
東方依舊是紅色 21 世紀的中國社會主義

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東方依舊是紅色——21 世紀的中國社會主義


作者:Carlos Martinez (作者)、Danny Haiphong (撰稿人) 2019 年 6 月 1 日2023








卡洛斯·馬丁內斯的《東方依然是紅色的:21 世紀的中國社會主義》匯集了他近期關於中國革命道路及其為中國人民建設社會主義未來的持續努力的一係列曆史和當代問題的論文和評論。馬丁內斯認識到這一努力所固有的挑戰以及美國領導的帝國主義給中國設置的障礙,他清楚地表明,中國仍然致力於為自己創造公正和平等的社會經濟的革命使命,並將其作為應對全球氣候變化挑戰的必要工作的一部分。他拒絕那些將中國視為全球資本主義秩序的新自由主義成員的聲音,並堅持認為有必要承認中國在消除絕對貧困和改善人民生活以及在美國及其盟友的霸權統治之外領導建立新國際秩序方麵取得的成就。這是對左翼關於中國的討論以及更廣泛的政治參與受眾最值得歡迎的貢獻。

Elias Jabbour(裏約熱內盧州立大學經濟學院經濟規劃理論與政策副教授;《21 世紀社會主義經濟發展:布爾什維克革命後的一個世紀》合著者):


The East is Still Red - Chinese Socialism in the 21st Century 


by Carlos Martinez (Author), Danny Haiphong (Contributor) June 1, 2023

Professor Radhika Desai (University of Manitoba; Convenor, International Manifesto Group):

In a world gone beserk with US-incited rage against People's China; in a world where the bulk of Western scholarship has become so deeply compromised so as to yo-yo between the most tendentious anti-Chinese positions and confusion; in a world where the left has lost its ability to distinguish between imperialism and liberation; in a world that fails to understand just how world-changing have been the achievements of actually existing socialisms; Carlos Martinez shines the light of his crystal-clear prose and his acute political and scholarly insight on China's achievements, material, ecological, scientific and social. If you want to understand the most profound earthquake shaking up our world, read this book.

Dr Francisco Dominguez (Specialist on Latin American politics):

This is a most welcome and timely book. In it, Carlos Martinez furnishes us with rigorous and illuminating analyses covering crucial features of socialist construction in China, essential, especially for Western audiences, to grasp its highly progressive nature. The penetrating discussion Martinez engages in, elegantly pierces through the thick fog of malicious and aggressive imperialist anti-China propaganda. A must for all those who wish to build a better and peaceful world.

Professor Roland Boer (Renmin University of China):

In this important new book, Carlos Martinez sets out the case for the Western Left's resolute support of the socialist project in China. Based on in-depth research and written in an accessible style, the book will soon become an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to know the facts concerning China. Read it carefully, absorb its insights, and rectify your view of Chinese socialism!

Professor Ken Hammond (New Mexico State University):

Carlos Martinez's The East is Still Red: Chinese Socialism in the 21st Century, brings together essays and commentaries from his recent writings on a wide range of issues, both historical and contemporary, concerning China's revolutionary path and its ongoing efforts to build a socialist future for the Chinese people. Recognizing the challenges inherent in this effort, and the obstacles being placed in China's way by American-led imperialism, Martinez clearly demonstrates that China remains committed to the revolutionary mission of creating a just and equitable social economy for itself and as part of the imperative work of addressing the challenges of global climate change. He rejects those voices which see China as a neoliberal member of the global capitalist order, and upholds the need to recognize China's achievements in eliminating absolute poverty and improving the lives of its people as well as in leading in the construction of a new international order outside the hegemonic domination of the United States and its allies. This is a most welcome contribution to the discourse about China on the Left, and for a broader audience of the politically engaged.

Elias Jabbour (Associate professor of theory and policy of economic planning at Rio de Janeiro State University's School of Economics; Co-author of 'Socialist Economic Development in the 21st Century: A Century after the Bolshevik Revolution'):

Carlos Martinez has excelled in defending frontier positions on the nature of the Chinese socioeconomic formation. In fact, it is very rare to find intellectuals with his argumentative power and intellectual sophistication. In this book, the reader will have access to a wide source of information and living theory necessary to understand China and its unique socialism. Carlos Martinez, great intellectual and friend, is an honourable exception among Marxists in the West. Marxism in the West depends heavily on the talent and creativity of people like Martinez.

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