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CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Poilievre asks Trudeau why he always stands up for corruption on his own side




尊敬的反對黨領袖,這位總理在 9 年內使住房成本翻了一番,債務翻了一番,槍支犯罪翻了一番,食品銀行使用量翻了一番,直到一分鍾前,他還有一位雙重身份的部長,總理知道部長在內閣內部非法指揮他的業務,他知道部長聲稱有另一個蘭迪,但實際上沒有,他知道部長曾謊稱自己是土著人,以便從真正的土著人手中奪走錢財,但他一直支持他,直到昨天,為什麽他總是站在自己一邊支持腐敗,尊敬的總理議長,埃德蒙頓議員卡特已辭去內閣職務,專注於澄清這些指控,議長先生,反對黨領袖談到了大聲疾呼的重要性,現實情況是他的議員不再是他們社區的聲音,他們是他社區的聲音,這不是這個地方應該運作的方式,議長先生,我們專注於確保我們投資於加拿大人,為他們提供各種支持住房支持、牙科支持、兒童保育,這些都是加拿大人所需要的,而他提供的隻是削減和緊縮政策,尊敬的反對黨領袖,正在欺騙黨團成員,這個人解雇了第一位土著司法部長,因為她拒絕為他的腐敗行為辯護,她說,我引用一位致力於真正和解的總理的話,早就把蘭迪和另一個蘭迪從內閣中除名了,相反,我們不得不看白人玩祖先命運之輪,如此可恥和極具破壞性,為什麽他解雇了一位說真話的真正的土著部長,卻試圖留住一位說假話的假土著部長,尊敬的總理,議長先生,說實話,議員們會繼續站出來為他們的社區發聲,但反對黨領袖要求他們不要在渥太華成為他們社區的聲音,而是成為他自己在社區的聲音,呃,這應該是自由和言論自由的政黨,但他在壓製他的議員,他不讓他們與媒體交談,他不讓他們他們在和委員會交談,事實上他害怕他們會怎麽說他,因為沒有理由以這種方式幹涉議員,尊敬的反對黨領袖議長先生,這是來自一位有 20 名黨團成員簽署信函表示他們準備解雇他的總理,為什麽他們會解雇他,他是一個讓住房成本翻倍、槍支犯罪翻倍、食品銀行使用翻倍、國家債務翻倍的人,讓一個擁有雙重身份的部長繼續任職,甚至他自己的黨團成員都知道他不值得付出犯罪或腐敗的代價,所以如果他什麽都不怕,為什麽不呼籲征收碳稅選舉,讓秩序井然,尊敬的總理議長先生,反對黨領袖剛剛明確指出,議會這一邊的議員可以自由地公開發表他們的意見,即使在絕對!秩序!秩序!同事!同事!同事!我們在主席席上打斷程序的時間越多,我們就越少有疑問,我們能得到的答案就越少在質詢時間,所以請今天控製住自己,尊敬的首相先生,議長先生,在保守黨人的心目中,我們剛剛看到了一個大問題,我承認保守黨自由派議員可以自由表達自己的想法和意見,即使我們有分歧,這讓保守黨成員感到震驚,因為他們不被允許這樣做,他們不被允許與媒體交談,他們不被允許說出自己的想法,他們不被允許為他們的社區發聲,他們不被允許站出來支持對他們所在城市的住房進行投資,這是這裏真正的醜聞,議長先生

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Poilievre asks Trudeau why he always stands up for corruption on his own side

Pierre Poilievre asks Justin Trudeau why he always stands up for corruption on his own side during question period.

The Honorable leader of the opposition
this prime minister in 9 years doubled
housing costs doubled the debt doubled
gun crime doubled Food Bank use and up
until a minute ago he had a minister
with a double identity prime minister
knew the minister was directing his
business illegally from inside cabinet
he knew the minister had claimed there
was another Randy when there was no
other Randy he knew that the minister
had falsely claimed to be indigenous in order to take money away from real indigenous people and yet he stood by him up until yesterday why is it that he's always he always stands up for corruption on his own side the right honorable prime minister speaker the member for Edmonton cater has stepped down from cabinet to focus on clearing these allegations uh Mr Speaker with the uh leader of the opposition talks about the importance of speaking up the reality is his MPS are no longer voices for the their communities they are his voice in their
communities that's not how this place is supposed to work Mr Speaker uh we are
focus on making sure that we're investing in Canadians supporting them
with the kinds of supports for housing supports for dental supports for child
care that Canadians need while all he offers is cuts and austerity The Honorable leader of the opposition musling caucus members this is the guy who fir fired the first indigenous attorney general because she refused to defend his corruption she said and I quote a prime minister committed to True reconciliation would
have removed Randy and the other Randy from cabinet long ago instead we have to get to watch white people play ancestry Wheel of Fortune so shameful and
extremely destructive why is it that he fired a real indigenous Minister for
telling the truth while trying to keep in place a fake indigenous Minister who told
falsehoods the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker telling the truth uh
would be MPS continuing to stand up to advocate for their communities but the
leader of the opposition has asked them not to be their community's voices here
in Ottawa but instead be his voice in their communities uh this is supposedly
the party of that is supposedly party of freedom and freedom of speech but he's
muzzling his MPS he's not letting them talk to the media he's not letting them
talk uh to committees uh the reality is he's afraid of what they might say about
him because there is no uh no call to be musling MPS this way The Honorable leader of the
opposition Mr Speaker this from a prime minister who has 20 caucus members that
have signed a letter that they're ready to fire him why would they this is a guy who's
doubled housing costs doubled gun crime doubled Food Bank use doubled the
national debt kept in place a minister with a double identity even his own
caucus members know he's not worth the cost crime or corruption so if he's not
afraid of anything why doesn't he call a carbon tax election like order go the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the leader of the opposition just made very clearly the point that the MPS on this side of the house are free to share their opinions publicly even when on absolutely! order!order! colleagues! colleagues! colleagues! the more time that we spend here in the chair interrupting the process so that we get order in the house the fewer question we will be able to have and fewer answers we'll be able to have in question period so please control yourselves today the right honorable prime minister from the top Mr Speaker in the minds of conservatives we just saw a big gotcha moment where I admitted that cons liberal MPS are free to speak their minds and voice their opinions even when we have disagreements that was astonishing to the members of the conservative party because they're not not allowed to do that they are not allowed to speak to the media they are not allowed to speak their mind they are not allowed to be voices for their Community they are not allowed to stand
up for investments in their cities on housing that is the real scandal in this
place Mr Speaker

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