've actually started to study Indonesian.



3week ago

I left Canada in August 2023 due to government policies and the slow death of the dollar. I will return if the people decide they want their country back. Until then i continue to build infrastructure to support my wife and son when the real sh*t hits the fan.....WE WILL HAVE OUR HOME AGAIN! \







3week ago

Good for you. How could you find a job in Paraguay?




1975 — Montreal To West Vancouver— Vancouver Richmond BC etc is Paradise.


3week ago

I’m planning to as well.




I came to Canada when I was 7 as legal immigrant with my family , we applied for citizenship the right way . The Canada then and the Canada now is two completely different Canada's even us, we're thinking of leaving.



For these young guys, what the far future will look like for them and their kids.  They will eventually dry up their wealth they brought with them.  The future of their kids will be like the locals.  Do you like to see your kids' future? It will be like the locals.  There is no escape.



3week ago

Canada has lost its standing globally, even our best ally US don't give us a damn. Our main leaders JT, PP & JS  do not have the vision and what it takes to deal with the rapidly changing global dynamics. PP is no better, and is really depressing, all into petty politics. It's time for Canadians to think outside the box, and good to see someone like the person in the video have the guts to do exactly that. Good on you.



3week ago

I appreciate you making videos like these. It’d be awesome if you could interview some folks who left Canada for Argentina.

My parents were born there, I have almost all my relatives there and I’m about to get my citizenship…



3week ago

Don't be cowards! Fight for your country if you have any bit of patriotism in you and vote conservatives..



3week ago

I believe you can get rid of your residency status without selling your property but you’ll have to pay capital gains before you peace out



3week ago

Working on it



3week ago

Would it be worth it to the Philippines or other emerging economies with better systems in some ways?



3week ago

How do you qualify to be a resident of Paraguay ?




I get this. My family left



3week ago

Leaving in 3 weeks!!!




I went to Canada at 2022, in Vancouver. The planning was to stay for 1 year at least, but we didn't last for 5 months. The first reason was the insecurity, I was always felling that someone is going to kick me or something like that. The second was the people, the "canadian culture", they are too close for us. I don't known, I prefer my Brazil, million times!


3week ago

Can't leave, stuck here with no money.



3week ago

The Freezer, Canada, stress, Racial conflicts, Human capital of enslaved country. I did scrapped my PR, long time back.



3week ago

Canada is now to expensive. 9 months of the cold weather was not worth it for me!



3week ago(修改過)

Just so you guys know, if global warming is as bad as they say, the ocean currents that keep northern Europe relatively warm may go up to Canada instead of northern Europe and Canada may become like the UK in climate (on similar longitude ) but that is still at minimum at least half a century away ... (edit:  if at all)


3week ago

I left 2019

  I'm living 2000x better sierra Leone my beachside acres 12x I bought hahaha .  No taxes here crypto friendly . Full freedom  rights here and way too safe.



3week ago

If you leave know that eventually even the place you went to will be taken over. We need to fight not flee.




mmm... I don't know, obviously if you get money from the rent you get from Canada to live in Paraguay you're going to say is a better place to live but... all those taxes you paid in Canada allowed you to access a good public education which maybe provides you enough skills to buy the house you're renting now.

If you were born in Paraguay instead you only have access to education if you're rich because there are not too many taxes to pay then there are no schools for everybody.



As a young man where will you earn a living in Paraguay? I presume you aren't taking a North American job with you. I wish you well. From my own experience it wasn't easy when I became an "immigrant" in a Central American country. Adopting their culture proved too challenging and I never felt like I fit in. I live back in Canada now and have a lot of sympathy for the immigrants who come here!



If you think Montreal is expensive, Vancouver is a nightmare a condo 2 bedroom in the city rent is 3.000 to 4.000

And to buy same apartment 1’200.00 dollars Vancouver has become a city for the rich

You gotta be crazy to moved here


3week ago

Exactly same story in Australia

..40+% on fat fat fat fat welfare payments

And 3 leave of fat cat public self servents jobs.. another 30 -40% of huminods on . living on government money printing..

And guess how has to pay for the 80+% having a free money...

Private sector workers,,,SLAVE CLASS,,



3week ago

Would leave Canada in a heart beat if I could convince my family to come  with me .  I’m 66 and born in Canada .  This country is on the brink .  Would love to move to the US once Trump is in office.  It’s going to be a golden age in that country once Trump is president again.




I don't own a house because I don't know if I want to stay in Canada, I'm working on figuring out where I can move and bring some of my larger valuable with me.



Me too I am planning to live because rent. Rent  is very expensive for me


3week ago

Montreal real estate is expensive, but it is probably half the cost of Toronto. There are also fewer job opportunities than Toronto, Vancouver or Alberta. In hindsight separation would have probably been a good idea.



3week ago

My girlfriend says kiss me where it stinks so I drove her to Canada...



3week ago

Why before 2030 ? Also, 25k exit tax was a rumour.



3week ago

Taxes are high and it's not safe country to have kids economy going down hill



3week ago

Planning on it




where are we all moving to??? It’s expensive to move over seas.


3week ago

25k exit tax on already high taxed income just to leave. I feel it could be more for some reason.



3week ago

Your only speaking to the younger crowd. Many want leave, but can’t afford to. So you just live off of nickels and dimes.



3week ago

Sold my house in Saskatoon in the University area that had a three Plex in it old character home move to a small town. I bought a house for 15,000. I’m an hour drive away, but I’m adjourn Contractor and I still do renovations in the city but now I can work 20 hours a week if I want 10 hours a week and the bills are not concerned plan to live in Africa in the winter.




I have seen many Canadians are leaving for Vietnam, and some teens are planning to leave the Country, I feel Sad for Canada, I really love Canada, but I need to leave Canada.


3week ago

There are groups with thousands of people escaping canada and they are helping each other get out, My brother left the week he got out of the Army because he knew what was going to happen, Lot's call canada the new China but now it's starting to look more like N Korea,




Love Canada. I don’t mind paying higher income tax for what we get here. Best for Canadians who don’t like it here to move.



Wow, this guy is saying 600k home and 3-400k apartment is expensive. That would be my dream

I live in a suburb 40 mins outside Vancouver.. those same places would be triple where I live


3week ago

Need answers on how to move the cash, earnings investments once you close your accounts. Also what if you happen to win a lottery .

Well at last, should you give up your Canadian citizenship?



2week ago

am a foreigner currently living in Montreal since almost 3 years ,aleardy making plan to leave the country'...planning to move to Mauritius...nice island ...didnt expect to dace such hard life here



3week ago

if only I could afford to leave this failed country




Left 2014. Saw the crises before most.



You, are all missing the point. House prices have been allowed to grow in the Western Nations, this is because the peoples pensions in retirement have not kept up with inflation. So people will take out the money from their homes, to enable them to retire. It lets all these countries off the hook, with pension plans including all the additional Tax revenue it brings.


2week ago

is it insane to be called welcome tax, such a nice gesture to be welcomed but there's penalty to pay a fee when you are welcomed


3week ago

Paraguay even has good Gun Ranges!



3week ago

Taxes are illegal. You are required to file, but nothing about PAYING taxes. Learn about LAWFARE. You can get out of the corrupt system of paying taxes.



3week ago

The solution is to vote for Pierre!!



3week ago

or fix the problem at home?!



3week ago

just curious If he migrated legally to Paraguay?


3week ago

So why would I leave? I hear no compelling reason from this fellah. The weather? Give me a break puleeeeze.




It is not only Canada, most OECD countries are  inappropriate place to go to 8f you have a job in your own country,ortherwise you can try your luck in those countries


3week ago(修改過)

Montreal is a lot cheaper than Toronto. That 850 sq ft apartment he mentioned selling in Montreal for 350K-400K is 650K-700K in Toronto. In Toronto for 400K you buy a 450 Sq ft studio in a crappy area


3week ago

So, what will happen if they all leave?



3week ago

best thing is justin and jagmeet both go to cuba forever .  than may be Canada can be saved



3week ago

Just do it




Sadly seniors on pensions cannot leave, but I totally understand! Some Canadians have been told we need to get out of Canada andvgo back to Europe whwew we belong. Canada belongs to India!



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The question is where to go ? Where's cheaper


3week ago

One question I have. Can someone live 100% of the time outside of Canada, sell their home and all their belongings, yet still keep Canadian bank accounts, Canadian driver's license (using a family member's address), and still continue to be considered a Canadian resident for tax purposes? That is, move to another country for nicer weather and a cheaper cost of living, but not going through all the tax complications of emigrating from Canada.


3week ago

In order to maintain your canadian citizenship you must own property ND return to the cou try every 40 days. A foreign work visa will permit some exceptions.


3week ago

?@the_traveller  You are wrong.

As a Canadian citizen, you can get a Canadian passport. You can travel abroad for as long as you like and you will not lose your citizenship status, unlike Permanent Residents (PR). If you are a PR, you must stay in Canada for 730 days (2 years) in any 5-year period to keep your PR status.


3week ago

you can get a free 6 month tourist visa to many countries, but cannot work there. If you have a good job they will help you get work/temporary permit visa sorted out


3week ago

Welcome to Py, I hope you have a good air conditioning, you should learn to drink terere.. in December January it will be hot



3week ago

2 grown men in a shoe box apartment should be the # 1 reason to get out, there is nowhere to live.




I am leaving for the  Philippines



I left in 2021 and came back in 2024. Don't listen to the weak, they jump ship as soon as the going gets tough.

Btw I left because of loneliness not economics. Unfortunately I left my job as a letter carrier which I regretted a bit as it was pensionable and I would have had 5 years seniority and only 20 years to go.

Trust me the whole world is struggling with population decline, economic decline and intellectual decline.



3week ago(修改過)

I know of many people like this and they all return after reality sinks in that they moved to a third world country because moving to a G7 nation is just as expensive and they don't want immigrants from Canada anyway.




Health care is not free. We pay for it through our tax and just me we pay alot of tax.




Why sell everything and close bank accounts??


3week ago

My family bin here for 100s of yrs and we will never run away or bend the knee. We hate our gubment and we will change it, though it will be a struggle.   There is nowhere to run from  the monster that is coming for us all...  worldwide.   Stick together , honor your country and family.  Only cowards run. It is our duty  to STAND ON GUARD!




I wanna leave but what tf can do for living


3week ago

How much does one make to be taxed 30 to 40%?




$25,000 exit tax?!  Tell ‘em to take from the CPP you paid into all those years… ridiculous


3week ago

I would prefer the people leave now and not wait because you should start over sooner than later.



People residing in Canada or the United States should seriously consider moving out of their country. The cost of living there is out of control.


Nomad Elite



2week ago

So many peoole left Canada and yet are here to comment. If you left for good why bother to think or follow up ...



Okay, to be fair, he is talking about quebec. Quebec is the worst province in Canada. For everything. No joke, that place is horrible.! Out west in Alberta, things are a lot different. It's a lot easier to live, even though prices are going sky high. Healthcare actually isn't free. it comes out of your taxes. Your provincial taxes.


3week ago

And go where??




Live for something or die for nothing.



3week ago

Where are the original Canadians take your country back from these leaders who are not working for you and for your betterment and policies.




where do you go



It’s a myth that you’ll be taxed just for leaving Canada. What they can actually do is implement a tax system similar to that of the U.S., which taxes citizens even if they reside in another country.



What about security in Paraguay


3week ago(修改過)

Canada needs a federal election soon, and a new tax structure to be built from scratch.  One that benefits both the politician and citizen

Trudeau has done this man very dirty



3week ago

Nothing is free not even the medical system, no Dr. in Canada and we taxpayers are rip a part by the government, most medical class can't eat anymore pay bill are eat.




There are no hockey rinks in Paraguay.



I wonder when "people" realise their power. If you are upset about the tax, give your vote to who propose to drop it, i mean organize, get together and get your voice heard. Canada is 1st world country. You wont get beaten up for protesting. My point of view is Canada is gem country in many aspects, why leave it to other? Stand up and fight.


3week ago

With a change in government we can right this ship Canada. Canada is blessed with talented people and rich resources. The world may beckon but is it really better.




Leave Canada to live in Paraguay, i don't know if this is a wise decision


3week ago

that's the actual plan for me is leave within  5 years



3week ago

You have done a good choice to go South America.




Nico is not a Canadian name.


3week ago

Canadians are pretty funny

They are complaining about immigration in canada

Meanwhile becoming immigrants in another countrys



2week ago

So why did he say before 2030?



If you have already left or planning to leave, please don’t come back, we ? you, stay away


3week ago

Well i guess there will be some job openings  soon 



3week ago

If you sell your 350,000 dollar house, how ell can you live over there


3week ago

I'm Leaving For Brazil.. F. This No Cultured Country...



3week ago

I'm looking


3week ago

Leaving in one more year




The crime is escalating to unheard  of levels


3week ago

Toronto prices are like double



The weather lol c’mon man



Why did you blur the front door? lol



"you pay taxes for our healthcare system, which is free" that's a funny sentence.


3week ago

Clearly is food cheaper in Paraguay when the monthly average income is only around 400 to 500 USD.



3week ago

I left Canada in 2019, and after couple of years still miss Canada.




This guy is opportunist...he just  sold overpriced properties to move to cheaper place....healcare and weather is not reason...in any case Good Luck ...he will come back



3week ago

Wish interviewees would stop saying "obviously."



3week ago

sounds like lots of tax in Canada



3week ago

West coast BC  is even worse $$$$$ for real estate




Canadian citizens are suffering from housing crises, no more jobs left for the Canadian due to mass of immigrants entering CA

Other serious issues in Canada family court need to stop  torturing children mentally/psychologically by separating them from their parents im one of the victim and have seen thousands of other victims parents and children that are suffering from unfairly justice system


3week ago

leave cnada why?   fear tactics hey Trudeau's gov is about to fall  Canadians must stand for there democratic country a freedom country and those wanting to turn Canada into a communist hell hol;e will have a very hard time  very very hard time.They will face accountability.



3week ago

Not just guts.... MONEY !!



3week ago

Great idea, time to leave!



3week ago

not free paid in inflation




Unfortunately, i think following trumps example, deportation may be our only hope... 208$ per day/6500$ a month, payed for hotel and food stamps, for up to ~169,448 asylum seekers , or 13+ billion dollars a year, housing isnt being built at the rate that were taking them in, raising the housing and rent cost; But an even bigger problem has arrive because of this, religious insurrection but even worse 40% of our gdp is in the housing market (buying and selling), at this point if we solve either problem, you can say goodbye to canada even being a 1st world contry. With that kind of support, they're richer than 60-70% of tax paying canadiens without having to work or help our economy. The government just is using our tax dollars and printing money to act as a bandaid to stop the flood gates... It's bound to peel eventually



I didn't vote, i don't like the person who just won the election, but If you heard Kamala talking about taxing unrealized gains, and price control on groceries, we were definitely headed in the wrong direction. I hope Canada can turn things around its a beautiful country.


3week ago

You have not exhausted all options in Canada. You need to try vote in a new government.


3week ago

What healthcare, oh you mean MAID.



3week ago

taz on tax on tax. for the fac sake, why rich doesn't pay taxes



3week ago

This guy couldnt hack the Montreal condo market and fled the country?!?!?

Nonone bought houses in Montreal 20 years ago with an inground pool for 250k



Afraid of the winter ? What a little cat. A shame to all Québécois.


3week ago

habibs cousin works in city hall and other cousin at dmv another cousin at service ont and three habubs help all the cousins get id credit autos homes and canadians are blind vegetables they say while taking your info for their cousin o Canada what happened thank you come again



3week ago

You don't tell them your moving out of canada



3week ago

Why not keep dual citizenship?



3week ago

So, basically you left coz you didn’t have enough money.



3week ago

Citizenship based taxation will come




Come to iran you'll see canada was heavn



3week ago

No mention of 2030.




Canada?? What’s Canada!?


3week ago


John 6:28-29

28 Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”

29 Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”



Yeah im sure the country you just immigrated to is just as appreciative.

Im not leaving canada, THEY can leave canada.  This is MY country.



The immigrants  that come to canada get payed in  canadian dollars.  .Which most immigrants  don't  realize.  There is two different dollars.  .That to change there canadian    dollar for American doolar    It take $1.40  canadian   to buy  $1. American.


 But On the world stage. They would only except American dollars. Not canadian.



I love Canada regardless anything



Healthcare in Canada is not free. We pay taxes for that



Leaving soon


Nomad Elite




All reasons here been posted already, crackheads everywhere, homelessness, crime, taxes truedumb, the list goes on,,working on getting out of here for good,,to Asia



The health care system is broken now.


3week ago





3week ago

feel bad for the canadian citizens



3week ago

Health care is not free! You pay for this broken system on  all the taxes you pay. Government will not give you anything for free. I left 4 years ago and you don't realize how terrible canada is until you move abroad. Best thing I have done in my life. I don't even want to go back to that negative, miserable country. Trust me, leave when you can. You are pouring all your hard earned money into taxes!




An exit tax would be unconstitutional.


3week ago

Trudo 4 Treason



Je savais que tu venais du quebec juste a te voire mon chum aweille


3week ago

Real Canadians can come to Quebec, help us getting independence as a new country, we will get a new currency and the problem will be fixed.




Let's get the person that should leave Canada for ever should be Trudeau get the hell back to Cuba



It’s not the same Canada as I remember ,I’m sad


3week ago

Free health scare … paying taxes to see a doctor once you are in a graveyard



Goodbye 19 thousand $ to have a kid in the united states. 200$ for antibiotics. 400$ for a broken arm . Suddenly taxes dont seem so bad eh?



Make Canada Great Agin


3week ago

Profit are low to in the south lol



No I won’t leave Canada. Trudeau can buzz off. He’s not going to survive. We will vote in Pierre.


3week ago

Don't let the door hit your backside on the way out. This will all go away when Justin steps down. Thing is there is no fairy tell country that's better.



3week ago

Canada is the land of plenty. Life is hard, you say. Guess what? What you call hard is a cake walk to most of the world. You telling me I have to suffer a bit and I can get a shot at a decent life? Watch

1 Immigrants' perspective



2week ago

Beware of the foreign sword, is all I can say


3week ago

He may sweat a bit in December and January



3week ago

Gone 2021



3week ago

All the cowards who left........ this is why we lost our country!



3week ago

You think cowards are good allies?




Too much taxes in Canada



Leave please and don't come back bud thanks





2week ago

Canadistan . Canadistan. Canadistan


2week ago(修改過)

It not Trudeau it pc party. 69 years in Canada and political no grassroots economy under progressive I leave pension her is food bank and free health is garage



This dude did not focus on the work environment as his might be okay...generally its like slavery so every skilled person will leave ...



Canada lost I guess all of this people never go to school. Inflation and prices hike are very common every country. Indians or developing countries people move to developed countries for currency arbitrage so retirement time they can have everything. But if they decide to live in their countries they feel same way too.



Canada lost I guess all of this people never go to school. Inflation and prices hike are very common every country. Indians or developing countries people move to developed countries for currency arbitrage so retirement time they can have everything. But if they decide to live in their countries they feel same way too.


3week ago

I love the snow



Damn Canada is dying man, wish the peri win the election he's the last hope tbh, if not I'll leave i love Canada but i can't afford it anymore im broke from the inside and the outside cuz of this stupid government.



are smart



Hahaha!!! Oh yeah flea to the US where Democracy is dead!!! For everyone  that wants to leave please do!!! leave now i will help you pack!!!




Come to Toronto you will see that the Montreal prices are way lower.

Canada is heading to bankruptcy for sure



Trudeau  screw up



Well, that’s real easy to say the countries just don’t let you move into them. You have to have visas and that’s not an easy thing to do and most have years and years and years on a waiting list so we can’t just up and leave and we don’t have a convenient spouse that we married from another country that we can go back to their country, so thanks for the useless



Good job, leave Canada to Indians



This is good, Bye.


3week ago

It has nothing to do with the subject, but this tattooed man has a pretty face.


3week ago

Being courageous is not fleeing but I understand vote different quebec vote left not the rest of canada



3week ago

Move to Alberta first try it







Ben... be bye



Exit tax? , they want bedlam!!!!!!


3week ago

Bou voyage


3week ago

why not visit cape town



3week ago

Change of government will change our lives.




2week ago

19.3% of Canadian population is Asian, not exactly massive massive.


3week ago

You'll be back



3week ago

Bring your animals ? .....crazy



3week ago

Only cowards run.  Where are you going to run to? Stay and vote.




If I had followed your advice, the last 40 years would have been watching the nation go down the toilet but I left and didn't have to. btw, insults are the last refuge of the outargued.


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