
The emails that I sent to request for uprooting pandemic since 2

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Reads 81-9, oct 2024

The emails that I sent to request for uprooting pandemic Covid-19 by vinegar since 2020


李洪德 2022年3月29日 於加拿大


The report of zero infections in China's plants Iran by daily HOCl disinfection inspired me to conduct a meats plant DC Foods Waterloo in zero infection; I found that daily inhaling Vinegar or/and HOCl mixed air is able to prevent airborne infectious diseases to end pandemic COVID-19.

Since Mar 2020, I have sent hundreds emails, phone calls and then I specially bought a fax machine to send faxes to officials of WHO and countries to end pandemic by vinegar or HOCl; but all failed.

Below are about 1/10 of the emails that I have sent in past four years; but all was useless   


2020年1月23日淩晨04:05:11,我到武漢政府網站留言:“新型冠狀病毒治療方法,食用醋,50公斤體重500毫克,日2次,維生素C,50公斤體重3克,日6次,黃芪注射液,50公斤體重6克,日6次,”得到回複:“請勿傳播謠言”。附件The emails that I sent to request uproot pandemic有社交媒體封殺我的留言的截圖。可是,現在,世界衛生組織的網站上還有禁用羥氯喹的帖文。正道不行,邪道盛行。 


Please tell Zhong Nanshan, he is in misleading public with good intention making bad result.

From:Team Outlook.com  

Sent:  March 24, 2020 19:41

To:jeffyah@163.com jeffyah@163.com ()

Subject: If talk about TCM, stop talk about virus   

 Lianhuaqingwen exerts anti-viral and anti-inflammatory activity against novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)  

Please tell Zhong Nanshan, he is in misleading public with good intention making bad result. The philosophy of western medicine has badly injured the brain of you all.   

Mar. 16, 2020, there is a report indirectly revealed the theoretical base of TCM cured patients in COVID-19.   

The researchers at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, the University of Melbourne published research reportBreadth of concomitant immune responses prior to patient recovery: a case report of non-severe COVID-19to have introduced thatCOVID-19: The immune system can fight backaccording to the clinical case.   

Just such a reason, in fighting against 2003 SARS and now in fighting against COVID-19 pneumonia, Chinese medicinals are both played key role in curing patients.    

Chinese Medicine - A Promising Therapeutic Approach  





金傳春 教授: chwanchuen@gmail.com 

杜裕康 教授兼所長: yukangtu@ntu.edu.tw 

郭柏秀 教授 副所長: phkuo@ntu.edu.tw 

蕭朱杏 教授 副院長: ckhsiao@ntu.edu.tw 

於明暉 教授: yumw@ntu.edu.tw 

方啟泰 教授: fangct@ntu.edu.tw 


From: Outlook.com Team
Sent: May 28, 2022 19:18
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Subject: 呼吸道殺毒 結速疫情

呼吸道殺毒 結速疫情 

致 林毅夫教授 












您好,全家都好。我是李洪德,來自中國大陸的獨立技術移民,現居加拿大。最近,西方人獻身變異的新冠病毒贈送亞洲,導致多國疫情升溫。台灣人感染發病急升,2022年5月26日《單日104死 母抬棺抗議政府 陳時中嗬嗬要小孩自己注意》,2022年5月27日,《單日126死 陳時中還在警訊 綠讚蔡英文防疫慈母多敗兒》。






您是研究經濟的,看看新浪網這篇文章,2022年4月28日,《疫情之下 長三角如何“穩外貿”》:“疫情之前的第一季度,長三角進出口貿易發展迅猛,交易額占全國36.8%,對全國經濟增長起到了強拉動作用。而如今,疫情當前,長三角地區多地道路資源封控,進出口貿易正陷入困局。長三角地區的外貿正受到兩大主要影響,首先是外貿企業的訂單積壓問題,工廠內原材料遲遲不能到位,工人無法及時到崗,產能恢複緩慢。” 



2022年5月25日, 《北京兩高校學生夜間抗議 打出口號》, 2022年5月27日, 《防疫措施引眾怒 天津大學爆發抗議 學生高喊反官僚、反形式主義》。

2022年5月13日, 中國政府網發布視頻,國家衛健委醫政醫管局監察專員郭燕紅宣布要在大城市建立步行15分鍾核酸"采樣圈"。



針對這種現象,早在2020年2月21日,我就寫了文章Some medical experts are in acting as the Killer aid of SARS-CoV-2,指出:“This article will irritate some people, but at this critical moment, I must knock their heads to wake them up to turn on right way for rescuing people. Facing with the tragedy of virus increasingly killing people, any treatments must be boldly tried, rather than restricted by the excuse of unscientific.” 

“For defeating COVID-19 lies not in new drugs but lies in getting rid of the constraints of scientific or unscientific, they mislead people overemphasizing on synthetic drugs by rejecting experience proved folk remedies and overemphasizing on killing pathogens by ignoring boosting autoimmune.” 

現在,兩年多的時間過去,這些專家已經創下幫助病毒殺害數百萬無辜的功績,為了讓大家看看他們是如何草率地殺人,2021年3月12日,我又寫了文章《新冠疫情催生新型犯罪 西醫教化的人 利用善心殺人》。 


2022年5月20日,《朝鮮新增超20萬發燒病例 短短10天10%人口感染》,2022年5月28日,《國務院聯防聯控機製2022年5月27日新聞發布會文字實錄》,2022年5月27日吉林近期部分抵邊縣報告本土病例,且感染來源不明確,疫情有自抵邊地區逐漸向內陸地區擴散趨勢,已出現外溢,需高度重視輸入風險,強化外防輸入各項措施。 













2...看過我的文章《新冠疫情催生新型犯罪西醫教化的人 利用善心殺人》,您會被西醫醫學的馴化的人的荒謬震驚。必須用中醫哲學革命西醫哲學,互相兼容,優勢互補,從而革新疾病治療的理念和藥物概念,用食用醋,腿黑色素,調整分子醫學藥物和中醫藥物,就能實現疾病治療上的突破。減輕人民和政府的醫療負擔。西醫合成藥物和基因藥物,都做不到,  



如果可能,我希望,請參加2022年5月14日清華五道口首席經濟學家論壇的、橋水基金創始人Ray Dalio幫忙看看我的英文文章Uproot pandemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus,在本文,我提出了中華文明與西方文明不同的原因,在於各自的地理因素,中國得利於地理完整自古大一統,西方受害於地理造成的條塊分割。我認為,我的這個有關文明起源的推論,具有學術意義,有突破性。現在,此文僅僅是隨想日記,詞句不通,不可讀,主要是看看內容是否可行。疫情結束後,我再進一步完善。 

我注意到,與他人不同, Ray Dalio是少有能夠從文明和哲學層麵,看中國人的思維和行為的理性,反思西方人的思維和行為的無理性。從中國人和西方人的本性和質量的層麵,來理解中華文明與西方文明的不同。反觀那些宣講China will be the no.1, China rules the world的人,其實,並不理解中國,其言論的實際效果,恰恰與他們的初衷相反。 


最後提議,請您看看這個理性的白人看白人的愚蠢,The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good。您曾經當過世界銀行首席經濟學家兼發展經濟學高級副行長,環境所限,您大概也沒能做一些有意義的事兒。西方那些玩意兒,拿愚蠢做聰明,認錯誤為正確,害人致命。 

40多歲來到加拿大生活20多年,看清了自由民主的智障胡鬧,看清了普世價值、自由和人權的實際社會價值 – 保護壞人放肆胡為,讓每個人都生活在恐怖之中,才理解了什麽是人類文明。因此,對受過西方教育的人,說話有些不恭。 


My view on Entrepreneur and Enterprise inspired by Peter Shoore 

How to save Canada's manufacturing from disappearing 

The DNA of the Success of IBM and America’s best-run companies 

A letter to Grote Industries Waterloo - good use of employee's innovative potential 

Chinese Medicine - A Promising Therapeutic Approach 




李洪德禮 2022年5月 28日 於加拿大 




















宋誌平教授,中國上市公司協會會長,中國企業改革與發展研究會會長: office@capco.org.cnzhongguoqiyan@126.com 










胡鞍鋼教授,清華大學國情研究院院長: anganghu@tsinghua.edu.cn 


王亞華 教授,清華大學國情研究院副院長: wangyahua@tsinghua.edu.cn 

孟慶國 教授,清華大學中國農村研究院 副院長:meng@tsinghua.edu.cn 

過勇 教授,清華大學公共管理學院廉政與治理研究中心副主任:guo@tsinghua.edu.cn 



金傳春 教授: chwanchuen@gmail.com 

杜裕康 教授兼所長: yukangtu@ntu.edu.tw 

郭柏秀 教授 副所長: phkuo@ntu.edu.tw 

蕭朱杏 教授 副院長: ckhsiao@ntu.edu.tw 

於明暉 教授: yumw@ntu.edu.tw 

方啟泰 教授: fangct@ntu.edu.tw 

李文宗 教授: wenchung@ntu.edu.tw 

林先和 教授: hsienho@ntu.edu.tw 

洪 弘 教授: hhung@ntu.edu.tw 

張淑惠 教授: shuhui@ntu.edu.tw 

陳秀熙 教授: chenlin@ntu.edu.tw 

陳為堅 教授: wjchen@ntu.edu.tw 

程蘊菁 教授: karenchen@ntu.edu.tw 

簡國龍 教授: klchien@ntu.edu.tw 

曾仲瑩 教授: jytzeng@stat.ncsu.edu 

李明瑱 教授: Marion.Lee@ucsf.edu 

李君愷 教授: jjlee@mdanderson.org 

丁美齡 教授: mltlee@umd.edu 

黃立民 教授: lmhuang@ntu.edu.tw 

黃彥棕 教授: ythuang@stat.sinica.edu.tw 

陳建煒 教授: kachan@ntu.edu.tw 

莊曜宇 教授: chuangey@ntu.edu.tw 

莊立民 教授: leeming@ntu.edu.tw 

溫在弘 教授: wenthung@ntu.edu.tw 

張鑾英 教授: lychang@ntu.edu.tw 

高淑芬 教授: gaushufe@ntu.edu.tw 

陳維鈞 教授: wjchen@mail.cgu.edu.tw 

黃景祥 教授: jshwang@stat.sinica.edu.tw 

沈誌陽 教授: bmcys@ibms.sinica.edu.tw 

陳娟瑜 教授: chuanychen@ym.edu.tw 

李宜家 教授: yichialee@ntu.edu.tw 

嚴明芳 教授: amyyen@tmu.edu.tw 

賴超倫 教授: chaolunlai@ntu.edu.tw 

賴美淑 教授: mslai@ntu.edu.tw 

季瑋珠 教授: weichu@ntu.edu.tw 

謝謝金傳春教授視頻《26分鐘諌言 台灣防疫成敗關鍵》,不過,我建議把視頻中講的那些東西扔進垃圾堆,因為,自己祖宗發展的經驗醫學才是人類醫學。如果真心想治病救命,就把這封信轉發給認識的醫生,尤其是那些在ICU治病救命的醫生們,她/他們才是在真心救人。看看我的文章《新冠疫情催生新型犯罪 西醫教化的人 利用善心殺人》。金教授的演講的目的,是想說服民主政客幹人事兒,是妄想。要審視台灣的出路,是獨裁者蔣經國支持建立的工研院,把台灣發展為亞洲四小龍之首。隨後,玩民主的智障們,把台灣玩出四小龍。我建議,以工研院為基地。由企業家和大學教授為立法委員,組建立法會,再由立法會任免各級政府的官員。不要繼續跟玩民主的智障們玩顏色了。 



張  英,大健康新聞部記者:zhangying@eeo.com.cn 


周一帆,廣州采訪部記者 :zhouyifan@eeo.com.cn 





致張曉剛博士 請求協助結速疫情

TO Team Outlook.com

Mon 2021-08-23 21:11?

To: info@sparklink.org.cn

Cc: yao@pku.edu.cn;


針對哺乳動物呼吸道殺毒 停止新型冠狀病毒感染的流行 Aug.11, 2021.docx

3 MB

Uproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus.docx

3 MB


3 MB

Vinegar, Vc, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases.docx

2 MB

The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19.docx

3 MB

人,智力,本性,心理 與 社會治理人性化.docx

2 MB

董仲舒的天人三策 奠定中華文明的根基.docx

129 KB

My view on Entrepreneur and Enterprise inspired by Peter Shoore.html

6 MB

Authorize non-partisan Super leadership to assist social governance.html

4 MB

Management is the Art of Playing Human Nature.doc

476 KB

How to save Canada’s manufacturing from disappear.docx

1 MB

Chinese Medicine - A Promising Therapeutic Approach.docx

2 MB

?Show all 12 attachments (30 MB)?Save all to OneDrive?Download all

致 星閃聯盟理事長 張曉剛博士

SparkLink 星閃聯盟


010-65308533;  info@sparklink.org.cn



要茂盛教授,北京大學環境科學與工程學院 yao@pku.edu.cn

張伯禮教授, 天津中醫藥大學校長 tutcm@hotmail.com









   1... 2021年6月9日,《針對哺乳動物呼吸道殺毒 停止新型冠狀病毒感染的流行

2... Feb. 11 – Aug, 18, 2021, Uproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus



1... 快速研究 結速疫情 

1.1... 用次氯酸或醋對哺乳動物呼吸道殺毒 




1.2... 用醋治療被新冠病毒感染的患者 


您可以與要茂盛教授聯係,聽聽他的意見,北京電話: 13120205311。看看北大附屬醫院是否收治新冠病患者?如果收治,那就方便了。 


2...長期研究 機理探索 



可以發表我的文章,1... 和下麵的 6...和 7...。主要目的是解決意識形態的混亂問題。上麵的2...可以發表,最好是新加坡的英文刊物,減少意識形態偏見的影響,以利全球推廣。 





李洪德禮 2021年8月23日 於加拿大 



3... 2020年1月23日,《食用醋、Vc、B3和中藥可快速治愈2019新型冠狀病毒肺炎

4... Vinegar, Vc, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases


5... 2020年5月1日,The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19

上文列出了自2020年3月12日起,我連續發給位於加拿大滑鐵盧市的肉食品廠DC Foods Inc. 的6封電子郵件,指出戴口罩和針對呼吸道殺毒的重要。自2020年3月13日起,該廠執行我的指導,實現了零感染。10公裏之外的一個分廠,幾次員工感染,密接觸者居家隔離,不敢雇傭新員工,影響了按期完成供貨合同。這個實例,堅定了我對呼吸道殺毒作用的信心,並寫了此文。

6... 2021年1月26日,《人,智力,本性,心理與社會治理人性化

7... 2019年9月27日,《董仲舒的天人三策 奠定中華文明的根基

8... 2015年6月25日,My view on Entrepreneur and Enterprise inspired by Peter Shoore 


9... 2001年7月25日,《求鞍鋼總經理劉玠為曹蔭之姚衛薰夫婦解決住房問題》 


10... Jan. 30, 2016,Gov-authorize non-partisan Super Leadership to assist social governance

11... Feb. 09, 2014,  Management is the Art of Playing Human Nature

12... May 18, 2016,  How to save Canada's manufacturing from disappearing

13... Dec. 21 2011, Chinese Medicine - A Promising Therapeutic Approach


致要茂盛教授   2021年1月2日 


010 62767282, yao@pku.edu.cn





December 31, 2020, Millions of Americans Are Calling In Sick, Stunting the Recovery 




李洪德禮   2021年1月2日 於加拿大,安省,滑鐵盧市


致李蘭娟教授, 停止病毒的複製 結束新冠流行

Fri 2021-04-09 7:43

To: ljli@zju.edu.cn

致張伯禮教授 吸入式消毒劑勝過疫苗接種 Jan. 19, 2021.docx

339 KB


851 KB

消除新冠病毒流行 必須停止病毒複製 中醫斃西醫原理.docx

3 MB

新冠疫情催生新型犯罪 西醫教化的人 利用善心殺人.docx

196 KB

The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19.docx

10 MB

人,智力,本性,心理 與 社會治理人性化.docx

2 MB


3 MB

Uproot epidemic by inhalable antiviral volatile stopping the replication of virus.docx

2 MB?

?Show all 8 attachments (21 MB)?Save all to OneDrive?Download all


教授、主任醫師 博士生導師


單位醫學院附屬第一醫院 | 醫學院


地址 浙醫一院6號樓研究方向

電話 0571-87236458郵箱 ljli@zju.edu.cn





李洪德禮  2021年4月9日 於加拿大滑鐵盧市



發件人: Team Outlook.com

發送時間: 2021年4月8日 19:37

收件人: tutcm@hotmail.com tutcm@hotmail.com

主題: 致張伯禮教授, 停止病毒的複製 結束新冠流行 




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上述思路很好,可是,2021年2月25日,香港大學的研究人員發表文章Robust SARS-CoV-2 infection in nasal turbinates after treatment with systemic neutralizing antibodies 說,疫苗可抑製新冠病毒在肺部複製和減輕損傷;但是,不能阻止病毒侵入鼻甲複製和傳播。










1... 國內研究快速結束疫情的方法 

1.1... 開發吸入式兒消毒劑 


附件文章The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19介紹了我發現吸入式消毒劑可避免新冠感染的過程。                       



1.2... 研究各種疫苗抗體的免疫功能 

當務之急,中國立刻組織力量驗證世界各種疫苗產生的抗體能否避免呼吸道被感染為病毒複製和傳播。附件文章《致張伯禮教授 吸入式消毒劑勝過疫苗接種》就是談論疫苗替代物問題。

1.3... 研究是否血漿治療新冠患者導致病毒變異 

2021年2月7日,文章《《自然》揭示新冠病毒在一患者體內的演化:變異株有選擇優勢》說,一名感染了SARS-CoV-2的七十多歲的免疫抑製男性患者,曾接受過淋巴瘤化療。該患者於2020年夏季入院,在 101天裏接受過抗生素、類固醇,以及幾個療程的瑞德西韋和恢複期血漿治療,但都不見效。在經曆前兩輪恢複期血漿治療後,第66天到第82天之間,其體內病毒株發生改變。該患者體內一個新冠病毒變異株的比例開始增加。造成感染的新冠病毒變異株屬於譜係20B,它的刺突蛋白上攜帶了會造成D614G替換的突變。該變異株的刺突蛋白上出現了兩個突變:一個是位點69/70的缺失突變(出現在英國變異株B.1.1.7中),還有一個會造成D796H替換的突變。該變異株在患者經曆第三輪瑞德西韋(第93天)和恢複期血漿(第95天)治療後又重新出現。

1.4... 用易得的食物做治療藥物 



蜂蜜具有廣譜的治病和保健功能。腿黑色素調節睡眠和免疫,還能快速優化腸道菌群。我的經驗,日5毫克腿黑色素2周後,徹底改善我長期存在的消化問題,大便量致原來的 2/3 - 1/2,成型,軟,徹底消除便秘。通過改善營養供應治病,勝過藥物。維生素C具有全方位保健功能,中藥更是具有全方位保健功能,但不是人人可得,作為可選項。根據我自己的經驗,我推薦組方如下。

用水稀釋10 – 20 毫升5%濃度的醋 + 20毫升蜂蜜,服用 5 – 10毫克腿黑色素 + 3克維生素 C + OTC中藥片劑。這裏,中藥片劑選用黃芪綜合保健,刺五加雙向調節中樞神經,何首烏的蘆薈大黃素消炎和促進腸蠕動,複方丹參片促進微循環。


2... 把加拿大打造成快速結束疫情的樣板 

在中國,要推動上述項目很容易。但是,在加拿大要推動這件事,很難。必須有一位能夠同時推動政界和醫界的權威人士。這個人就是加拿大第20任總理克雷蒂安Jean Chretien。但是,需要您出麵電話求助他,這是我給您寫信的主要目的。

2.1... 克雷蒂安對人類文明有清醒的認知 

月前,我上傳了視頻Pierre Trudeau comments about Deng Xiaoping in 1994,在視頻的2’16’’ – 2’49’’, 有加拿大現總理賈斯丁特魯多的父親皮埃爾·特魯多對鄧小平的評論,這是我見過的最確切的評論:鄧小平務實,有原則並付諸實踐,可以選擇不同的路線達到相同目的,但是,目標隻有一個,那就是中國的強大,中國的統一和中國的穩定。

這個評論令我感動, 2015年10月17日,我搜集資料,了解特魯多,寫了文章Pierre Trudeau and the establishment of Canada's diplomatic relation with China。老特魯多對社會主義中國的友好是源自對人類文明的認知,他的哈佛畢業論文題目是《共產主義和宗教》。29歲時,騎摩托車周遊歐洲,後來到中國走訪一個月,說,他眼見的中國,與西方的報道不同。他說,白宮裏麵的人都是小醜,因此,他帶領加拿大采取獨立外交政策。

由此可以理解皮埃爾·特魯多當年的得力助手克雷蒂安的人品,他對中國友好,也是源自對人類文明的認知。針對加拿大民主的胡鬧,2016年1月30日, 我寫了<Gov-authorize non-partisan Super Leadership to assist social governance> 並寄給克雷蒂安。


From Labelle, Denise; Administrative Assistant Adjointe du très honorable Jean Chrétien

2016/8/10 17:19?

D +1 613 783 9696; denise.labelle@dentons.com

Dear Mr. Li, 

I would like to acknowledge receipt of your email sent to Dentons team for Mr. Chrétien, August 10th at 14:55. 

Mr. Chrétien will be receiving you email tomorrow. You may send your emails to my email address when it comes to Mr. Chrétien. 

Thank you and have a wonderful evening.

Denise Labelle

加拿大大成律師事務所與中國北京的大成律師事務所合並,中國彭雪峰是管理合夥人及全球董事會主席, 電話 +86 10 5813 7799, 大成北京律師事務所網站



613 783 9696; denise.labelle@dentons.com 能直接與克雷蒂安的助手聯係,然後,可與克雷蒂安談話。

與克雷蒂安的助手說您是受Ontario Waterloo Frank 的委托。他的助手會馬上明白,不然,顯得唐突。疫情爆發以後,我給Denise打了問候電話,因為丈夫身體不好,她一直在家辦公。作為政治家,克雷蒂安相信的人,Denise的能力也錯不了。

2.2... 要做的事兒 

2.2.1... 加拿大聯邦政府出麵製作記錄片 


從2020年3月12日,我發給他們第一封Email開始,該廠就設置專人負責日常消毒,人接觸過的水龍頭,用過的餐桌,等等,立刻噴灑消毒液,然後用抹布擦幹。由此,餐廳和衛生間,整天充滿消毒液的味道。其他肉食品廠員工感染的報道不斷,我指導的這家工廠沒有人被感染。據此,2020年5月1日,我寫了《醋基組合物能夠消除新冠病毒的流行》The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19

2.2.2... 加拿大疫情惡化 政府急需援手 

2021年4月6日, 《冠狀病毒變種在卑詩省引起越來越嚴重的警覺隨著病例激增,住院率上升》Coronavirus variants causing growing alarm in B.C. as cases surge, hospitalizations rise說,P1變種的病?例數幾乎翻一番,越來越多的新冠病例來自變異病毒。而且,患者年輕化(年齡在20至50歲之間),需要重症監護,而去年,需要重症監護的主要是老年人。專家越來越擔心卑詩省的嚴重新冠病例激增,使醫院不堪重負。

2021年4月2日,文章《加拿大一家三口感染 分送三地ICU搶救 不幸全部去世》:過去通常是家庭長者患病,需要進入ICU搶救,其他家庭成員出現比較輕微的症狀。但現在,有時一個家庭全部需要ICU救護,但由於ICU病床不夠,一個家庭需分到不同城市、醫院救治。

2021年4月3日,文章《加國安省陽性率高達4.7%成“開封府”,具體措施公布》說, 安省陽性率達4.7%,主要的變異病毒B1.1.7類型正在迅速增加,該變異病毒會使患者的住院風險增加63%,進入ICU風險增加103%。

2021年2月28日,看過文章《冰山的一角,新冠後遺症患者麵臨財務危機》The tip of the iceberg COVID long-haulers facing financial ruin,我進行搜索,發現,在加拿大,有許多新冠後遺症患者因無法工作而失去生活來源。他們申請保險補償和殘疾人補償失敗。我覺得,難點在於,他們看上很健康,沒人相信他們會失去工作能力。

英國的情況也類似,2021年1月17日報道,《近1/3的新冠康複者在5個月內重返醫院,其中1/8死亡》Almost a third of recovered Covid patients return to hospital in five months and one in eight die,在第一波出院的47,780人中,有29.4%在140天中再次入院,死亡12.3%。冠狀病毒幸存者遭受毀滅性的長期後遺症,許多人發展為糖尿病,心髒問題和肝腎疾病。

這些新冠後遺症患者將是西方國家的大麻煩,數量太大,需要社會幫助,大大降低勞工素質。還有,變異病毒感染者正在快速增加,症狀更嚴重,更致命,醫院不堪重負。我確信,以食用醋,蜂蜜,腿黑色素和維生素 C 為主,就能快速治愈住院的和已經出院的新冠感染者,減輕政府的壓力。引入中藥治療效果會更好。




2.2.3... 做與中國相同的實驗 






李洪德 禮, 2021年4月3日 於加拿大安省滑鐵盧市 











From:   Outlook.com Team sinohealer@hotmail.com

To:   "ceo@ceo.gov.hk"

Date:  10/03/2022 03:48

Subject:  呼吸道殺毒,消除香港的疫情




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香港行政長官林鄭月娥的回信 2022-3-11

Sent: March 11, 2022 1:41
To:Outlook.com Team
Subject:Re: 呼吸道殺毒,消除香港的疫情 

李先生 :



(陳建豪 代行)


2... 致衛生署署長林文健的信及其回複

From: Outlook.com Team
To: "enquiry_chpweb@dh.gov.hk"
Date: 08/03/2022 01:53 AM
Subject: 呼吸道殺毒   消除香港的疫情




From: enquiry_chpweb@dh.gov.hk 
Sent: March 9, 2022 3:58
To: sinohealer@hotmail.com
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Subject: 呼吸道殺毒 消除香港的疫情


致查詢者 ︰  


From:  Outlook.com Team sinohealer@hotmail.com

To:   "cso@cso.gov.hk" cso@cso.gov.hk

Date:  07/03/2022 22:30

Subject: 呼吸道殺毒 消除香港的疫情 


















From: CSO
Sent: March 29, 2022 5:22
Subject:Re: 呼吸道殺毒 消除香港的疫情




政務司司長辦公室政務主任   王沅翊

From:    Outlook.com Team sinohealer@hotmail.com

To:      "cso@cso.gov.hk" cso@cso.gov.hk

Date:    07/03/2022 22:30

Subject: 呼吸道殺毒  消除香港的疫情 




















香港醫院管理局(852) 2300 6555;enquiry@ha.org.hk



新聞主任:留言信箱2300 8811,newsdo@ha.org.hk

Queen Mary Hospital:yuenkk1@ha.org.hk

CUHK Medical Centre:general@cuhkmc.hk


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溫浩根護理安老院:elderly2@swd.gov.hk,rchewebpage@swd.gov.hk,ccsv@swd.gov.hk, csv@swd.gov.hk,




中華智慧管理學院院長,彭泓基: chinese.wisdoms@gmail.com
馬池看世界: machiandu@hotmail.com



      李洪德2022年3月3 - 6日,於加拿大.



以色列是一個接種新冠疫苗最積極,也是接種率最高的國家,因而,被吹捧。然而,幾年前,以色列頂級免疫學家,教授Yehuda Shoenfeld,就曾經警告說:HPV疫苗與一種或多種自身免疫綜合征有關。

2022年2月1日,以色列免疫學家,教授Ehud Qimron發文Ministry of Health, it's time to admit failure,質疑以色列衛生部推行疫苗政策的失敗。因為,接種疫苗的人不但沒有好轉,反而更頻繁地被感染。


From: Outlook.com Team sinohealer@hotmail.com

Sent:March 31, 2022 19:48
To:shio@shio.gov.cn ; shuji@shmu.edu.cn ; medcenter@fudan.edu.cn




Spokespersons Team - (021) 2311 9799

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Mail: shio@shio.gov.cn














李洪德 禮,2022年3月31日,於加拿大 

From:Outlook.com Team
Sent:March 31, 2022 3:02
To:digitalsupport@e.scmp.com ; support@scmp.com ; nadia.lam@scmp.com ; amanda.lee@scmp.com ; denise.tsang@scmp.com ; xiangwei.wang@scmp.com ; wuzunyou@chinaaids.cn ; yhj@fudan.edu.cn ; wenhongzhang_hs@126.com ; chenliang_jlu@126.com ; wgs@jlu.edu.cn ; 13944165683@163.com <13944165683@163.com>; jinxq@jlu.edu.cn ; guanqx@jlu.edu.cn ; sinohealer@hotmail.com
Subject:質詢港府官員 疫情防治  



    李洪德2022年3月29日 於加拿大 





上述建議,於2022年3月6日寄給香港醫院管理局高拔陞行政總裁,沒有回複。又寄給其他港府官員,得到回複,而且,香港政府是獨一無二的、係統自動回複之後,人工回信的政府。然而,根據新冠病死亡人數的報道判斷,我的建議沒有得到實施,如果實施,死亡人數將很少。特寫此信請求香港立法委員黃英豪律師和South China Morning Post 的記者,請求香港特區政府負責疫情防治的官員給出書麵解釋。   

2022年3月28日,美國CNN發表文章Studies link Covid-19 infection with increased risk of new diabetes diagnosis,由於染新冠病無法產生胰島素。36歲的霍布斯新冠病痊愈一年後,腦霧,肝酶,關節疼是常態,現在,患上2型糖尿病。德國,與從未被感染的人相比,即使是輕度感染,患2型糖尿病的風險達28%。美國,新冠病痊愈1年後,患糖尿病風險達40%。ICU痊愈的患者,患糖尿病風險達276%(?)。文章特別指出,誘發患糖尿病風險的罪魁,可能是來自醫生拯救患者生命時,所使用的類固醇藥物。


有些西醫馴化的大仙專家,為貪婪,不消除病毒,為長期玩弄疫苗和抗體藥物,搖唇鼓舌,勸大家與病毒和平相處。2022年3月30日,加拿大安省第六波疫情開啟得過的人仍再感染幾率增加。2022年3月31日,港大:兒童Omicron病死率遠超流感15%現神經係統併發症 團隊成員:兒童可用療法有限。 





香港金鐘夏慤道18號 海富中心第2座23樓 

011 86 852 2525-0733,info@pwkwco.com.hk 

















Jan 24, 2022, in YouTube videoThe SARS2 Pandemic: Will Truth Prevail, the resigned White House Coronavirus Adviser, and Prof. Scott Atlas disappointed sighs with that “the management of this pandemic has left a stain on many of America’s once noble institutions, including our elite universities, research institutes and journals, and public health agencies. Among the most damaged has been the harm to the essential functioning of science, research, and debate.” 

事實上,Scott Atlas教授指出的新冠病防治的混亂現象,不僅僅局限於美國,而是遍布西醫主導的所有國家。按Scott Atlas教授的描述,新冠病防治的實踐,是典型社會精神病發作。因為西醫醫學扭曲人的心智,拿愚蠢做聰明,認錯誤為正確,行錯為好。 




同時South China Morning Post的記者,在參加港府新冠疫情通報會時,提出口頭和書麵質詢,讓她/他們解釋,為什麽有的部門沒有回複我的新冠病防治建議的郵件,已經回複郵件的部門,根據我提出的建議,做了哪些工作?為什麽沒有用食醋治療新冠患者? 



最後,借此機會,對仝小林院士說幾句題外話,2021年1月11日文章《河北疫情敲警鍾 張伯禮:這倆月很重要 還有人罵中醫》說:“張伯禮告訴記者,在武漢時,他的團隊治愈了一名30多歲的男性患者。離開方艙醫院時,這名患者沒有像其他人那樣對醫護人員表示感謝,而是說了一番不客氣的話:‘別看你們中醫治好了我,我也不相信中醫。雖然你們能治好,但你們說不出是怎麽治好的!’”。“這也是多年來令中醫飽受質疑的觀點。張伯禮覺得這名患者的話雖然刺耳,但不無道理。這也可以看做是一個課題。‘中醫不但要治好病人,還要揭示治療機理。我們要把古老的中醫用現代科學、現代語言詮釋好,不但解釋自己,還可以豐富發展現代醫學的研究內容。’”







李洪德 禮,2022年3月29日,於加拿大 




衞生署署長林文健: enquiry_chpweb@dh.gov.hk 













South China Morning Post  

Tammy Tam, Edditor-in-Chief: 


Nadia Lam:nadia.lam@scmp.com 

Amanda Lee: amanda.lee@scmp.com 

Denise Tsang:denise.tsang@scmp.com 

Wang Xiangwei:xiangwei.wang@scmp.com









陳 亮教授,白求恩第一醫院:chenliang_jlu@126.com 








Uproot pandemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus


     Frank (Hongde Li); Feb. 11 – 19, 2021. Updated in Mar. 6 - 31, April 1– 29, July 9 – Nov. 3, 2021; Jan 23, Feb. 5, 6, 9, 16, 2022, in Canada.


    Note: This is a reedited from Jan. 26, 2020 article <Vinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases>, May 1, 2020 article <The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19>, May 15, 2020 article <Why hydroxychloroquine dumped in the West, but takes as magic in China> and many other articles. 

Kill viruses directly is easier than that of vaccination 

According to the experience that I conducted meats plant in zero infection; by antiviral air killing virus in people’s respiratory tractto defeat Covid-19 is easier than that of prevention; and 2 years’ practices show that is safe and effective. 

For being able to realize the synchronous action by the people globally, the used medicinals must be safe for people self-helping, cheaper, sufficient and handy available for anyone; so that I suggest daily diets and diet supplements. 

The diet vinegar will be the best one to kill all kind of viruses by the electro-negativity of the oxygen atoms while the electro-negativitycan stimulate the physiological activities of covalent bonded body to cure potential existing diseases. 


.     TheLD50 of vinegar is 3,320 mg/kg, which is 165g/50kg; and 20ml 5%vinegar is equal to pure in 1gram. Since ancient, the people of China have been using vinegar to cure various thorny diseases. Thousands of years’ global folk use as diet and medication has proved that vinegar is safe in-taking without side effect. Practical cases showed that the corrosive injury of high concentration of vinegar can quickly be self recovered with complications. 

Therefore vinegar is the best agent for beating Covid-19 in both prevention and treatment; especially cures the complications of those Covid survivors in tormenting. I suggest the methods for use of vinegar as below. 

A.. To inhale diet vinegar mixed air in daily once will be able to kill the virus in respiratory tract; while it will increase immune cells, decrease abdominal fat, and eliminate snoring and apnea with wide range of health-benefits. 

B.. If we make a portable sprayer with fragrance mixed vinegar or Hypochlorite for people use in daily once; then people will be able to confidently engaged in social activities as normal without need of vaccination and Covid test.  

C.. To set antiviral air generator in the public facilities and home rooms; to ensure all people globally able to inhale flavor and vinegar or Hypochlorite mixed air in daily once; then the epidemic will be ended in a period of weeks. 

D.. To cure covid-19 patientsby diet vinegar fumigating hospitals’ wards or homes’ rooms in several times daily, add several milliliters of diet vinegar in water for filtering oxygen to the patients who need the aid in oxygenating. 

E.. Water dilute 20ml 5% diet vinegar(1 gram pure vinegar) per 50 kg body weight to drink 4 times daily;it will be able to cure covid-19 patientsin 1 or 2 days without complications; no matter the patients are in mild or critical state.

F.. It is better to use diet vinegar combining with any or all of; Honey 20 ml + Melatonin 5 mg + Vitamin C 3g + OTC natural medicinals of TCM, such as, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule.  

The approach of inhaling diet vinegar mixed air as prevention and treatment for Covid-19 will be warm welcomed, due to the broader health benefits of vinegar will attract people willingly enjoying than that of promoting vaccinations.

According to the atomic structure of the Hypochlorite; I infer its physiological function similar as that of vinegar in good than bad when being properly used.

Here, I infer that inhaling vinegar or Hypochlorite mixed air in daily once will be able to eliminate all kind of airborne infectious diseases. The diet vinegar combines diet supplements will be able to cure contact infectious diseases. . 



Sep. 29 to below branches of WHO:

WHO Representative Office in China: wpchnwr@who.int

WHO China media office: wpchnmedia@who.int 

WHO Media Contacts Margaret Harris: harrism@who.int

Western Pacific Office Philippines: wprocom@who.int

WHO Representative in Viet Nam: wpvnmwr@who.int

Bangladesh: sebanregistry@who.int

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: wrindia@who.int

Indonesia: sewhoindonesia@who.int

Maldives: sewhomav@who.int

Myanmar: semmr@who.int

Nepal: senepwr@who.int

Sri Lanka: sesrlregistry@who.int

Thailand: setharegistry@who.int

Timor-Leste: sharmar@who.int

South Africa Office: afwcozawr@who.int  media: afwcozamedia@who.int

Professor Zhang Bo, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; tutcm@hotmail.com

Professor Li Lanjuan, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, ljli@zju.edu.cn

Professor Maosheng Yao at Bioaerosol Laboratory; Peking University; yao@pku.edu.cn



The honorable Justin Trudeau:justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca

The honorable Chrystia Freeland:Chrystia.Freeland@parl.gc.ca

Ontario premier Doug Ford: premier@ontario.ca

The managements of Windsor city 

Drew Dilkens, Mayor of Windsor: mayoro@citywindsor.ca?

Fred Francis, City Councillors of Windsor: ffrancis@citywindsor.ca

Rino Bortolin,City Councillors of Windsor: rbortolin@citywindsor.ca

Fabio Costante,City Councillors of Windsor: fcostante@citywindsor.ca

Windsor Regional Hospital 

David Musyj, President and CEO: David.Musyj@wrh.on.ca

Wassim Saad, Chief of Staff: Wassim.Saad@wrh.on.ca

Karen Riddell, Chief Operating Officer: Karen.Riddell@wrh.on.ca

Amelie Boisclair, Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital 

Amelie Boisclair, ICU, Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital:maryse.berube@ssss.gouv.qc.ca 

The officials of federal and provincial Canada 

Justin Trudeau, the PM of Canada:justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca 

Candice Bergen, Conservative Leader:candice.bergen@parl.gc.ca 

Jim Watson, the Mayor of Ottawa:Jim.Watson@Ottawa.ca 

Peter Sloly, the Chief of Police Service:info@ottawapolice.ca 

Doug Ford; the Premier of Ontario:premier@ontario.ca 

Jason Kenney, Premier of Alberta:premier@gov.ab.ca 

Jason Copping, Health Minister of Alberta:health.minister@gov.ab.ca 

Heather Stefanson, Premier of Manitoba:premier@leg.gov.mb.ca 

Audrey Gordon, Health Minister of Manitoba:minhsc@leg.gov.mb.ca 

Blaine Higgs, Premier of New Brunswick:premier@gnb.ca 

Katelyn Thomas, Montreal Gazette:  kthomas@postmedia.com,citynews@montrealgazette.com



French Professor Didier Raoult: Didier.raoult@gmail.com 


The Lancet Journal

Lancet Editor: Richard Horton:richard.horton@lancet.com

Lancet Deputy Editor:Astrid James:astrid.james@lancet.com



Irit Ben Abba, the Ambassador of Israel to China: Info@beijing.mfa.gov.ilconsular@beijing.mfa.gov.il

Israeli Ministry of Health: Call.Habriut@moh.health.gov.il

Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs: pniot@mfa.gov.il

Biotech Company Amorphical, founder and CEO, Yossi Beninfo@amorphical.com



Sep. 30: German Consulate General in Toronto, Canada

(416) 925 2813;Emailinfo@toronto.diplo.de



1 Private Secretary to Prime Minister

Mrs Connie CHAN, PB: connie_chan@pmo.gov.sg 

2 Private Secretary to Prime Minister

Ms YEO Lim, PB, PBS: yeo_lim@pmo.gov.sg 

Minister for Trade and Industry

GAN Kim Yong: GAN_Kim_Yong@mti.gov.sg 

Minister for Health:

ONG Ye Kung: ong_ye_kung@moh.gov.sg 

Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies

HENG Swee Keat: HENG_Swee_Keat@pmo.gov.sg 

Personal Assistant to Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies

Ms Irene See: Irene_SEE@pmo.gov.sg

Ms Sally TAN: Sally_TAN@pmo.gov.sg 

Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security

TEO Chee Hean: teo_chee_hean@pmo.gov.sg

Personal Assistant to Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security

Ms Patrina TAN: patrina_tan@pmo.gov.sg

 Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for Social Policies

Tharman SHANMUGARATNAM: tharman_s@pmo.gov.sg 

Personal Assistant to Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for Social Policies

LOH Pang Shing, PB, PBS: loh_pang_shing@pmo.gov.sg 

Emeritus Senior Minister

GOH Chok Tong: GOH_Chok_Tong@pmo.gov.sg 

Private Secretary to Emeritus Senior Minister

Ms Wendy HO: Wendy_HO@pmo.gov.sg 

Ms Indranee RAJAH: indranee_rajah@mof.gov.sg 

Personal Assistant to Minister

Ms Shanti KANAN: shanti_kanan@mof.gov.sg 


Dr Maliki OSMAN: maliki.osman@mfa.gov.sg 

Personal Assistant to Minister

Omer Farook s/o SEVATHA MARICAR, BBM: omer_farook_sevatha_maricar@mfa.gov.sg 


Peking University research management, Xie Bing:xiebing@pku.edu.cn

Zhang Boli, former President of Tianjin University of TCM; tutcm@hotmail.com

Li Lanjuan, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, ljli@zju.edu.cn











華愛玲;  主任醫師

聯係電話:029_86848421;  E-mail:jzk86848421@163.com


聯係電話:13759924555; E-mail:zdjkx@sona.com














聯係電話: 15009293113;E-mail:xuefeigao@qq.com




Below ie the post on CBC, after posted about 20 minutes, it was deleted without check this article. I have a record of reading number on the top of this article. 




Omicron subvariant BA.2 raises new questions about puzzling evolution of virus behind COVID-19

https://i.cbc.ca/1.4262019.1553287394!/fileImage/httpImage/image.JPG_gen/derivatives/square_140/lauren-pelley.JPGLauren Pelley · CBC News · Jan 26, 2022 






Below were sent message from FaceBook, but all useless.








      Below is Feb. 13, 2022 sent to the top officials of Canada; espeically to the leaders of city and hopspital of Windsor city, Ontario, where the Police attempt to clear a protest blockade near Ambassador Bridge, a key trade corridor to Detroit. 

      The email attached several article regarding that how to prevent and cure the infections of Covid-19.

      Later I happily found report that in the process of exertion of the enforcement of the State Apparatus of Canada; has no injury no arrest. Thanks police officers of Windsor city for done a right job; thank you all very much.

From:Outlook.com Team
Sent:February 13, 2022 3:05
Cc:Karen.Riddell@wrh.on.ca ; maryse.berube@ssss.gouv.qc.ca ; justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca ; candice.bergen@parl.gc.ca ; Jim.Watson@Ottawa.ca ; info@ottawapolice.ca ; premier@ontario.ca ; premier@gov.ab.ca ; premier@leg.gov.mb.ca ; minhsc@leg.gov.mb.ca ; premier@gnb.ca ; kthomas@postmedia.com ; citynews@montrealgazette.com ; Outlook.com Team
Subject:Dump vaccines to kill viruses by vinegar 

Dump vaccines to kill viruses by vinegar

Please forward to ICU workers for opening the survival way for working class 

Please trigger the use vinegar; this is an only way to open the survival way for working class and help the protestors of our brothers and sisters going back warm home from the iced outside; while ending the demon epidemic Covid-19.

Share to 

The managements of Windsor city 

Drew Dilkens, Mayor of Windsor: mayoro@citywindsor.ca?

Fred Francis, City Councillors of Windsor: ffrancis@citywindsor.ca

Rino Bortolin,City Councillors of Windsor: rbortolin@citywindsor.ca

Fabio Costante,City Councillors of Windsor: fcostante@citywindsor.ca

Windsor Regional Hospital 

David Musyj, President and CEO: David.Musyj@wrh.on.ca

Wassim Saad, Chief of Staff: Wassim.Saad@wrh.on.ca

Karen Riddell, Chief Operating Officer: Karen.Riddell@wrh.on.ca

Amelie Boisclair, Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital 

Amelie Boisclair, ICU, Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital:maryse.berube@ssss.gouv.qc.ca 

The officials of federal and provincial Canada 

Justin Trudeau, the PM of Canada:justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca 

Candice Bergen, Conservative Leader:candice.bergen@parl.gc.ca 

Jim Watson, the Mayor of Ottawa:Jim.Watson@Ottawa.ca 

Peter Sloly, the Chief of Police Service:info@ottawapolice.ca 

Doug Ford; the Premier of Ontario:premier@ontario.ca 

Jason Kenney, Premier of Alberta:premier@gov.ab.ca 

Jason Copping, Health Minister of Alberta:health.minister@gov.ab.ca 

Heather Stefanson, Premier of Manitoba:premier@leg.gov.mb.ca 

Audrey Gordon, Health Minister of Manitoba:minhsc@leg.gov.mb.ca 

Blaine Higgs, Premier of New Brunswick:premier@gnb.ca 

Katelyn Thomas, Montreal Gazette:  kthomas@postmedia.com,citynews@montrealgazette.com


From: Outlook.com Team
Sent: March 19, 2022 7:26
To:  digitalsupport@e.scmp.com ; support@scmp.com 
Cc: elizabeth.cheung@scmp.com ; kc.ng@scmp.com ; victor.ting@scmp.com
Subject: Please help to end pandemic

致阿裏巴巴總裁 馬雲


Please Ma Yun help to end pandemic

To Tammy Tam 

Edditor-in-Chief, South China Morning Post 



Share to

Elizabeth Cheung: elizabeth.cheung@scmp.com

Ng Kang-chung:kc.ng@scmp.com

Victor Ting:victor.ting@scmp.com


Dear Tammy Tam 

This is Frank (Hongde) Li from Canada, an independent technical immigrant from mainland China. Please forward the email to Ma Yun, the Chairman of Alibaba Group Board of Directors.

The pandemic is easy containable; but it is the Western medicine tamed psychosis made the process of anti-pandemic as psychotic attack by addicting in childish prevention without sense to uproot pandemic by stopping the replication of virus. 

Please Ma Yun help to promote to end pandemic by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus in people’s respiratory tract in daily once; without the need of vaccination; Covid test and quarantine.

Best regards


Frank (Hongde) Li Mar 19, 2022, Morning in Waterloo Canada

In addition: Financial instrument is the basic means for government regulating economy; the operation of Enterprise should make clear the boundaries with national economy. 


From:Outlook.com Team
Sent:March 18, 2022 19:15
To:christopher.luxon@parliament.govt.nz ; botany@parliament.govt.nz ; Outlook.com Team ; editor@cnzh.co.nz ; enquiry@cnzh.co.nz
Subject:Please help to end pandemic


Please help to end pandemic 

To Christopher Luxon

The leader of New Zealand National Party




Share to

Chinese Herald 

Email: editor@cnzh.co.nz;    09 379 2488

Email: enquiry@cnzh.co.nz; 09 366 1388


Dear Christopher Luxon,

This is Frank (Hongde) Li from Canada. It is your background of outstanding entrepreneur inspired me to write to you for requesting help to end pandemic Covid-19 as soon as possible.

I am a specialist in metal materials, once worked in a Research Institute. My career is spent in laboratories and libraries with plenty of time for free reading. As hobby, I interested in the results of modern studies on bio-ingredients, pharmacological effects and clinical applications of the natural medicinals that identified and used by TCM in about 11,146 plants; 1581 animals; 80 minerals; and with 100 thousands of experience based formulas in covering all of known diseases.  

In this process, I inevitably got in touching some knowledge in Western medicine; which enabled me to view clear the advantages and disadvantages between two kind of medicine in the base of philosophies. Actually, the Covid-19 should not be worsened as pandemic if we are not negatively prevention but actively stop the replication of virus.  

I learn you from the series of reports of Chinese Herald. Especially March 7, 2022 article Dialogue with Chris Luxon, the leader of National Party; in which I learn your warm families, hard working parents; smart wife Amanda and proud of daughter OLivia and son William; especially I admire your positive-striving life philosophy and rational political philosophy.

Google and surprised by your achievements; you once worked as President and CEO in Canadian operations of Unilever PLC, the British multinational consumer goods company with products available in around 190 countries. As CEO of Air New Zealand; you made profits grew to record levels and the company was named Australia's most trusted brand times.

So many facts demonstrate your outstanding intelligence with potential to save world by ending Pandemic Covid-19.

In attached article Uproot pandemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus; I discussed the reason of the difference in the civilization between China and the West. It is the collectivistic social system helps China contained pandemic Covid-19 quickly in 2020; and it is the individualistic social system made containable pandemic into uncontainable in other countries; the root is in the difference ofcivilization; by which I discussed that the entrepreneur is the best for law making. 

“To be a successful entrepreneur, firstly, she or he must be a philosopher with rational thinking for what oneself will be doing. Secondly, she or he must be strategist with ability for planning long sustainable run. And thirdly, she or he must be a good militarist with ability for motivating their stuff working with full potential. And all these demonstrate the person has properly humanized intelligence and their interest is largely in line with the national economy and thereby in line with the interest of the survival of the majority people.”

Thanks Chinese Herald for reporting about you; so that I am able to learn you of a rational politician that I am looking for. The approach for ending pandemic is simple; it is extremely simple; but it needs outstanding politician to promote the practice; you are just perfect for achieving that.

In the end of this email, I’ll attach some of the emails that I have sent to others in last two years; the most of selected receivers are renowned medical experts with ability to end pandemic quickly; but none of them reply or took action; so, I said that the fatal harm of Western medicine at distorting the cognitive function of people; so that there too many people are taking wrong as right and promoting bad for good.

For meeting greedy instinct; the Western medicine trained people are endlessly developing expensive genetic products in never stopping the replication of virus by cheaper handy medicinals to uproot pandemic and make the process of anti-pandemic as that of a typical psychotic attack. They never have rational mind for reasoning the bad consequence that they are in finishing the life of themselves and their families.

Jan 24, 2022, in YouTube video The SARS2 Pandemic: Will Truth Prevail, the resigned White House coronavirus adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas said that “the management of this pandemic has left a stain on many of America’s once noble institutions, including our elite universities, research institutes and journals, and public health agencies. Among the most damaged has been the harm to the essential functioning of science, research, and debate.”

Dr. Scott Atlas pointed problems are not limited in the US; but globally; due to that human society is in ignorant kidnapping.  

After read my articles; you will be shocked by the tragedy that the ban in the use of HCQ caused more than 50% of Covid-19 patients’ unnecessary deaths; and the ban in the use of Lianhua Qingwen Capsule of TCM caused more than 90% of Covid-19 patients’ unnecessary deaths. It is not virus; but some Western medicine trained people in promoting virus killing people.

It said that from April 13, vaccinated tourists from Australia will be able to enter New Zealand without isolating; which certainly will trigger the rebound of infections in New Zealand. Because of, the facts and study were both proved that vaccinated people cannot avoid being infected; but vaccination enabled them with ability of times more virus replication and therefore more powerful worsening the pandemic further. 

Such as, in Europe, after lifting restrictions, now, there many countries are facing the rebound of infections; in Mar 16, 2022, a report said that Germany hits record Covid infection rate since start of pandemic.  

I believed that lifting restrictions to develop economy is rational and necessary, otherwise, the consequence will be much fatal than that of virus killing people. But we need effective measures to avoid the worsening of the pandemic; which may cause to re-lockdown again. Covid-19 can never be a general flu; but it is in destroying the supply of life necessaries in finishing all of us. 

Talkative so much, with eager hope that is able to persuade you to help the practice of stopping the replication of virus by daily once inhaling fragrance + vinegar or other disinfectants mixed air to help people fearlessly engage in social activities without the need of costly vaccination and Covid test.

In attached articles, the Vinegar is able to end pandemic Covid-19is excerpt-reedited from previously written articles for convenient reading; by which discussed the simple approach for ending pandemic.  

The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19introduced my 6 emails since March 12, 2020 to have conducted zero infection in meats plant DC Foods Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.  

The approach for ending pandemic is simple; but it is difficult to be practiced; because of; as my two years experience; the medical experts who are the hope for ending the pandemic are just unwilling to see the end of pandemic for the sake of easy funding to endless greedy play of developing and marketing expensive genetic products.  

As once outstanding entrepreneur works as a politician; now, you are in arguing about the eager spending of government. Actually; the spending on expensive vaccination and Covid test is real useless waste; so that; you will be willingly to make a try on any approach that may end pandemic; thereby stopping such spending to make economy in healthily development.  

I suggest below practices. 

1... There are reports that you; and many lawmakers in NZ; especially Covid Response Minister Chris Hipkins and one of his children have tested Covid positive;please make a phone call and share this email to them, I hope that they are able to make a try and play a leading role. 

2... Then accordingly, treat patients; I am sure that the most of Covid patients will walk out of hospitals within days; which will solve the pressure of the shortage in medical stuff. We need a rational mind; that is not in short of medical workers, but in that has no effective medications to cure patents out of hospital.  

The right way for government is to spend money on the development of effective medication to cure patients quickly. 

3... Based on convincing facts; you may act as a leader to organize a medical team under National Party to organize the experts of Universities and Hospitals to launch projects for the studies of the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 and other diseases.  

3.1... Study of inhalable disinfectants, such as, vinegar, Hypochlorite, phenol, and quaternary ammonium salt and so on; their safety, effect and the method in use. 

3.2... Study of diets and diet supplements treat various diseases; especially the chronic degenerative one.  

The key is at that you may request the funding from you once worked British Unilever PLC, the results of the research will be the best promotion for marketing their products; such as, vitamins and minerals; and may enlarge the production of melatonin that is a life renew hormone with potential curing many thorny diseases.  

In the sections of Drug concept revolution of attached article Uproot pandemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus, I have made detailed discussion; the vitamins alone are able to cure many diseases; but has to be used in megadose, such as; vitamin C needs in dose of 1g / kilo body weight by intravenous administration to ensure the concentration in blood. 

4... I would like to join your team as consultant. Your mum once helps the Alzheimer’s patients; actually daily diets and diet supplements along is able to largely improve the life quality of Alzheimer’s patients and other mental disorders; the significant is at that it is able to prevent the development as diseases; to radically reduce the reliance of people on public healthcare. 

I have long ideas for developing many medicinal products by natural medicinals and orthomolecular medicine; that are any synthetic drugs or genetic products can never be reached; we may use them for profiting national pension fund to reduce the risk in the profit investment.  

5... Contact with Dr. Bruce Aylward of Senior Advisor to the Director-General of the WHO. Dr. Bruce Aylward is a Canadian, he may help to promote to have physical tested for the disinfection operators in DC Foods Waterloo; the operators have been working for more than two years in daily disinfection with inhaled many times more of Hypochlorite disinfectant mixed air than that of others in the plant; but they are still healthily in doing same job. Their physiological health indicator will be the convincing proof for the safety of inhaling Hypochlorite mixed air.

Judged according to the atomic composition; I infer that the physiological effect of Hypochlorite is similar as that of vinegar; if we properly use, it will be good than bad with health promotion effect; also, only inexpensive medicinals; such as, vinegar and Hypochloritethat anyone is able to get and easily self help in use can help to end such wild spreading pandemic.

6... Hospitals may contact some Covid-19 patients of mandarin speaker who are from mainland China to suggest them use of vinegar as treatment as a clinic trial. In China, for thousands of years; vinegar has been used as main ingredient treating various thorny diseases, by vinegar fumigating to cure diseases is an old tradition of household name, there were record of vinegar fumigation cured flu and meningitis. However, in Feb 2020, there is a expert in Western medicine publishing books said that vinegar and some effective herbs are ineffective in curing Covid-19 infection to have limited the public use of vinegar.

7... Please share this email to the Embassy of China to New Zealand, and request the feedback with the results of the practice; or the reasons that do not practice from China’s government’s authority agency that is in leading the anti-pandemic. The trace back is important, in past two years; I have sent many emails to the leading medical experts and officials of China, but all were useless; which show that they are numbness without sense of responsibility. The attached Mandarin articles introduced detailed instructions for the practice. 

You may share this email to any others; especially your daughter and son; I would like to answer their any question.

Waiting for good news

Best regards

Frank (Hongde) Li, March 18, 2022, in Canada

In addition, I attach some of my writings regarding corporate management; you may be interested.

致香港行政長官 醋對呼吸道殺毒,消除香港的疫情 


C ceo@ceo.gov.hk?To:?You?

Fri 2022-03-11 1:44

針對哺乳動物呼吸道殺毒 停止新型冠狀病毒流行 Oct. 30, 2021.docx

3 MB


2 MB

新冠疫情催生新型犯罪 西醫教化的人 利用善心殺人.html

174 KB

Uproot pandemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus.docx

8 MB

Vinegar can end pandemic.docx

976 KB

Vinegar can cure Covid-19 patients.docx

696 KB

The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19.docx

3 MB

7 attachments (19 MB)?Save all to OneDrive?Download all

李先生 :



(陳建豪 代行)

From:    Outlook.com Team sinohealer@hotmail.com

To:    "ceo@ceo.gov.hk" , Outlook.com Team sinohealer@hotmail.com

Date:     10/03/2022 03:48

Subject:    呼吸道殺毒,消除香港的疫情



(852) 2878 3300 










香港醫院管理局 (852) 2300 6555;enquiry@ha.org.hk  



新聞主任:留言信箱 2300 8811,newsdo@ha.org.hk 

Queen Mary Hospital:yuenkk1@ha.org.hk 

CUHK Medical Centre:general@cuhkmc.hk 


香港電台: cnews@rthk.hk 














溫浩根護理安老院:elderly2@swd.gov.hk,rchewebpage@swd.gov.hk,ccsv@swd.gov.hk, csv@swd.gov.hk, 



陳肇始教授, 食物及衞生局局長:enquiry@fhb.gov.hk 








      李洪德 2022年3月3 - 6日,於加拿大. 





以色列是一個接種新冠疫苗最積極,也是接種率最高的國家,因而,被吹捧。然而,幾年前,以色列頂級免疫學家,教授 Yehuda Shoenfeld,就曾經警告說:HPV疫苗與一種或多種自身免疫綜合征有關。 


醋的LD50是3.32g/kg,50公斤體重165克。我的經驗,任何體重,1.5克純醋的劑量足夠。在西方,把維生素和礦物質等調整分子醫學藥物Orthomolecular Medicine和中藥等自然藥物,統稱食品添加劑。 



我的經驗,醋的最大好處 - 是醒腦。寫作等腦力勞動,睡眠不好,無法工作。茶水和咖啡幫助有限,還睡不著覺。而喝水稀釋20毫升5%醋,能保證注意力集中,大腦工作正常,還能促進睡眠。 



1... 無論是否感染,每天吸一次醋混合的空氣,如,用食用醋浸濕手絹等,蓋住口鼻,吸入醋混合的空氣,或用醋熏蒸房間,幫助幼兒吸入,就能殺滅呼吸道的潛在病毒,避免複製發病。 

2... 我個人經驗,隻要有感冒的感覺,按50公斤體重為準加減,服用水稀釋的5%食醋20毫升,相當於1克純醋,或2粒500毫克醋膠囊,70公斤體重3粒500毫克醋膠囊,1次,痊愈。 

服用水稀釋的醋時,最好與下列的任何一個或者全部相結合:蜂蜜20毫升 + 褪黑激素5毫克 + 維生素C 3克 + 維生素D 適量 + 維生素B3 適量 + OTC中醫藥物,譬如,蓮花清溫膠囊。 


3... 對於吸氧患者,可以在過濾氧氣的水中加入食醋,我無法判斷醋的濃度,但是,使氧氣有明顯醋味為好。如此,不但能殺滅患者呼吸道的病毒,通過肺吸收,醋進入血液,全身治療。 

4... 製作便攜式噴霧器,用香味劑混合醋或次氯酸鹽,作為吸入式兒消毒劑,每天使用一次; 針對呼吸道殺毒,避免可能吸入的病毒複製發病,人們將放心地從事社會活動,不需要接種疫苗和病毒測試。 

5... 在公共場所,譬如,機場,學校,醫院,政府機構,等,安裝抗病毒氣體發生器; 用香味劑混合醋或次氯酸鹽作為吸入式兒消毒劑,方便人們使用。 






1... 資助研究食用醋,次氯酸鹽,苯酚和季銨鹽等,針對呼吸道殺毒的安全性和有效方法 


2... 資助研究以醋,腿黑色素和食品添加劑治療新冠患者及其後遺症,以及高齡退行性疾病 

最佳合作對象,香港大學微生物係教授袁國勇與香港皇後醫院。他們的文章Oral SARS-CoV-2 inoculation establishes subclinical respiratory infection with virus shedding in golden Syrian hamsters很好。 

3... 做消毒劑的實際使用效果調查,驗證次氯酸鹽消毒的有效性和安全性 

3.1... 聯係加拿大政府,對加拿大肉食品廠DC Foods Waterloo負責消毒的人員,進行體檢,用他們的生理指標的實際狀況,來判斷吸入次氯酸鹽消毒劑是否留下長期後遺症。我可以提供幫助。 

3.2... 據報道,自從2020年新冠疫情爆發至今,武漢聯想工廠的15000多名員工,零感染,產量翻倍。我判斷,是對車間或餐廳日常消毒產生的混合的空氣,及時殺滅了員工呼吸道的潛在病毒。 






















我從事金屬材料研究工作,職業生涯是在圖書館和實驗室中渡過,有大量的時間自由閱讀。業餘,我專注中醫醫學,尤其是用現代西醫的研究方法對中藥的有效成分、藥理作用和臨床應用的研究結果。數千年來,中醫鑒定和使用的藥物,大約有 11146 種植物、1581種動物和 80 種礦物,積累了近 10 萬個經驗方。 


2020年3月12日始,受伊朗中資企業零感染的經驗啟發,我6封郵件,幫助加拿大肉食品廠DC Foods Waterloo零感染,發現,餐廳消毒產生的空氣,避免了員工在家庭群集感染潛在病毒的複製發病。兩年多的實踐,該廠的消毒人員已經吸入數倍於他人的次氯酸鹽消毒劑,依然健康地做消毒工作,證明吸入次氯酸消毒劑安全,沒有長期後遺症。 

在中國大陸,中國武漢的聯想工廠,就是一個最好的例證。據報道,2020年1月23日,武漢暫時關閉離漢通道,聯想武漢工廠也按下暫停鍵。兩月後複工,2020年,工廠平板電腦出貨量同比去年增長80% - 90%。1萬5千餘名員工,至今保持零感染。我確信,武漢的聯想工廠,能夠取得員工零感染,應該歸功於日常環境消毒產生的消毒空氣。 


斯坦福大學胡佛研究所高級研究員,已經辭職的前白宮新冠病顧問, Dr. Scott Atlas 對此感觸最深,2022年1月24日,在YouTube視頻The SARS2 Pandemic: Will Truth Prevail中,他說:“新冠流行病的管理,在許多曾經高尚的美國機構留下了汙點,包括我們的精英大學,研究機構和醫學期刊,以及公共衛生機構。最受害的是對科學,研究和辯論的基本功能的損傷。”   

我認為,最大的是非顛倒,是推銷具有致命後遺症的疫苗,進行無休止的核酸檢測和隔離,拿愚蠢作聰明,認錯為對,行錯為好,理直氣壯地浪費社會資源,不停歇地瞎折騰。就是不想從根基上解決問題 - 針對哺乳動物呼吸道殺毒,停止病毒的複製再生產,徹底根除疫情。 







1... 為什麽針對呼吸道消毒 

研究表明,由於淚膜和胃酸具有殺毒作用,眼睛和食物不易引感染。2020年,香港大學微生物係教授袁國勇與香港皇後醫院的研究人員發表研究報告Oral SARS-CoV-2 inoculation establishes subclinical respiratory infection with virus shedding in golden Syrian hamsters,由鼻腔吸入100 pfu的新冠病毒,所有的實驗鼠都被感染成為重症,呼吸困難,體重下降。然而,口服100,000 pfu的高劑量新冠病毒,隻有83%的實驗鼠的口腔拭子和糞便中檢測到新冠狀病毒脫落,而且,所有口腔感染的實驗鼠都是無症狀,呼吸和體重也都正常。 





2... 食醋的神奇功能 



1... 我的切身體驗,醋能治感冒發燒,消除喉部黏痰,避免睡眠打呼嚕和呼吸暫停 

2... 醋,通過化學方式改變蛋白質和脂肪的結構來殺滅細菌和病毒 

2018年1月11日文章Does vinegar really kill household germs說,5%濃度的醋,可以通過化學方式改變蛋白質和脂肪的結構來殺滅細菌和病毒。 

2018年1月29日,研究報告Apple cider vinegar can help clear bacteria and yeast infections; a natural cure說,醋可以通過阻止有害細菌和真菌在生長軌跡中的生長,破壞其細胞壁,蛋白質結構,核蛋白和代謝酶,改變其結構,來阻止感染的傳播。 

3... 5%和6%的醋滅活新冠病毒,醋熏蒸減輕新冠感染者的症狀 

2020年6月24日,日本大阪大學學者發文Virucidal effect of acetic acid and vinegar on SARSCoV-2指出:5分鍾的時間,4%和6%的乙酸水溶液均滅活了新冠病毒,使病毒的滴度低於檢測極限。1分鍾的時間,5%和6%的蒸餾醋滅活新冠病毒,使病毒滴度低於檢測極限。 

2020年7月20日,意大利聖拉斐爾生命健康大學的學者發文Vinegar and Its Active Component Acetic Acid Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vitro and Ex Vivo,0.34%低濃度醋的熏蒸減輕輕度新冠感染者的症狀。醋可通過降低鼻腔中的病毒來抑製病毒感染性。通過局部施用稀釋的醋抑製鼻黏膜中病毒的複製,具有預防或減少下呼吸道新冠病毒感染的潛力,從而減少肺炎的發生和臨床並發症。 

4... 服用水稀釋的醋,能增加免疫細胞計數 

2001年有研究,The effect of cider vinegar on some nutritional and physiological parameters in mice,雌性小鼠組每天口服蘋果醋 0.17、0.51 和 1.02 毫升醋/公斤體重,持續 4 周。所有治療組的血紅蛋白 (Hb)、總紅細胞計數 (TEC) 和總白細胞計數 (TLC) 均升高。治療組還顯示平均肝髒和脾髒重量在統計學上顯著增加。 

5... 服用水稀釋的醋,能降低雛雞腸壁厚度和腹部脂肪 

2018年1月3日,研究報告Effect of probiotic and vinegar on growth performance, meat yields, immune responses, and small intestine morphology of broiler chickens,30天大的肉雞,飲用水稀釋的醋,顯著降低小腸肌肉厚度和腹部脂肪。 

6... 醋減少脂質沉積,改善血脂譜,和抑製肥胖小鼠的炎症 

2017年7月27日,研究報告Anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects of synthetic acetic acid vinegar and Nipa vinegar on high-fat-diet-induced obese mice:醋可減少脂質沉積,改善血脂譜,增加脂肪因子表達和抑製肥胖小鼠的炎症。 


7... 我的經驗,醋能治愈牙周炎,恢複萎縮的牙齦 



8... 高濃度醋造成的損傷能自愈 

2002年10月,文章Corrosive oesophageal injury following vinegar ingestion說,一名39歲的婦女,懷疑蟹殼滯留在喉嚨,喝一湯匙家用米醋,希望軟化蟹殼,但是,她仍然感覺到異物和疼痛。內窺鏡檢查發現,口咽部發炎,食道和胃賁門二級燒傷約22至30 cm,沒有證據表明有異物。給她抗酸藥物,出院。 

1周後隨訪,她沒有不適症狀,因此,沒做內窺鏡檢查。 4個月後隨訪,沒有出現任何不適症狀,自愈。 

9... 醋的消毒作用沒有特異性,能殺滅任何種類的病毒 



3... 褪黑色素的神奇功能 


腿黑色素的LD50 是 3.2 g/kg。 




研究表明,褪黑色素可以避免新冠狀病毒對大腦和中樞神經係統損害, 褪黑激素能降低氧化應激,幫助新冠患者康複。 

2021年6月23日, 文章Efficacy of a Low Dose of Melatonin as an Adjunctive Therapy in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: A Randomized, Double-blind Clinical Trial說,每日3毫克的褪黑激素14天,患者的咳嗽,呼吸困難和疲勞等臨床症狀以及 C 型反應性蛋白CRP水平和肺部狀態明顯改善。患者的平均出院時間和返回基本健康的時間明顯縮短。沒有死亡和不良事件發生。 


2021年1月29日,文章《肺髒分泌褪黑素有助於抵抗新冠病毒感染》報道: 巴西聖保羅大學(USP)研究人員發現在肺中合成的褪黑素可作為針對SARS-CoV-2的屏障,阻止幫助病毒入侵相關基因的表達。因此,褪黑素可防止病毒感染這些細胞並抑製免疫反應。在肺部產生的褪黑素可作為針對SARS-CoV-2的屏障,阻止病毒進入上皮,激活免疫係統並觸發抗體的產生。肺褪黑激素的這種作用機製還涉及其他呼吸道病毒,例如流感。 

2020年5月8日,文章Could Melatonin Help Protect Against COVID-19? 說,褪黑激素在體內具有廣泛的功能,從糖尿病和心髒病到癌症和神經退行性疾病。重要的功能是其作為抗氧化劑和抗炎劑的作用,以及調節免疫活性的能力。研究表明,褪黑激素可以抑製炎症小體 NLRP3 的作用,抵消嚴重的炎症反應,降低促炎細胞因子的產生,降低免疫細胞對肺部的浸潤,並減少肺組織損傷。 

















       圖1.  圖2.   


圖2 書名《微量元素與中醫藥》,B5版麵,483頁,1993年出版6000冊,收集中醫使用的自然藥物的微量元素現代研究結果。 

       圖 3.圖 4. 

圖3 是我自費複印裝訂的數本之一,取材於各種醫學期刊對中醫藥的現代藥理研究結果。圖4是其中的單頁照片。 


1980 年代,德國政府組織了約 300 多項植物藥物臨床研究Phytomedicine Research in Germany,發現,植物藥具有與化學藥物完全等效的治療效果,同時,具有沒有副作用的優勢。草藥及其提取物製劑的作用機製,在許多方麵,與合成藥物,或者單一物質的作用機製不同,可以表述為多價作用,或者是增效作用。 


2013 年 11 月 22 日,文章《植物營養‘雞尾酒’殺死乳腺癌細胞》介紹,美國路易斯安那州立大學的研究人員,測試了來自薑黃、大豆、西蘭花、葡萄和茶的營養物質。單獨應用,它們對癌症都無效。但是,一旦合用,在實驗室條件下,抑製了 80% 以上的乳腺癌細胞生長,並最終引發了導致細胞死亡的過程。 

2019年9月30日,文章Fruit fly trial unlocks clues for 'polypill' to beat aging報道,倫敦大學研究人員發現,鋰、曲美替尼和雷帕黴素,如果,單獨使用,可分別延長果蠅平均壽命11%,如果,將任意兩個合在一起使用,可延長果蠅壽命30%,如果,三者合並在一起,同時使用,可以延長果蠅壽命48%。 

最新研究,2022年2月7日,美國賓夕法尼亞大學報告Combining remdesivir or molnupiravir with the experimental drug brequinar blocked the replication of the virus that causes COVID-19 in lung cells and in mice說,研究者發現,把瑞德西韋,或者莫諾匹拉韋與布喹那合並一起用,比單一使用更有效。 

2021年1月 20日,文章《連花清瘟膠囊提高COVID-19臨床治愈率的機製:基於網絡藥理學和分子對接技術》說,連花清瘟膠囊中的連翹、金銀花等13味中藥,共含有160個活性成分,通過57個靶點蛋白、35條信號通路來發揮治療作用。因此,連花清瘟能夠大大地減少新型冠病毒感染者的死亡和幸存者的後遺症。 


5... 實踐證明機械還原論指導的西醫有致命瑕疵 


百度百科說,還原論Reductionism是一種哲學思想,認為複雜的係統、事物、現象可以將其化解為各部分之組合來加以理解和描述。大不列顛百科全書的定義為:“在哲學上,還原論是一種觀念,它認為某一給定實體是由更為簡單或更為基礎的實體所構成的集合或組合;或認為這些實體的表述可依據更為基礎的實體的表述來定義。” 還原論方法是經典科學方法的內核,將高層的、複雜的對象分解為較低層的、簡單的對象來處理。 



1955年,發現安慰劑Placebo能取得50 – 60%的臨床治愈,進而發現,許多西醫合成化學藥物的療效低於安慰劑,還有致命副作用。因此,FDA歸定,藥物上市,必須經過雙盲臨床實驗,證明其療效超過安慰劑。為滿足實驗確切,被試驗的藥物必須是單一成分,中醫自然藥物,多是複合成分,即使是單一植物藥,也是有大量成分構成的。因此,無法滿足雙盲臨床實驗的要求。 

自從1955年,FDA歸定雙盲臨床實驗以來,西醫馴化的人,一直用單一成分雙盲臨床試驗,排斥複方應用有效的藥物,譬如,WHO主持的“團結實驗”Solidarity Trial推薦的4種藥物,雷德喹啉,羥氯喹,洛諾維爾和幹擾素,都是中國醫生在治療新冠病患者過程中,與其它藥物合用,發現的有效藥物,被西醫專家們用雙盲臨床實驗,證實為無效。 








漢斯·塞利(Hans Selye)在1930年代提出心理壓力與健康之間聯係,主要發現之一是應激激素皮質醇對大鼠的健康具有長期影響。盡管皮質醇在幫助我們應對威脅中起著必要的作用,但它被認為是心理壓力引起疾病的主要元凶之一。動物覺察到危險時,信號的連鎖反應從每個腎髒上方的腎上腺釋放出各種激素,其中最主要的是腎上腺素。這些激素可提高心率,增強呼吸作用並增加血液中葡萄糖的利用率。由於這些反應需要大量能量,因此皮質醇會同時激發其它物理過程(包括消化,繁殖,物理生長以及免疫係統的某些方麵),關閉或減慢速度。 



2008年1月8日,文章Report: Stress Causes Everything《報告:壓力導致一切》:“坦率地說,壓力對您不利。實際上,它可以殺死您。一項研究表明,壓力會導致從牙齦到心髒的所有事物惡化,並使您更容易患上普通感冒和癌症。得益於跨心理學,醫學,神經科學和遺傳學等學科的最新研究,建立這種聯係的機製得到理解。” 



2021年11月13日,《德國新冠重症病床吃緊,年輕疫苗接種者亦中招》: 德國本周四創疫情爆發以來日增紀錄,超5萬。11月第一周,18歲至59歲的重症患者,23%接種過疫苗;60歲以上重症患者,45%是接種過疫苗的。而今年8月,這兩個比例則分別是6%和18%。 

2021年6月24日,《Delta毒株反撲全球疫苗接種率最高國家以色列約50%感染者已接種疫苗》。2021年9月13 日,《加強針還沒打完,以色列已經開始為第四針疫苗備貨了》: 在很多國家還在考慮是否要第三次注射新冠疫苗之時,以色列已經在為第四針疫苗做準備。以色列曾一度是全球疫苗接種率最高的國家,且最早開啟了加強針注射,但這依然沒有阻擋疫情在該國肆虐。隨著delta病毒的蔓延,在截至9月4日的那一周,以色列感染率為全球最高。 


2022年3月5日,文章《全網炸鍋!輝瑞審查報告公開: 9頁副作用高達1291種 兒童有效率僅12%》說,文件的第30頁開始,揭示了長達9頁的副作用清單,一共有1291種。“最重要的是,根據輝瑞公司自己的研究,注射的致死率是新冠的30倍。他們想把這個信息隱藏75年。”文章說,“有人開始對其他疫苗開始產生懷疑,“既然輝瑞公司不得不發布他們該死的疫苗報告,其中包含9頁的嚴重後果……我有一個問題!我們什麽時候會看莫得納、強生和阿斯利康發布類似的疫苗報告?” 

安省衛生部長Christine Elliott在輝瑞疫苗數據曝光的第二天,宣布不再競選6月的連任,見2022年3月4日文章,Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott not seeking re-election。 



7... 西醫哲學與中醫哲學相結合,互相取長補短 



日常食物和食物添加劑都將是最好的藥物。隻要正確使用,很多棘手疾病都能取得到治療上的突破。在西方,維生素和礦物質等調整分子醫學藥物Orthomolecular Medicine和中醫天然藥物,統稱為食品添加劑。 






2022年3月1日, 馬薩諸塞州綜合醫院發表文章Peripheral Neuropathy Evaluations of Patients With Prolonged Long COVID, 對17名所謂的長期新冠患者進行了檢查,他們的絕大多數都患有小纖維神經病變,這意味著檢測感覺和調節心血管係統以及呼吸等非自願身體功能的小神經纖維受到損害。在接受治療後,雖然有改善,但沒有人被治愈。 






2021年10月7 日,《輝瑞的口服新冠藥物和默沙東的一樣定價:每個療程700美元(人民幣約4500元)》。 










11... 在疫情防治問題上錯誤發聲的例證   




來自羥氯喹HCQ的禁用。2020 年 3 月和4月,法國傳染病專家Didier Raoult教授發表文章說,中國醫生發現羥氯喹對治療新冠狀病有效,我們進行了評估,羥氯喹能夠減少患者病毒載量,幫助患者迅速從 IDU 出院,平均住院時間為 5 天。加入阿奇黴素治療,增強了療效,促進了患者快速康複。 

Didier Raoult教授的研究結果,為處於絕望中新冠狀病患者帶來了希望。然而,教授的工作並沒有激發人們使用HCQ治病救命,反而刺激許多西醫專家和學者陷入癲狂狀態,千方百計證明Didier Raoult教授是個騙子。用致死的劑量證明HCQ有害無益。有些人對教授進行輿論攻擊,發起法律訴訟,他的主管在努力開除他。 

然而,2020年7月2日,美國底特律 Henry Ford Health System發表了統計報告Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients說,2020年3月至5月,用HCQ治療的患者死亡率為13%,沒用HCQ治療的患者死亡率為26.4%。沒有發現HCQ引起心髒異常的記錄。 

底特律 Henry Ford Health System使用HCQ的方法和劑量,與Didier Raoult教授文章介紹一摸一樣,顯然,是Didier Raoult教授的實驗結果,在美國發揮了作用。然而,在自己的祖國法國,Didier Raoult教授無奈地,看著自己的同胞無辜地死去,還遭受無理性的人的輿論攻擊。 


     攻擊Didier Raoult教授的實驗,直接導致WHO和許多國家禁止用羥氯喹治療新冠病毒感染者。按底特律Henry Ford Health System的統計報告,禁止HCQ的使用,已經造成50%以上新冠患者的非必要死亡。 

      還有世界衛生組織Solidarity Therapeutics Trial,把中國醫生驗證治療新冠病有效的救命藥物:瑞德西韋、羥氯喹、洛匹那韋/利托那韋和幹擾素,用雙盲臨床試驗證明為無效,隻有引起股骨頭壞死的皮質類固醇被證明有效;同時,眾多西醫專家和政府官員喋喋不休地勸誡人們不要自我用藥,把自救求生之路也堵死。 












李洪德禮, 2022年3月3 - 6日,於加拿大   


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馮 康教授,醫療管理學專業應用:fungh@cuhk.edu.hk  








是TVB轉載的合唱《獅子山下同心抗疫》MV 2.0|謹以此歌獻給為抗疫作出無私奉獻的每一位引起我對TVB各位藝術家的關注,進而搜索香港的大學教授們,希望得到您們的幫助,利用您們的人脈聯係,盡快結束香港的疫情。  













這裏我要說明,調整分子醫學藥物,英文是Orthomolecular Medicine,通常被譯為正分子醫學藥物,這不確切,應該譯為調整分子醫學藥物。我在附件文章《針對哺乳動物呼吸道殺毒停止新型冠狀病毒感染的流行》的5.1...調整分子醫學藥物的強大治療作用一節中有論述。  





2020年9月22日,發表文章Oral SARS-CoV-2 inoculation establishes subclinical respiratory infection with virus shedding in golden Syrian hamsters,證明食物不易引起感染,即使感染,也是無症狀。鼻腔感染是100%的重症。  


2021年4月14日,發表文章Robust SARS-CoV-2 infection in nasal turbinates after treatment with systemic neutralizing antibodies,證明注射新冠疫苗後,再感染新冠病,感染者的病毒複製能力大大增加,因此,疫苗是惡化疫情的幫凶。  













Email sent to Israeli Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld Feb. 7, 2022    


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Subject:Dump vaccines to kill viruses directly  


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Subject:Dump vaccines to kill viruses directly   


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Subject:Dump vaccines to kill viruses directly  



Now, the two years of tormented by the epidemic covid-19, people's psychological endurance has reached the limit. In many countries; people are angered to protest against vaccine mandates and the anti-pandemic restrictions.     

In Canada; people should say thanks for those angry protestors of the truck drivers and farmers; thank for them hard working in past two years under the pressure of being infected by Covid to keep the supply in life necessaries.    

We must have a rational recognition that it is the truck drivers and farmers have been in helping us for survival.   

Now, we have to explore a way out to end the epidemic without the need of vaccine and restrictions; rather than simply condemn or take enforcement on the protectors; we must consider from the perspective of protesters.    

PleaseRare Sober ManIsraeli Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld help to dump vaccines into garbage bin to kill viruses directly.  

Dump vaccines to kill viruses directly  

Inspired by Israeli immunologist appealsMinistry of Health, it's time to admit failureof repeating vaccinations in Israel.   

 Frank (Hongde) Li, Jan. 26 – Feb.1, 2022, in Waterloo, On. Canada   

Note:For quickly ending the epidemic; this email shares to other experts listed with short messages in the end of email.   


Experience showsthat only antiviral air is able to shut down the hosts for virus reproduction  

According to the experience that I conducted meats plat in zero infection; by antiviral air killing virus in people’s respiratory tractto defeat epidemic is easier than that of prevention; and 2 years’ practices show that is safe and effective.   

For being able to realize the synchronous action by the people globally, the used medicinals must be safe for people self-helping, cheaper, sufficient and handy available for anyone; so that I suggest daily diets and diet supplements.   

TheLD50 of vinegar is 3,320 mg/kg, which is 165g/50kg; and 20ml 5%vinegar is equal to pure in 1gram. The labs studies in Japan ans Italy proved that it can kill Covid-19. Since ancient, the people of China have been using vinegar to cure various thorny diseases. Thousands of years’ global folk use as diet and medication has proved that vinegar is safe in-taking without side effect. Practical cases showed that the corrosive injury of high concentration of vinegar can quickly be self recovered with complications.  

Although, the Covid-19 virus is the single inducement in causing disease, but it caused disease is a syndrome in multi-lesions of ever developing; therefore, it is impossible to develop symptomatic drug by making clear the cause of each symptom. The compound medication of TCM with multi medicinals can cure multiple lesions at once as that of the multiple projectiles of a shotgun can hit multiple targets in a blind shot. Amazingly; the vinegar along has cure-effects exceeded that of multi-medicinals.  

Therefore vinegar is the best agent for beating Covid-19 in both prevention and treatment; especially cures the complications of those Covid survivors in tormenting. I suggest the methods for use of vinegar as below.   

A.. To inhale diet vinegar mixed air in daily once will be able to kill the virus in respiratory tract; while it will increase immune cells, decrease abdominal fat, and eliminate snoring and apnea with wide range of health-benefits.   

B.. If we make a portable sprayer with fragrance mixed vinegar or Hypochlorite for people use in daily once; then people will be able to confidently engaged in social activities as normal without need of vaccination and Covid test.    

C.. To set antiviral air generator in the public facilities and home rooms; to ensure all people globally able to inhale flavor and vinegar or Hypochlorite mixed air in daily once; then the epidemic will be ended in a period of weeks.   

D.. To cure covid-19 patientsby diet vinegar fumigating hospitals’ wards or homes’ rooms in several times daily, add several milliliters of diet vinegar in water for filtering oxygen to the patients who need the aid in oxygenating.   

E.. Water dilute 20ml 5% diet vinegar(1 gram pure vinegar) per 50 kg body weight to drink 4 times daily;it will be able to cure covid-19 patientsin 1 or 2 days without complications; no matter the patients are in mild or critical state.  

F.. It is better to use diet vinegar combining with any or all of; Honey 20 ml + Melatonin 5 mg + Vitamin C 3g + OTC natural medicinals of TCM, such as, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule.    

The approach of inhaling diet vinegar mixed air as prevention and treatment for Covid-19 will be warm welcomed, due to the broader health benefits of vinegar will attract people willingly enjoying than that of promoting vaccinations.  

According to the atomic structure of the Hypochlorite; I infer its physiological function similar as that of vinegar in good than bad when being properly used.  

Here, I infer that inhaling vinegar or Hypochlorite mixed air in daily once will be able to eliminate all kind of airborne infectious diseases. The diet vinegar combines diet supplements will be able to cure contact infectious diseases.   


Omicron variant is not an epidemic terminator; but a messenger for the coming of more fatal variant strain  

Now, in facing the infections of the Omicron variant are more in mild and lesser in critical; there are experts say that epidemic will be ended to be as that common flu; and many countries are ready going to coexist with Covid-19 and to give up all of anti-pandemic restrictions to return to normal life.    

Jan 31, 2022, in a written statement, Ontario Premier Doug Ford said that “All Ontarians are united in their desire to put this pandemic behind us and return to the life we knew before COVID-19.” Ontario’s chief medical officer of health Dr. Kieran Moore, who also said that it’s time to “learn to live with COVID-19.”    

Lift restrictions to develop economy is perfect rational and necessary; thanks Ontario Premier Doug Ford and officer of health Dr. Kieran Moore for the rational decision; we must put it into practice immediately; otherwise the restriction will worsen economy to cause increasingly shortage in the life necessaries to finish human beings soon.   

However; without ending the epidemic; the variant Delta and Omicron families are still freely playing their roles in attacking people. The risk of infection will make the majority of people fear and keep away from social activities; so that lifts restrictions will be less help; but badly worsens epidemic; and the more fatal variant will come soon.    

We have to explore an approach without the need of vaccination; by self-help in using daily once; it will effectively avoid the potential virus in respiratory tract of people to be replicated as disease; thereby people will be able to confidently engage in social activities without fear to return the life as that of before the epidemic COVID-19.    

Actually, the Omicron variant strain is not an epidemic terminator; but it is that SARS-CoV-2speciallysent messenger to say thanks for developing vaccines and vaccine passport to cheat higher animals in the state of willingly sacrificing their bodies as hosts for the productive mutation of new strains; without sense to eliminate them by stopping replication.     

Jan 29, 2022, articleThe Coronavirus Will Surprise Us Againindicates that the variant after Omicron could look very different from any yet, since that coronavirus’ genome is 30,000 letters long, the number of possible mutation combinations is mind-bogglingly huge.    

However, the more fatal threat for human survival is not in the fatal variant of coronavirus; but in the wrongful behaving as that of psychotic attack of the low quality people with amazing huge numbers to root in the agencies of government and leading institutions that have been in conducting anti-pandemic Covid-19.    

The process of anti-pandemic is a typical psychotic attack globally; for instance:   

April 12, 2020; the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News wrote articleThe Virus Should Wake Up the Westindicated: “The job of government is to protect its citizens. The pandemic reveals that key institutions in Europe and the U.S. are no longer up to the job.” “Behind the ideological squabbling, the main problem with Western government is simple: It is out of date.” “Many key government institutions have looked out of shape and outdated.”   

Jan. 24, 2022, in YouTube videoThe SARS2 Pandemic: Will Truth Prevail, the White House coronavirus adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas said that “the management of this pandemic has left a stain on many of America’s once noble institutions, including our elite universities, research institutes and journals, and public health agencies. Among the most damaged has been the harm to the essential functioning of science, research, and debate.”  

In France, Professor Didier Raoult who happily announced that HCQ is effective for curing COVID-19; but the work did not inspire people to save lives; but instead caused academic attacking, even sued and now is in replacing professor as fire. Such psychotic play caused the ban in the use of HCQ to have caused over 50% of Covid-19 patient unnecessarydeaths; according to the reportTreatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients.  

In China, In 2003 SARS treatment, TCM cured patients no death without sequelae; but treated by antibiotics and hormones caused death and sequelae of the necrosis of femoral head, and cured patients have been living in the life of poor quality, and this has been a household truth. But, in the treatment of Covid-19 patient; the expert in Western medicine is still rejecting the participation of TCM; the top leadership of China has to hold a special meeting to have replaced the resistant and forced Western medicine integrating TCM in the treatment of Covid-19 patient.   

In the West, by the name of unscientificbanned the use of medicinals of TCM(Lianhua Qingwen)caused over 90% of Covid-19 patient unnecessary deaths; according to the achievement of China and the magic therapeutic effect of compound medication of TCM - the13 medicinals of TCM Lianhua Qingwen capsulehas total 160 bioactive components to cure COVID-19 patients through 57 target proteins, involves 35 signaling pathways and Toll-like receptor signaling pathway.  

It is clear thatthe process of anti-pandemic is a typical psychotic attack globally. Now we have enough reason to question thatwhether this batch of Man has properly humanized as that of self prided higher animals should be; why the higher animals are behaving in the way of stupid than that of low animals.  

Humans need humanized Sober Man to lead killing viruses by dumping vaccines in garbage bin  

It is clear that the threat for human survival is not in the physical disease, but in the social disease; so that for wining over the epidemic; the key isat cure social diseases; so that those were rejected medications can be used to cure patients. This is the reason that I wrote articleUproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of viruswith some impolite wording.   

And also; this is the reason that for a simple topic ofDump vaccines to kill viruses directly; I have to talkative so much withannoying poor English wording; because of the ignorance of people is too stubborn to be rescued.  

Though, the vaccine once saves human lives; but in coping with the huge mutations of the coronavirus, it is in dooming human life; because of, it lures people stay in passive preventing without initiative thinking of killing virus to stop its reproduction; thereby allowing the virus freely unbeatable fatal mutating.  

Now, it said that current PCR test has failed in testing Omicron sub-variant BA.2 of the most transmissible variant than ever. Report thatIn UK, the cases of BA.2 were doubling every 4 dayswith a 120% growth advantage over the original clade.  

For beaten the ever mutating viruses to end the epidemic; we need a solution in once for all. Theelectro-negativity of atom can destroy covalent bond structured virus in regardless of mutating by taking off their parts without resistance producing.   

The diet vinegar will be the best one to provide electro-negativity by oxygen atoms to kill all kind of viruses, while the electro-negativitycan stimulate the physiological activities of covalent bonded human body to cure potential existing diseases.  

Though the natural breathing of people provides convenience for viruses spreading; but also it provides a convenient way for killing viruses; inhale vinegar mix-air in daily once will be able to kill the virus in respiratory tract and stop their replication as attacking as disease; then people will confidently engage in social activities without need of vaccination and Covid test.    

Years ago; the leading Israeli immunologist, Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld, who oncewarned that: the HPV vaccine linked to one or more autoimmune syndromes. Now, other Israeli immunologist also questions the effect of vaccine and the rationality of repeated vaccinations in Israel by articleMinistry of Health, it's time to admit failure.   

The disappointed feeling of two years’ hundreds emails and dozens phone calls failed in persuading medical experts and officials for ending epidemic by stopping virus’ replication; wakened me up with that, only thesober Man, who is able to recognize that vaccine is bad than good in ending the epidemic; will be able to dump vaccines and turn to kill virus directly.    

This is the motivation that I write this email.  

To Israeli Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld  

The leading Israeli immunologist  

The President of Ariel University, Israel  

The Head of the Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Israel  

The Editor in Chief of Israel Medical Association Journals, Israel  

And great many titles with great more awards to demonstrate Professor is aproperly humanizedSober Man.  

+972-77-997-2480; online contact:https://www.shebaonline.org/doctors/yehuda-shoenfeld/  

 shoenfel@post.tau.ac.il,  international@ima.org.il  

I hope that Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld will be able to lead to end the epidemic by killing virus directly and this is extreme easy, because of, that it is not to request the cooperation of government or seek the help from any others; but simply make demonstrations in Labs or Clinics. The only gain of two years torment of epidemic is to have trained people in eagerly self-help seeking for survival; so that, we point out a right approach will be enough.   

The tough job is to trigger the revolution in medical philosophy; it is not to expel any one; but by broad integration to make mutual complementary by the advantage of different philosophies; which is mainly by Daoism of TCMintegrating Reductionism of Western medicine; then the drug concept and the way in disease treatment will be revolutionized; thereby helping people in disease free or self help in disease treatment to unload public healthcare by cheaper handy daily diets and diet supplements.     

For quickly ending the epidemic; this email shares to other experts listed with short messages in the end of email.  

Thanks for all  

Dear Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld:  

This is Frank (Hongde) Li from Waterloo, On., Canada; an independent technical immigrant from mainland China.    

As a Metallographic specialist once worked in a steelmaker’s Research Institute, without the need of costing time for seeking research projects and funding; I have plenty of time for free reading. As hobby, I interested in the results of modern studies on bio-ingredients, pharmacological effects and clinical applications of natural medicinals that identified and used by TCM in about 11,146 plants; 1581 animals; 80 minerals; with about 100 thousands of experience based formulas in covering all of known diseases.    

In this process, I have inevitably gotten in touching some knowledge in Western medicine; which provides me an ability to compare the advantages and disadvantages of two kind of medicine by crossing the radical different philosophies. Since the outbreak of the epidemic Covid-19, I have been following the development of epidemic and write articles to explore the potential measures for the prevention and treatment of the Covid-19 infections.  

I learn you from Nov. 6, 2019 articleTop Israeli immunologist accused of promoting antivaccine viewswith a subtitle - critics call on Yehuda Shoenfeld to resign as editor-in-chief of Israel Medical Association journals. As leading immunologist, now, you surely understood that vaccination is never able to end epidemic besides lures people never thinking of eliminating virus.  

Recently, another leading Israeli immunologist at Tel Aviv University, Professor Ehud Qimron, who also published fierce critical article -Ministry of Health, it's time to admit failureto question the rationality of the repeatedly vaccinations in Israel.  

From what Professor Ehud Qimron said in the article with the wording in somewhat angry, we can feel the anxious mood of the Professor for helpless seeing the epidemic Covid-19 increasingly worsening without proper measure to cope with.   

We have to understand the anxious of Professor Ehud Qimron; also we have to understand that the vaccination is the only measure for saving lives; but fails. Now the officials are in the same anxious as that of Professor Ehud Qimron worrying.  

Now we should not condemn of each other; but join hands to explore a feasible way out of the demon Covid-19.  

With well studies in immunology, you and Professor Ehud Qimron certainly recognized that vaccines can never end epidemic, thus you two will willingly help to promote the approach that is able to end epidemic without the need of vaccination.  

This is the reason that writes to you with some concerns that have discussed in the start.    

Since the epidemic start; helplessly seeing the easy containable epidemic is kidnapped as uncontrollable in badly worsening economy and the life of people; and medical experts and officials never accept the suggestion to uproot epidemic by stopping the replication of virus; I suffer in insomnia with poor concentration to have made two driving accidents and scrapped a car with the times increase of car insurance.  

Actually, according to the experience that I conducted meats plant in zero infection; the epidemic is easily to be ended; if we dump vaccines into garbage bin; and dig out the brain cells that are responsible for reasoning about herd immunity.  

The mechanism of Covid-19 transmission: it is not eyes and foods; but inhaling viruses cause infection  

May 7, 2020, articleTropism, replication competence, and innate immune responses of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in human respiratory tract and conjunctiva: an analysis in ex-vivo and in-vitro culturesand July, 2020 articleSARS-CoV-2 infection in conjunctival tissueshow that the eyes are not easy to cause infection, due to tear film has antiviral function.  

Sep. 22, 2020, articleOral SARS-CoV-2 inoculation establishes subclinical respiratory infection with virus shedding in golden Syrian hamstersindicate thatby nasal inhalation of 100 PFU of virus infected all lab mice in difficult breath and weight loss; while virus shedding in oral swabs and faeces indicate that only 83% of mice were infected by oral inoculation with high dose of 100,000 PFU virus; but the oral inoculation infected mice are all in asymptomatic, the breath and weight are both in normal.  

Studies revealed that mammalian respiratory tract with the help of the ACE2 receptor works as the primary host for Covid-19 virus invading, replicating and spreading with a certain incubation period.    

The daily disinfection produced antiviral air made the employee of meats plant in zero infection  

Since Mar. 12, 2020; inspired by the report of medical team of Chine aid to Iran, China’s factories in Iran kept in zero infection by copying the practice of domestic China - masks and daily disinfection; I conduct meats plant DC Foods Waterloo Ontario, Canada in zero infection also. In attached articleThe vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19, I introduce 6 emails to DC Foods Waterloo.  

The plant set several people for daily disinfection with sprayer to spray disinfectant on the area of people just touched. Due to the lunchroom is small, for keeping social distance, employees have to taking lunch in several groups; so that lunchroom has to be repeatedly disinfected in a short period. In this way, the lunchroom is filled with strong smell of disinfectant volatile.    

The disinfection produced antiviral air was inevitably inhaled by employees who use the lunchroom and kill the possible viruses in the respiratory tracts; thus stopped the onset of the infection; because of, the mask and disinfection in the plant cannot avoid employee to be infected in home where is the major source of cluster infections.    

It is understandable that the hypochlorite disinfection is able to kill the viruses in environment; then the disinfection produced antiviral air is certainly able to kill the viruses in the respiratory tract of people after being inhaled with normal breathing.    

On this regard, there is favorable factor; it is that the harm of virus is at replication; we don't need to completely destroy them; but just castrates to lose their ability for replication as that of castrating rape criminals; and in this way, it may only need a weaker toxic disinfectant or a lower concentration of the disinfectant in lesser toxic harm.    

Thus may produce a phenomenon that the tests showing the virus is in existing; but it is harmless; so that we need an anti-infection method that is without the need of testing virus. The hypochlorite and vinegar is able to help to achieve this goal.    

Globally the meats plants have been the hotpots of infections; due to that workers have to operate manually by shoulder to shoulder in the work environment of low temperature with fans blow circulation; Though all of the plants carefully disinfecting every day, even if, in some plants, the employees took full PPE; but they still cannot avoid employee to be infected. I guessed that the reason is that there is no residual of the disinfectant in air under the regulation of government in before the epidemic.    

The finding in the anti-epidemic practice of meats plant reveals a fact that the environment disinfection cannot stop the virus airborne transmission from the respiratory tract of infected people to the respiratory tract of uninfected people; and also provided an inspiration to stop the viruses’ airborne transmission; which is to produce antiviral air.   

Though; the Mammalian breath provides convenience for Coronavirus transmission; but also it provides the convenient way for killing them; because of even if the most infectious variant strain also needs a incubation periodbefore replicates as disease; this is the best time window for killing them.   

Now, the only needed concern is the safety of inhaling disinfectant mixed air    

Since Mar. 13, 2020, the disinfection operators in DC Foods Waterloo have been working on the position for about 23 months; they are still healthy doing the same job every day; though they have inhaled times more hypochlorite mixed air than that of others did; which shows that inhaling hypochlorite mixed air is safe without long-term complications; but as of current understanding; the best inhalable disinfectant will be vinegar.  

The virus killing function andthe therapeutic effect of diet Vinegar   

The coronavirus killing effect of vinegar is from the proof of lab studies;June 24, 2020, Japan, study reportVirucidal effect of acetic acid and vinegar on SARSCoV-2and July 20, 2020, Italy, study reportVinegar and Its Active Component Acetic Acid Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vitro and Ex Vivoboth reported that vinegar is able to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 in about 5% concentration. The report of Italy said that the fumigation of vinegar at low concentration (0.34%) ameliorated the symptoms of mild SARS-CoV-2 infection.  

In ancient China, the vinegar has been used as main ingredients for treating thorny diseases in a wide range, by fumigation cured flu and meningitis; while modern studies in Western medicine show that the therapeutic effect of vinegar are covering the most of diseases. The thousands of year’s long folk use as diet and medication have proved that vinegar is safe in-taking.  

As my understanding; as of now, among the diets, synthetic drugs or natural medicinals, the vinegar is the only one that is safe in-taking with exact function in killing covid-19 virus and with multi-therapeutic effects; at the time killing virus; it is also able to clean up the multi-lesions that covid-19 harms in human body. We must turn to carefully study vinegar; rather than addicted in genetic play.    

For sobering a better concentration, I take water diluted vinegar daily; I got greatest gain with finding that vinegar can cure periodontitis, eliminate Tartar or dental stones and made atrophied gums quickly grew up; while cure flu by curing fever; stopping runny nose and eliminating cough immediately, eliminating the sticky sputum that can't be coughed out in the throat, and thereby avoiding snoring and apnea when sleeping.    

Studies show that drinking water diluted vinegar can increase the counts of immune cells in the blood of lab mice and decrease the fat of abdominal and the thickness of intestinal wall of chicks.    

The function of vinegar curing periodontitis, eliminating Tartar and stopping snoring and apnea is also a great contribution on the health of people; due to that the periodontitis, snoring and apnea are the main inducement of great many fatal diseases.  

I infer that the magic physiological function of vinegar should be derived from the oxygen atoms in vinegar molecule produced electronegativities with the value 3.5 of each. The electronegativities are surely able to destroy the covalent bonded viruses in regardless of types or mutations; the pathogens will never be able to generate resistance on the electronegativities.    

Meanwhile, the electronegativities are able to trigger the physiological activities of covalent bonded tissues and organs of body to produce therapeutic effects that are able to exceed the effect of any existing medications.    

Please Google now by key the words of vinegar + any diseases; you will be convinced by shocking results.  

The self-recovered case shows that our body has magic ability in self-healing for the severe corrosive injury by high concentration of vinegar. I have provided self-recovered case in Jan. 26, 2020 articleVinegar, Vc, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases.  

Indirectly judging from the scattered data, human body has ability of self-protection or self-recovery; so that some toxics kill virus and bacteria, such as hypochlorite; no injury to human cell or lighter in self-recoverable.    

When talking about the pharmacological effects of vinegar, many researchers are focusing on the roles of the ingredients in vinegar from raw materials or the derivatives that produced in the process of vinegar fermentation; but as my view, no matter how those ingredients or derivatives are effective; they can never produce the effect as that produced by the electronegativities of the oxygen atoms in triggering the physiological activities of human body.    

Although, the Covid-19 virus is the single inducement in causing disease, but it caused disease is a syndrome in multi-lesions and in the state of continuously developing; therefore, it is impossible to develop symptomatic drugs by making clear the cause of each symptom. It is necessary to follow the compound prescription of TCM; the multi medicinals will heal multiple lesions as that of the multiple projectiles of a shotgun can hit multiple targets in a blind shot.  

Amazingly, the therapeutic effects of vinegar itself are able to exceed that of the multi-medicinals compounded. This is the reason that I infer that vinegar along is able to quickly cure Covid-19 patients and the complications of Covid survivors.    

If we take vinegar as inhalable disinfectant; we will be able to enjoy many potential benefits that will attract people eagerly to self-help; while, the doctors, for enhancing the immunity of patients; the ladies, for a slim body; and the men, for a good sleep without snoring and apnea.   

As my personal experience, put diet vinegar in a plastic bag; then cover mouth and nose to inhale several breathes of the vinegar mixed air in daily once; or spray diet vinegar on a small area of handkerchief, then cover mouth and nose to inhale a while; or roll two piece of diet vinegar soaked paper to put in the nostrils in daily once; by which easy way, we will be able to prevent the onset of possible virus that inhaled into respiratory tract.  

The hypochlorous acid will be safe as inhalable disinfectant  

There were many studies about the role of hypochlorous acid; they are just paid attention to its toxic effect without concerning the health benefit. The safe of vinegar on human health has been a household truth. By comparing to the Oxygen (electronegativity 3.5) and Chlorine (electronegativity 3.0) in the molecule of hypochlorite; I infer that the physiological function of hypochlorite is similar to that of vinegar in good than bad when properly use at the time killing virus; it is also able to cure the multi-lesions of diseases.  

But the odor of the Hypochlorite is much acceptable than that of vinegar; thus the Hypochlorite is better to be used as inhalable disinfectant; and the long use also has proved the safety of Hypochlorite; especially we drink it cleaned water every day. The massive use of Hypochlorite as disinfection has been two years, without the reports on its long term complications.   

Epidemic will be ended by inhaling vinegar or hypochlorite mixed air in daily once  

Only vinegar and hypochlorite can beat any type of virus in regardless of their trick mutations by the electronegativities of the oxygen atoms and Chlorine atoms in the molecule to destroy their covalent bonded structure; as that of taking off the parts of the viruses.  

If we take vinegar or hypochlorite mixing odorant as inhalable disinfectant and use in daily once to kill potential virus in respiratory tract; then people are able to confidently engage in daily activities without the need of vaccination and virus test.  

We should develop a portable antiviral air sprayer with fragrance mixed vinegar or Hypochlorite for people use to kill potential virus in respiratory tract in daily once; then all of airborne infectious diseases will be unable to attack as diseases.   

Also we may set antiviral air generator in public facilities and home rooms; to ensure people globally inhaling vinegar or Hypochlorite mixed flavor antiviral air in daily once to kill possible viruses in the respiratory tract.   

At the same time, by fumigation to kill the potential viruses in the respiratory tracts of poultry; livestock; the animals in zoos; the bats in bat caves; as much more as we can; in globally coordinated synchronous action as that of extinguishing the wildfire; all of the flamesmust be extinguished at the same time. Then we will be able to uproot the airborne infectious diseases without need of costly developing vaccines or antibiotics.  

Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld should work as a coordinator to mobilize the medical resource globally    

1... Contact the government of Canada to have physical tested for the people who have been working on the position of daily disinfection in DC Foods Waterloo; they have been unexpectedly completed long-term biological test for the long-term toxicity of hypochlorite. The testing results of their physiological indicators will be persuasive than that of testing by lab animals.  

2... Professor Gili Regev-Yochay at Israeli Sheba Medical Center will be a best cooperator for quick clinic application of diets and diet supplements that are OTC in safe without the need of requesting permission from management.  

3... Please contact the top officials of China to make antiviral air for preventing and treating Covid-19 infections to ensure the safe run of Olympic Games 2022; reports that there were many infected cases among athletes and team officials.  

4... Please contact French Professor Didier Raoult to check his email; I will share this email to him; now, the outstanding French physician and microbiologist in infectious diseases; Professor is in facing the threat of being replaced as fire.    

French people attack Professor Didier Raoult are not for the safe concern of people; because of, in their designs of clinic trial are not care about the live or not with only care about perfect double blinding patients to meet the requirement of the Double Blind Clinic Trial. As contrast, the design of Professor Didier Raoult was full-hearted for the safe concern of patients by setting up experts and monitors for stopping treatment timely.  

I have read great many articles in Double Blind Clinic Trial; the design of Professor Didier Raoult is the only one with considerable measures to protect the safety of patients. Please Google the studies on HCQ treating Covid-19 patients; you will be angered for the trials with the unreasonable high doses to kill patients. I once email to question a researcher why use high dose in trial, without answer.   

French people rudely treat own best scientist to have caused more than 50% of unnecessary deaths of own countryman; which is the sorrow of France that has been priding for acting as a main initiator of modern democracy and leading ideologies; but which led a individualistic social system; in which all of members are cultured to strive for selfish interests by the exchanges of ruining home place.    

The fact is clear those people whom yelling Unscientific or Unproven are not from human nature but they were quality distorted by Western medicine by yelling Unscientific or Unproven to show their great humane by cheating.    

Looking for the natural autoimmune enhancer to kick vaccines into garbage bin  

5... Request Germany for the proceedings of 300 clinical studies with standardized phytopharmaceuticals in 1980s and shares to China.  

6... Request China for large amount of study reports by biotechnologies on natural medicinals that identified and used in TCM.  

The vinegar based combination of diet supplements will be able to cure complications of Covid survivors  

Now, we have convinced that, as airborne infectious disease, the epidemic covid-19 is easy uproot-able. The thorny diseases for treatment are the chronic degenerative one without pathogens for killing; such as, mental disorder, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease; etc.; they are the main cause of unbearable economic burden of individual and government globally.   

The cause is not at the inefficient of medical investment as people complained; but the investment is wasted in the useless genetic play to have caused lack of effective medication available for quickly curing patients and the lack of methods for people self-help in health keeping in disease free or self-help in disease treatment to reduce the reliance on public healthcare.  

Currently, the urgent is to reduce and cure the Covid survivors’ complications.  

Jan 10, 2022, articleWhen it comes to long COVID, the treatment playbook is constantly evolvingreports that there more than 170,000 long-COVID patients across Canada are with mystifying array of lingering after-effects, from tinnitus to intense pain throughout parts of body; and the cough, the fatigue, the aches and pains, hair loss, occasional insomnia, brain fog.  

For reducing the occurrence of complications and curing those long-Covid-19 patients, we need to revolutionize medical philosophy by Daoism of TCM integrating Reductionism of Western Medicine; thereby revolutionizing drug concept and revolutionizing the way in disease treatment; Then, the daily diets and diet supplements will be magic medication; so that we are able to help those Covid-19 infected people self-cure before worsening into hospital; and help those long-Covid-19 patients self-help to return to a normal life.  

Please continue on attached articles to learn more of my concerns.  

The attached articleUproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virusdiscussed the potential measures for ending epidemic in the basis of medical philosophies and the civilization of China and the West.  

The attached articleThe vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19introduced the 6 emails I conduct meats plant DC Foods Waterloo in zero infection.   

The attached articleVinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseasesis a version of translation-reedited from my Jan. 23 Mandarin article.         

Please give up outdated medical experience and practice to dump vaccines into garbage bins and turn to save human beings by cheaper diets and diet supplements.  

Thanks for all and best regards for all  

Waiting for good news  

Frank (Hongde) Li, Jan 23, 2022, in Waterloo, Canada  


From: Outlook.com Team
Sent: May 29, 2022 22:27
To: zgyjy@fudan.edu.cn ; sinohealer@gmail.com
Subject: 致範勇鵬 請結速疫情



致 範勇鵬







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您好,我看過您的許多視頻和文章,啟發我思考東西方文明問題,也寫過一些文章。東西方文明不同的本質問題,在於人類大腦產生智力的機理。從智力產生的機理來看,可以說,人類也是機器人,後天獲得的知識是驅動軟件。知識的範圍廣泛,生活經曆,環境,文化,哲學,意識形態......。東西方文明的不同,在於社會演化 - 文化的不同,導致人的本質的不同,思維和行為的不同。





李洪德禮 2022年5月29日 22:16 於加拿大 


From: Outlook.com Team

Sent: May 29, 2022 21:22
To: bianji@banyuetan.org 
Subject: 呼吸道殺毒 結速疫情


致 半月談雜誌社













李洪德禮 2022年5月29日 21:19 於加拿大


From:Outlook.com Team

Sent:May 29, 2022 11:58
To:office@capco.org.cn ; zhongguoqiyan@126.com 
Subject:致 宋誌平,中國上市公司協會會長 














李洪德禮2022年5月29日, 於加拿大 

From: Outlook.com Team
Sent: May 29, 2022 11:32

To jlin@ccer.pku.edu.cn 

Subject: Fw: 針對呼吸道殺毒 結速疫情


針對呼吸道殺毒 結速疫情 



















您是研究經濟的,看看新浪網這篇文章,2022年4月28日,《疫情之下 長三角如何“穩外貿”》:“疫情之前的第一季度,長三角進出口貿易發展迅猛,交易額占全國36.8%,對全國經濟增長起到了強拉動作用。而如今,疫情當前,長三角地區多地道路資源封控,進出口貿易正陷入困局。長三角地區的外貿正受到兩大主要影響,首先是外貿企業的訂單積壓問題,工廠內原材料遲遲不能到位,工人無法及時到崗,產能恢複緩慢。” 


2022年5月29日,文章《中國嚴厲的抗疫政策成越南經濟的福音》報道,生產線從中國轉至越南的趨勢也在繼續。據專業雜誌《電子學實踐》(Elektronik Praxis)報道,立訊精密、歌爾股份、和碩等中國電子企業正將部分生產基地移至越南。國際著名谘詢公司Fitch Solutions的一名專家在接受路透社采訪時表示:"越南將是供應鏈轉移的主要受益者之一。" 


2022年5月25日, 《北京兩高校學生夜間抗議打出口號》, 2022年5月27日, 《防疫措施引眾怒天津大學爆發抗議學生高喊反官僚、反形式主義》。2022年05月27日,新浪報道《北大:明起在校學生可“兩點一線”離校返鄉教學考試線上進行》。



您主張,為動態清零防疫封控地方的人men 發放現金,也是為了繼續動態清零。可是,病毒變異,易於傳染,越來越難被清零。如果,繼續玩“動態清零”,最後,全中國的企業和人民,都被玩進冰凍的大冰箱,一切都被凍住。動態清零,正在窒息中國社會經濟運行,有報道,由於動態清零,農民不能外出播種。沒有生活必需品的生產,發錢又有何用?


針對這種現象,早在2020年2月21日,我就寫了文章Some medical experts are in acting as the Killer aid of SARS-CoV-2,指出:“This article will irritate some people, but at this critical moment, I must knock their heads to wake them up to turn on right way for rescuing people. Facing with the tragedy of virus increasingly killing people, any treatments must be boldly tried, rather than restricted by the excuse of unscientific.” 

“For defeating COVID-19 lies not in new drugs but lies in getting rid of the constraints of scientific or unscientific, they mislead people overemphasizing on synthetic drugs by rejecting experience proved folk remedies and overemphasizing on killing pathogens by ignoring boosting autoimmune.” 

現在,兩年多的時間過去,這些專家已經創下幫助病毒殺害數百萬無辜的功績,為了讓大家看看他們是如何草率地殺人,2021年3月12日,我又寫了文章《新冠疫情催生新型犯罪 西醫教化的人 利用善心殺人》。 


2022年5月20日,《朝鮮新增超20萬發燒病例 短短10天10%人口感染》,2022年5月28日,《國務院聯防聯控機製2022年5月27日新聞發布會文字實錄》,2022年5月27日吉林近期部分抵邊縣報告本土病例,且感染來源不明確,疫情有自抵邊地區逐漸向內陸地區擴散趨勢,已出現外溢,需高度重視輸入風險,強化外防輸入各項措施。 













2...看過我的文章《新冠疫情催生新型犯罪 西醫教化的人 利用善心殺人》,您會被西醫醫學的馴化的人的荒謬震驚。必須用中醫哲學革命西醫哲學,互相兼容,優勢互補,從而革新疾病治療的理念和藥物概念,用食用醋,腿黑色素,調整分子醫學藥物和中醫藥物,就能實現疾病治療上的突破。減輕人民和政府的醫療負擔。西醫合成藥物和基因藥物,都做不到, 



如果可能,我希望,請參加2022年5月14日清華五道口首席經濟學家論壇的、橋水基金創始人Ray Dalio幫忙看看我的英文文章Uproot pandemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus,在本文,提出了中華文明與西方文明不同的原因,我認為,具有學術意義,有突破性。現在,此文僅僅是隨想日記,詞句不通,不可讀,主要是看看內容是否可行。疫情結束後,我再進一步完善。 

我注意到,與他人不同,Ray Dalio是少有能夠從文明和哲學層麵,看中國人的思維和行為的理性,反思西方人的思維和行為的無理性。從中國人和西方人的本性和質量的層麵,來理解中華文明與西方文明的不同。反觀那些宣講China will be the no.1, China rules the world的人,其實,並不理解中國,其言論的實際效果,恰恰與他們的初衷相反。 


最後提議,請您看看這個理性的白人看白人的愚蠢,The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good。您曾經當過世界銀行首席經濟學家兼發展經濟學高級副行長,環境所限,您大概也沒能做一些有意義的事兒。西方那些玩意兒,拿愚蠢做聰明,認錯誤為正確,害人致命。 



My view on Entrepreneur and Enterprise inspired by Peter Shoore 

How to save Canada's manufacturing from disappearing 

The DNA of the Success of IBM and America’s best-run companies 

A letter to Grote Industries Waterloo - good use of employee's innovative potential 

Chinese Medicine - A Promising Therapeutic Approach 








































































謝謝金傳春教授視頻《26分鐘諌言 台灣防疫成敗關鍵》,不過,我建議把視頻中講的那些東西扔進垃圾堆,因為,自己祖宗發展的經驗醫學才是人類醫學。如果真心想治病救命,就把這封信轉發給認識的醫生,尤其是那些在ICU治病救命的醫生們,她/他們才是在真心救人。看看我的文章《新冠疫情催生新型犯罪 西醫教化的人 利用善心殺人》。金教授的演講的目的,是想說服民主政客幹人事兒,是妄想。要審視台灣的出路,是獨裁者蔣經國支持建立的工研院,把台灣發展為亞洲四小龍之首。隨後,玩民主的智障們,把台灣玩出四小龍。我建議,以工研院為基地。由企業家和大學教授為立法委員,組建立法會,再由立法會任免各級政府的官員。不要繼續跟玩民主的智障們玩顏色了。 



張 英,大健康新聞部記者:zhangying@eeo.com.cn 






Dump vaccines to kill viruses by vinegar


Please forward to ICU workers for opening the survival way for working class 


Please trigger the use vinegar; this is an only way to open the survival way for working class and help the protestors of our brothers and sisters going back warm home from the iced outside; while ending the demon epidemic Covid-19.


Share to 

The managements of Windsor city 

Drew Dilkens, Mayor of Windsor: mayoro@citywindsor.ca?

Fred Francis, City Councillors of Windsor: ffrancis@citywindsor.ca

Rino Bortolin,City Councillors of Windsor: rbortolin@citywindsor.ca

Fabio Costante,City Councillors of Windsor: fcostante@citywindsor.ca

Windsor Regional Hospital 

David Musyj, President and CEO: David.Musyj@wrh.on.ca

Wassim Saad, Chief of Staff: Wassim.Saad@wrh.on.ca

Karen Riddell, Chief Operating Officer: Karen.Riddell@wrh.on.ca

Amelie Boisclair, Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital 

Amelie Boisclair, ICU, Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital: maryse.berube@ssss.gouv.qc.ca 

The officials of federal and provincial Canada 

Justin Trudeau, the PM of Canada: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca 

Candice Bergen, Conservative Leader: candice.bergen@parl.gc.ca 

Jim Watson, the Mayor of Ottawa: Jim.Watson@Ottawa.ca 

Peter Sloly, the Chief of Police Service: info@ottawapolice.ca 

Doug Ford; the Premier of Ontario: premier@ontario.ca 

Jason Kenney, Premier of Alberta: premier@gov.ab.ca 

Jason Copping, Health Minister of Alberta: health.minister@gov.ab.ca 

Heather Stefanson, Premier of Manitoba: premier@leg.gov.mb.ca 

Audrey Gordon, Health Minister of Manitoba: minhsc@leg.gov.mb.ca  

Blaine Higgs, Premier of New Brunswick: premier@gnb.ca 

Katelyn Thomas, Montreal Gazette:   kthomas@postmedia.comcitynews@montrealgazette.com


The heartbreaking words of a protester in the freedom convoy

Frank, Feb. 12, 2022, in Waterloo, Canada



I was shocked by the heartbreaking words of Gardon Fiala of a protestor in the freedom convoy from Feb. 9, 2022 YouTube video: Canada cracks down on anti-vax trucker protests, seize fuel and ban honking; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz09DEyhmD4 

Below are the photo and his heartbreaking words of protester Gardon Fiala. 



When they froze our economy; they didn't freeze any loans. There was no legislature that caused them to freeze any of our loans and they didn't lower taxes respectively; so people are losing their homes; they're losing their businesses; they have no income and they're being extorted to get the vast scene in order to just stay employed; so they don't lose their houses.


Kill viruses directly is easier than that of vaccination  


According to the experience that I conducted meats plant in zero infection; by antiviral air killing virus in people’s respiratory tract to defeat Covid-19 is easier than that of prevention; and 2 years’ practices show that is safe and effective. 

For being able to realize the synchronous action by the people globally, the used medicinals must be safe for people self-helping, cheaper, sufficient and handy available for anyone; so that I suggest daily diets and diet supplements. 

The diet vinegar will be the best one to kill all kind of viruses by the electro-negativity of the oxygen atoms while the electro-negativity can stimulate the physiological activities of covalent bonded body to cure potential existing diseases. 


.     The LD50 of vinegar is 3,320 mg/kg, which is 165g/50kg; and 20ml 5%vinegar is equal to pure in 1gram. Since ancient, the people of China have been using vinegar to cure various thorny diseases. Thousands of years’ global folk use as diet and medication has proved that vinegar is safe in-taking without side effect. Practical cases showed that the corrosive injury of high concentration of vinegar can quickly be self recovered with complications. 

Therefore vinegar is the best agent for beating Covid-19 in both prevention and treatment; especially cures the complications of those Covid survivors in tormenting. I suggest the methods for use of vinegar as below. 

A.. To inhale diet vinegar mixed air in daily once will be able to kill the virus in respiratory tract; while it will increase immune cells, decrease abdominal fat, and eliminate snoring and apnea with wide range of health-benefits. 

B.. If we make a portable sprayer with fragrance mixed vinegar or Hypochlorite for people use in daily once; then people will be able to confidently engaged in social activities as normal without need of vaccination and Covid test.  

C.. To set antiviral air generator in the public facilities and home rooms; to ensure all people globally able to inhale flavor and vinegar or Hypochlorite mixed air in daily once; then the epidemic will be ended in a period of weeks. 

D.. To cure covid-19 patients by diet vinegar fumigating hospitals’ wards or homes’ rooms in several times daily, add several milliliters of diet vinegar in water for filtering oxygen to the patients who need the aid in oxygenating. 

E.. Water dilute 20ml 5% diet vinegar (1 gram pure vinegar) per 50 kg body weight to drink 4 times daily; it will be able to cure covid-19 patients in 1 or 2 days without complications; no matter the patients are in mild or critical state.

F.. It is better to use diet vinegar combining with any or all of; Honey 20 ml + Melatonin 5 mg + Vitamin C 3g + OTC natural medicinals of TCM, such as, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule.  

The approach of inhaling diet vinegar mixed air as prevention and treatment for Covid-19 will be warm welcomed, due to the broader health benefits of vinegar will attract people willingly enjoying than that of promoting vaccinations.

According to the atomic structure of the Hypochlorite; I infer its physiological function similar as that of vinegar in good than bad when being properly used.

Here, I infer that inhaling vinegar or Hypochlorite mixed air in daily once will be able to eliminate all kind of airborne infectious diseases. The diet vinegar combines diet supplements will be able to cure contact infectious diseases. 


Best regards

Thanks for all

Frank, Morning 2:51, Feb. 13, 2022, in Waterloo, Canada


Below is about one tenth of the emails that I have sent, but no work of all.


From: Outlook.com Team
Sent: December 31, 2021 16:29
To: 'Denise'
Cc: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca ; Chrystia.Freeland@parl.gc.ca ; richard.horton@lancet.com ; Astrid.James@lancet.com ; xiebing@pku.edu.cn; tutcm@hotmail.com ; ljli@zju.edu.cn ; jzk86848421@163.com ; zdjkx@sona.com
Subject: ICU medical staff will uproot epidemic quickly


ICU medical staff will uproot epidemic quickly 

Please forward to Dr. Amelie Boisclair at Quebec Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital 

To Denise Labelle  

Administrative Assistant Adjointe du très honorable Jean Chrétien

Dentons, Ottawa;

D +1 613 783 9696; labelled2014@gmail.com  

Share to 

The honorable Justin Trudeau:justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca

The honorable Chrystia Freeland:Chrystia.Freeland@parl.gc.ca

Lancet Editor: Richard Horton:richard.horton@lancet.com

Lancet Deputy Editor:Astrid James:astrid.james@lancet.com

Peking University research management, Xie Bing:xiebing@pku.edu.cn

Zhang Boli, former President of Tianjin University of TCM; tutcm@hotmail.com

Li Lanjuan, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, ljli@zju.edu.cn





Dear Denise Labelle:

Good morning; this is Frank from Waterloo. I am sorry for bothering again.

The Omicron variant is in making new wave of patients flooding into hospitals; there are provinces vowed to allow COVID positive health-care staff to work. You would never forget that, in last year Italy and this year US; there were reports that ICU workers suicide from seeing patients helpless dying and new patients flooding in without hope to see the end. I worry that may happen in Canada soon.

For the death of COVID-19 infections, the most painful people are not dying patient but their families and medical staff, I once read a report, that patients who are going to die have long been lost their consciousness, so that they can't perceive pain and sadness for the coming of the end of the last breathing on this Earth. But, due to epidemic quarantine, the scenes of patients’ lonely pass away made ICU's medical staff heartbreak; this is the main reason that caused medical staff suicide.

Recently, I found Dr. Amelie Boisclair at Quebec Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital Twittered about her suffering of stress day after day, hour after hour as ICU specialist in lasting about two years without hope to see the end. The Twitter post is just on the time that the wave of Omicaron infacted patients will flood into ICU; such feeling is surely shared by most others; we must help the medical staff who works in ICU from desperate state to avoid the happen of the sadness as that in Italy and the US.

Now, some medical experts are happy for the infection of Omicron variant becoming much gentle in similar as that of the ordinary colds, so that humans are able to co-live with Covid-19 as they long hoped; without sense of uprooting the epidemic. The people in such a quality are never able to pre-think for the bad consequence that Omicron will easily mutate as new version of variant by tearing off the cheating face of gentle to be much fatal in unbeatable to paralyze social operation completely.

In compared with the practice of China; in the West; the easily uprootable epidemic Covid-19 is worsened as this day; no rational people would deny the fact that the process of anti-pandemic is a typical psychotic attack of social diseases from the social system that has been in ignorance hijacked.

This is the reason that I endlessly share email to you with the hope that the rare rational politician, the honorable Jean Chretien is able to help ending the epidemic as my emails persuaded that by inhalable disinfectant kills potential virus in people’s respiratory tract in daily once; will be no one virus-attacked as disease, then people may safely engage in daily social activities as normal as that of before epidemic, without the need of vaccination, infection test and quarantine.

Since the outbreak, I have sent hundreds emails and many phone calls globally, but no one care about; which revealed a sad reality that hopeful medical experts who are able to end the epidemic are just unwilling to see the end of the epidemic; due to that they need the epidemic for easy research funding; while the drug makers need epidemic for profiting from marketing genetic products; in such a greedy driven mad social environment; even if the honorable Jean Chretien can do nothing.

The helpless feeling of increasingly people died from easily avoidable made me insomnia and two times car accidents with scrapped a car; and the auto-insurance increased to $2372 from about $600 yearly. The Twitter of Dr. Amelie Boisclair gave me a new hope; the people who work in ICU under the prssure of the psychological torture of helpless seeing people endless dying are able to practice my idea and the suggestion to unload overloaded hospitals by daily diet and diet supplements.

We may promote the practice of uprooting epidemic by the help of the civil force of the health-care staff who works in ICU of hospitals. This email is hope that the honorable Jean Chretien is able to help Dr. Amelie Boisclair and her colleague with a green light by requesting PM Justin Trudeau for the potential legal permission and support from federal government; so that Dr. Amelie Boisclair and her colleagues are able to make clinic trial as soon as possible.

Recently, the Israel Biotech Company Amorphical developed drug Amor-18 by Amorphous Calcium Carbonate CCaO3; in clinic trial, 100% of covid-19 patients cured in a few days; and AMOR-18 is able to beat all variant of SARS virus family; includes Delta and Omicron; at the time that the others addict in genetic play as mad as that of drug abusing.

According to the studies and my personal experience, diet vinegar C2H4o2 is able to achieve much better effect than that of the CCaO3 did in quickly cleaning the viruses in human body with great advantage of curing potential existing diseases; so that the Covid survivors will be no complications; and especially, vinegar is cheaper handy available for any one in any country.

Please forward this email to Dr. Amelie Boisclair at Quebec Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital.

Thank you very much

Best regards

Frank (Hongde) Li, Morning; Dec. 31, 2021, in Waterloo


From: Outlook.com Team
Sent: February 7, 2022 4:00
To: wangchen@pumc.edu.cn
Cc: ralf.jockers@inserm.fr ; markus.schwaninger@uni-luebeck.de ; gabriela.riemekasten@uksh.de ; hongt@ace.cn ; caobin_ben@163.com ; sklrddirector@gird.cn ; chen_ling@gibh.ac.cn ; fuxiaod@gzhmu.edu.cn ; Outlook.com Team
Subject: Dump vaccines to kill viruses directly 


From: Outlook.com Team
Sent: February 7, 2022 3:39
To: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca
Cc: mediainquiries@who.int ; harrism@who.int ; lindmeierch@who.int ; MZervos1@hfhs.org ; jean-yves.duclos@parl.gc.ca ; kieran.moore@kflaph.ca ; richard.horton@lancet.com ; observer.letters@observer.co.uk ; Didier.raoult@gmail.com ; sinohealer@hotmail.com
Subject: Dump vaccines to kill viruses directly  


From: Outlook.com Team
Sent: February 7, 2022 3:23
To: vrector@ariel.ac.il
Cc: globalmarketingsocial@edelman.com ; gili.regev@sheba.health.gov.il ; ehudq@tauex.tau.ac.il ; eranba@tauex.tau.ac.il ; jberman@tauex.tau.ac.il ; Call.Habriut@moh.health.gov.il ; consular@beijing.mfa.gov.il ; iur@ariel.ac.il ; Outlook.com Team
Subject: Dump vaccines to kill viruses directly 



Now, the two years of tormented by the epidemic covid-19, people's psychological endurance has reached the limit. In many countries; people are angered to protest against vaccine mandates and the anti-pandemic restrictions.   

In Canada; people should say thanks for those angry protestors of the truck drivers and farmers; thank for them hard working in past two years under the pressure of being infected by Covid to keep the supply in life necessaries.  

We must have a rational recognition that it is the truck drivers and farmers have been in helping us for survival. 

Now, we have to explore a way out to end the epidemic without the need of vaccine and restrictions; rather than simply condemn or take enforcement on the protectors; we must consider from the perspective of protesters.  

Please Rare Sober Man Israeli Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld help to dump vaccines into garbage bin to kill viruses directly. 

Dump vaccines to kill viruses directly 

Inspired by Israeli immunologist appeals Ministry of Health, it's time to admit failure of repeating vaccinations in Israel. 

 Frank (Hongde) Li, Jan. 26 – Feb.1, 2022, in Waterloo, On. Canada 

Note: For quickly ending the epidemic; this email shares to other experts listed with short messages in the end of email. 

Experience shows that only antiviral air is able to shut down the hosts for virus reproduction 

According to the experience that I conducted meats plat in zero infection; by antiviral air killing virus in people’s respiratory tract to defeat epidemic is easier than that of prevention; and 2 years’ practices show that is safe and effective. 

For being able to realize the synchronous action by the people globally, the used medicinals must be safe for people self-helping, cheaper, sufficient and handy available for anyone; so that I suggest daily diets and diet supplements. 

The LD50 of vinegar is 3,320 mg/kg, which is 165g/50kg; and 20ml 5%vinegar is equal to pure in 1gram. The labs studies in Japan ans Italy proved that it can kill Covid-19. Since ancient, the people of China have been using vinegar to cure various thorny diseases. Thousands of years’ global folk use as diet and medication has proved that vinegar is safe in-taking without side effect. Practical cases showed that the corrosive injury of high concentration of vinegar can quickly be self recovered with complications. 

Although, the Covid-19 virus is the single inducement in causing disease, but it caused disease is a syndrome in multi-lesions of ever developing; therefore, it is impossible to develop symptomatic drug by making clear the cause of each symptom. The compound medication of TCM with multi medicinals can cure multiple lesions at once as that of the multiple projectiles of a shotgun can hit multiple targets in a blind shot. Amazingly; the vinegar along has cure-effects exceeded that of multi-medicinals.

Therefore vinegar is the best agent for beating Covid-19 in both prevention and treatment; especially cures the complications of those Covid survivors in tormenting. I suggest the methods for use of vinegar as below. 

A.. To inhale diet vinegar mixed air in daily once will be able to kill the virus in respiratory tract; while it will increase immune cells, decrease abdominal fat, and eliminate snoring and apnea with wide range of health-benefits. 

B.. If we make a portable sprayer with fragrance mixed vinegar or Hypochlorite for people use in daily once; then people will be able to confidently engaged in social activities as normal without need of vaccination and Covid test.  

C.. To set antiviral air generator in the public facilities and home rooms; to ensure all people globally able to inhale flavor and vinegar or Hypochlorite mixed air in daily once; then the epidemic will be ended in a period of weeks. 

D.. To cure covid-19 patients by diet vinegar fumigating hospitals’ wards or homes’ rooms in several times daily, add several milliliters of diet vinegar in water for filtering oxygen to the patients who need the aid in oxygenating. 

E.. Water dilute 20ml 5% diet vinegar (1 gram pure vinegar) per 50 kg body weight to drink 4 times daily; it will be able to cure covid-19 patients in 1 or 2 days without complications; no matter the patients are in mild or critical state.

F.. It is better to use diet vinegar combining with any or all of; Honey 20 ml + Melatonin 5 mg + Vitamin C 3g + OTC natural medicinals of TCM, such as, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule.  

The approach of inhaling diet vinegar mixed air as prevention and treatment for Covid-19 will be warm welcomed, due to the broader health benefits of vinegar will attract people willingly enjoying than that of promoting vaccinations.

According to the atomic structure of the Hypochlorite; I infer its physiological function similar as that of vinegar in good than bad when being properly used.

Here, I infer that inhaling vinegar or Hypochlorite mixed air in daily once will be able to eliminate all kind of airborne infectious diseases. The diet vinegar combines diet supplements will be able to cure contact infectious diseases. 

Omicron variant is not an epidemic terminator; but a messenger for the coming of more fatal variant strain 

Now, in facing the infections of the Omicron variant are more in mild and lesser in critical; there are experts say that epidemic will be ended to be as that common flu; and many countries are ready going to coexist with Covid-19 and to give up all of anti-pandemic restrictions to return to normal life.  

Jan 31, 2022, in a written statement, Ontario Premier Doug Ford said that “All Ontarians are united in their desire to put this pandemic behind us and return to the life we knew before COVID-19.” Ontario’s chief medical officer of health Dr. Kieran Moore, who also said that it’s time to “learn to live with COVID-19.”  

Lift restrictions to develop economy is perfect rational and necessary; thanks Ontario Premier Doug Ford and officer of health Dr. Kieran Moore for the rational decision; we must put it into practice immediately; otherwise the restriction will worsen economy to cause increasingly shortage in the life necessaries to finish human beings soon. 

However; without ending the epidemic; the variant Delta and Omicron families are still freely playing their roles in attacking people. The risk of infection will make the majority of people fear and keep away from social activities; so that lifts restrictions will be less help; but badly worsens epidemic; and the more fatal variant will come soon.  

We have to explore an approach without the need of vaccination; by self-help in using daily once; it will effectively avoid the potential virus in respiratory tract of people to be replicated as disease; thereby people will be able to confidently engage in social activities without fear to return the life as that of before the epidemic COVID-19.  

Actually, the Omicron variant strain is not an epidemic terminator; but it is that SARS-CoV-2 specially sent messenger to say thanks for developing vaccines and vaccine passport to cheat higher animals in the state of willingly sacrificing their bodies as hosts for the productive mutation of new strains; without sense to eliminate them by stopping replication.   

Jan 29, 2022, article The Coronavirus Will Surprise Us Again indicates that the variant after Omicron could look very different from any yet, since that coronavirus’ genome is 30,000 letters long, the number of possible mutation combinations is mind-bogglingly huge.  

However, the more fatal threat for human survival is not in the fatal variant of coronavirus; but in the wrongful behaving as that of psychotic attack of the low quality people with amazing huge numbers to root in the agencies of government and leading institutions that have been in conducting anti-pandemic Covid-19.  

The process of anti-pandemic is a typical psychotic attack globally; for instance

April 12, 2020; the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News wrote article The Virus Should Wake Up the West indicated: “The job of government is to protect its citizens. The pandemic reveals that key institutions in Europe and the U.S. are no longer up to the job.” “Behind the ideological squabbling, the main problem with Western government is simple: It is out of date.” “Many key government institutions have looked out of shape and outdated.” 

Jan. 24, 2022, in YouTube video The SARS2 Pandemic: Will Truth Prevail, the White House coronavirus adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas said that “the management of this pandemic has left a stain on many of America’s once noble institutions, including our elite universities, research institutes and journals, and public health agencies. Among the most damaged has been the harm to the essential functioning of science, research, and debate.”

In France, Professor Didier Raoult who happily announced that HCQ is effective for curing COVID-19; but the work did not inspire people to save lives; but instead caused academic attacking, even sued and now is in replacing professor as fire. Such psychotic play caused the ban in the use of HCQ to have caused over 50% of Covid-19 patient unnecessary deaths; according to the report Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients.

In China, In 2003 SARS treatment, TCM cured patients no death without sequelae; but treated by antibiotics and hormones caused death and sequelae of the necrosis of femoral head, and cured patients have been living in the life of poor quality, and this has been a household truth. But, in the treatment of Covid-19 patient; the expert in Western medicine is still rejecting the participation of TCM; the top leadership of China has to hold a special meeting to have replaced the resistant and forced Western medicine integrating TCM in the treatment of Covid-19 patient. 

In the West, by the name of unscientific banned the use of medicinals of TCM (Lianhua Qingwen)caused over 90% of Covid-19 patient unnecessary deaths; according to the achievement of China and the magic therapeutic effect of compound medication of TCM - the 13 medicinals of TCM Lianhua Qingwen capsule has total 160 bioactive components to cure COVID-19 patients through 57 target proteins, involves 35 signaling pathways and Toll-like receptor signaling pathway. 

It is clear that the process of anti-pandemic is a typical psychotic attack globally. Now we have enough reason to question that whether this batch of Man has properly humanized as that of self prided higher animals should be; why the higher animals are behaving in the way of stupid than that of low animals.

Humans need humanized Sober Man to lead killing viruses by dumping vaccines in garbage bin 

It is clear that the threat for human survival is not in the physical disease, but in the social disease; so that for wining over the epidemic; the key is at cure social diseases; so that those were rejected medications can be used to cure patients. This is the reason that I wrote article Uproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus with some impolite wording. 

And also; this is the reason that for a simple topic of Dump vaccines to kill viruses directly; I have to talkative so much with annoying poor English wording; because of the ignorance of people is too stubborn to be rescued.

Though, the vaccine once saves human lives; but in coping with the huge mutations of the coronavirus, it is in dooming human life; because of, it lures people stay in passive preventing without initiative thinking of killing virus to stop its reproduction; thereby allowing the virus freely unbeatable fatal mutating.

Now, it said that current PCR test has failed in testing Omicron sub-variant BA.2 of the most transmissible variant than ever. Report that In UK, the cases of BA.2 were doubling every 4 days with a 120% growth advantage over the original clade.

For beaten the ever mutating viruses to end the epidemic; we need a solution in once for all. The electro-negativity of atom can destroy covalent bond structured virus in regardless of mutating by taking off their parts without resistance producing.  

The diet vinegar will be the best one to provide electro-negativity by oxygen atoms to kill all kind of viruses, while the electro-negativity can stimulate the physiological activities of covalent bonded human body to cure potential existing diseases.

Though the natural breathing of people provides convenience for viruses spreading; but also it provides a convenient way for killing viruses; inhale vinegar mix-air in daily once will be able to kill the virus in respiratory tract and stop their replication as attacking as disease; then people will confidently engage in social activities without need of vaccination and Covid test.  

Years ago; the leading Israeli immunologist, Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld, who once warned that: the HPV vaccine linked to one or more autoimmune syndromes. Now, other Israeli immunologist also questions the effect of vaccine and the rationality of repeated vaccinations in Israel by article Ministry of Health, it's time to admit failure

The disappointed feeling of two years’ hundreds emails and dozens phone calls failed in persuading medical experts and officials for ending epidemic by stopping virus’ replication; wakened me up with that, only the sober Man, who is able to recognize that vaccine is bad than good in ending the epidemic; will be able to dump vaccines and turn to kill virus directly.  

This is the motivation that I write this email.

To Israeli Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld 

The leading Israeli immunologist

The President of Ariel University, Israel

The Head of the Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Israel

The Editor in Chief of Israel Medical Association Journals, Israel

And great many titles with great more awards to demonstrate Professor is a properly humanized Sober Man.

+972-77-997-2480; online contact: https://www.shebaonline.org/doctors/yehuda-shoenfeld/

 shoenfel@post.tau.ac.il,  international@ima.org.il

I hope that Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld will be able to lead to end the epidemic by killing virus directly and this is extreme easy, because of, that it is not to request the cooperation of government or seek the help from any others; but simply make demonstrations in Labs or Clinics. The only gain of two years torment of epidemic is to have trained people in eagerly self-help seeking for survival; so that, we point out a right approach will be enough. 

The tough job is to trigger the revolution in medical philosophy; it is not to expel any one; but by broad integration to make mutual complementary by the advantage of different philosophies; which is mainly by Daoism of TCM integrating Reductionism of Western medicine; then the drug concept and the way in disease treatment will be revolutionized; thereby helping people in disease free or self help in disease treatment to unload public healthcare by cheaper handy daily diets and diet supplements.   

For quickly ending the epidemic; this email shares to other experts listed with short messages in the end of email.

Thanks for all 

Dear Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld:

This is Frank (Hongde) Li from Waterloo, On., Canada; an independent technical immigrant from mainland China.  

As a Metallographic specialist once worked in a steelmaker’s Research Institute, without the need of costing time for seeking research projects and funding; I have plenty of time for free reading. As hobby, I interested in the results of modern studies on bio-ingredients, pharmacological effects and clinical applications of natural medicinals that identified and used by TCM in about 11,146 plants; 1581 animals; 80 minerals; with about 100 thousands of experience based formulas in covering all of known diseases.  

In this process, I have inevitably gotten in touching some knowledge in Western medicine; which provides me an ability to compare the advantages and disadvantages of two kind of medicine by crossing the radical different philosophies. Since the outbreak of the epidemic Covid-19, I have been following the development of epidemic and write articles to explore the potential measures for the prevention and treatment of the Covid-19 infections.

I learn you from Nov. 6, 2019 article Top Israeli immunologist accused of promoting antivaccine views with a subtitle - critics call on Yehuda Shoenfeld to resign as editor-in-chief of Israel Medical Association journals. As leading immunologist, now, you surely understood that vaccination is never able to end epidemic besides lures people never thinking of eliminating virus.

Recently, another leading Israeli immunologist at Tel Aviv University, Professor Ehud Qimron, who also published fierce critical article - Ministry of Health, it's time to admit failure to question the rationality of the repeatedly vaccinations in Israel.

From what Professor Ehud Qimron said in the article with the wording in somewhat angry, we can feel the anxious mood of the Professor for helpless seeing the epidemic Covid-19 increasingly worsening without proper measure to cope with. 

We have to understand the anxious of Professor Ehud Qimron; also we have to understand that the vaccination is the only measure for saving lives; but fails. Now the officials are in the same anxious as that of Professor Ehud Qimron worrying.

Now we should not condemn of each other; but join hands to explore a feasible way out of the demon Covid-19.

With well studies in immunology, you and Professor Ehud Qimron certainly recognized that vaccines can never end epidemic, thus you two will willingly help to promote the approach that is able to end epidemic without the need of vaccination.

This is the reason that writes to you with some concerns that have discussed in the start.  

Since the epidemic start; helplessly seeing the easy containable epidemic is kidnapped as uncontrollable in badly worsening economy and the life of people; and medical experts and officials never accept the suggestion to uproot epidemic by stopping the replication of virus; I suffer in insomnia with poor concentration to have made two driving accidents and scrapped a car with the times increase of car insurance. 

Actually, according to the experience that I conducted meats plant in zero infection; the epidemic is easily to be ended; if we dump vaccines into garbage bin; and dig out the brain cells that are responsible for reasoning about herd immunity.

The mechanism of Covid-19 transmission: it is not eyes and foods; but inhaling viruses cause infection 

May 7, 2020, article Tropism, replication competence, and innate immune responses of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in human respiratory tract and conjunctiva: an analysis in ex-vivo and in-vitro cultures and July, 2020 article SARS-CoV-2 infection in conjunctival tissue show that the eyes are not easy to cause infection, due to tear film has antiviral function. 

Sep. 22, 2020, article Oral SARS-CoV-2 inoculation establishes subclinical respiratory infection with virus shedding in golden Syrian hamsters indicate that by nasal inhalation of 100 PFU of virus infected all lab mice in difficult breath and weight loss; while virus shedding in oral swabs and faeces indicate that only 83% of mice were infected by oral inoculation with high dose of 100,000 PFU virus; but the oral inoculation infected mice are all in asymptomatic, the breath and weight are both in normal. 

Studies revealed that mammalian respiratory tract with the help of the ACE2 receptor works as the primary host for Covid-19 virus invading, replicating and spreading with a certain incubation period.  

The daily disinfection produced antiviral air made the employee of meats plant in zero infection 

Since Mar. 12, 2020; inspired by the report of medical team of Chine aid to Iran, China’s factories in Iran kept in zero infection by copying the practice of domestic China - masks and daily disinfection; I conduct meats plant DC Foods Waterloo Ontario, Canada in zero infection also. In attached article The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19, I introduce 6 emails to DC Foods Waterloo.

The plant set several people for daily disinfection with sprayer to spray disinfectant on the area of people just touched. Due to the lunchroom is small, for keeping social distance, employees have to taking lunch in several groups; so that lunchroom has to be repeatedly disinfected in a short period. In this way, the lunchroom is filled with strong smell of disinfectant volatile.  

The disinfection produced antiviral air was inevitably inhaled by employees who use the lunchroom and kill the possible viruses in the respiratory tracts; thus stopped the onset of the infection; because of, the mask and disinfection in the plant cannot avoid employee to be infected in home where is the major source of cluster infections.  

It is understandable that the hypochlorite disinfection is able to kill the viruses in environment; then the disinfection produced antiviral air is certainly able to kill the viruses in the respiratory tract of people after being inhaled with normal breathing.  

On this regard, there is favorable factor; it is that the harm of virus is at replication; we don't need to completely destroy them; but just castrates to lose their ability for replication as that of castrating rape criminals; and in this way, it may only need a weaker toxic disinfectant or a lower concentration of the disinfectant in lesser toxic harm.  

Thus may produce a phenomenon that the tests showing the virus is in existing; but it is harmless; so that we need an anti-infection method that is without the need of testing virus. The hypochlorite and vinegar is able to help to achieve this goal.  

Globally the meats plants have been the hotpots of infections; due to that workers have to operate manually by shoulder to shoulder in the work environment of low temperature with fans blow circulation; Though all of the plants carefully disinfecting every day, even if, in some plants, the employees took full PPE; but they still cannot avoid employee to be infected. I guessed that the reason is that there is no residual of the disinfectant in air under the regulation of government in before the epidemic.  

The finding in the anti-epidemic practice of meats plant reveals a fact that the environment disinfection cannot stop the virus airborne transmission from the respiratory tract of infected people to the respiratory tract of uninfected people; and also provided an inspiration to stop the viruses’ airborne transmission; which is to produce antiviral air. 

Though; the Mammalian breath provides convenience for Coronavirus transmission; but also it provides the convenient way for killing them; because of even if the most infectious variant strain also needs a incubation period before replicates as disease; this is the best time window for killing them. 

Now, the only needed concern is the safety of inhaling disinfectant mixed air  

Since Mar. 13, 2020, the disinfection operators in DC Foods Waterloo have been working on the position for about 23 months; they are still healthy doing the same job every day; though they have inhaled times more hypochlorite mixed air than that of others did; which shows that inhaling hypochlorite mixed air is safe without long-term complications; but as of current understanding; the best inhalable disinfectant will be vinegar.  

The virus killing function and the therapeutic effect of diet Vinegar  

The coronavirus killing effect of vinegar is from the proof of lab studies; June 24, 2020, Japan, study report Virucidal effect of acetic acid and vinegar on SARSCoV-2 and July 20, 2020, Italy, study report Vinegar and Its Active Component Acetic Acid Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vitro and Ex Vivo both reported that vinegar is able to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 in about 5% concentration. The report of Italy said that the fumigation of vinegar at low concentration (0.34%) ameliorated the symptoms of mild SARS-CoV-2 infection. 

In ancient China, the vinegar has been used as main ingredients for treating thorny diseases in a wide range, by fumigation cured flu and meningitis; while modern studies in Western medicine show that the therapeutic effect of vinegar are covering the most of diseases. The thousands of year’s long folk use as diet and medication have proved that vinegar is safe in-taking. 

As my understanding; as of now, among the diets, synthetic drugs or natural medicinals, the vinegar is the only one that is safe in-taking with exact function in killing covid-19 virus and with multi-therapeutic effects; at the time killing virus; it is also able to clean up the multi-lesions that covid-19 harms in human body. We must turn to carefully study vinegar; rather than addicted in genetic play.   

For sobering a better concentration, I take water diluted vinegar daily; I got greatest gain with finding that vinegar can cure periodontitis, eliminate Tartar or dental stones and made atrophied gums quickly grew up; while cure flu by curing fever; stopping runny nose and eliminating cough immediately, eliminating the sticky sputum that can't be coughed out in the throat, and thereby avoiding snoring and apnea when sleeping.  

Studies show that drinking water diluted vinegar can increase the counts of immune cells in the blood of lab mice and decrease the fat of abdominal and the thickness of intestinal wall of chicks.  

The function of vinegar curing periodontitis, eliminating Tartar and stopping snoring and apnea is also a great contribution on the health of people; due to that the periodontitis, snoring and apnea are the main inducement of great many fatal diseases. 

I infer that the magic physiological function of vinegar should be derived from the oxygen atoms in vinegar molecule produced electronegativities with the value 3.5 of each. The electronegativities are surely able to destroy the covalent bonded viruses in regardless of types or mutations; the pathogens will never be able to generate resistance on the electronegativities.  

Meanwhile, the electronegativities are able to trigger the physiological activities of covalent bonded tissues and organs of body to produce therapeutic effects that are able to exceed the effect of any existing medications.  

Please Google now by key the words of vinegar + any diseases; you will be convinced by shocking results. 

The self-recovered case shows that our body has magic ability in self-healing for the severe corrosive injury by high concentration of vinegar. I have provided self-recovered case in Jan. 26, 2020 article Vinegar, Vc, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases

Indirectly judging from the scattered data, human body has ability of self-protection or self-recovery; so that some toxics kill virus and bacteria, such as hypochlorite; no injury to human cell or lighter in self-recoverable.  

When talking about the pharmacological effects of vinegar, many researchers are focusing on the roles of the ingredients in vinegar from raw materials or the derivatives that produced in the process of vinegar fermentation; but as my view, no matter how those ingredients or derivatives are effective; they can never produce the effect as that produced by the electronegativities of the oxygen atoms in triggering the physiological activities of human body.  

Although, the Covid-19 virus is the single inducement in causing disease, but it caused disease is a syndrome in multi-lesions and in the state of continuously developing; therefore, it is impossible to develop symptomatic drugs by making clear the cause of each symptom. It is necessary to follow the compound prescription of TCM; the multi medicinals will heal multiple lesions as that of the multiple projectiles of a shotgun can hit multiple targets in a blind shot.

Amazingly, the therapeutic effects of vinegar itself are able to exceed that of the multi-medicinals compounded. This is the reason that I infer that vinegar along is able to quickly cure Covid-19 patients and the complications of Covid survivors.  

If we take vinegar as inhalable disinfectant; we will be able to enjoy many potential benefits that will attract people eagerly to self-help; while, the doctors, for enhancing the immunity of patients; the ladies, for a slim body; and the men, for a good sleep without snoring and apnea.  

As my personal experience, put diet vinegar in a plastic bag; then cover mouth and nose to inhale several breathes of the vinegar mixed air in daily once; or spray diet vinegar on a small area of handkerchief, then cover mouth and nose to inhale a while; or roll two piece of diet vinegar soaked paper to put in the nostrils in daily once; by which easy way, we will be able to prevent the onset of possible virus that inhaled into respiratory tract.

The hypochlorous acid will be safe as inhalable disinfectant 

There were many studies about the role of hypochlorous acid; they are just paid attention to its toxic effect without concerning the health benefit. The safe of vinegar on human health has been a household truth. By comparing to the Oxygen (electronegativity 3.5) and Chlorine (electronegativity 3.0) in the molecule of hypochlorite; I infer that the physiological function of hypochlorite is similar to that of vinegar in good than bad when properly use at the time killing virus; it is also able to cure the multi-lesions of diseases.

But the odor of the Hypochlorite is much acceptable than that of vinegar; thus the Hypochlorite is better to be used as inhalable disinfectant; and the long use also has proved the safety of Hypochlorite; especially we drink it cleaned water every day. The massive use of Hypochlorite as disinfection has been two years, without the reports on its long term complications. 

Epidemic will be ended by inhaling vinegar or hypochlorite mixed air in daily once 

Only vinegar and hypochlorite can beat any type of virus in regardless of their trick mutations by the electronegativities of the oxygen atoms and Chlorine atoms in the molecule to destroy their covalent bonded structure; as that of taking off the parts of the viruses.

If we take vinegar or hypochlorite mixing odorant as inhalable disinfectant and use in daily once to kill potential virus in respiratory tract; then people are able to confidently engage in daily activities without the need of vaccination and virus test.

We should develop a portable antiviral air sprayer with fragrance mixed vinegar or Hypochlorite for people use to kill potential virus in respiratory tract in daily once; then all of airborne infectious diseases will be unable to attack as diseases. 

Also we may set antiviral air generator in public facilities and home rooms; to ensure people globally inhaling vinegar or Hypochlorite mixed flavor antiviral air in daily once to kill possible viruses in the respiratory tract. 

At the same time, by fumigation to kill the potential viruses in the respiratory tracts of poultry; livestock; the animals in zoos; the bats in bat caves; as much more as we can; in globally coordinated synchronous action as that of extinguishing the wildfire; all of the flames must be extinguished at the same time. Then we will be able to uproot the airborne infectious diseases without need of costly developing vaccines or antibiotics.

Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld should work as a coordinator to mobilize the medical resource globally  

1... Contact the government of Canada to have physical tested for the people who have been working on the position of daily disinfection in DC Foods Waterloo; they have been unexpectedly completed long-term biological test for the long-term toxicity of hypochlorite. The testing results of their physiological indicators will be persuasive than that of testing by lab animals.

2... Professor Gili Regev-Yochay at Israeli Sheba Medical Center will be a best cooperator for quick clinic application of diets and diet supplements that are OTC in safe without the need of requesting permission from management.

3... Please contact the top officials of China to make antiviral air for preventing and treating Covid-19 infections to ensure the safe run of Olympic Games 2022; reports that there were many infected cases among athletes and team officials.

4... Please contact French Professor Didier Raoult to check his email; I will share this email to him; now, the outstanding French physician and microbiologist in infectious diseases; Professor is in facing the threat of being replaced as fire.  

French people attack Professor Didier Raoult are not for the safe concern of people; because of, in their designs of clinic trial are not care about the live or not with only care about perfect double blinding patients to meet the requirement of the Double Blind Clinic Trial. As contrast, the design of Professor Didier Raoult was full-hearted for the safe concern of patients by setting up experts and monitors for stopping treatment timely.

I have read great many articles in Double Blind Clinic Trial; the design of Professor Didier Raoult is the only one with considerable measures to protect the safety of patients. Please Google the studies on HCQ treating Covid-19 patients; you will be angered for the trials with the unreasonable high doses to kill patients. I once email to question a researcher why use high dose in trial, without answer. 

French people rudely treat own best scientist to have caused more than 50% of unnecessary deaths of own countryman; which is the sorrow of France that has been priding for acting as a main initiator of modern democracy and leading ideologies; but which led a individualistic social system; in which all of members are cultured to strive for selfish interests by the exchanges of ruining home place.  

The fact is clear those people whom yelling Unscientific or Unproven are not from human nature but they were quality distorted by Western medicine by yelling Unscientific or Unproven to show their great humane by cheating.  

Looking for the natural autoimmune enhancer to kick vaccines into garbage bin 

5... Request Germany for the proceedings of 300 clinical studies with standardized phytopharmaceuticals in 1980s and shares to China.

6... Request China for large amount of study reports by biotechnologies on natural medicinals that identified and used in TCM.

The vinegar based combination of diet supplements will be able to cure complications of Covid survivors 

Now, we have convinced that, as airborne infectious disease, the epidemic covid-19 is easy uproot-able. The thorny diseases for treatment are the chronic degenerative one without pathogens for killing; such as, mental disorder, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease; etc.; they are the main cause of unbearable economic burden of individual and government globally. 

The cause is not at the inefficient of medical investment as people complained; but the investment is wasted in the useless genetic play to have caused lack of effective medication available for quickly curing patients and the lack of methods for people self-help in health keeping in disease free or self-help in disease treatment to reduce the reliance on public healthcare.

Currently, the urgent is to reduce and cure the Covid survivors’ complications.

Jan 10, 2022, article When it comes to long COVID, the treatment playbook is constantly evolving reports that there more than 170,000 long-COVID patients across Canada are with mystifying array of lingering after-effects, from tinnitus to intense pain throughout parts of body; and the cough, the fatigue, the aches and pains, hair loss, occasional insomnia, brain fog.

For reducing the occurrence of complications and curing those long-Covid-19 patients, we need to revolutionize medical philosophy by Daoism of TCM integrating Reductionism of Western Medicine; thereby revolutionizing drug concept and revolutionizing the way in disease treatment; Then, the daily diets and diet supplements will be magic medication; so that we are able to help those Covid-19 infected people self-cure before worsening into hospital; and help those long-Covid-19 patients self-help to return to a normal life.

Please continue on attached articles to learn more of my concerns.

The attached article Uproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus discussed the potential measures for ending epidemic in the basis of medical philosophies and the civilization of China and the West.

The attached article The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19 introduced the 6 emails I conduct meats plant DC Foods Waterloo in zero infection. 

The attached article Vinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases is a version of translation-reedited from my Jan. 23 Mandarin article.       

Please give up outdated medical experience and practice to dump vaccines into garbage bins and turn to save human beings by cheaper diets and diet supplements.

Thanks for all and best regards for all

Waiting for good news

Frank (Hongde) Li, Jan 23, 2022, in Waterloo, Canada


Covid-19 urges to revolutionize medical philosophy  

This is excerpt reedited from attached article Uproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus

Covid-19 found that Traditional Chinese medicine is suitable for human life in philosophical basis 

Daoism is an ancient philosophy of China in dialectically views the universe as a system of the unity of opposites in the state of dynamic balance; which composed of components or subsystem with own feature of unity of opposites in the state of dynamic balance. By Yin and Yang represent the two opposites. Daoism embodies the harmony of unity of the opposites by regulating the natural processes and nourishing the balance; and view human body as one of the components of the universe. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine–TCM develops by taking the principle and terminologies of Daoism, views human body as emotion driven organic whole; with thousands years of belief that disease treatment is seven tenth in psychotherapy three tenth in medication, by natural therapeutic methods and compound medicinals restoring Yin and Yang balance as treatment.  

TCM has identified about 11,146 plants, 1581 animals and 80 minerals as medicinal use and has accumulated nearly 100 thousands of experience-based formulas, which covering almost all known diseases. 

Modern studies show that some natural medicinals can kill pathogens directly; some can boost immunity, such as, boosting the weight gains of immune organs, increasing the number and activity of the immune cells, phagocytes, NK cells and so on. Some can improve sleep, some can reduce anxiety, and some can improve appetite and digestion; etc. 

Some natural medicinals contain immunoreactive substances of immune enhancer. Their immunoregulatory role is in activation of reticuloendothelial system, so that increase IL-content, and the level of antibodies and complement, activate the macrophages and T, B lymphocytes, and enhance cellular immunity and humoral immunity, thereby enhancing human immune system in the capacity of anti-diseases. 

More amazingly, the medicinals used in TCM can improve immune system by intellectually taking the bidirectional role for those under different immune status. That is, for those in the lower immune function play a catalytic role, for those in the over immune reaction plays a disincentive role. 

Modern studies proved that the compounded medication of TCM is able to produce synergistic interaction; the more medicinals are compounded, the more therapeutic effects produced, the more side effects reduced. 

Any disease is syndrome in multi-lesions developing; it is impossible to make symptomatic drug by diagnosing the cause of each symptom; the compound medication is able to provide multi-medicinals to cure the multi-lesions at once. 

Such as; 13 medicinals of TCM made Lianhua Qingwen capsule has total 160 bioactive components to cure COVID-19 patients through 57 target proteins, involves 35 signaling pathways and Toll-like receptor signaling pathway.  

In the process of treatment; the doctors of China use synthetic drugs of Western medicine combining with natural medicinals of TCM, and by multi-medicinals cured the patents in lesser deaths and fewer complications. 

The recovered cases in Covid-19 are perfect matching the principle of TCM in disease treatment by focusing on the restoration of the physical balance of Yin and Yang.  

British lady Stacey who was COVID-19 infected on life-machine supporting in unconscious and her families have made final seeing farewell, but, as a final effort, doctors tried experience method to place her face down on stomach for 12 hours to make her lungs transferring oxygen into blood, then she eventually recovered and later discharged.  

The researchers in Melbourne University found that a COVID-19 patient recovered from symptoms of drowsiness, sore throat; dry cough and fever after naturally emergence of several kinds of immune cells in the blood, which, the researchers said, was no different with that of common flu.      

In China, the combo of pure natural medicinals have massively cured patients by targeting on physical improvement rather than killing virus; the blood test found that recovered people have increased immune cells that have been destructed by virus, such as, the lymphocyte count and white blood cell count. 

WHO has banned use of Hydroxychloroquine – HCQ in the treatment of Covid-19 patient; but in China; under the guidance of philosophy Daoism; the doctors use HCQ as an ingredient of multi-combination to have reduced the number of mild cases developed as critical. 

Covid-19 found that Reductionism guided Western medicine is not suitable for human life  

According to Wikipedia that updated in 14 January 2022, the philosophy Reductionism is described as a belief that the whole of reality consists of a minimal number of parts; the scientific attempt to provide an explanation in terms of ever-smaller entities. A newer theory does not replace or absorb an older one, but reduces it to more basic terms.  

For years, I found that the descriptions of the Reductionism are in gradually increasing the contents in modern biology to color it in the rationality as medical guidance; in ignoring that it is not suitable as medical guidance in the root level. 

Western medicine develops by taking the principle of Reductionism, views human body as lifeless assembly by subdividing body as more and more micro unit; such as, genes, proteins, or RNA to study the development of diseases; by looking for killing and genetic patching as treatment; ignores the fact that it is psychology in decisively affecting disease development.                

In 1955; the placebo was found able to achieve 50-60% clinic cure, while sadly found that many synthetic drugs were ineffective than that of placebo did; but have fatal side effects in killing people; so that double blind clinic trial set as regulation for proving the drugs for clinic use are effective than that of placebo did. Terribly, since then, the Western medicine has been in large scale killing people by kicking away the effective drugs that used in combo by testing in single. 

In this time treatment of epidemic Covid-19, it is just the regulation of double blind clinic trial helps medical experts kicking away the effective medications that have showed effective for curing Covid-19 patients; thus made short of effective medication to cause massive deaths and survivors’ fatal complications. 

Jan. 17, 2021 report, Britain, out of 47,780 people who were discharged from hospital in the first wave, there 29.4 per cent were readmitted to hospital within 140 days, and 12.3 per cent of the total died. There is a devastating long-term toll on survivors of severe coronavirus, with many people developing heart problems, diabetes and chronic liver and kidney conditions. 

Obviously, it is the philosophy Reductionism misguided Western medicine cultures people in helping virus killing people; which exposed a fact that human body is too complicated to treat by Reductionism and human life must be treated as Chaos System by Chaos Theory as that of dialectic philosophy Daoism in doing. 

In 2008, a crossing disciplines study shows that Stress Causes Everything from the common cold to cancer. Only the Butterfly Effect of Chaos Theory is able to help explaining the magic role of psychological factors on human health.  

This is the philosophical basis that the macro dialectic seeking philosophy Daoism is perfect fits into medical guidance for human life; while the micro accurate seeking philosophy Reductionism is not suitable as guidance for human medicine.  

This is the philosophical reason that genetic studies can never achieve the results that are good for human life; besides evil used to mess human life as that of Covid-19 in doing; since that human life is too complicated to play in that way.

I never deny the contribution of Western medicine; but, it wrongfully adopted Reductionism as medical guidance not only misleads medication, but also distorts the quality of people to cause the anti-pandemic as that of psychotic attack.  

Covid-19 found that Western medicine distorted quality of people to be its perfect assistants 

The quality distorted people rejected the use of HCQ caused more than 50% of Covid-19 patient unnecessary deaths; according to the report Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients

In France, Professor Didier Raoult who happily reported that HCQ is effective for curing COVID-19; but the work did not inspire people to save life, instead caused academic attacking; even sued and caused the ban in the use of HCQ.   

In HCQ treatment, Professor Didier Raoult set up experts and monitors to monitor patients for stopping treatment timely. I have read many articles in double blind clinic trial; the design only consider patents being perfect double blinded without care about their death or alive. Western medicine seems has magic to dehumanize the soul of people.   

Now Professor Didier Raoult is being kicking away from his professional position. I am tearful; I wonder that why the great French people are so rudely treat own outstanding scientist who has truly humanized heart; otherwise his test result in HCQ would have saved many lives of own countrymen by reducing about 50% of Covid-19 deaths. 

The quality distorted people banned the use of the medicinals of TCM (Lianhua Qingwen)caused over 90% of Covid-19 patient unnecessary deaths and survivors are in suffering fatal complications in compared to that of the doctors of China did. 

In 2003 SARS treatment, TCM cured patients no death without sequelae; but treated by antibiotics and hormones caused death and sequelae of the necrosis of femoral head, and cured patients have been living in the life of poor quality, and this has been a household truth.  

But, in the treatment of Covid-19 patient; the expert in Western medicine is still rejecting the participation of TCM; the top leadership of China has to hold a special meeting to have replaced the resistant and forced Western medicine integrating TCM in the treatment of Covid-19 patient. 

From humane intention; the quality distorted people warn the effective experience based medicinals as dangerous; by endlessly yelling Unscientific or Unproven to have brutally blocked only way for people self-help seeking survive. 

Such as, over 500 Indian scientists ask to stop study cow urine as drug; but studies show that cow urine has antimicrobial effects on some resistant strains, such as, the multidrug-resistant, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, etc... 

The quality distorted people abused in the play of genetic dramas of vaccines and herd immunity to kidnap people without stop the replication of virus; so that virus is able to free mutate as increasingly infectious and more fatal unbeatable. 

In Israel, Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld, who indicated that vaccine may cause Autoimmune Diseases, also caused academic attacking; some people even threaten him to resign as editor-in-chief of Israel Medical Association journal.

The facts were clear that it is not viruses; but the wrongful adopted philosophy Reductionism misguides Western medicine in mis-culturing people as the assistants of the virus for killing; which is the main cause of the most of deaths in Covid-19.

Jan 24, 2022, YouTube The SARS2 Pandemic: Will Truth Prevail, the White House coronavirus adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas said that “the management of this pandemic has left a stain on many of America’s once noble institutions, including our elite universities, research institutes and journals, and public health agencies. Among the most damaged has been the harm to the essential functioning of science, research, and debate.”

Obviously; the big mess that caused by pandemic Covid-19 has proved that Reductionism guided Western medicine is not suitable for human life. It is time that humans must revolutionize medical philosophy by Daoism of TCM integrating Reductionism of Western medicine; thereby reversing Western medicine distorted quality of people; so that they are able to do humanized business.

Covid-19 urges the revolution in Medical philosophy by Daoism integrating Reductionism 

The revolution in Medical philosophy will trigger the revolution in drug concept and disease treatment 

Drug concept revolution: The electronegativities of atoms in polar molecular can be used for therapy  

Drug concept revolution: The synergistic effect of compound medication of Daoism guided TCM 

Drug concept revolution: Melatonin will be the God medicine by perfecting digestive system and nerves renew  

Drug concept revolution: The vitamins and minerals of Orthomolecular medicine is best drug sources 

The diet and diet supplements of Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicinals of TCM will be able to quickly uproot epidemic covid-19 and make breakthrough in the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases. 

The greatest contribution of diets and diet supplements is not at curing thorny diseases, but at that they are able to ensure people keeping in disease free. 

In TCM, there is a belief that a superior doctor helps people keeping in diseases free; a common doctor rescues people from diseases; and an inferior doctor says to patients by that see you in next world. 

Vinegar based combinations of diet supplements will be the best medication for curing diseases 

Google, you will be surprisingly convinced by that the diet vinegar along is able to produce broader therapeutic effects that are able to exceed the multi-medicinal combination produced.    

I infer that the power of the electronegativities of oxygen atoms in vinegar is able to destroy covalent bonded viruses; while stimulate the physiological activities of covalent bonded body to produce cure effects that are covering most of disease. 

I took Melatonin for sleeping a sober mind; it improved my digestion and stool soften-formed without constipation; which means that regularly taking Melatonin can permanently improve digestive system and perfect nutrition supply. Studies show that Melatonin promotes nerve regeneration; cure degenerative diseases; and even rescue kidney failure aged stem cells.

Nov. 12, 2021, a report that the colorectal cancer is third most common cancer worldwide and the second leading cause of cancer death according to GLOBOCAN 2020. The daily diet is the main inducement of colorectal cancer through affecting gut microbial activities. Such as, high intakes of low-calorie beverages, French fries, red meats, and processed meats.

I believe that the Vinegar based combination of Melatonin and diet supplements of Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicinals of TCM will be able to help people in disease free and cure the most of diseases with breakthrough in the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases.

Which is by the electronegativities of oxygen atoms in vinegar molecular simulates the physiological activities of covalent bonded human body and then the Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicinals of TCM play their therapeutic roles.


For more experts being able to join the effort to end epidemic Covid-19; this email shares to 

Edelman Global Advisory 

1... Deborah Lehr, CEO, Edelman Global Advisory: globalmarketingsocial@edelman.com 

Dear Deborah Lehr, thank you for Trust Barometer 2022 exposing truth on politics. It is not all people in human feature are in human nature; some are in beast mentality; only Technocratic Democracy by outstanding Entrepreneurs and Scholars is able to save world from the ruining of Liberal Democracy. 

Please forget trust or not; to forward this email to friends who work in ICU of hospitals to end epidemic at first; otherwise any trust is useless. 


1... Gili Regev-Yochay, Professor, Sheba Medical Center: gili.regev@sheba.health.gov.il

Dear Gili Regev-Yochay; thank you for revealing that vaccine is less effective on Omicron strain; now please dump all kind of vaccines into garbage bin; and turn to pick up daily diets and diet supplements as medication to end epidemic and cure patients who are suffering in Covid-19 and chronic diseases.    

You are working in hospital with advantage of being able to make direct clinic trial of OTC diet and diet supplements to show instant result than that of double blind clinic trial in I, II, III terms with cost huge funds and times; which looks rational and necessary, but actually it is brainless childish play; it is just such play to have misled WHO banned use of HCQ in the treatment of Covid-19 patients; and to have caused 50% more unnecessary deaths according to July 2, 2020 report Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients of the US Henry Ford Health System.  

2... Ehud Qimron, Professor, Tel Aviv University: ehudq@tauex.tau.ac.il 

3... Eran Bacharach, Professor, Tel Aviv University: eranba@tauex.tau.ac.il 

4... Judith Berman Professor, Tel Aviv University: jberman@tauex.tau.ac.il 

5... Ministry of HealthCall.Habriut@moh.health.gov.il 

6... Irit Ben Abba, Ambassador of Israel to China:consular@beijing.mfa.gov.il

7... Idit Sohlberg, Vice-Rector of Ariel University: vrector@ariel.ac.il,  iur@ariel.ac.il 


1... WHO headquartersmediainquiries@who.int

2... Margaret Harrisharrism@who.int 

3... Christian Lindmeierlindmeierch@who.int 


1... Marcus Zervos, Professor, Henry Ford Health System: MZervos1@hfhs.org 

Dear Marcus Zervos, Thank you for exposing the truth that if some people did not ban the use of HCQ; there more than 50% Covid-19 died people would still alive. Now you would be in thinking about the revolutionary of medicinal philosophy without irrationally expelling, but rationally integrating of all of availabilities; thereby improving healthcare to resolve the dilemma in disease treatment.  

Now, please try to save lives by diet vinegar based combinations of diet supplements; whey will be much effective than that of HCQ did as well as WHO recommended 11 drugs would do.  

Some people said that mild Omicron strain combines with the existing vaccinated herd immunity will turn the epidemic Covid-19 to be a general flu. I hope that you would be not so ignorance to addict in or care about the ignorant prediction, but focuses on rational focus as that of analyzing the effect of HCQ. I firmly believe that safe for people self-help, cheaper and handy available daily diet and diet supplements will able to uproot all kind of airborne or contact infectious diseases and make breakthrough in the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases. Especially help people self-help in disease treatment and keep health in disease free to reduce the reliance on public healthcare; thereby solving the dilemma in disease treatment.   

Thanks again. 


1... Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca 

2... Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Health: jean-yves.duclos@parl.gc.ca 

3... Kieran Moore, Ontario Officer of Health: kieran.moore@kflaph.ca


1... Richard Horton, Editor, The Lancet: richard.horton@lancet.com

Dear Richard Horton, thanks for your rational work, the reason that I repeated share email to you is that you are rational without ideology bias in dealing with the issues in anti-pandemic, but you need to refresh mind with revolutionized medical philosophies; so that you are able to play a leading role for ending epidemic based on the platform of the Lancet. Now I would like to show my sorry for some impolite words to you. 

2... Toby Helm, Editor, The Guardian: observer.letters@observer.co.uk 


1... Didier Raoult, Professor, Aix Marseille University: Didier.raoult@gmail.com 

Dear Professor, thank you for your rational trial on HCQ; you are perfect right in the result of HCQ clinic use, if your countryman did not intended try to prove you are a liar, the cheaper and easy available HCQ would have saved more than 50% people who were died Covid-19. I am once moved tearful by your thoughtful design in clinic trial with considerable measures to prevent the harm to patients. I have seen many articles in double blind clinic trial; the designers seem only concern that how to make the patients properly double blinded without care about they are alive or not. 

As an outstanding scientist with great contribution, you are rudely treated by your countryman, made me think about the quality of human civilization; such a civilization is not humanized yet, due to that it has been ignorance hijacked. As a major initiator country in modern democratic design and leading ideologies; French people really need to careful self-reflect for that what your ancestors have contributed to human society.  

2... Ralf Jockers, Professor, Université de Paris:  ralf.jockers@inserm.fr 


1... Markus Schwaninger, Professor, University of Lübeck: markus.schwaninger@uni-luebeck.de 

2... Gabriela Riemekasten, Professor, University of Lübeck: gabriela.riemekasten@uksh.de 


1... Chen Wang, Academician, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences:  wangchen@pumc.edu.cn

Dear Professor, I notice that you are younger among Academicians of China; so that I share this email to you with the hope that your mind is less bondage of the dogmatism to bravely make breakthrough in anti-pandemic practice and to dump vaccines into garbage bin by turning to kill virus directly. 

2... Hong Tao, Academician, China Disease Control Center: hongt@ace.cn  

3... Bin Cao, Academician, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences: caobin_ben@163.com 

4... China State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease:sklrddirector@gird.cn 

5... Ling Chen, Professor, State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease: chen_ling@gibh.ac.cn 

6... Xiaodong Fu, Professor, State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease: fuxiaod@gzhmu.edu.cn   



From:Outlook.com Team
Sent:December 28, 2021 17:37
Cc:consular@beijing.mfa.gov.il ; Call.Habriut@moh.health.gov.il ; pniot@mfa.gov.il ; pengsz@most.cn ; il@mofcom.gov.cn ; jzk86848421@163.com ; zdjkx@sona.com ; 1753718567@qq.com <1753718567@qq.com>; 360535848@qq.com <360535848@qq.com>; 1016665388@qq.com <1016665388@qq.com>; 249235233@qq.com <249235233@qq.com>; 811884870@qq.com <811884870@qq.com>; xuefeigao@qq.com ; 1969900549@qq.com <1969900549@qq.com>
Subject:To Irit Ben Abba, the Ambassador of Israel to China


Please Irit Ben Abba rescue world out of epidemic Covid-19 

To Irit Ben Abba, the Ambassador of Israel to China

Embassy of Israel in Beijing

No. 17 Tianzelu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100600

Tel: 86-10-85320500  Fax:86-10-85320555



Share to


Ministry of Health: Call.Habriut@moh.health.gov.il

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: pniot@mfa.gov.il



蔡潤  中華人民共和國駐以色列國大使

pengsz@most.cn,  il@mofcom.gov.cn 

Dear Irit Ben Abba:

This is Frank (Hongde) Li from Canada, a technical immigrant from China; as metal material senior researcher with hobby of learning the results of modern studies on the natural medicinals that identified and used in Traditional Chinese Medicine - TCM.

I notice that you are in the major of East Asian Studies and English Linguistics; I am sure that you should be with Confucianism cultured quality in recognizing a matter right or wrong and thereby able to recognize the dead harm of vaccines and willingly to promote uprooting epidemic by stopping the replication of virus rather than endless vaccination as that of your country Israel has been eagerly in doing. It sounds rational and essential; but atually it is in childish play under the misleading of wrongful adopted phylosophy Reductionism guided Western Medicine that is not suitable for human life. 

Recently, I found report that Israel Biotech Company Amorphical developed drug Amor-18by Calcium Carbonate (CCaO3); in clinic trial, 100% of covid-19 patients cured in a few days; and AMOR-18 ia able to beat all variant of SARS virus family; such as Delta and Omicron.

I appreciate the rational practice of the team in Israeli Amorphical; they are able to study cheaper material as medication; which is at the manic times that the researchers globally are addicting in the Genetic play as that of drug abusing or as that of vultures attracting by rotten bodies.

I infer that the genetic products will never benefit to human life; besides evil-used destructing human life as that of the covid-19 in doing.

I have sent email to the Founder and CEO Yossi Ben of Amorphical and the Editors of The Times of Israel to suggest that the COVID-19 patients can be 100% cured by diet vinegar C2H4O2without complications.  

By water dilutes 20 ml 5%vinegar (White, Wine or Apple cedar) to drink 4 times daily, will be able to cure Covid-19 infected people in any severe condition in one or two days. I firmly believe that after one dose, the patients will look for drinking and eating.  

Put 5%vinegar mixed Fragrance in a plastic bag to cover nose and mouth inhaling vinegar mixed air in daily once, will kill potential virus in respiratory tract to stop the onset of the viruses; then people may confidently engage in daily activities without the need of vaccination, infection test or quarantine.  

Sep. 22, 2020, article Oral SARS-CoV-2 inoculation establishes subclinical respiratory infection with virus shedding in golden Syrian hamstersreports that by using Syrian hamster model to compare the effects of the Covid-19 virus entering body by nasal inhalation and oral administration.

As a result, all hamsters were infected by nasal inhalation of 100 PFU of virus inoculation; while virus shedding in oral swabs and faeces indicate that by oral inoculation of high virus dose of 100,000 PFU only infected 83% (10/12) of hamsters; also all of the orally infected hamsters showed no symptoms without weight loss; though the orally infected hamsters have similar level of detectable viral shedding from oral swabs and faeces as that of the hamsters by intranasally infected. 

The fact showed that to kill virus in the respiratory tract by inhalable disinfectant is best way for uprooting epidemic; while environment disinfection is less effective.

Since Mar. 12, 2020, I conduct meats plant DC Foods Waterloo Ontario in zero infection; which revealed that as airborne infectious disease; the epidemic covid-19 is easily uprooted; if we turn to stop the reproduction of viruses by cheaper inhalable disinfectant to kill viruses in the respiratory tracts of people in daily once.

The vinegar is the safe and effective inhalable disinfectants to uproot the epidemic with thousands of years’ use proved safe in-taking; and labs confirmed function in killing covid-19.

June 24, 2020, Japan, study report Virucidal effect of acetic acid and vinegar on SARSCoV-2and July 20, 2020, Italy, study report Vinegar and Its Active Component Acetic Acid Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vitro and Ex Vivoboth reported that vinegar is able to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 in about 5% concentration. The report of Italy said that the fumigation of vinegar at low concentration (0.34%) ameliorated the symptoms of mild SARS-CoV-2 infection.

In ancient China, the vinegar has used as main medicinal ingredients to treat thorny diseases in wide range. Modern studies show that vinegar has broad therapeutic effects in covering all kind of diseases.

Although, the covid-19 is single inducement in causing disease, but as same as that of any disease is in multi-lesions as syndrome and in the state of continuously developing; therefore, it is impossible to develop symptomatic drugs by making clear the cause of each symptom. It is necessary to follow the compound prescription of TCM; the multi medicinals will heal multiple lesions as that of the projectiles of a shotgun can hit multiple targets in a blind shot.

Amazingly, vinegar itself is able to exceed the therapeutic effects of the multi-medicinal compounded. This is the reason that I infer that vinegar along is able to quickly cure Covid-19 infected people without complications.  

If we take vinegar as inhalable disinfectant; we will be able to enjoy many potential benefits that will attract people eagerly to self-help; while, the ladies, for a slim body; and the men,for a good sleep without snoring and apnea.  

The lab studies show that drinking water diluted vinegar can increase the counts of immune cells in the blood, and decrease abdominal fat. According to my personal experience, drinking water diluted vinegar can immediately stop cough and runny nose of flu; and eliminate sticky sputum that can't be coughed out in the throat to ensure small tongue moving freely; thereby reducing snoring and apnea.

There were many studies about hypochlorous acid; they are just paid attention to its toxic effect without concerning the health effect. The safe of vinegar on human health has been a household truth. By comparing to the Oxygen (electronegativity 3.5) and Chlorine (electronegativity 3.0) in the molecule of hypochlorite; I infer that the physiological function of hypochlorite is similar to that of vinegar in good than bad when properly use at the time killing virus; it is also able to cure the multi-lesions of diseases.

In the practice of anti-pandemic; the leading medical experts and policy making officials put hope fully on vaccination; by which hijack anti-pandemic going on wrong way of costly repeating vaccination without uprooting epidemic by stopping the replication of viruses, so that virus has been in freely mutating as increasingly poisonous in more uncontainable.

Here is my Jan. 8, 2020 article <Vinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases>. http://www.kwcg.ca/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=61910&do=blog&id=12339

As major in East Asian Studies and in English Linguistics; I believe that you are well understood the different in the civilization between China and the West.

The attached article is an excerpt of <Uproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus>, in which I discussed the formation of China based Eastern Collectivistic Civilization and Europe based Western Individualistic Civilization.

If it is possible, I would like that you suggest to the Editors of The Times of Israel to publish for rescuing increasingly messing world by improving malicious multiparty opposition corrupted democratic legislature.  

Also, I would like that you make a phone call to the Founder and CEO Yossi Ben of Amorphical at 972-8-6995333 to suggest making some study on uprooting epidemic by stopping the replication of virus, and also to study vinegar based combinations of diet supplements to reduce the cost of Israeli government on healthcare by revolutionizing disease treatment to make people reduce the reliance on public healthcare by home self-help.    

Wating for good news 

Best regards 

Frank (Hongde) Li, Dec. 28, 2021, in Canada 


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From:Outlook.com Team

Sent:December 26, 2021 20:14
Cc:justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca ; Chrystia.Freeland@parl.gc.ca ; richard.horton@lancet.com ; astrid.james@lancet.com ; xiebing@pku.edu.cn ; yao@pku.edu.cn ; info@amorphical.com
Subject:Uproot epidemic by stopping virus replication 


Canada may lead world out of epidemic by inspiring people self-help. 

Israel has cured 100% of COVID-19 patients by Calcium Carbonate CCaO3in clinic trial of hospital.  

Canada is able to cure all of COVID-19 infected people by diet vinegar C2H4O2in home self helping.  

The honorable Jean Chrétien may call PM Trudeau to suggest his six infected staff and securityto drink water dilute 20 ml 5%vinegar or 2 x 500mg Vinegar Capsules / 50 Kilo 4 times daily; the result will inspire people to follow in self-help; thereby uprooting epidemic in weeks. 


To Denise Labelle 

Administrative Assistant Adjointe du très honorable Jean Chrétien

Dentons, Ottawa;

D +1 613 783 9696; labelled2014@gmail.com,  denise.labelle@dentons.com

Share to 

Canada, the Federal Government 

The honorableJustin Trudeau:justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca

The honorableChrystia Freeland:Chrystia.Freeland@parl.gc.ca

Britain,the Lancet Journal

Editor:Richard Horton:richard.horton@lancet.com

Deputy Editor:Astrid James:astrid.james@lancet.com

China,thePeking University 

Research Management, DirectorXie Bing:xiebing@pku.edu.cn

Bioaerosol Laboratory, ProfessorMaosheng Yao:yao@pku.edu.cn 

Israel, Biotech Company Amorphical 

The Founder and CEO,Yossi Ben:info@amorphical.com

Thank you Sir Yossi Ben, the reports that you study to treat diseases by Calcium Carbonate made me tearful and gave a hope from hopeless of viewing people waste social resources to study genetic products or something for the life of tomorrow without care about survival or not in this time today of their own and their families. 

I share email to you is for providing some inspirations in the basis of philosophies and civilizations; so that you may make greater contribution for uprooting the epidemic as soon as possible to save humans of this time in today; I am sure that only you have a rational mind to recognize that, without today will be without tomorrow.

I believe that the vinegar based combinations of diet supplements - Melatonin, Orthomolecular Medicine and the natural medicinals of TCM will be enough to uproot all of diseases of higher & lower animals. The genetic plays will never benefit to human life; besides evil-used destructing human life as that of the covid-19 in doing.

Waiting for more good news from your research team; especially in humanizing medical philosophy & practice.


Dear Denise Labelle:

Good morning; this is Frank from Waterloo; I am sorry for bothering again. But only the honorable Jean Chrétien is able to reach PM Justin Trudeau for quick action to uproot Epidemic Covid-19 as soon as possible, the Omicron variant is in messing Canada and world than ever; social operation will be badly messed and thereby further worsening economy.  

This email is urgent, please directly talk to PM Justin Trudeau, to avoid his assistant filtering it out by a thank letter. 

Today, I found Dec. 23, 2021 articleIsraeli drug prevents 100% of COVID-19 patients from deteriorating in trial; it reports that Israel Biotech Company Amorphical developed drug Amor-18 by Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) to administrate orally or inhalation; in clinic trial, 100% of covid-19 patients cured in a few days; due to that ACC has ability to modulate acidic pH around the cells; thereby affecting the capability of COVID-19 penetrate into cells and replicate.

Areport in Mandarin said that the CEO of Amorphical explained that AMOR-18 has the advantageof anti-inflammatory, safe, effective, easy to use, and it is able to confront all of the variant of entire SARS virus family; such as Delta and Omicron.The website of Amorphical posts that ACC has been studying in other 5 clinical trials; and has proved safe in treating various diseases. The treatment of COVID-19 is following the same basic treatment plan - cancer; Inflammations; Fertility; Cell-Therapy and Osteoporosis & Bones.

The fact that Calcium Carbonate CCaO3 cured COVID-19 patients has indirectly proved my idea that I have been repeatedly sharing to you - the thousands of years’ use proved safe diet vinegar will be able to uproot Epidemic by people’s self-help.Also, the price of the Calcium Carbonate in food qualityis still too expensive and also it is not easily handy available.  

For uprooting so massive spreading epidemic, the medication must be safe, sufficient, cheaper, and handy available for any one in any country; so that people are able to self-help to reach global synchronous action as that of extinguishing the wildfire; all of the flamesmust be extinguished at the same time. Only diet vinegar is able to reach such a purpose.

I attached several articles; the <Uproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus> discussed the approaches for ending the epidemic Covid-19 from the basis of philosophies, ideologies and civilizations; and by which excerpt-revised follow articles for convenience in reading.

The article discussed the approaches to unload overloaded hospitals by daily diets and diet supplements in the basis of medical philosophies.

The article discussed the reason that I wrote to you and the honorable Jean Chretien with idea to improve democratic play corrupted legislature.

The article <The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19> introduced the six emails that I conduct the anti-pandemic practice of meats plant DC Foods Waterloo Ontario in Zero infection.

I infer that putting vinegar mixed fragrance in plastic bag covers nose and mouth inhaling vinegar mixed air in daily once to kill potential virus in respiratory tract to stop the onset of the viruses; then people will confidently engage in daily activities without the need of ignorant play of repeatedly vaccination, infection testing and quarantine. 

By water dilutes 20 ml 5%vinegar (White, or Wine, or Apple cedar) or 2 x 500mg Vinegar Capsules/ 50 kg to oral in 4 times daily, it will cure Covid-19 infected people at any severe condition in one or two days without complication. I firmly believe that after the first dose; the condition of patient will be relieved with the desire to drink and eat. 

Above dose of vinegar was according to my experience; one dose cured flu of fever and cough. I put dose here is for safe concern. However, it is not an optimal dose for the exertion of therapeutic effect of vinegar. The LD50 of vinegar is 3,320 mg/kgin 165g for people in 50kg. I guess that the optimal dose of vinegar may be much higher.

I believe that, if it is without the hijacking of people who are greedy driven genetic play or endlessly yelling these are unscientific those are unproven; the Epidemic should be ended year ago as that of China did. The process of anti-pandemic is a typical psychotic attack of the social diseases from Western Individualistic Civilization.

The thorny diseases for treatment are the chronic degenerative one that is without pathogens for killing.

I infer that the diet vinegar C2H4O2based combinationswith diet supplements will be able to unload overloaded hospitals of Canada by curing the most of diseases quickly; no matter infectious or non-infectious by electronegativities of oxygen atoms in vinegar molecule taking off the parts of covalent bond structured viruses and bacteria; while the electronegativities also trigger the physiological activities of covalent bonded body to produce therapeutic effects. 

In compared with the pragmatic studies of Israeli Biotech Company Amorphical, the studies in other countries are far from pragmatic; this is the reason that even if governments have invested large amount of funds for anti-pandemic study; but the epidemic is in worsening, the hospitals are increasingly overloading; due to that the valuable funds are wasted on the greedy genetic plays without clinical values; besides attractive academic significant and commercial values.  

Because of such a ignorant social environment, the simple effective medications that are able to uproot the epidemic Covid-19 will be difficult implemented; in this concern; I wrote The fax to Dong Mingzhu; with the hope that rational entrepreneur will be able to fund researchers to force them making some designated studies for urgent needed. 

Also, I notice that, recently the honorable Jean Chrétien published book following the serial books; which showed that he has significant focus in engaged in with full attention. In such situation, he may not share attention to help to uproot easily uproot-able epidemic by stopping the replication of viruses rather than printing money endless vaccination.

As Administrative Assistant of the honorable Jean Chrétien; you are able to work for a long time to have showed that you are smart able to properly deal things with clear boundary for that what is your duty and what is not; and surely acts as the assistant of boss; rather than acts as the boss of boss. But your over cautious in work may produce negative effect.

In phone chat, I said that you are the family member of Jean Chretien is for encouraging you to take self as younger sister of the honorable Jean Chretien; so that you are able to confidently suggest something without hesitate. Otherwise, the honorable Jean Chrétien may miss the opportunity for saving humans as an outstanding politician should not miss.

I have some requests as bellow.

1...Please look at attached The fax to Dong Mingzhu and fax it. I notice that you have no fax number, but I am sure that you are able to easily find a helper.

2...The honorable Jean Chretien may contact with China’s Premier Li Keqiang to set an Online Platform for the experience exchanges of medical experts between China and Canada. Also requests Li Peqing to fundPeking University inthe studies of the clinicuse of vinegar based combinations of diet supplements. 

3...Introduce patented cancer treatment from China. I have reached agreement with inventor Dr. Yu Baofa to draft a Q&A topic for publishing in Canada, and then by public appeal promoting it success. You may list some questions. 

If, above ideas are able to be realized, then the long waiting in disease treatment in healthcare system of Canada will be radically improved; which is by quickly curing patients and help people self-help in home to reduce the reliance on public healthcare; rather than endless appealing for increasing medical investment.  

The success in healthcare will enable Canada as world leader in radically relieving the dilemma in disease treatment globally. 

Waiting for good news 

Best regards 

Frank (Hongde) Li, Dec. 26, 2021, in Waterloo, Canada 

From:Team Outlook.com
Sent:December 22, 2021 17:38
Subject:Uproot epidemic by stopping virus replication


Share to:

The right honorable PM Justin trudeau: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca

To Denise Labelle 

Administrative Assistant Adjointe du très honorable Jean Chrétien 

Dentons, Ottawa 

D +1 613 783 9696 


發件人:Team Outlook.com
發送時間:2021年11月5日 15:29
主題:Please uproot epidemic by stopping virus replication


Share to

1...Michel Chrétien, the Emeritus Research Professor, IRCM, michel.chretien@ircm.qc.ca


To Denise Labelle 

Administrative Assistant Adjointe du très honorable Jean Chrétien 

Dentons, Ottawa 

D +1 613 783 9696 


To Denise aboutIRCM Post-COVID-19 Research Clinic


   Dear Denise Labelle:

   This is Frank from Waterloo, Ontario.

   Recently, I read Oct. 24, 2021 articleFormer PM Chretien on inflation concerns, current affairs. In The interview of CTV, the honorable Jean Chrétien concerned that “We’re printing money like crazy,” “We’re moving into a dark alley, but we’ll have to go to the end of the alley.”

I have been worry that the left of Aline Chretien may blow down honorable Jean Chretien, but from the interview and the book My Stories, My Times, Volume 2 that published week ago, I am convinced honorable Jean Chretien is strong man and I happy for seeing that.

Recently; I happily found that PM Trudeau was in repeating the tone of honorable Jean Chretien’ comments about China; I cannot help but laughed loudly.

The rational practice of honorable Jean Chretien inspired me to write to China’s Premier Li Keqiang.

For “to the end of the alley”; the key is at that to finish epidemic as soon as possible.

I Google found that, in today Nov. 5, Friday, only half day; in Ontario the new cases has reached 563 and 5 deaths; now US, Europe, and even in China; the infections are all soaring up; which means that vaccination cannot end the epidemic at all.

For ending the epidemic, the only way is to stop the replications of virus by inhalable disinfectant killing virus in respiratory tract. In this concern; since May 2020, I have sent hundred emails to medical experts and officials; but all failed.

I hope that the honorable Jean Chretien may help to forward my letter to Premier Li Keqiang; with their good friendship; it certainly will play a role for ending historical unprecedented big disaster of human beings. And the Professor Michel Chrétien will certainly play a decisive role.

Please call Professor Michel Chrétien checking emailmichel.chretien@ircm.qc.cain the subject of Please uproot epidemic by stopping virus replication and see the feasibility of my ideas.

I am in writing the letter; I will update it to you for once needs to Premier Li keqiang

Waiting for good news

Best regard

Frank Li; Nov. 5, 2021, In Waterloo, On

發件人:Team Outlook.com
發送時間:2021年11月4日 20:09
收件人:Team Outlook.com
主題:轉發: Please uproot epidemic by stopping virus replication

發件人:Team Outlook.com
發送時間:2021年10月29日 3:34
抄送:arivkc@nus.edu.sg ; arismyb@nus.edu.sg ; carol_chan@nus.edu.sg ; president@uwcsea.edu.sg ; hannah.williamson@uwcsea.edu.sg ; jon.parr@uwcsea.edu.sg ; jill.kaplan@uwcsea.edu.sg ; alexandra.touchaud@uwcsea.edu.sg ; lee_hsien_loong@pmo.gov.sg ; pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg ; connie_chan@pmo.gov.sg ; yeo_lim@pmo.gov.sg ; GAN_Kim_Yong@mti.gov.sg ; ong_ye_kung@moh.gov.sg ; HENG_Swee_Keat@pmo.gov.sg ; Irene_SEE@pmo.gov.sg ; Sally_TAN@pmo.gov.sg ; teo_chee_hean@pmo.gov.sg ; patrina_tan@pmo.gov.sg ; tharman_s@pmo.gov.sg ; loh_pang_shing@pmo.gov.sg ; GOH_Chok_Tong@pmo.gov.sg ; Wendy_HO@pmo.gov.sg ; indranee_rajah@mof.gov.sg ; shanti_kanan@mof.gov.sg ; maliki.osman@mfa.gov.sg ; omer_farook_sevatha_maricar@mfa.gov.sg
主題:Please uproot epidemic by stopping virus replication


To Prof. Kishore Mahbubani

Asia Research Institute

Singapore 119260

Tel: +65 65165450

Email: kishore.mahbubani@mahbubani.net


Good morning Prof. Kishore Mahbubani:

This is Hongde Li from Canada. This email is for requesting your help to save world from the destructing state by epidemic covid-19 and improper social governance.

1. To promote the use of practice proved inhalable disinfectants to uproot epidemic covid-19 by targeting on mammalian respiratory tract to kill virus and stop its reproduction.

2. To promote the rationalization in social governance by adding controlled rational intelligence to rationalize uncontrolled intelligence malicious disabled democratic legislature.

Share to 

Asian Peace Programme:

Varigonda Kesava Chandra: arivkc@nus.edu.sg

Bertrand Seah Ming Yan: arismyb@nus.edu.sg

Carol Chan: carol_chan@nus.edu.sg


International school in Singapore:

President Carma Elliot: president@uwcsea.edu.sg

Hannah Williamson: hannah.williamson@uwcsea.edu.sg

Jon Parr: jon.parr@uwcsea.edu.sg

Jill Kaplan: jill.kaplan@uwcsea.edu.sg

Alexandra Touchaud: alexandra.touchaud@uwcsea.edu.sg


The ministers of Singapore:


1 Private Secretary to Prime Minister

Mrs Connie CHAN, PB: connie_chan@pmo.gov.sg

2 Private Secretary to Prime Minister

Ms YEO Lim, PB, PBS: yeo_lim@pmo.gov.sg

Minister for Trade and Industry

GAN Kim Yong: GAN_Kim_Yong@mti.gov.sg

Minister for Health:

ONG Ye Kung: ong_ye_kung@moh.gov.sg

Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies

HENG Swee Keat: HENG_Swee_Keat@pmo.gov.sg

Personal Assistant to Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies

Ms Irene See: Irene_SEE@pmo.gov.sg

Ms Sally TAN: Sally_TAN@pmo.gov.sg

Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security

TEO Chee Hean: teo_chee_hean@pmo.gov.sg

Personal Assistant to Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security

Ms Patrina TAN: patrina_tan@pmo.gov.sg

Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for Social Policies

Tharman SHANMUGARATNAM: tharman_s@pmo.gov.sg

Personal Assistant to Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for Social Policies

LOH Pang Shing, PB, PBS: loh_pang_shing@pmo.gov.sg

Emeritus Senior Minister

GOH Chok Tong: GOH_Chok_Tong@pmo.gov.sg

Private Secretary to Emeritus Senior Minister

Ms Wendy HO: Wendy_HO@pmo.gov.sg


Ms Indranee RAJAH: indranee_rajah@mof.gov.sg

Personal Assistant to Minister

Ms Shanti KANAN: shanti_kanan@mof.gov.sg


Dr Maliki OSMAN: maliki.osman@mfa.gov.sg

Personal Assistant to Minister

Omer Farook s/o SEVATHA MARICAR, BBM: omer_farook_sevatha_maricar@mfa.gov.sg

發件人:Team Outlook.com
發送時間:2021年10月19日 23:11
抄送:pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg ; connie_chan@pmo.gov.sg ; yeo_lim@pmo.gov.sg ; GAN_Kim_Yong@mti.gov.sg ; ong_ye_kung@moh.gov.sg ; HENG_Swee_Keat@pmo.gov.sg ; Irene_SEE@pmo.gov.sg ; Sally_TAN@pmo.gov.sg ; teo_chee_hean@pmo.gov.sg ; patrina_tan@pmo.gov.sg ; tharman_s@pmo.gov.sg ; loh_pang_shing@pmo.gov.sg ; GOH_Chok_Tong@pmo.gov.sg ; Wendy_HO@pmo.gov.sg ; indranee_rajah@mof.gov.sg ; shanti_kanan@mof.gov.sg ; maliki.osman@mfa.gov.sg ; omer_farook_sevatha_maricar@mfa.gov.sg
主題:Easily, Singapore leads out of epidemic covid-19


To PM Lee Hsien Loong and the group of Prime Ministers of Singapore

Prime Minister's Office of Singapore

Quality Service Line: 1800 2229 986

Tel: 6235 8577;  Fax: 6835 6621

Email: lee_hsien_loong@pmo.gov.sg

Easily, Singapore leads out of epidemic covid-19


Shares to 


1 Private Secretary to Prime Minister 

Mrs Connie CHAN, PB:connie_chan@pmo.gov.sg 


2 Private Secretary to Prime Minister 

Ms YEO Lim, PB, PBS:yeo_lim@pmo.gov.sg 


Minister for Trade and Industry 

GAN Kim Yong:GAN_Kim_Yong@mti.gov.sg 


Minister for Health: 

ONG Ye Kung:ong_ye_kung@moh.gov.sg 


Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies 

HENG Swee Keat:HENG_Swee_Keat@pmo.gov.sg  

Personal Assistant to Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies 

Ms Irene See:Irene_SEE@pmo.gov.sg 

Ms Sally TAN:Sally_TAN@pmo.gov.sg  

Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security 

TEO Chee Hean:teo_chee_hean@pmo.gov.sg 

Personal Assistant to Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security 

Ms Patrina TAN:patrina_tan@pmo.gov.sg  

Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for Social Policies 

Tharman SHANMUGARATNAM:tharman_s@pmo.gov.sg 


Personal Assistant to Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for Social Policies 

LOH Pang Shing, PB, PBS:loh_pang_shing@pmo.gov.sg  

Emeritus Senior Minister 

GOH Chok Tong:GOH_Chok_Tong@pmo.gov.sg  

Private Secretary to Emeritus Senior Minister 

Ms Wendy HO:Wendy_HO@pmo.gov.sg  


Ms Indranee RAJAH:indranee_rajah@mof.gov.sg  

Personal Assistant to Minister 

Ms Shanti KANAN:shanti_kanan@mof.gov.sg  


Dr Maliki OSMAN:maliki.osman@mfa.gov.sg  

Personal Assistant to Minister 

Omer Farook s/o SEVATHA MARICAR, BBM:omer_farook_sevatha_maricar@mfa.gov.sg 


Dear Lee Hsien Loong and the group of Prime Ministers of Singapore:

This is Hongde Li from Canada, a technical immigrant from mainland China. This email is for requesting your help to end the epidemic. It is easy.

Yesterday, I saw your speech of "Protecting the Vulnerable and Securing Our Future” in Oct. 9, 2021. From your expression; I understood your anxiety for the uncontrollable infections; especially badly impacts on economy.

Actually, according to my studies and practical experience; the epidemic covid-19 will be easily uprooted by disinfectant nixed air killing the possible viruses in Mammalian reparatory tract to stop the reproduction.

In attached articleUproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virusandThe vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19; I introduced the detailed method for the practice.

Last year Mar. 12; inspired by the zero infection of China’s factories with local employees in covid-19 sweeping country Iran; I email conducting meats plant DC Foods Waterloo, On, Canada; also achieved zero infection.

Later, globally endless reports that meat plants became the hotpots of infections; due to that operators have to operate manually in shoulder to shoulder in low temperature. Though all of the plants carefully disinfecting every day, even if, in some plants, the employees took full PPE; but they still cannot avoid from infections.

Then I investigated the practice of daily disinfection in DC Foods Waterloo.

After getting my emails, DC Foods sets several people as disinfection operators. For social distancing, employees grouped in turns to take lunch in a small lunchroom; the repeated disinfection made the lunchroom fill with strong smell of the disinfectant; I guess that was the disinfectant mixed air inhaled and killed the possible viruses in the respiratory tracts of people who use the lunchroom; because of the disinfection in plant cannot avoid employees cluster infected in home; which is main cause of the infections.

It is understandable that the hypochlorite disinfection is able to kill the viruses in the environment; then the disinfection produced antiviral air is certainly able to kill the viruses in the respiratory tract after being inhaled along with normal breathing.

On this regard, there is favorable factor; it is because that the harm of virus is at the replication; so, we don't need to completely kill viruses; but only castrates to disable replication as that of castrating rape prisoner; and in this way, it may only need a small dose or lower concentration of disinfectant with lesser toxic. So that inhalingdisinfectant mixed air is able to effectively stop the replication of the viruses.

Thus may produce a phenomenon that the tests showing the virus is in existing; but it is harmless already; so that we need an anti-infection method that is without the need of testing at all; but disinfects in daily once to kill the possible invading virus. Thehypochlorite and vinegar is able to achieve this goal.

Above findings in meat plants reveal the fact that the environment disinfection cannot stop the virus airborne transmission from respiratory tract to respiratory tract when the natural breathing of people; and also provided an inspiration for stopping the viruses airborne transmission; which is to produce antiviral air.

Then I reviewed the practice of high density populated China and India, I found that large-scale hypochlorite disinfection has also played a decisive role in reducing the infections; and also without complication reported from inhaling disinfectant; but ignorantly; no one recognized such a virtual important fact. So that I said that the process of anti-pandemic is a process of the heavy attack of scientific psychosis of social diseases that rooted in Western Individualistic Civilization in fooling people ignorant.

Since Mar. 13, 2020, the disinfection operators in DC Foods Waterloo have been working on the job for more than 19 months; they are still healthy doing the same job every day; though they have inhaled times more hypochlorite mixed air than that of others did; which means that inhaling hypochlorite mixed air is safe without long-term complications. Also, globally has no related report; though the hypochlorite disinfection worldwide used.

There were many studies about hypochlorous acid are just paid attention to its toxic effect; rarely paid attention to its benefits for human health. The safe of in-taking vinegar on human health has been a household truth. By comparing to the electronegativities of the atoms of Oxygen and Chlorine in the molecule of hypochlorite; I infer that the physiological function of hypochlorite is similar to vinegar in good than bad when properly using.

Now, the disinfection operators of DC Foods have indirectly carried out the biological experiment for testing the long-term poisonous effect of the hypochlorite on human body. We may have those disinfection operators medical checked in physiological indicators; such as; immunocyte counting, the positive results may provide confidence in the use of physiological disinfection; which is the best disinfection agent that will help to uproot epidemic.

Sep. 29, 2021, I once sent an email to the WHO Representative to China with the hope they may help to end epidemic, but it is useless. I copy main section as below.


1... To uproot epidemic by stopping the reproduction of viruses 

1.1... Put 5 – 10%vinegar in a plastic bag; then cover mouth and nose to inhale several breathes of the vinegar mixed air in daily once; or roll two piece of diet vinegar soaked paper to put in the nostrils in daily once to kill the possible virus in respiratory tract. Meantime, the vinegar is able to increase immune cells, decrease abdominal fat, and eliminate snoring and apnea with multi-health-benefits...... 

1.2... Ensure people inhaling several breathes of Hypochlorite disinfectant mixed air in daily once to kill possible viruses in respiratory tract as prevention and treatment in the public facilities; such as, schools, airports, hospitals, factories; super markets and government agencies...... 

1.3... We should develop a portable nose and mouth covering sprayer with inhalable disinfectant for people timely use to kill possible virus inrespiratory tractwith the benefits of health Keeping. 

2... To cure covid-19 patients and the complications of covid-19 survivors 

2.1... Copy the practice of above section 1.1...; but it is used in several tines daily. 

2.2... Cure severe covid-19 patients by vinegar fumigating the wards of hospitals several times daily. 

2.3... Add some vinegar into the water for filtering oxygen to the patients who are in oxygenating. 

2.4... Drinking water dilute diet vinegar in equal to 1 gram pure vinegar per 50 kilo body weight, 4 times daily.

2.5... Drinking water dilute 5%Vinegar 20 ml + (any or all of; Honey 20 ml + Melatonin 5 mg + Vitamin C 3g + OTC tablets Chinese medicine such as, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule + other medications), 4 times daily. 

2.6... DevelopVinegar,Melatonin; Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicnals of TCM based multi-medicinal combined tablets. 

Note:I infer thatthe virus killing effect and therapeutic effect of the diet vinegar is from that electronegativities of the oxygen atoms in vinegar molecule are able to destroy the covalent bonded viruses and bacteria in regardless of the types or mutations; while, the electronegativities of the oxygen atoms are also able to trigger the physiological activities of covalent bonded human body to produce therapeutic effect that is able to exceed the effect of any current medications.

As my understanding; as of now, among the diets, natural medicinals and synthetic drugs; the vinegar is the only one that is safe in-taking with labs confirmed function of killing covid-19 and clinically proved multi-therapeutic effects; so that at the time it kills virus also is able to clean up the residuals – the multi-lesions that covid-19 harms in human body.

I infer that by the properly use of above diets and diet supplements; we will be able to cure the most of known diseases and will make breakthrough in the treatment of degenerative diseases that western medicine has failed; while the double blind clinic trial that limited in single composition and the genetic study will lead to ruin human life.I made theoretical explanations for above inferences in the section 1...Diet supplements based combinations and the theoretical basisof the attached articleUproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus.

I hope that by the influence of your job position to help the implementation of the ideas as below.

1... Please contact with Professor Zhang Boli and Professor Li anjuan 

I have shared the email to Professor Zhang Boli, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; and Professor Li Lanjuan, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University.

They have the ability to promote the practice of my idea in China. Also they may promote the study of inhalable disinfectant and thepharmacological mechanism of diets and diet supplements. 

2... Study inhalable disinfectant and thepharmacological mechanism of diets and diet supplements 

The best researcher in this regard is Professor Maosheng Yao atBioaerosol Laboratory;Peking University; we have made exchanges by email and phone chat.In attached articlesection5.1.3..The infection by respiratory tract;I mentionedabout the Professor. 

Contact: http://scholar.pku.edu.cn/myao/home; Email:yao@pku.edu.cnTel: 13120205311

Below are the study reports of the team of Professor Maosheng Yao regard the airborne transmission of Covid-19.I am sure that you will be also convinced by the thirst-quenching studies. 

Jun, 02, 2020,Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Exhaled Breath from Patients Ready for Hospital Discharge

Jun. 02, 2020,Exhaled breath is a significant source of SARS-CoV-2 emission

Jun. 24, 2020,Breath-borne VOC Biomarkers for COVID-19

Aug. 08, 2020,COVID-19 patients in earlier stages exhaled millions of SARS-CoV-2 per hour 

Aug. 20, 2020,On airborne transmission and control of SARS-Cov-2 

In attached article, I have mentioned the targets for study, you may provide some suggestions. Besides the study on the mechanism of vinegar in the treatment of covid-19 and the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases, the vital study should focus on the effect of vinegar in calcium absorption, whether it dissolve calcium to cause osteoporosis.

In Shanxi province, China, people eat more vinegar, in southern China; people eat more sugar, which provided statistical resources for understanding the role of vinegar and sugar on human health in long term. The WHO in China may do a meaningful survey on this regard.

I hope that Professor Maosheng Yao may act as a coordinator to associate the labs and hospitals in Peking University to finish the study on the pharmacological mechanism aboutVinegar, Melatonin; Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicinals. 

For the study ofProfessor Maosheng Yao; the key is at the source of funding. I hope that the WHOPeking or Peking University is able to provide some funds to start the study, and then I would like to return by funding from commercial way. Such study has valuable commercial values; many businesses will be willingly providing sponsorship. I hope that Professor Maosheng Yao is able to get enough funds to engage in the studies whatever he concern; he would never waste money. I would like to help him. 

3... Request the help of Dr Bruce Aylward to test the safety of inhaling disinfectant mixed air 

Please forward this email to Dr Bruce Aylward, Senior Advisor to the Director-General of WHO. Dr Bruce Aylward is from Canada; he may help to contact related leaders of Canada to organize a test regarding the safety of inhaling disinfectant mixed air.

Since Mar. 12, 2020, after I sent email to conduct the anti-infection, the meats plant DC Foods Waterloo specially sets several disinfection operators to disinfect the area that people are just touched by spraying disinfectant at first then wiping with rag; thus the small lunchroom are filled with strong smell of disinfectant and to be inhaled by employee to have stopped onset of the infection. In this process; those disinfection operators have inhaled times more disinfectant mixed air than others did. Now over the time of one year and half, those disinfection operators are still healthy doing the same job every day. 

We should study the health condition of those disinfection operators; such as, blood test and related health indicators, by which prove the safe of inhaling antiviral air and find the safe disinfectant. Also we should study and video the practice of daily disinfection in DC Foods Waterloo as the global guidance in anti-pandemic; which will play a role as the test practically with reliable result than that of making in labs. 

The safe inhalable disinfectant mixed antiviral air may help us uproot all kind of airborne infectious diseases. 


Now the chance left for Singapore. 

1 ... Suggest Canadian government conducts physical examination of DC Foods's disinfection operators to determine the safety of hypochlorite.

2 ... Suggest China Government funds Professor Maosheng Yao team of Peking University studying the use of hypochlorite and vinegar on anti-virus effects and best way for use

3 ... In Hospitals of Singapore make clinical experiments for my suggested diets and diet supplements to covid-19 infections and other diseases

The best way is to inform the governments of Canada and China; and then the Ambassadors of Singapore to Canada and China directly contacts 20th prime minister of Canada Jean Chretien's brother and Professor Maosheng Yao to fund them for designated studies.

Jean Chretien's brother Prof. Michel Chrétien is a medical researcher specializing in neuroendocrinology research at the Clinical Research Institute of Montreal, (IRCM). Prof. Michel Chrétien may conduct the practice of the physical examination of DC Foods's disinfection operators with wide range of social contacts in medical and social field.

Contact Prof. Michel Chrétien may viaDenise Labelle, the Administrative Assistant for honorable Jean Chrétien at Canada 613 783 9696. 

 If the Singapore government provides funding, the study may be accelerated. As a promoter of the researches; Singapore will play a role as the leader for ending the epidemic.

The advantage of Singapore finishing the studies is at that the results will be acceptable globally; if it is finished by China, the results will be attacked without desired help for ending the epidemic. 

I would like to cooperate withProf. Michel Chrétien andProf. Maosheng Yao timely by email or phone. 

     Waiting for good news

Warmest Regards

Hongde Li; Oct. 19, 2021, in Canada

發件人:Team Outlook.com
發送時間:2021年9月29日 18:04
抄送:wpchnwr@who.int ; wpchnmedia@who.int ; harrism@who.int ; wprocom@who.int ; wpvnmwr@who.int ; sebanregistry@who.int ; wrindia@who.int ; sewhoindonesia@who.int ; sewhomav@who.int ; semmr@who.int ; senepwr@who.int ; sesrlregistry@who.int ; setharegistry@who.int ; sharmar@who.int ; afwcozawr@who.int ; afwcozamedia@who.int ; tutcm@hotmail.com ; ljli@zju.edu.cn ; yao@pku.edu.cn ; wpchnmedia@who.int
主題:To Dr Gauden Galea, WHO to China


To Dr Gauden Galea, the WHO Representative to China

WHO Representative Office in China

Beijing 100600, PR China

Tel: +8610 6532 7189/+8610 6532 7190/+8610 6532 7191/+8610 6532 7192



Dear Dr Gauden Galea

This is Hongde Li from Canada. This email is to request your help to end epidemic covid-19.

The epidemic is in quickly suffocating human society by paralyzing economy; we must turn to directly stop the reproduction of viruses by cheaper disinfectant mixing air to kill possible viruses in the Mammalian respiratory tracts. 

The attached articleUproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virusintroduced above idea and related issues in medicine and social governance.

1... To uproot epidemic by stopping the reproduction of viruses 

1.1... Put 5 – 10%vinegar in a plastic bag; then cover mouth and nose to inhale several breathes of the vinegar mixed air in daily once; or roll two piece of diet vinegar soaked paper to put in the nostrils in daily once to kill the possible virus in respiratory tract. Meantime, the vinegar is able to increase immune cells, decrease abdominal fat, and eliminate snoring and apnea with multi-health-benefits...... 

1.2... Ensure people inhaling several breathes of Hypochlorite disinfectant mixed air in daily once to kill possible viruses in respiratory tract as prevention and treatment in the public facilities; such as, schools, airports, hospitals, factories; super markets and government agencies...... 

1.3... We should develop a portable nose and mouth covering sprayer with inhalable disinfectant for people timely use to kill possible virus inrespiratory tractwith the benefits of health Keeping. 

2... To cure covid-19 patients and the complications of covid-19 survivors 

2.1... Copy the practice of above section 1.1...; but it is used in several tines daily. 

2.2... Cure severe covid-19 patients by vinegar fumigating the wards of hospitals several times daily. 

2.3... Add some vinegar into the water for filtering oxygen to the patients who are in oxygenating. 

2.4... Drinking water dilute diet vinegar in equal to 1 gram pure vinegar per 50 kilo body weight, 4 times daily.

2.5... Drinking water dilute 5%Vinegar 20 ml + (any or all of; Honey 20 ml + Melatonin 5 mg + Vitamin C 3g + OTC tablets Chinese medicine such as, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule + other medications), 4 times daily. 

2.6... DevelopVinegar,Melatonin; Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicnals of TCM based multi-medicinal combined tablets. 

Note:I infer thatthe virus killing effect and therapeutic effect of the diet vinegar is from that electronegativities of the oxygen atoms in vinegar molecule are able to destroy the covalent bonded viruses and bacteria in regardless of the types or mutations; while, the electronegativities of the oxygen atoms are also able to trigger the physiological activities of covalent bonded human body to produce therapeutic effect that is able to exceed the effect of any current medications.

As my understanding; as of now, among the diets, natural medicinals and synthetic drugs; the vinegar is the only one that is safe in-taking with labs confirmed function of killing covid-19 and with multi-therapeutic effects proved clinically; so that at the time it kills virus also is able to clean up the residuals – the multi-lesions that covid-19 harms in human body.

I infer that by the properly use of above diets and diet supplements; we will be able to cure the most of known diseases and will make breakthrough in the treatment of degenerative diseases that western medicine has failed; while the double blind clinic trial that limited in single composition and the genetic study will lead to ruin human life.I made theoretical explanations for above inferences in the section 1...Diet supplements based combinations and the theoretical basis

The attached articleThe vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19introduced the process that I found the disinfectant produced antiviral air is able to stop the onset of infection with six emails that sent to meats plant DC Foods Ontario. Canada.

I hope that by the influence of your job position to help the implementation of the ideas as below.

1... Please contact with Professor Zhang Boli and Professor Li Lanjuan 

I have shared the email to Professor Zhang Boli, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; and Professor Li Lanjuan, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University.

They have the ability to promote the practice of my idea in China. Also they may promote the study of inhalable disinfectant and thepharmacological mechanism of diets and diet supplements. 

2... Study inhalable disinfectant and thepharmacological mechanism of diets and diet supplements 

The best researcher in this regard is Professor Maosheng Yao atBioaerosol Laboratory;Peking University; we have made exchanges by email and phone chat.In attached articlesection5.1.3..The infection by respiratory tract;I mentionedabout the Professor. 

Contact: http://scholar.pku.edu.cn/myao/home; Email:yao@pku.edu.cnTel: 13120205311

Below are the study reports of the team of Professor Maosheng Yao regard the airborne transmission of Covid-19.I am sure that you will be also convinced by the thirst-quenching studies. 

Jun, 02, 2020,Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Exhaled Breath from Patients Ready for Hospital Discharge

Jun. 02, 2020,Exhaled breath is a significant source of SARS-CoV-2 emission

Jun. 24, 2020,Breath-borne VOC Biomarkers for COVID-19

Aug. 08, 2020,COVID-19 patients in earlier stages exhaled millions of SARS-CoV-2 per hour 

Aug. 20, 2020,On airborne transmission and control of SARS-Cov-2 

In attached article, I have mentioned the targets for study, you may provide some suggestions. Besides the study on the mechanism of vinegar in the treatment of covid-19 and the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases, the vital study should focus on the effect of vinegar in calcium absorption, whether it dissolve calcium to cause osteoporosis.

In Shanxi province, China, people eat more vinegar, in southern China; people eat more sugar, which provided statistical resources for understanding the role of vinegar and sugar on human health in long term. The WHO in China may do a meaningful survey on this regard.

I hope that Professor Maosheng Yao may act as a coordinator to associate the labs and hospitals in Peking University to finish the study on the pharmacological mechanism aboutVinegar, Melatonin; Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicinals. 

For the study ofProfessor Maosheng Yao; the key is at the source of funding. I hope that the WHOPeking or Peking University is able to provide some funds to start the study, and then I would like to return by funding from commercial way. Such study has valuable commercial values; many businesses will be willingly providing sponsorship. I hope that Professor Maosheng Yao is able to get enough funds to engage in the studies whatever he concern; he would never waste money. I would like to help him. 

3... Request the help of Dr Bruce Aylward to test the safety of inhaling disinfectant mixed air 

Please forward this email to Dr Bruce Aylward, Senior Advisor to the Director-General of WHO. Dr Bruce Aylward is from Canada; he may help to contact related leaders of Canada to organize a test regarding the safety of inhaling disinfectant mixed air.

Since Mar. 12, 2020, after I sent email to conduct the anti-infection, the meats plant DC Foods Waterloo specially sets several disinfection operators to disinfect the area that people are just touched by spraying disinfectant at first then wiping with rag; thus the small lunchroom are filled with strong smell of disinfectant and to be inhaled by employee to have stopped onset of the infection. In this process; those disinfection operators have inhaled times more disinfectant mixed air than others did. Now over the time of one year and half, those disinfection operators are still healthy doing the same job every day. 

We should study the health condition of those disinfection operators; such as, blood test and related health indicators, by which prove the safe of inhaling antiviral air and find the safe disinfectant. Also we should study and video the practice of daily disinfection in DC Foods Waterloo as the global guidance in anti-pandemic; which will play a role as the test practically with reliable result than that of making in labs. 

The safe inhalable disinfectant mixed antiviral air may help us uproot all kind of airborne infectious diseases. 

I would like to cooperate with WHO Beijing and Professor Maosheng Yao timely by email or phone. 

Waiting for good news

Warmest Regards

Hongde Li; Sep. 29, 2020, in Canada


Share to

WHO Representative Office in China: wpchnwr@who.int

WHO China media office: wpchnmedia@who.int 

WHO Media Contacts Margaret Harris: harrism@who.int

Western Pacific Office Philippines:wprocom@who.int

WHO Representative in Viet Nam:wpvnmwr@who.int


Democratic People’s Republic of Korea:wrindia@who.int





Sri Lanka:sesrlregistry@who.int



South Africa Office:afwcozawr@who.int media:afwcozamedia@who.int

Professor Zhang Bo, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;tutcm@hotmail.com

Professor Li Lanjuan, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University,ljli@zju.edu.cn

Professor Maosheng Yao atBioaerosol Laboratory;Peking University;yao@pku.edu.cn


發件人:Team Outlook.com
發送時間:2021年1月18日 8:52
抄送:Sabine.Kleinert@lancet.com ; naomi.lee@lancet.com ; duc.le@lancet.com ; stuart.Spencer@lancet.com ; r.cooney@elsevier.com ; he.wang@lancet.com ; jocalyn.clark@lancet.com ; helen.frankish@lancet.com ; tamara.lucas@lancet.com ; Joanna.Palmer@lancet.com ; jessamy.bagenal@lancet.com ; sean.cleghorn@lancet.com ; j.gibson@lancet.com ; r.park@lancet.com ; Jonathan.Pimm@lancet.com ; m.sabin@lancet.com
主題:To the stupid staff of The Lancet


     Only the extremely humiliating language can activate the numb brain of the reasoning function has been badly distorted by the confused philosophies and toxic ideologies from European based individualistic flawed barbaric civilization.  

      It is the wrongful adopted philosophy Reductionism guided Western medicine in misleading anti-pandemic going on wrong way of addicted looking for killing; in which The Lancet has been playing negative role by acting as a drummer.  

      For quickly ending the epidemic Covid-19; the correct way is to actively block thereproduction of Covid-19 virus by inhalable antiviral volatiles targeting on the respiratory tracts of people or domestic and wild animals, rather than passive prevention.

      The staff of The Lancet is a best team that can quickly coordinate the influenced expertsglobally to act synchronously for quickly convincing people in the safe and effective of disinfectants that can be used as inhalable antiviral volatiles.   


發件人:Team Outlook.com
發送時間:2021年1月18日 3:19
抄送:michel.chretien@ircm.qc.ca ; chrystia.freeland@canada.ca ; susan.scotti@thebusinesscouncil.ca ; 'Denise' ; Labelle, Denise
主題:The approachs for ending epidemic


The antiviral volatile is the best approach for quickly ending the epidemic from root level of stopping virus reproduction in cheaper available and convenient applicable as assistant for vaccination.  

The antiviral volatiles have function of broad spectrum in anti-virus regardless of the types and quick mutation of the virus, so that we don’t have to worry about airborne infectious diseases anymore. 


To Denise Labelle, the Administrative Assistant Adjointe du très honorable Jean Chrétien 

Dentons, Ottawa 

D +1 613 783 9696 

denise.labelle@dentons.com    labelled2014@gmail.com

Dear Denise Labelle: 

This is Frank from Waterloo, Ontario. Now I must bother you for help again. I tried, but many ideal experts on favorable positions are not interested, so that I think of you again. Only you can rationally recognize and promote this matter by the help of the honorable Jean Chrétien who is a rare rational politician inhigh social influence without ideological bias. 

Now; I am sure that you and the honorable Jean Chrétien are in anxious for the rapid worsening of epidemic Covid-19; also I noticed that the long anxious make PM Trudeau look like 20 years aged suddenly with a haggard face and gray beard. The rational people would deeply worry for that virus is in finishing humans by interrupting life necessaries. 

All of this shouldn't have happened. The practice of China proved that epidemic Covid-19 is controllable; but the democracies play it into uncontrollable under the ideologies that values playing are important than lives saving. As rational people, live in such an ignorance-kidnapped ungovernable society is a kind of suffering. 

The different results between China and Western countries were caused by the difference in the Philosophies politically and medicinally. In attached articleTurn off Covid-19 virus-replicators to end epidemic by curing social diseases, I discussed this issue with easy approaches for quickly ending the epidemic.  

It is the wrongful philosophies and ideologies twisted reason function of too many people in the West; so that they take wrong as right and make society ungovernable; while medical philosophy Reductionism views human body as the assembly of inanimate parts; by infinite subdividing body as microscopic units to diagnose and treat diseases, and by killing pathogens as the treatment; thus misleads the anti-epidemic going on wrong way of ignored the key point of human respiratory tract is the primary host for virus’ invading, replicating and spreading.  

Though, human normal breathing helps the spread of the viruses easily; but, it also provides us an easy way for the prevention and treatment of the infections of virus. 

Inspired by zero infection of China’s firms in Iran; I conduct meats foods plant DC Foods Waterloo Ontario in zero infection also. I judged that it is the daily disinfection produced antiviral volatile to be inhaled and suppressed the onset of the possible virus in the respiratory tract of employees. Because of the mask and disinfection in plant cannot avoid the infections of employee in home where is in producing the most of cluster infections.  

Because of the particularity of the meats foods production of intensively manual operation, the operators have to work shoulder to shoulder for hours; which caused meats plants as the hotbeds for the virus spreading and even made the areas of the plants located as the hardest hit places of the epidemic. The success of DC Foods Waterloo in anti-pandemic has proved the magic effect of the inhaling antiviral volatile in preventing infection. 

It is easily understandable that disinfectant can kill virus in natural environment; its volatile will be certainly able to kill the virus in the respiratory tract of people by its property of inhalable. 

Lab study shows that sodium hypochlorite can inactivate Coronavirus in 0.1% concentration. In China, the sodium hypochlorite has been widely used for disinfection in homes and public facilities. It said that in the room of hotels for quarantining inbound people, the disinfectant on floor even needs 3 days to dry up. It produced volatile will be certainly inhaled by people. Now, it is about 11 months; there is no report of the complications on human body. 

Also, in DC Foods Waterloo, the people who work on disinfection have been more than 9 months. Every day, they take a disinfectant sprayer to spray disinfectant on the places where people have touched, and wipe them with rag. Thus they make the lunchroom and lock room filled with the irritating smell of disinfectant. In this process; they have inhaled times more volatile of disinfectant than others did, but now they are still healthy doing on same job. 

The safe of inhaling antiviral volatiles is not because of the disinfectant harmless, but it is because that human body is able to smartly self-protection. 2014 studyDiscover Protein Protecting Bacteria Against Chlorine: In the presence of chlorine, a protein in the intestinal bacterium E. coli tightly bonds with other proteins for self-prevention. Once the danger passed, they released and continue to work as usual. Obviously, human body will be smarter than that of the bacterium E. coli did. 

Phone called my college classmates in China; learned that the smell of the volatile of sodium hypochlorite is acceptable and it is better than the usual smell of formalin disinfectant of the hospitals in China. 

Suppose that we can coordinate all countries globally in synchronous action, by disinfectant mixing fragrance produced antiviral volatiles in acceptable smell to fill in the rooms of families, the classrooms of schools, the wards of hospitals, the cabins of passenger aircrafts, and any possible places; so that people are able to breathe in some antiviral volatiles daily. Then we will be able to end the pandemic within few weeks. 

I am sure that the inhaling antiviral volatile will be the only approach to be used as prevention and treatment for the Covid-19 infections in both of men and animals. 

Jan. 16, 2012, a Mandarin reportSeven animals have infected with Covid-19, just vaccinating humans is not enough: after tigers, lions, mink, snow leopards, dogs and cats were confirmed to be infected, gorilla is the seventh animal to be naturally infected with the virus. Laboratory studies have shown that hamsters, monkeys, ferrets, civet cats and genetically engineered mice, even squirrels, sheep and sperm whales may be infected by the novel coronavirus. 

Besides the prevention on infections, the prevention on the complications of the cured survivors from Covid-19 is also an important concern. 

There were many reports about the bad complications of the survivors from Covid-19; which inspired us that we not only need to save the lives of people from the infection, but also we must ensure that the survivors are healthy without complications; so that they are able to enjoy a quality life. More importantly, only healthy people can ensure the quality labors for developing quality economy and thereby creates the quality life. 

Nov. 13, 2020, on the official website; CDC of the US postsLong-Term Effects of COVID-19; in which listed 18 complications from acute kidney injury to heart injury. If you Google by keywords “Covid-19 complications”, it will return a lot of severe complications that are in badly affecting daily life of the survivors who luckily escaped from covid-19 virus.  

But in China, the situation is much better. Jan. 8, 2021, there was a study report6-month consequences of COVID-19 in patients discharged from hospital: a cohort studyshows that “at 6 months after acute infection, COVID-19 survivors were mainly troubled with fatigue or muscle weakness, sleep difficulties, and anxiety or depression. Patients who were more severely ill during their hospital stay had more severe impaired pulmonary diffusion capacities and abnormal chest imaging manifestations, and are the main target population for intervention of long-term recovery.” 

The fewer and milder complications in China should attribute to the dialectical philosophy Daoism guided Traditional Chinese medicine -TCM thatviews human body as organic whole, all of the organs are in harmony inter-connected and inter-influencedwith long belief that the disease treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy, only three-tenths in medication. A well balanced body can effectively handle with diseases, so that disease treatment in TCM is focusing on the restoration of the balance of Yin and Yang. 

The compound prescription is the unique therapeutic method of TCM since ancient time, which is to put many different natural medicinals as one dose in targeting on different symptom of the syndrome of multi-lesions. In 1980s, Germany carried out about 300 clinical studies with standardized phytopharmaceuticals. The studies proved that compound medication is able to produce synergy effect of increasing the positive effect and decreasing the side effect.  

For the synergy effect of compound medication; there are other evidences also.Nov. 22, 2013, articlePlant Nutrient 'Cocktail' Kills Breast Cancer Cellsreports that researchers tested protective chemical nutrients from turmeric, soybeans, broccoli, grapes and tea. Individually, they were ineffective against cancer. But once combined, they suppressed breast cancer cell growth in lab by more than 80 percent, and eventually triggered the process leading to cell death. 

In China,under the guidance of Daoism;the doctors massively cured patients in Covid-19 by the combo of the multi-combined medicinals in regardless of synthetics or naturals byfocusing on the underlying diseases and the comorbidities, such as, insomnia, irritability,constipationand loss of appetite, etc;rather than on virus killing. Such as, the Hydrochloroquine -HCQof a drug for Arthritis is used as one of ingredients of the comboand never use in single as that of used in the failed West.  

By the comprehensive treatment of compound medication, patients’ sleep improved, anxiety relieved,constipationrelieved and appetite improved, the physical fitness of patients will be naturally restored and the depressed mood will be naturally improved, which will play a role as psychotherapy to promote recovery. More importantly; the autoimmunity will be enhanced also. The treatments focused on the promotion of physical restoration are the reason that China has largely reduced the mortality rate and help patents quickly recovered with less bad complications. 

The clinical effect of HCQ is from the comparison before and after the use; itsignificantly reduced the rate of the mild patient developed as critical one; which certainly can reduce the rate of mortality (but no report available); at least, it has largely reduced the complications.Thus, in the collaborative team, the HCQ played its role to contribute own share of contribution in saving lives; which is the contribution of dialectic philosophy Daoism.  

But in the West; theHCQand many WHO suggested clinically showed effective synthetic drugs were proved as ineffective by double blind trail in single use. On the Website of WHO, there are still several posts about the ineffective of HCQ on Covid-19 infection.  

May 15, 2020, I once wrote articleWhy hydroxychloroquine dumped in the West, but takes as magic in Chinato indicate that Coronavirus certainly can cause inflammation and thus causes swelling. The therapeutic role of HCQ is not from virus killing, but it is from original therapeutic function of decreasing the inflammation and swelling to reduce the damage on certain organs.  

As a drug for Arthritis, theHCQcandecrease inflammation and swelling has been a great contribution by relieving one of major symptom of the syndrome in multi-lesion; which eliminated the main cause of the complications. However, theReductionism culturedscientific players in Western medicine globallycheck the effect ofHCQon virus killing by single use, but theHCQ does not have such function from the design.  

Please see section8..The philosophical base for ending pandemic Covid-19in attached articleTurn off Covid-19 virus-replicators to end epidemic by curing social diseases

Therefore the inhalable antiviral volatile and multi-combined medicinal combo will be effective approaches for quickly ending the epidemic Covid-19. 

My suggestions 

Itis better that; at first; you make a investigation about the anti-pandemic practice of DC Foods Waterloo by phone call the business owner Dr. Peter Shoore or his son at Tel: 604-596-9505; Fax: 778-578-6420; in 13538 73rd Avenue, Surrey, BC V3W 2R6.  

After gotten convincing results, please start the actions as below. 

Request the honorable Jean Chretien to contactPM Justin Trudeau for fully supportingtheEmeritus Research Professor Michel ChrétienofIRCM to organize some studies on designated targets by his outstanding influence and experience: 

1.. Organize a team of medical experts to study the anti-pandemic practice of DC Foods Waterloo 

Actually, the employees of DC Foods Waterloo have unexpected played the role as the biological experiment for the effect and safety of the inhaling antiviral volatile in directly on people; which has created reliable result than that of testing in labs.  

By studying the anti-pandemic practice of DC Waterloo, we may find the safe disinfectant and the feasible approach as the global guidance for quickly ending the epidemic; especially, the impact of disinfectant on human health. The results will act as convincing evidence for showing people that inhaling antiviral volatile is safe; which point is important for quickly globally synchronized use of antiviral volatile. 

In convenient concern, the medical experts do not need to go to DC Foods Waterloo in person; it is better send medical experts in local to make possible checks; maybe by a car to take blood samples of some employees in DC Foods Waterloo will be enough. The other information may request the management in DC Foods Waterloo to provide. 

2..Conduct lab test on the feasible disinfectants for antiviral volatile 

My suggested disinfectants are vinegar, hypochlorite, phenol and fragrance. See1..To stop virus replication by inhalable antiviral volatile kills virus in the respiratory tractinattached articleTurn off Covid-19 virus-replicators to end epidemic by curing social diseases

The best disinfectants for antiviral volatile will come from multi-combination in regardless synthetic or natural, or diet. The vinegar is safe for use with the function of damaging the function of virus replication; increasing autoimmune; reduce inflammation and swelling, and improve overall body function; we may try it at first; especially for the treatment of infected people by vinegar steaming Hospital wards. 

Since the nutrients of grains or fruits and the nutrients that produced during fermentation have wide range of pharmacological and physiological functions, the vinegar has been medicinal used since ancient times, both in China or in the West. The grain vinegars or fruit vinegars are medicinal combo that can be used as medications for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.     

According to my personal experience, vinegar can immediately stop a runny nose, eliminate sticky sputum that can't be coughed out in the throat, and thereby reducing snoring and apnea. Autopsy showed that a large amount of mucus blocked the bronchial airway inside the lungs, and then asphyxia caused the death of patients of Cvid-19. Vinegar can eliminate snot and sticky sputum; it certainly can reduce the mucus from the bronchial airway inside the lungs. 

Also, we may develop medicinal inhalants for daily health-keeping with the function of castrating virus in replication; promoting immune function and enhancing physical fitness with adjustable in the seductive smell, then, we will be no longer worrying about any airborne infectious diseases; even it will be able to cure infected people and cure some chronic diseases by specific medicinal inhalants. 

I have been using vinegar for avoiding snoring and apnea by putting it in a plastic bag and opening the bag to inhale the volatile. The method will be an easy way for the use of antiviral volatile in the process of epidemic prevention; with the advantage of convenient carrying in pocket for daily use. According to my personal experience, vinegar can stop cough and runny nose.  

Therefore, vinegar will be an effective agent for antiviral volatile as the medication for the prevention and treatment on Covid-19 infections. 

3..Introduce the methods of Covid-19-treatment of China into Canada 

Canada should set a hospital as the test base forintroducing the methods of Covid-19-treatment of China into Canada. 

Only the treatments under philosophy Daoism can cure patients in fewer complications.Only the treatment in multi-combination of medicinals in regardless of synthetic or natural, as that of shotgun targeting on the multi-targets; is able to synchronously cure multi-lesions of patients without complications. Only TCM medicinallyidentified 11,146 plants, 1581 animals, 80 minerals, with nearly 100 thousands of experience-based formulas can reach this goal. 

Modern studies show that those natural therapies of TCM, such as Acupuncture, Massage, Moxibustion and Cupping are all in curing diseases by boosting autoimmunity. Therefore, in the subjective viewing, TCM is to regulate the physical balance Yin and Yang, but in the objective practice, the process of the regulations is in playing the role of improving the immune function, then the enhanced immune system will naturally clear up the pathogenic agents.  

Biotechnical studies show that some of those natural medicinals have therapeutic effect similar to synthetic one in killing the pathogens directly, and some of them have nutritional effect similar to orthomolecular medicine. Some can boost immunity, such as, boosting the weight gains of immune organs, increasing the number and activity of the immune cells. Some Chinese medicinals can improve sleep, some can reduce anxiety, and some can improve appetite, etc. 

Also, the honorable Jean Chretien may contact China’s PM Li Keqiang to request the help in medical experts and some natural medicinal. Globally; only the honorable Jean Chretien is able to confidently talk with top officials of China without worry for being refused in any requesting. 

4.. The treatment of chronic degenerative diseases 

As my view, the thorny disease for treatment in Canada is Covid-19 infections, but the chronic degenerative diseases; which takes up the most medical resources.  

Jan. 2010, theprofessor at Pennsylvania State UniversityRustum Roywhoindicates that, in the US,there almost 20% of the average citizen's life spent chronically ill, many American live a poor quality of life in old age. Though medical science has won major extensions of lifespan, but these are negated by the failure to tackle the chronic disease. There about75% of total social medical spendingcost in chronic diseases, which is unnecessary due to that chronic diseases are preventable or reversible simply by diet and lifestyle.  

In this regards, Canada should be similar with that of the US. Due to that chronic diseases are degenerative without pathogens for killing, so that western medicine is helpless, but the treatment targets on promoting self-healing by combo of multi-combined medicinals is the only effective one.  

Western medicine based ideology is the dead barrier for the practice of the antiviral volatile 

The reason that I chosen ProfessorMichel Chrétienas the leader for organizing the studies is that he is the brother of the honorable Jean Chretien; and thushewill be easily convinced without time waste on arguments. Because of many people have been addicted in the Reductionism guided Western medicine and reject the use of experience based medications with a lot of sound reasons for argument.  

Such as, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule is a combo of 12 natural medicinals. In vitro experiments found that it has weak inhibitory effect on the virus, but its benefit is the good repair effect on virus-induced cell damage and inflammation. Clinically, the patient's symptoms improved faster in two days earlier; the CT film recovered faster; shortened the time of fever and avoided bad complications with improving cellular immune function without cytokine storm. 

On Jan. 27, 2020, in China, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule was listed as the recommended medication in theNational Diagnosis and Treatment Program for Novel Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia. But, in the West, the Lianhua Qingwen Capsule was rejected in many countries. 

May 7, 2020, articleDoctors warn against claims that Beijing-touted health supplement distributed in Canada treats COVID-19indicates that though Lianhua Qingwen Capsule has met the requirements of the Food and Drugs Act and Natural Health Products Regulations since 2012 and is sold in Canada. But Health Canada is vowing to take action to stop any false or misleading claims that products can prevent, treat or cure COVID-19. 

Nature is the world’s foremost international weekly scientific journal and is the flagship journal for Nature Research. May 6, 2020, it published articleChina is promoting coronavirus treatments based on unproven traditional medicines

In Canada, the Western medicine based ideology is dead barrier for the practice of the antiviral volatile and introduce the methods of Covid-19-treatment of China into Canada. The wrongful ideology is social problem; so that I name the attached article asTurn off Covid-19 virus-replicators to end epidemic by curing social diseases.  

In China,Western medicinepoisoned peopledeadly resist TCM for treating Covid-19 patients  

In China, the time anti-epidemic Cvid-19 is under a team of medical experts and the officials in all level work as assistants to carry out the plans of the team. Feb. 23, 2020, I once wrote articleSome medical experts are in acting as the Killer aid of SARS-CoV-2, due to that they persuade people not use of experience base medications on the pretext of unscientific; which was same in China.  

Mar. 12, 2020, a Mandarin article ofThe specialist was quietly replaced from the position of leader of medical experts’ teamintroduced the process of the formation of the team of medical experts.  

On Jan. 19,a respiratoryspecialist who was appointed as the leader of the team of medical experts;heresists the participation of the medical experts in TCM for the treatment of Covid-19.  

On Jan. 25, the top leasers of China held a special meeting and made the strategy of TCM integrates Western medicine in the treatment of COVID-19 patients. On the same day, the first experts’ team in TCM arrived in Wuhan, China. 

On Feb. 8, China added experts in TCM into the team of medical experts and therespiratoryspecialist was removed from the position of team leader, but he remained as the member of the team of medical experts.  

The article alleges that therespiratoryspecialistresisted against the experts in TCM was because that he did not believe Chinese medicine. In other report, therespiratoryspecialistsaid that if use Chinese medicine, it must be with proved ability in killing virus, prevent the virus from entering cells, and prevent immune cells from self-injuring. 

The practice of the respiratory specialistproved that the people cannot reason something that has no related knowledge in brain. With a brain that filled with the stuff of western medicine, he will be always thinking about genes; ells and how to kill virus. 

But, TCM is never thinking about curing people by inhuman killing but by humane restoring. This is also the philosophy of China in dealing with social issues and whichis the reason that China built Great Wall to avoid wars.  

Mar. 3, 2020, articleWhat role does Chinese medicine play in the prevention and control of the epidemicsaid that the participating-rate of TCM in the treatment of Covid-19 was 91.05% in Hubei province. In other provinces were 96.37%. 

The facts show that; even in China, the TCM was unable to be used in the treatment on all patients, which showed dead harm of the philosophy Reductionism guided western medicine, it badly distorted the reasoning function of people and distorting themmake bad for good; by the concern of the safe of patients; they deadly resist the use of TCM and thus caused more deaths. 

The application of experience based medicine TCM is also difficult in the birth place China; its application in Canada will be impossible. For saving lives and helping survivors a quality life by TCM; we need to explore a feasible way. 

In Canada, the Federal government should also force medical experts to use experience based therapies 

Luckily, in Canada, there are several key politicians and social elites are rational without such ignorance caused ideological bias, besides Denise Labelle and the honorable Jean Chrétien; the PM Justin Trudeau, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and the CEO of Business Council of Canada Goldy Hyder. 

When many politicians are full of mouth of democracy and values; PM Justin Trudeau worries about the inefficiency of democratic government, openly appreciate the high efficiency of the Chinese government, and as a result he was attacked by public opinion.  

In 2019, in articleChrystia Freeland: Liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians", Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland indicated the dead flaw of democracy; the low-quality politicians has twisted it into a battlefield.  

In 2019, the CEO of Business Council of Canada, Goldy Hyder who wrote article: “The political pendulum has swung too far to one extreme,” “The procedural obstacles we’ve put in place make it possible for a handful of individuals to hold up initiatives endorsed by most Canadians. Important projects, programs and policies can be delayed until supporters give up and move on.” 

Canada should prepare an Anti-epidemic Coordination Committee in the level of Federal Government for further coordinate the anti-pandemic action domestically and globally.  

The approaches above are able to prevent humans from the finish of Covid-19 virus, but, no approach is available for preventing humans from the finish of self-destruction by arm raced atomic bombs; unless optimizes legislature by the people who have ensured humanized reasoning function.  

In this concern, Mr. Goldy Hyder may expand Business Council of Canada as non-partisan civil legislature as assistant for Federal government. Please use keyword “civil legislature” inattached articleTurn off Covid-19 virus-replicators to end epidemic by curing social diseasesto read several sections in discussing about this issue. 

Although non-partisan civil legislature cannot directly participate in legislation, but the rational voices of many entrepreneurs will constitute a psychological deterrent to those irrational legislators and prevent them from being unscrupulous. 

Jan. 30, 2016; in viewing the reckless political opposition disabled government, I wrote articleGov-authorize non-partisan Super Leadership to assist social governanceand suggested that human society must be governed by high quality non-partisan social elites.Gov-authorize non-partisan Super Leadership to assist social governance. 

Maybe, due to the unbearable torture of seeing increasingly people are sacrificing to Covid-19 virus simply due to the ungovernable society;in Apr. 12, 2020, in articleThe Virus Should Wake Up the Westthe editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News, Dr. John Micklethwait despaired sigh: 

“The job of government is to protect its citizens. The pandemic reveals that key institutions in Europe and the U.S. are no longer up to the job.”  

“The West’s governmental advantage is now questionable: Simply ask yourself whether you would feel safer today in New York and London or in Singapore and Seoul? Asia is catching up with the West, and in some smaller countries has overtaken it, in large part because Confucian Asia in particular has taken government seriously over the past few decades while the West has allowed it to ossify.”  

“Behind the ideological squabbling, the main problem with Western government is simple: It is out of date.” “Many key government institutions have looked out of shape and outdated.” 

In viewing that the reckless political opposition has dysfunctioned the government of the most of democracies and messed those countries increasingly ungovernable; I think of that, in nowadays, the social governance has been evolved as that legislations set orbit and then society runs accordingly; which provides a feasible way for optimizing social governance without the need of troublesomely touching current political system; which is to set a non-partisan civil legislature as assistant for government.  

In this concern; the Business Council of Canada will be able to play a role as organizational foundation for the non-partisan civil legislature.  

Best regards 

Waiting for good news 

Frank Li, Jan. 18, 2021, in Waterloo, On. Canada 

Share to: 

1.. Michel Chrétien,  the Emeritus Research Professor, IRCM, michel.chretien@ircm.qc.ca 

2.. Chrystia Freeland;Minister of Finance:chrystia.freeland@canada.ca  

3.. President, Business Council of Canada:susan.scotti@thebusinesscouncil.ca 

    If it is possible, I am happy for forwarding this email to PM Justin Trudeau 

發件人:Team Outlook.com




主題:End the pandemic Covid-19 by inhalable antiviral volatile   

Shared To: 

The editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News,  

Dr. John Micklethwait:  micklethwait@bloomberg.net 

The political editor of the Economist,  

Dr. Adrian Wooldridge: adrianwooldridge@economist.com 
Dear Dr. John Micklethwait and Dr. Adrian Wooldridge:  

Please promote it by your outstanding influence.  

Best regards 

Frank Li   Dec. 31, 2020, in Waterloo, On. Canada  

發件人:Team Outlook.com



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主題:End the pandemic Covid-19 by inhalable antiviral volatile 


To Richard Horton 

The editor-in-chief of The Lancet 


Dear Richard Horton: 

This is Frank Li from Waterloo, Canada. The attached articles introduces the approaches for ending the Pandemic Covid-19. Just help people to breathe in a few mouthfuls of Antiviral Volatile daily, we can stop the onset of the possible invaded virus in people’s respiratory tract, or treat already infected patients. 

The urgent task is to verify the effectiveness and safety of the potential disinfectants for inhalable antiviral volatile. My assumption is to organize medical experts globally to start the experiment immediately. I propose a few pre-selected disinfectants for reference: Hypochlorite, Vinegar, Phenol, and Fragrance. 

I think that, in the current world, in the West, every elected politician thinks that they are the authority to save the world; every elected politician wants to be such an authority, and thus destroys the authority that already exists legally. As a result, there is no effective authority in this world for doing some right business. In this way, the editors of the leading medical journals, due to the nature of personal quality and the nature of the work, can perform some work as authority to save the world. 

In ancient China, about 2700 years ago, when the development of Chinese characters are enough for expression in written, people start to make friends by own wrings. The writings can effectively demonstrate the quality of the writer in thoughts and talents. I have read your articles and understood your quality. I am sure that you and your assistants will be able to lead the world out of the epidemic. 

Now, in Britain, it is 7:36 a.m.; December 31, 2020. Please notice of each other about this email and have a discussion for a feasible plan. 

Best regards 

Waiting good news. 

Frank Li   Dec. 31, 2020, in Waterloo, On. Canada 

 shared to: 

Deputy Editor 

Astrid James: Astrid.James@lancet.com 

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Sabine Kleinert: Sabine.Kleinert@lancet.com 

Naomi Lee: naomi.lee@lancet.com 

Duc Le: duc.le@lancet.com 

Stuart Spencer: Stuart.Spencer@lancet.com 

International Executive Editors 

Rebecca Cooney, r.cooney@elsevier.com 

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Senior Editors 

Jessamy Bagenal: jessamy.bagenal@lancet.com 

Sean Cleghorn: sean.cleghorn@lancet.com 

Josefine Gibson: j.gibson@lancet.com 

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Jonathan Pimm: Jonathan.Pimm@lancet.com 

Miriam Sabin  m.sabin@lancet.com 

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有報道《美國科學家揭冠狀病毒驚人真相:可靠自身複原》, 我的方法也許真的能解決大問題。 

我看過視頻Round table conversation Nexus Conference 2017, 'The Last Revolution'。 



被您感動,引起我思考,寫了文章,The mechanism of human intelligence and the humanization of social governance,也許會對您有所幫助。僅僅是草稿,還需要完善。 

如果覺得可以,我想求您與Martin Jacques 談談,是否發表在英國最古老的報紙上。 


The mechanism of human intelligence and the humanization of social governance 


Round table conversation Nexus Conference 2017, 'The Last Revolution' 


Chinese Medicine - A Promising Therapeutic Approach 


The approaches for enhancing the social cornerstones of Canada   


The feasible steps for improving Canada's health care system radically 


How to save Canada's manufacturing from disappearing 




李洪德 禮 

我曾經與原ISO CEO張曉剛,在同一個科室工作過。 

Automatic reply: Treatment of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia by vinegar, vitamins

Kishore Mahbubani 

周五2020/1/24 22:03你


發件人: Team Outlook.com
發送時間: 2020年1月24日22:02
收件人: kishore_mahbubani@nus.edu.sg
抄送: cheliub@nus.edu.sg ; wangxinjie@fudan.edu.cn ; whcslyb@126.com
主題: Treatment of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia by vinegar, vitamins 

To professor Kishore Mahbubani,

The Distinguished Fellow

Asia Research Institute

AS8 #07-01

10 Kent Ridge Crescent

Singapore 119260



Dear professor Kishore Mahbubani:

This is Li Hongde from Canada, a technical immigrant from China and now lives in Waterloo, On. Ca.

I was convinced and appreciated that you are a rare rational politician and scholar who can speak truth from your writings and your speeches in the documentaries.

Dec. 29, 2019, I wrote article The mechanism of human intelligence and the humanization of social governance, by which I am trying to dig the reason of the world has been increasingly chaos from the root level of human nature – it is not all people with human feature are in human nature, and liberal democracy is just in providing chance for inhuman people to exert the animal instinct by the power of the State Apparatus.

Recently, I have been anxiously concerning the outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in China.

Now facing the medical difficulties, the only way out at the updating in medical philosophy from Reductionism to Holism and thereby lead the humanization in treating human life from viewing human body as the assembly of inanimate parts in emotionless to be viewing as an organic whole with all parts are mutually influencing under the drive of emotion, by which humanize the way in treatment from looking for killing to be promoting for self-healing.

Under such a philosophical vision, I wrote the attached article on the treatment of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia by vinegar, vitamins and natural Chinese medicinals.

I tried to post on the website of the government of the city of Wuhan, China, but failed.

I think that this matter needs the promotion personally by a capable scholar who can reach the top leaders of China, otherwise it cannot work.

I hope that please you forward it to Professor Zhang Weiwei of Fudan China institute. He can reach the leaders in any level of the government of China.

Also, you may share my article to the government of Singapore, I am sure that it will be good for the improvement of healthcare system. 

Best regard, 

Hongde Li, Jan. 24, 2020, 09:56pm in Waterloo, Canada 

Shares to 

whcslyb@126.com  Government of Wuhan, China

wangxinjie@fudan.edu.cn Fudan China Institute

cheliub@nus.edu.sg Bin LIU, Vice President (Research and Technology), NUS





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致 李稻葵教授 
















天津中醫藥大學 tutcm@hotmail.com 




2022年5月15日,搜狐網文章《清華五道口首席經濟學家論壇|李稻葵:統籌疫情防控和經濟發展目標 保持戰略定力和耐心》,展示了您在理性地關注新冠疫情的防治,啟發我給您寫此信。 



2022年5月14日,文章《清華大學5月14日起校門不進不出 外賣禁止入校》報道,根據北京市疫情防控最新形勢並接上級部門緊急通知,清華大學校長辦公室、保衛部發布通知稱,自5月14日起加強校門管控,除經過批準的疫情防控和保供人員外,其他人員一律不進不出。 












2022年5月18日,文章Nearly every state expected to see increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations, forecast shows報道,根據美國疾病控製與預防中心更新的預測模型,隨著新冠疫情的激增達到2月中旬以來的最高水平,預計未來四周內美國每日住院人數和新增死亡病例將繼續增加。 



在我看來,清華五道口首席經濟學家論壇,是西方文明產物。西方成立了許多智庫,積聚各類學術專家,在歐洲黑暗世紀為基的、西方主導意識形態Freedom or Liberty的驅使下,思想放飛自我,時常聚到一起,稱為論壇,互相嘮嘮,說說自己的關切,僅此而已。因為,民主政客僅僅關注自身和金主的利益,一意孤行自己的邏輯。在中國,情況好得多,許多專家的思想更務實,還有,作為人大代表,您可以寫提案,有時會發揮作用。然而,多數情況下,是泥牛入海,辛勞變徒勞,我看過人大代表如此抱怨的文章。 



2...解決勞動力短缺的問題,可以考慮,從初中生起,限定每年參加社會勞動的時間。滿17歲的學生,一直到大學或研究生畢業,每年參加3 – 4個月的工廠勞動,作為學校教育的主要科目考核。可以設立廠校掛鉤的教學定點工廠,學校可以靈活掌握假期,與工廠計劃的勞動時間對應。如此,孩子可以通過勞動掙學費,減輕家庭的負擔。更重要的是,培養孩子熱愛勞動的好習慣,提高公民品質。 






2022年5月14日,在清華五道口首席經濟學家論壇,橋水基金創始人Ray Dalio以“不斷變化的世界秩序”為主題發表了主旨演講。我注意到,與他人不同,Ray Dalio是少有能夠從哲學層麵,看中國人的思維和行為的理性,反思西方人的思維和行為的無理性。 


如果可能,我希望,請Ray Dalio幫助看看我的英文文章Uproot pandemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus,在本文,我提出了中華文明與西方文明不同的原因,在於各自的地理因素,中國得利於地理完整自古大一統,西方受害於地理造成的自古條塊分割。我認為,我的這個有關文明起源的推論,具有學術意義,有突破性。現在,此文僅僅是隨想日記,詞句不通,不可讀,主要是看看內容是否可行。疫情結束後,我再進一步完善。 





From:Outlook.com Team
Sent:April 29, 2022 20:19
To:jgjwxfjb@natcm.gov.cn ; chinahealthgov@163.com ; Outlook.com Team
Subject:停止病毒複製 鏟除疫情 








Sent:April 29, 2022 8:01
To:Outlook.com Team
Subject:鏟除疫情 停止注射疫苗



致 張伯禮 








《天津中醫藥》 編輯部:zhongyiyao@vip.126.com 
















2021年1月11日,文章《河北疫情敲警鍾 張伯禮:這倆月很重要 還有人罵中醫》給我印象深刻。在武漢方艙醫院,您的團隊治愈了一名30多歲的男性患者,離開時,沒有像其他人那樣對醫護人員表示感謝,而是說了一番不客氣的話:別看你們中醫治好了我,我也不相信中醫。雖然你們能治好,但你們說不出是怎麽治好的。您說,這是多年來令中醫飽受質疑的觀點。這話雖然刺耳,但不無道理。這也可以看做是一個課題。中醫不但要治好病人,還要揭示治療機理。我們要把古老的中醫用現代科學、現代語言詮釋好,不但解釋自己,還可以豐富發展現代醫學的研究內容。


我在《新冠疫情催生新型犯罪西醫教化的人 利用善心殺人》中的論斷,顛覆傳統認知,從哲學基礎和實際效果看,中醫是真科學,西醫是偽科學。然而,由於人類智力構成的局限性,無論是西醫還是中醫,都陷入自己所學的陷阱,中醫癡迷寒熱虛實,西醫沉迷殺戮和基因修補,限製各自優勢的發揮。因而,中醫也不能發揮哲學的優勢。 














李洪德 禮,2022年4月29日,淩晨3:33於加拿大



Covid-19 urges to revolutionize medical philosophy    

This is excerpt reedited from attached articleUproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus;  

Covid-19found that Traditional Chinese medicine is suitable for human life in philosophical basis  

Daoism is an ancient philosophy of China in dialectically views the universe as a system of the unity of opposites in the state of dynamic balance; which composed of components or subsystem with own feature of unity of opposites in the state of dynamic balance. By Yin and Yang represent the two opposites. Daoism embodies the harmony of unity of the opposites by regulating the natural processes and nourishing the balance; and view human body as one of the components of the universe.  

Traditional Chinese Medicine–TCM develops by taking the principle and terminologies of Daoism, views human body as emotion driven organic whole; with thousands years of belief that disease treatment is seven tenth in psychotherapy three tenth in medication, by natural therapeutic methods and compound medicinals restoring Yin and Yang balance as treatment.    

TCM has identified about 11,146 plants, 1581 animals and 80 minerals as medicinal use and has accumulated nearly 100 thousands of experience-based formulas, which covering almost all known diseases.  

Modern studies show that some natural medicinals can kill pathogens directly; some can boost immunity, such as, boosting the weight gains of immune organs, increasing the number and activity of the immune cells, phagocytes, NK cells and so on. Some can improve sleep, some can reduce anxiety, and some can improve appetite and digestion; etc.  

Some natural medicinals contain immunoreactive substances of immune enhancer. Their immunoregulatory role is in activation of reticuloendothelial system, so that increase IL-content, and the level of antibodies and complement, activate the macrophages and T, B lymphocytes, and enhance cellular immunity and humoral immunity, thereby enhancing human immune system in the capacity of anti-diseases.  

More amazingly, the medicinals used in TCM can improve immune system by intellectually taking the bidirectional role for those under different immune status. That is, for those in the lower immune function play a catalytic role, for those in the over immune reaction plays a disincentive role.  

Modern studies proved that the compounded medication of TCM is able to produce synergistic interaction; the more medicinals are compounded, the more therapeutic effects produced, the more side effects reduced.  

Any disease is syndrome in multi-lesions developing; it is impossible to make symptomatic drug by diagnosing the cause of each symptom; the compound medication is able to provide multi-medicinals to cure the multi-lesions at once.  

Such as;13 medicinals of TCM made Lianhua Qingwen capsulehas total 160 bioactive components to cure COVID-19 patients through 57 target proteins, involves 35 signaling pathways and Toll-like receptor signaling pathway.    

In the process of treatment; the doctors of China use synthetic drugs of Western medicine combining with natural medicinals of TCM, and by multi-medicinals cured the patents in lesser deaths and fewer complications.  

The recovered cases in Covid-19 are perfect matching the principle of TCM in disease treatment by focusing on the restoration of the physical balance of Yin and Yang.    

British ladyStacey who was COVID-19 infected on life-machinesupporting in unconscious and her families have made final seeing farewell, but, as a final effort, doctors tried experience method to place her face down on stomach for 12 hours to make her lungs transferring oxygen into blood, then she eventually recovered and later discharged.    

The researchers inMelbourne University found that a COVID-19 patient recoveredfrom symptoms of drowsiness, sore throat; dry cough and fever after naturally emergence of several kinds of immune cells in the blood, which, the researchers said, was no different with that of common flu.      

In China, the combo of pure natural medicinals have massively cured patients by targeting on physical improvement rather than killing virus; the blood test found that recovered people have increased immune cells that have been destructed by virus, such as, the lymphocyte count and white blood cell count.  

WHO has banned use of Hydroxychloroquine – HCQ in the treatment of Covid-19 patient; but in China; under the guidance of philosophy Daoism; the doctors use HCQ as an ingredient of multi-combination to have reduced the number of mild cases developed as critical.  

Covid-19found that Reductionism guided Western medicine is not suitable for human life  

According toWikipedia that updated in 14 January 2022, the philosophy Reductionism is described as a belief that the whole of reality consists of a minimal number of parts; the scientific attempt to provide an explanation in terms of ever-smaller entities. A newer theory does not replace or absorb an older one, but reduces it to more basic terms.    

For years, I found that the descriptions of the Reductionism are in gradually increasing the contents in modern biology to color it in the rationality as medical guidance; in ignoring that it is not suitable as medical guidance in the root level.  

Western medicine develops by taking the principle of Reductionism, views human body as lifeless assembly by subdividing body as more and more micro unit; such as, genes, proteins, or RNA to study the development of diseases; by looking for killing and genetic patching as treatment; ignores the fact that it is psychology in decisively affecting disease development.                

In 1955; the placebo was found able to achieve 50-60% clinic cure, while sadly found that many synthetic drugs were ineffective than that of placebo did; but have fatal side effects in killing people; so that double blind clinic trial set as regulation for proving the drugs for clinic use are effective than that of placebo did. Terribly, since then, the Western medicine has been in large scale killing people by kicking away the effective drugs that used in combo by testing in single.  

In this time treatment of epidemic Covid-19, it is just the regulation of double blind clinic trial helps medical experts kicking away the effective medications that have showed effective for curing Covid-19 patients; thus made short of effective medication to cause massive deaths and survivors’ fatal complications.  

Jan. 17, 2021 report, Britain,out of 47,780 people who were discharged from hospital in the first wave, there 29.4 per cent were readmitted to hospital within 140 days, and 12.3 per cent of the total died. There is a devastating long-term toll on survivors of severe coronavirus, with many people developing heart problems, diabetes and chronic liver and kidney conditions.  

Obviously, it is the philosophy Reductionism misguided Western medicine cultures people in helping virus killing people; which exposed a fact that human body is too complicated to treat by Reductionism and human life must be treated as Chaos System by Chaos Theory as that of dialectic philosophy Daoism in doing.  

In 2008, a crossing disciplines study shows thatStress Causes Everythingfrom the common cold to cancer. Only the Butterfly Effect of Chaos Theory is able to help explaining the magic role of psychological factors on human health.    

This is the philosophical basis that the macro dialectic seeking philosophy Daoism is perfect fits into medical guidance for human life; while the micro accurate seeking philosophy Reductionism is not suitable as guidance for human medicine.    

This is the philosophical reason thatgenetic studies can never achieve the results that are good for human life; besides evil used to mess human life as that of Covid-19 in doing; since that human life is too complicated to play in that way.  

I never deny the contribution of Western medicine; but, it wrongfully adopted Reductionism as medical guidance not only misleads medication, but also distorts the quality of people to cause the anti-pandemic as that of psychotic attack.    

Covid-19found that Western medicine distorted quality of people to be its perfect assistants  

Thequality distorted peoplerejected the use of HCQ caused more than 50% of Covid-19 patient unnecessary deaths; according to the reportTreatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients.  

In France, Professor Didier Raoult who happily reported that HCQ is effective for curing COVID-19; but the work did not inspire people to save life, instead caused academic attacking; even sued and caused the ban in the use of HCQ.     

In HCQ treatment, Professor Didier Raoult set up experts and monitors to monitor patients for stopping treatment timely. I have read many articles in double blind clinic trial; the design only consider patents being perfect double blinded without care about their death or alive. Western medicine seems has magic to dehumanize the soul of people.     

Now Professor Didier Raoult is being kicking away from his professional position. I am tearful; I wonder that why the great French people are so rudely treat own outstanding scientist who has truly humanized heart; otherwise his test result in HCQ would have saved many lives of own countrymen by reducing about 50% of Covid-19 deaths.   

Thequality distorted peoplebanned the use of the medicinals of TCM(Lianhua Qingwen)caused over 90% of Covid-19 patient unnecessary deaths and survivors are in suffering fatal complications in compared to that of the doctors of China did.  

In 2003 SARS treatment, TCM cured patients no death without sequelae; but treated by antibiotics and hormones caused death and sequelae of the necrosis of femoral head, and cured patients have been living in the life of poor quality, and this has been a household truth.    

But, in the treatment of Covid-19 patient; the expert in Western medicine is still rejecting the participation of TCM; the top leadership of China has to hold a special meeting to have replaced the resistant and forced Western medicine integrating TCM in the treatment of Covid-19 patient.   

From humane intention; thequality distorted people warn the effective experience based medicinals as dangerous; by endlessly yelling Unscientific or Unproven to have brutally blocked only way for people self-help seeking survive.  

Such as,over 500 Indian scientists ask to stop study cow urine as drug; butstudies show that cow urine has antimicrobial effects on some resistant strains, such as, the multidrug-resistant, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, etc...  

Thequality distorted people abused in the play of genetic dramas of vaccines and herd immunity to kidnap people without stop the replication of virus; so that virus is able to free mutate as increasingly infectious and more fatal unbeatable.  

In Israel, ProfessorYehuda Shoenfeld,who indicated that vaccine may cause Autoimmune Diseases, also caused academicattacking; some people even threaten him to resign as editor-in-chief of Israel Medical Association journal.  

The facts were clear that it is not viruses; but the wrongful adopted philosophy Reductionism misguides Western medicine in mis-culturing people as the assistants of the virus for killing; which is the main cause of the most of deaths in Covid-19.  

Jan 24, 2022, YouTubeThe SARS2 Pandemic: Will Truth Prevail, the White House coronavirus adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas said that “the management of this pandemic has left a stain on many of America’s once noble institutions, including our elite universities, research institutes and journals, and public health agencies. Among the most damaged has been the harm to the essential functioning of science, research, and debate.”  

Obviously; the big mess that caused by pandemic Covid-19 has proved that Reductionism guided Western medicine is not suitable for human life. It is time that humans must revolutionize medical philosophy by Daoism of TCM integrating Reductionism of Western medicine; thereby reversing Western medicine distorted quality of people; so that they are able to do humanized business.  

Covid-19urges the revolution in Medical philosophy by Daoism integrating Reductionism  

The revolution in Medical philosophy will trigger the revolution in drug concept and disease treatment  

Drug concept revolution: The electronegativities of atoms in polar molecular can be used for therapy    

Drug concept revolution: The synergistic effect of compound medication of Daoism guided TCM  

Drug concept revolution: Melatonin will be the God medicine by perfecting digestive system and nerves renew    

Drug concept revolution: The vitamins and minerals of Orthomolecular medicine is best drug sources  

The diet and diet supplements of Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicinals of TCM will be able to quickly uproot epidemic covid-19 and make breakthrough in the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases.  

The greatest contribution of diets and diet supplements is not at curing thorny diseases, but at that they are able to ensure people keeping in disease free.  

In TCM, there is a belief that a superior doctor helps people keeping in diseases free; a common doctor rescues people from diseases; and an inferior doctor says to patients by that see you in next world.  

Vinegar based combinations of diet supplements will be the best medication for curing diseases  

Google, you will be surprisingly convinced by that the diet vinegar along is able to produce broader therapeutic effects that are able to exceed the multi-medicinal combination produced.    

I infer that the power of theelectronegativities of oxygen atoms in vinegar is able to destroy covalent bonded viruses; while stimulate the physiological activities of covalent bonded body to produce cure effects that are covering most of disease.  

I took Melatonin for sleeping a sober mind; itimproved my digestion and stool soften-formed without constipation; which means that regularly taking Melatonin can permanently improve digestive system and perfect nutrition supply. Studies show that Melatonin promotes nerve regeneration; cure degenerative diseases; and even rescue kidney failure aged stem cells.  

Nov. 12, 2021, a report thatthe colorectal cancer is third most common cancer worldwideand the second leading cause of cancer death according to GLOBOCAN 2020. The daily diet is the main inducement of colorectal cancer through affecting gut microbial activities. Such as, high intakes of low-calorie beverages, French fries, red meats, and processed meats.  

I believe that the Vinegar based combination of Melatonin and diet supplements of Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicinals of TCM will be able to help people in disease free and cure the most of diseases with breakthrough in the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases.  

Which is by the electronegativities of oxygen atoms in vinegar molecular simulates the physiological activities of covalent bonded human body and then the Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicinals of TCM play their therapeutic roles.  


For more experts being able to join the effort to end epidemic Covid-19; this email shares to  

Edelman Global Advisory  

1...Deborah Lehr, CEO, Edelman Global Advisory:globalmarketingsocial@edelman.com  

DearDeborah Lehr, thank you for Trust Barometer 2022 exposing truth on politics. It is not all people in human feature are in human nature; some are in beast mentality; only Technocratic Democracy by outstanding Entrepreneurs and Scholars is able to save world from the ruining of Liberal Democracy.  

Please forget trust or not; to forward this email to friends who work in ICU of hospitals to end epidemic at first; otherwise any trust is useless.  


1...Gili Regev-Yochay, Professor, Sheba Medical Center:gili.regev@sheba.health.gov.il  

DearGili Regev-Yochay;thank you for revealing that vaccine is less effective on Omicron strain; nowplease dump all kind of vaccines into garbage bin; and turn to pick up daily diets and diet supplements as medication to end epidemic and cure patients who are suffering in Covid-19 and chronic diseases.    

You are working in hospital with advantage of being able to make direct clinic trial of OTC diet and diet supplements to show instant result than that of double blind clinic trial in I, II, III terms with cost huge funds and times; which looks rational and necessary, but actually it is brainless childish play; it is just such play to have misled WHO banned use of HCQ in the treatment of Covid-19 patients; and to have caused 50% more unnecessary deaths according to July 2, 2020 reportTreatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patientsof the US Henry Ford Health System.    

2...Ehud Qimron, Professor, Tel Aviv University:ehudq@tauex.tau.ac.il  

3...Eran Bacharach, Professor, Tel Aviv University:eranba@tauex.tau.ac.il  

4...Judith BermanProfessor, Tel Aviv University:jberman@tauex.tau.ac.il  

5...Ministry of Health:Call.Habriut@moh.health.gov.il  

6...Irit Ben Abba, Ambassador of Israel to China:consular@beijing.mfa.gov.il  

7...Idit Sohlberg, Vice-Rector of Ariel University:vrector@ariel.ac.il,iur@ariel.ac.il  


1...WHO headquarters:mediainquiries@who.int  

2...Margaret Harris:harrism@who.int  

3...Christian Lindmeier:lindmeierch@who.int  


1...Marcus Zervos, Professor, Henry Ford Health System:MZervos1@hfhs.org  

DearMarcus Zervos,Thank you for exposing the truth thatif some people did not ban the use ofHCQ; there more than 50% Covid-19 died people would still alive. Now you would be in thinking about the revolutionary of medicinal philosophy without irrationally expelling, but rationally integrating of all of availabilities; thereby improving healthcare to resolve the dilemma in disease treatment.    

Now, please try to save lives by diet vinegar based combinations of diet supplements; whey will be much effective than that of HCQ did as well as WHO recommended 11 drugs would do.    

Some people said that mild Omicron strain combines with the existing vaccinated herd immunity will turn the epidemic Covid-19 to be a general flu. I hope that you would be not so ignorance to addict in or care about the ignorant prediction, but focuses on rational focus as that of analyzing the effect of HCQ. I firmly believe that safe for people self-help, cheaper and handy available daily diet and diet supplements will able to uproot all kind of airborne or contact infectious diseases and make breakthrough in the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases. Especially help people self-help in disease treatment and keep health in disease free to reduce the reliance on public healthcare; thereby solving the dilemma in disease treatment.   

Thanks again.  


1... Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister:justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca  

2...Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Health:jean-yves.duclos@parl.gc.ca  

3...Kieran Moore,Ontario Officer of Health:kieran.moore@kflaph.ca  


1...Richard Horton, Editor, The Lancet:richard.horton@lancet.com  

DearRichard Horton, thanks for your rational work, the reason that I repeated share email to you is that you are rational without ideology bias in dealing with the issues in anti-pandemic, but you need to refresh mind with revolutionized medical philosophies; so that you are able to play a leading role for ending epidemic based on the platform of the Lancet. Now I would like to show my sorry for some impolite words to you.  

2...Toby Helm, Editor, The Guardian:observer.letters@observer.co.uk  


1...Didier Raoult, Professor, Aix Marseille University:Didier.raoult@gmail.com  

Dear Professor, thank you for your rational trial on HCQ; you are perfect right in the result of HCQ clinic use, if your countryman did not intended try to prove you are a liar, the cheaper and easy available HCQ would have saved more than 50% people who were died Covid-19. I am once moved tearful by your thoughtful design in clinic trial with considerable measures to prevent the harm to patients. I have seen many articles in double blind clinic trial; the designers seem only concern that how to make the patients properly double blinded without care about they are alive or not.  

As an outstanding scientist with great contribution, you are rudely treated by your countryman, made me think about the quality of human civilization; such a civilization is not humanized yet, due to that it has been ignorance hijacked. As a major initiator country in modern democratic design and leading ideologies; French people really need to careful self-reflect for that what your ancestors have contributed to human society.    

2...Ralf Jockers, Professor, Université de Paris:ralf.jockers@inserm.fr  


1...Markus Schwaninger, Professor, University of Lübeck:markus.schwaninger@uni-luebeck.de  

2...Gabriela Riemekasten, Professor, University of Lübeck:gabriela.riemekasten@uksh.de  


1... Chen Wang, Academician, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences:wangchen@pumc.edu.cn  

Dear Professor,I notice that you are younger among Academicians of China; so that I share this email to you with the hope that your mind is less bondage of the dogmatism to bravely make breakthrough in anti-pandemic practice and to dump vaccines into garbage bin by turning to kill virus directly.  

2...Hong Tao, Academician, China Disease Control Center:hongt@ace.cn  

3...Bin Cao, Academician, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences:caobin_ben@163.com  

4...China State Key Laboratoryof Respiratory Disease:sklrddirector@gird.cn  

5...Ling Chen,Professor, State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease:chen_ling@gibh.ac.cn  

6...Xiaodong Fu, Professor, State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease:fuxiaod@gzhmu.edu.cn   


From:Outlook.com Team
Sent:December 31, 2021 16:29
Cc:justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca ; Chrystia.Freeland@parl.gc.ca ; richard.horton@lancet.com ; Astrid.James@lancet.com ; xiebing@pku.edu.cn; tutcm@hotmail.com ; ljli@zju.edu.cn ; jzk86848421@163.com ; zdjkx@sona.com
Subject:ICU medical staff will uproot epidemic quickly  

ICU medical staff will uproot epidemic quickly   

Please forward to Dr. Amelie Boisclair at Quebec Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital   

To Denise Labelle    

Administrative Assistant Adjointe du très honorable Jean Chrétien  

Dentons, Ottawa;  

D +1 613 783 9696;labelled2014@gmail.com   

Share to   

The honorable Justin Trudeau:justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca  

The honorable Chrystia Freeland:Chrystia.Freeland@parl.gc.ca  

Lancet Editor: Richard Horton:richard.horton@lancet.com  

Lancet Deputy Editor:Astrid James:astrid.james@lancet.com  

Peking University research management, Xie Bing:xiebing@pku.edu.cn  

Zhang Boli, former President of Tianjin University of TCM;tutcm@hotmail.com  

Li Lanjuan, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University,ljli@zju.edu.cn  





Dear Denise Labelle:  

Good morning; this is Frank from Waterloo. I am sorry for bothering again.  

The Omicron variant is in making new wave of patients flooding into hospitals; there are provinces vowed to allow COVID positive health-care staff to work. You would never forget that, in last year Italy and this year US; there were reports that ICU workers suicide from seeing patients helpless dying and new patients flooding in without hope to see the end. I worry that may happen in Canada soon.  

For the death of COVID-19 infections, the most painful people are not dying patient but their families and medical staff, I once read a report, that patients who are going to die have long been lost their consciousness, so that they can't perceive pain and sadness for the coming of the end of the last breathing on this Earth. But, due to epidemic quarantine, the scenes of patients’ lonely pass away made ICU's medical staff heartbreak; this is the main reason that caused medical staff suicide.  

Recently, I found Dr. Amelie Boisclair at Quebec Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital Twittered about her suffering of stress day after day, hour after hour as ICU specialist in lasting about two years without hope to see the end. The Twitter post is just on the time that the wave of Omicaron infacted patients will flood into ICU; such feeling is surely shared by most others; we must help the medical staff who works in ICU from desperate state to avoid the happen of the sadness as that in Italy and the US.  

Now, some medical experts are happy for the infection of Omicron variant becoming much gentle in similar as that of the ordinary colds, so that humans are able to co-live with Covid-19 as they long hoped; without sense of uprooting the epidemic. The people in such a quality are never able to pre-think for the bad consequence that Omicron will easily mutate as new version of variant by tearing off the cheating face of gentle to be much fatal in unbeatable to paralyze social operation completely.  

In compared with the practice of China; in the West; the easily uprootable epidemic Covid-19 is worsened as this day; no rational people would deny the fact that the process of anti-pandemic is a typical psychotic attack of social diseases from the social system that has been in ignorance hijacked.  

This is the reason that I endlessly share email to you with the hope that the rare rational politician, the honorable Jean Chretien is able to help ending the epidemic as my emails persuaded that by inhalable disinfectant kills potential virus in people’s respiratory tract in daily once; will be no one virus-attacked as disease, then people may safely engage in daily social activities as normal as that of before epidemic, without the need of vaccination, infection test and quarantine.  

Since the outbreak, I have sent hundreds emails and many phone calls globally, but no one care about; which revealed a sad reality that hopeful medical experts who are able to end the epidemic are just unwilling to see the end of the epidemic; due to that they need the epidemic for easy research funding; while the drug makers need epidemic for profiting from marketing genetic products; in such a greedy driven mad social environment; even if the honorable Jean Chretien can do nothing.  

The helpless feeling of increasingly people died from easily avoidable made me insomnia and two times car accidents with scrapped a car; and the auto-insurance increased to $2372 from about $600 yearly. The Twitter of Dr. Amelie Boisclair gave me a new hope; the people who work in ICU under the prssure of the psychological torture of helpless seeing people endless dying are able to practice my idea and the suggestion to unload overloaded hospitals by daily diet and diet supplements.  

We may promote the practice of uprooting epidemic by the help of the civil force of the health-care staff who works in ICU of hospitals. This email is hope that the honorable Jean Chretien is able to help Dr. Amelie Boisclair and her colleague with a green light by requesting PM Justin Trudeau for the potential legal permission and support from federal government; so that Dr. Amelie Boisclair and her colleagues are able to make clinic trial as soon as possible.  

Recently,the Israel Biotech Company Amorphical developed drug Amor-18by Amorphous Calcium Carbonate CCaO3; in clinic trial, 100% of covid-19 patients cured in a few days; and AMOR-18 is able to beat all variant of SARS virus family; includes Delta and Omicron; at the time that the others addict in genetic play as mad as that of drug abusing.  

According to the studies and my personal experience, diet vinegar C2H4o2 is able to achieve much better effect than that of the CCaO3 did in quickly cleaning the viruses in human body with great advantage of curing potential existing diseases; so that the Covid survivors will be no complications; and especially, vinegar is cheaper handy available for any one in any country.  

Please forward this email to Dr. Amelie Boisclair at Quebec Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital.  

Thank you very much  

Best regards  

Frank (Hongde) Li, Morning; Dec. 31, 2021, in Waterloo  


To Dr. Amelie Boisclair      

ICU specialist  

Quebec Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital  

DearDr. Amelie Boisclair:  

This is Frank (Hongde) Li from Waterloo, Ontario, a technical immigrant from China. As a specialist in metal materials, I once worked in a Research Institute with plenty of time for free reading. As hobby, I interested in the results of modern studies on bio-active ingredients, pharmacological effects and the clinical applications of natural medicinals that identified and used by Traditional Chinese Medicine – TCM in about 11,146 plants; 1581 animals; 80 minerals; with about 100 thousands of experience based formulas. In this process, I have inevitably gotten into touching with some knowledge in Western medicine.  

Perhaps; due to that; besides my metal material major; my self-studied knowledge in scattered and variety that is just in roughly overall understanding without the formation of the rigid dogma that will be formed when systematically professional studies in college, therefore I am without the dogmatic bondages from any professional expertise; so that, I am able to make general comparison on the pros and cons of the different field medicinally, politically; socially; historically of the East and West.  

I learnt you from the reports that introduce your Twitter about that you have been in suffering stress day after day, hour after hour as specialist working in ICU, which has been last nearly two years without hope to see the end; sadly seeing infected people died in hospital; while outside of hospital, there many people are still going out to expose in the virus and being beaten down to be moved into ICU endlessly; the terrible is that your own experiences aren't always reflected, or understood in the outside world; so that the same ignorant drama is in endlessly repeating;.....  

Actually; as airborne infectious disease; the epidemic Covid-19 is easily to be uprooted by diet vinegar C2H4O2.    

By water dilutes 20 ml 5%vinegar (White, Wine or Apple cedar) or 2x 500mg vinegar capsule to oral 4 times daily, it will be able to cure Covid-19 infected people in any severe condition in one or two days. I believe that after one dose, the patient will desire for drinking and eating.    

Put 5%vinegar mixed Fragrance in a plastic bag to cover nose and mouth inhaling vinegar mixed air in daily once, will kill potential virus in respiratory tract to stop onset as ill; then people may engage in social activities as nomal without need of vaccination, infection test and quarantine.    

By vinegar fumigating room or ward is able to prevent and treat patients of babies and those who can't self-take medicine. Put several ml of 5%vinegar in the water for filtering oxygen will cure the patients who are in oxygenating.  

Now; the politicians and parents are hesitating for the open of schools; which is easily solved by vinegar or hypochlorite fumigating a room and ensure teachers and students to inhale several breath of the antiviral air daily once.  

If we set equipments in all of public facilities to ensure people inhaling several breath of the antiviral air in daily once, then we will make all of social activities keep in normal without the need of vaccination, infection test or quarantine.    

There were many studies about hypochlorous acid; they are just paid attention to its toxic effect without considering benefits. By comparing to the atom of Oxygen (electronegativity 3.5) and Chlorine (electronegativity 3.0) in the molecule of hypochlorite; I infer that the physiological function of hypochlorite is similar to that of vinegar in good than bad when properly use; at the time killing virus; it also is able to cure the multi-lesions of the infections.  

The safe of vinegar in-taking or air fumigating has been a household truth. As daily diet without need of prescription in clinic use; you and your colleagues should try it by self at first; and then use it treating patients directly.  

For the use of hypochlorite, it may need to be confirmed in lab by animals; although after two years massively used globally as disinfectant without the reports in complications.  

As airborne infectious disease, the epidemic covid-19 will be easily uprooted quickly; if we stop the replication of virus directly. Then we may join hands to unload overloaded hospitals; I have prepared hundreds pound of herb that is able to eliminate amyloid for curing the patients in Alzheimer.  

In attached articles; I have discussed the necessary and potential of the revolution in medical philosophy that will trigger the revolution in drug concept; and which will trigger the revolution in disease treatment, and then we may make breakthrough in the treatment of the thorny chronic degenerative diseases.    

The failure in anti-pandemic Covid-19 is the failure of the social system that is based on improper social elements: the wrongful adopted philosoph Reductionism mis-guided Western medicine that is not suitable for huamn life;  the multi-party malicious opposition dysfunctioned Government that cannot properly perform desired governing role.    

As the rational group; the medical staff should join other social elites, such as, the entrepreneurs; to form a civil legislature to take one thirds of voting right of official legislature as a assitant for government to promote the radically improvement in social governance.  

Rational people must take action to improve social environment that is not conducive to the survival of own families; rather than passively helpless sigh.  

Please encourage your colleagues cheer up by sharing this email to them.  

Waiting for good news  

Thank you very much  

Best regards  

Frank (Hongde) Li, Morning; Dec. 31, 2021, in Waterloo    


From:Outlook.com Team    

Sent:December 28, 2021 17:37
Cc:consular@beijing.mfa.gov.il ; Call.Habriut@moh.health.gov.il ; pniot@mfa.gov.il ; pengsz@most.cn ; il@mofcom.gov.cn ; jzk86848421@163.com ; zdjkx@sona.com ; 1753718567@qq.com <1753718567@qq.com>; 360535848@qq.com <360535848@qq.com>; 1016665388@qq.com <1016665388@qq.com>; 249235233@qq.com <249235233@qq.com>; 811884870@qq.com <811884870@qq.com>; xuefeigao@qq.com ; 1969900549@qq.com <1969900549@qq.com>
Subject:To Irit Ben Abba, the Ambassador of Israel to China    

From:Outlook.com Team    

Sent:December 26, 2021 20:14
Cc:justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca ; Chrystia.Freeland@parl.gc.ca ; richard.horton@lancet.com ; astrid.james@lancet.com ; xiebing@pku.edu.cn ; yao@pku.edu.cn ; info@amorphical.com
Subject:Uproot epidemic by stopping virus replication       

Canada may lead world out of epidemic by inspiring people self-help.   

Israel has cured 100% of COVID-19 patients by Calcium Carbonate CCaO3in clinic trial of hospital.      

Canada is able to cure all of COVID-19 infected people by diet vinegar C2H4O2in home self helping.      

The honorable Jean Chrétien may call PM Trudeau to suggest hissix infected staff and securityto drink water dilute 20 ml 5%vinegar or 2 x 500mg Vinegar Capsules / 50 Kilo 4 times daily; the result will inspire people to follow in self-help; thereby uprooting epidemic in weeks.    


To Denise Labelle   

Administrative Assistant Adjointe du très honorable Jean Chrétien    

Dentons, Ottawa;    

D +1 613 783 9696;labelled2014@gmail.com,  denise.labelle@dentons.com   


Share to   

Canada, the Federal Government   

The honorableJustin Trudeau:justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca   

The honorableChrystia Freeland:Chrystia.Freeland@parl.gc.ca   

Britain,the Lancet Journal   

Editor:Richard Horton:richard.horton@lancet.com   

Deputy Editor:Astrid James:astrid.james@lancet.com   

China,thePeking University   

Research Management, DirectorXie Bing:xiebing@pku.edu.cn   

Bioaerosol Laboratory, ProfessorMaosheng Yao:yao@pku.edu.cn   

Israel, Biotech Company Amorphical   

The Founder and CEO,Yossi Ben:info@amorphical.com   

Thank you Sir Yossi Ben, the reports that you study to treat diseases by Calcium Carbonate made me tearful and gave a hope from hopeless of viewing people waste social resources to study genetic products or something for the life of tomorrow without care about survival or not in this time today of their own and their families.    

I share email to you is for providing some inspirations in the basis of philosophies and civilizations; so that you may make greater contribution for uprooting the epidemic as soon as possible to save humans of this time in today; I am sure that only you have a rational mind to recognize that, without today will be without tomorrow.    

I believe that the vinegar based combinations of diet supplements - Melatonin, Orthomolecular Medicine and the natural medicinals of TCM will be enough to uproot all of diseases of higher & lower animals. The genetic plays will never benefit to human life; besides evil-used destructing human life as that of the covid-19 in doing.    

Waiting for more good news from your research team; especially in humanizing medical philosophy & practice.    


Dear Denise Labelle:    

       Good morning; this is Frank from Waterloo; I am sorry for bothering again. But only the honorable Jean Chrétien is able to reach PM Justin Trudeau for quick action to uproot Epidemic Covid-19 as soon as possible, the Omicron variant is in messing Canada and world than ever; social operation will be badly messed and thereby further worsening economy.      

        This email is urgent, please directly talk to PM Justin Trudeau, to avoid his assistant filtering it out by a thank letter.    

        Today, I found Dec. 23, 2021 articleIsraeli drug prevents 100% of COVID-19 patients from deteriorating in trial; it reports that Israel Biotech Company Amorphical developed drug Amor-18 by Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) to administrate orally or inhalation; in clinic trial, 100% of covid-19 patients cured in a few days; due to that ACC has ability to modulate acidic pH around the cells; thereby affecting the capability of COVID-19 penetrate into cells and replicate.   

        Areport in Mandarin said that the CEO of Amorphical explained that AMOR-18 has the advantageof anti-inflammatory, safe, effective, easy to use, and it is able to confront all of the variant of entire SARS virus family; such as Delta and Omicron.The website of Amorphical posts that ACC has been studying in other 5 clinical trials; and has proved safe in treating various diseases. The treatment of COVID-19 is following the same basic treatment plan - cancer; Inflammations; Fertility; Cell-Therapy and Osteoporosis & Bones.   

The fact that Calcium Carbonate CCaO3 cured COVID-19 patients has indirectly proved my idea that I have been repeatedly sharing to you - the thousands of years’ use proved safe diet vinegar will be able to uproot Epidemic by people’s self-help.Also,the price of the Calcium Carbonate in food qualityis still too expensive and also it is not easily handy available.      

For uprooting so massive spreading epidemic, the medication must be safe, sufficient, cheaper, and handy available for any one in any country; so that people are able to self-help to reach global synchronous action as that of extinguishing the wildfire; all of the flamesmust be extinguished at the same time. Only diet vinegar is able to reach such a purpose.    

I attached several articles; the <Uproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus> discussed the approaches for ending the epidemic Covid-19 from the basis of philosophies, ideologies and civilizations; and by which excerpt-revised follow articles for convenience in reading.    

The article discussed the approaches to unload overloaded hospitals by daily diets and diet supplements in the basis of medical philosophies.    

The article discussed the reason that I wrote to you and the honorable Jean Chretien with idea to improve democratic play corrupted legislature.    

The article <The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19> introduced the six emails that I conduct the anti-pandemic practice of meats plant DC Foods Waterloo Ontario in Zero infection.    

I infer that putting vinegar mixed fragrance in plastic bag covers nose and mouth inhaling vinegar mixed air in daily once to kill potential virus in respiratory tract to stop the onset of the viruses; then people will confidently engage in daily activities without the need of ignorant play of repeatedly vaccination, infection testing and quarantine.    

By water dilutes 20 ml 5%vinegar (White, or Wine, or Apple cedar) or 2 x 500mg Vinegar Capsules/ 50 kg to oral in 4 times daily, it will cure Covid-19 infected people at any severe condition in one or two days without complication. I firmly believe that after the first dose; the condition of patient will be relieved with the desire to drink and eat.    

Above dose of vinegar was according to my experience; one dose cured flu of fever and cough. I put dose here is for safe concern. However, it is not an optimal dose for the exertion of therapeutic effect of vinegar. TheLD50 of vinegar is 3,320 mg/kgin 165g for people in 50kg. I guess that the optimal dose of vinegar may be much higher.    

I believe that, if it is without the hijacking of people who are greedy driven genetic play or endlessly yelling these are unscientific those are unproven; the Epidemic should be ended year ago as that of China did. The process of anti-pandemic is a typical psychotic attack of the social diseases from Western Individualistic Civilization.    

The thorny diseases for treatment are the chronic degenerative one that is without pathogens for killing.    

I infer that the diet vinegar C2H4O2based combinationswith diet supplements will be able to unload overloaded hospitals of Canada by curing the most of diseases quickly; no matter infectious or non-infectious by electronegativities of oxygen atoms in vinegar molecule taking off the parts of covalent bond structured viruses and bacteria; while the electronegativities also trigger the physiological activities of covalent bonded body to produce therapeutic effects.    

In compared with the pragmatic studies of Israeli Biotech Company Amorphical, the studies in other countries are far from pragmatic; this is the reason that even if governments have invested large amount of funds for anti-pandemic study; but the epidemic is in worsening, the hospitals are increasingly overloading; due to that the valuable funds are wasted on the greedy genetic plays without clinical values; besides attractive academic significant and commercial values.      

Because of such a ignorant social environment, the simple effective medications that are able to uproot the epidemic Covid-19 will be difficult implemented; in this concern; I wrote The fax to Dong Mingzhu; with the hope that rational entrepreneur will be able to fund researchers to force them making some designated studies for urgent needed.    

Also, I notice that, recently the honorable Jean Chrétien published book following the serial books; which showed that he has significant focus in engaged in with full attention. In such situation, he may not share attention to help to uproot easily uproot-able epidemic by stopping the replication of viruses rather than printing money endless vaccination.    

As Administrative Assistant of the honorable Jean Chrétien; you are able to work for a long time to have showed that you are smart able to properly deal things with clear boundary for that what is your duty and what is not; and surely acts as the assistant of boss; rather than acts as the boss of boss. But your over cautious in work may produce negative effect.    

In phone chat, I said that you are the family member of Jean Chretien is for encouraging you to take self as younger sister of the honorable Jean Chretien; so that you are able to confidently suggest something without hesitate. Otherwise, the honorable Jean Chrétien may miss the opportunity for saving humans as an outstanding politician should not miss.    

I have some requests as bellow.    

1...Please look at attached The fax to Dong Mingzhu and fax it. I notice that you have no fax number, but I am sure that you are able to easily find a helper.    

2...The honorable Jean Chretien may contact with China’s Premier Li Keqiang to set an Online Platform for the experience exchanges of medical experts between China and Canada. Also requests Li Peqing to fundPeking University inthe studies of the clinicuse of vinegar based combinations of diet supplements.    

3...Introduce patented cancer treatment from China. I have reached agreement with inventor Dr. Yu Baofa to draft a Q&A topic for publishing in Canada, and then by public appeal promoting it success. You may list some questions.    

If, above ideas are able to be realized, then the long waiting in disease treatment in healthcare system of Canada will be radically improved; which is by quickly curing patients and help people self-help in home to reduce the reliance on public healthcare; rather than endless appealing for increasing medical investment.      

The success in healthcare will enable Canada as world leader in radically relieving the dilemma in disease treatment globally.    

Waiting for good news    

Best regards    

Frank (Hongde) Li, Dec. 26, 2021, in Waterloo, Canada    







電話: 63581580, 63529809;傳真: 63529809  












Hongjie Yu, Huashan Hospital:yhj@fudan.edu.cn   

Jia-Zhen Chen, Huashan Hospital:jiazhen_chen@163.com   

Qianhua Zhao, Huashan Hospital:qianhuazhao@fudan.edu.cn   


Hong Xu, School of Biomedical Engineering:xuhong@sjtu.edu.cn   


Chengfeng Qiu.qiuchengfeng0721@163.com,    


Da Long,70702304@qq.com   




董    晨教授:chendong@tsinghua.edu.cn   



陳    淩教授:chen_ling@gibh.ac.cn   




Feng Ye,yefeng081@sina.com   











張伯禮, 原天津中醫藥大學校長:tutcm@hotmail.com  

李蘭娟, 浙江大學第一附屬醫院:ljli@zju.edu.cn   




我是李洪德,現居加拿大,是來中國大陸的獨立技術移民。我從17歲開始自學中醫,1982年,大學金屬材料專業畢業後,工作在企業科研機構,不必為科研項目和經費發愁,有大量時間自由閱讀。作為個人愛好,一直關注中醫中藥的現代研究結果。千百年來中醫鑒定和使用大量天然藥物,大約有 11146 種植物、1581種動物和 80 種礦物,積累了近 10 萬個經驗藥方,涵蓋幾乎所有已知疾病。我的最大收獲,是對中醫哲學和西醫哲學的理解。  














距冬奧會開幕不足20天,我們必須找到不需要檢測和隔離就能消除新冠疫情的方法 – 用醋或次氯酸,每天針對呼吸道殺毒一次。製造手持噴霧器或公共場所噴霧裝置,確保成人每天吸幾口。每天室內熏蒸一此,來幫助兒童和不能自主吸消毒劑者。如果,全球如此,幾周之內,疫情結束。   






李洪德, 2022年1月16日,晨,2點16分,於加拿大      









附件文章《新冠疫情催生新型犯罪西醫教化的人 利用善心殺人》,是源自您2020年出版的指導抗疫的書的啟發,指出您的觀點的不足之處,我的陳述,沒有誇張,實事求是。我想,理性的您不會生氣,而且高興。讀過我的其它文章,您會發現,疫情惡化到今天,錯在醫學哲學的根基。疫苗和新一類抗新冠口服藥物不是在結束疫情,而是在誘導大眾,永遠不考慮消滅病毒,以利病毒不斷地變異,不斷更新換代爭奪新霸主,這正是西醫哲學機械還原論誤導的結果。錯誤的哲學驅使中國的科技力量和全世界各國的科技力量不懈努力朝著錯誤的方向狂奔。   














我希望理性的您與您的同事兒,立刻研究停止病毒複製 根除新冠疫情   






李洪德, 2022年1月15日,上午,9點53分,於加拿大   

From:Outlook.com Team
Sent:January 11, 2022 10:54





















陳曉:  sirchenxiao@126.com   

任元:  16110220030@fudan.edu.cn   





陳柯宇:  20110220001@fudan.edu.cn   


於冰潔:  19210220001@fudan.edu.cn   








陳   淩教授:chen_ling@gibh.ac.cn   



Mark Zanin:mark.zanin@gird.cn   




李   靖教授:jingli1016@vip.163.com   








董    晨教授:chendong@tsinghua.edu.cn   



Xinghua Tan:gz8htxh@126.com   

Yaoying Zeng:zengyaoying@gmail.com   


Fuchun Zhang:gz8hzfc@126.com   



Feng Ye,  yefeng081@sina.com   

華愛玲; 主任醫師:jzk86848421@163.com   







高學飛,住院醫師:  xuefeigao@qq.com   

葉新麗;住院醫師:  1969900549@qq.com   









張伯禮, 原天津中醫藥大學校長;  tutcm@hotmail.com   

李蘭娟, 浙江大學第一附屬醫院:  ljli@zju.edu.cn   
















2020年3月24日, 針對終南山說,驗證中藥作用,有三方麵:一是能否滅病毒;二是能否減少病毒進入細胞;三是能否減少發生炎症風暴。我發信給他的助手Jeffyah@163.com:     

Please tell Zhong Nanshan, he is in misleading public with good intention making bad result. The philosophy of western medicine has badly injured the brain of you all.   

2020年4月5日, 針對《發布會上,鍾南山為何不戴口罩?原來,這些情況下真可以不戴》,我發信給他的助手Jeffyah@163.com:     

Please tell Zhong Nanshan, the wrongful comments are in killing people, the speaker will be liquidated in the future.   

He has never self ashamed for those people who have been suffering from sequelae since past 17 years from being treated with he suggested hormones.   

Please look at the west; the mess and the death from bad epidemic control are all caused by stupid politicians in full heart for good.   

For such kind of stupid, if they shut up is greatest contribution.   

我搜索Jeffyah@163.com信箱的擁有人:楊子峰, 廣州醫科大學第一附屬醫院,呼吸係統疾病國家重點實驗室。   






2020年9月22日,香港大學和香港王後醫院的研究人員發表聯合研究報告,他們分別用鼻吸入和口服新冠病毒的方法,感染實驗鼠,發現,由鼻腔吸入100 pfu的新冠病毒,所有的實驗鼠都被感染成為重症,呼吸困難,體重下降。然而,口服100,000 pfu的高劑量新冠病毒,也僅有83%的實驗鼠的口腔拭子和糞便中檢測到新冠狀病毒的脫落。而且,經口服感染的實驗鼠,都是無症狀,呼吸和體重也都正常。   
















在國外,研究醋藥用的文章很多,涉及方方麵麵,絕大多數用蘋果醋,因為其具有多種原料帶來的和發酵衍生的成份,研究者關心的也是這些附屬成份,而不是醋酸本身,我們不能完全否認其合理性。但是,我認為,醋的神奇藥理功能,主要來自其氧原子的強大電負性– 摧毀共價鍵的致病原,激發共價鍵結構的人體的組織,器官,血壓,腺體,等等的生理活性。   













看看這個報道,《中國生物重組蛋白新冠疫苗序貫接種獲得更高免疫效力Safety and immunogenicity of a heterologous boost with a recombinant vaccine, NVSI-06-07, in the inactivated vaccine recipients from UAE: a phase 2 randomised, double-blinded, controlled clinical trial。看過媒體對研發團隊的采訪報道,主持人和開發者,都為此成果興奮異常,簡直是建立了能夠拯救人類奇功。  






有關中醫和西醫的哲學,這裏不談論,請見附件《針對哺乳動物呼吸道殺毒停止新型冠狀病毒感染的流行》。這裏隻想再次提醒癡迷西醫的專家們,自從FDA 規定,合成藥物上市必須有雙盲臨床試驗以來,已經60多年了,西醫一直在用單一成分雙盲臨床試驗踢開複方應用有效的藥物,大規模殺人。    







研究表明,褪黑激素能刺激粒細胞-巨噬細胞和祖細胞的生產;刺激NK細胞和CD4 +細胞的產生並抑製CD8+細胞。增強NK細胞和T-輔助淋巴細胞的各種細胞因子的生產和釋放。   




















祝好  謝謝大家   

李洪德禮,2022年1月10日,淩晨 2點22分,於加拿大   


2021年12月11日14:00 來源:中國新聞網  





抗擊新冠肺炎)鍾南山:中國今年底有望達成群體免疫目標接種率 中新社廣州12月11日電 (記者 王堅)大灣區科學論壇生命科學分論壇11日在廣州舉行。 中國工程院院士鍾南山在論壇現場表示,有信心中國疫苗注射率能夠在2021年底達到83%,並呼籲民眾接種疫苗加強針。   



發件人: Team Outlook.com
發送時間: 2020年7月16日 16:20
收件人: 'Denise'
抄送: michel.chretien@ircm.qc.ca ; max.fehlmann@ircm.qc.ca ; ZHU Qinzhang ; jim.russell@hli.ubc.ca ; richard.horton@lancet.com ; tom.jefferson@conted.ox.ac.uk ; rothe@lrz.uni-muenchen.de ; christian.drosten@charite.de ; Didier.raoult@gmail.com ; jean-paul.moatti@ird.fr ; info@folkhalsomyndigheten.se ; per.servais@lnu.se ; amarty@fiu.edu ; mlipsitc@hsph.harvard.edu ; tharman_s@pmo.gov.sg ; ti.eginu@initram.rm ; deredolar@uoc.edu ; mengzhaowang@sina.com ; Labelle, Denise ; susan.scotti@thebusinesscouncil.ca
主題: Covid-19 pandemic is easily to be ended by philosophy updating


To Jean Chretien, the 20th PM of Canada for saving world out of the pandemic

Share to:


1.. Michel Chrétien,  the Emeritus Research Professor, IRCM, michel.chretien@ircm.qc.ca

     If it is possible, I am happy for forwarding this email to PM Justin Trudeau.

2.. Max Fehlmann,  the President and Director, IRCM, max.fehlmann@ircm.qc.ca

3.. Qinzhang Zhu, the Manager of the Core Facility, IRCM: qinzhang.zhu@ircm.qc.ca

4.. James Russell, the Professor of Medicine, UBC:  jim.russell@hli.ubc.ca

5.. President, Business Council of Canada: susan.scotti@thebusinesscouncil.ca


1.. Richard Horton, the Editor, the Lancet: richard.horton@lancet.com  editorial@lancet.com

2.. Tom Jefferson, the senior associate tutor, University of Oxford: tom.jefferson@conted.ox.ac.uk


1.. Camilla Rothe, the Professor, University Hospital LMU Munich: rothe@lrz.uni-muenchen.de

2.. Christian Drosten, the Professor, Charité – University Medicine Berlin: christian.drosten@charite.de


1.. Didier Raoult, the Professor,  Aix Marseille University, Didier.raoult@gmail.com

2.. Jean-Paul Moatti, the Professor, Aix-Marseille University: jean-paul.moatti@ird.fr 


1.. Anders Tegnell, the state epidemiologist: info@folkhalsomyndigheten.se

2.. Per Servais, the Professor, Linnaeus University: per.servais@lnu.se


1.. Aileen Marty, the Professor, Florida International University: amarty@fiu.edu  A Million Miles An Hour

2.. Marc Lipsitch, the Professor Harvard T.H. Chan School, Boston, MA, USA: mlipsitc@hsph.harvard.edu 


1.. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister: tharman_s@pmo.gov.sg


1.. Barberis, the Professor,  University of Genoa, Italy: ti.eginu@initram.rm


1.. Diego Redolar-Ripoll, the Professor, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain: deredolar@uoc.edu


1.. Mengzhao Wang, the Professor, Peking Union Medical College Hospital:  mengzhaowang@sina.com

I hope that by the joint efforts of the experts globally, we can quickly find feasible approaches to end the pandemic without the need of the failed behavioral restrictions; so that we can resume economy as soon as possible.

The video We Are Heading A Million Miles An Hour In The Wrong Direction, shows the anxious of the professor Aileen Marty for the meaningless death. However, any appealing is useless besides set a global alliance of non-political medical committee to push pandemic control on the right track.

I have to make apologize for my poor English wording and am happy for this email to be forwarded to more experts.


Thank for all


To Denise Labelle

Administrative Assistant Adjointe du très honorable Jean Chrétien

Dentons, Ottawa

D +1 613 783 9696

denise.labelle@dentons.com     labelled2014@gmail.com

Subject: Covid-19 pandemic is easily to be ended by philosophy updating


Dear Denise Labelle:

This is Frank from Waterloo, Ontario.

Months ago phone call, I happily learnt that you have taken proper measure for Covid-19 protection, then, I am confident for the safe of you and honorable Jean Chretien in the pandemic.

Recently, the lifted lockdown was put down again due to uncontrollable massive infections, the pandemic seems never be ended. Human survival is in facing an unprecedented crisis.


In facing such urgent life threat, a simple preventing measure of covering mouth and nose still cannot be practiced. The facts show that the social governance of many countries is in the mental retarded state helplessly. They are in making infection source for other countries.

On other hand, the negatively prevention or diagnosis for isolation is difficult to save the world out of pandemic; only actively trying to kill virus without the need on people’s behavioral control can end the pandemic quickly. For this, I have found some feasible approaches.

But the practice needs the help from powerful promotion. In this concern, the honorable Jean Chrétien and his brother Michel Chrétien will be the best promoters in both field of political and medical nationally and internationally.

Now, it is the time that I tell you that why I contact with you of the Administrative Assistant for honorable Jean Chrétien.

The first email to you was in Aug. 10, 2016, with article Gov-authorize non-partisan Super Leadership to assist social governance. Now, the facts are clearly, it is those low ability partisan players in helping virus killing people. Current democratic played social governance cannot contain pandemic. The only feasible way is to set a non-political assistant for government by medical experts. China has been working in this way.


World widely, the father of PM Trudeau, the 15th PM, Dr. Pierre Trudeau who was only politician that studied the issue about social governance by Harvard thesis on communism and religion, and motorcycling investigated the reality around half of the world. In Canada, under his tenure, the social development index and quality of life has been among the highest in the world. 


Wrote thesis in communism, must learn the bloody crimes of the greedy capital in the early days of the Industrial Revolution. The failure of communist practice lies not in the philosophy, but in the neglect of human animal instinct in social governance. Marx's communist thought did not die, but it is well survived in the social welfare system of modern society.


It is the sadness of the ignorance of people, while happy for enjoying delicious fruits of social welfare while blaming who planted the tree for bearing the fruit.


In 1948, after finished doctoral study in London, 29-year-old Dr. Pierre Trudeau spent 18 weeks travelling on a motorcycle to learn the world personally. But he has unwillingly to leave China due to the civil war in 1949. In 1962, he made a month tour in China, and foot printed all over to Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an, Guangzhou and other places. He felt that what he saw and heard about the new China, there is a big difference with the description of the West.


Many of his later political practice came from his personal investigation on the reality of the world; which was the reason that why Dr. Pierre Trudeau was able to be outstanding in shaming those so called politicians as street boy or girl. In Oct. 17, 2015, for reverence, I wrote article Pierre Trudeau and the establishment of Canada's diplomatic relation with China.


In June 1994, on 12th Annual Meeting of the Inter Action Council; Dr. Pierre Trudeau made a rational comment about the practice of China’s former president Deng Xiaoping: “Deng has principle, he knew where the objectives were; he was following and putting practice of those principles. He was pragmatic, as he said you can use different routes to come to same aim, the ends are always same: the strength of China, the unity of China, and the stability of China.”


 “You can use different routes to come to same aim”, only the politician who had the similar experience can make such soul-touching comment; which was just the political goal and the practice of Dr. Pierre Trudeau and the honorable Jean Chrétien: the strength of Canada, the unity of Canada, and the stability of Canada.


I remember that, in the last century, the visit of France’s 18th President Charles de Gaulle, once said a casual word to have caused big trouble to Canada, and I think, which was the reason that Dr. Pierre Trudeau  concerns the issue on the unity and the stability.


As the assistant of PM Pierre Trudeau; the honorable Jean Chretien was also made great contribution for the quality life of Canadians. I notice that the honorable Jean Chretien once was appointed on several key ministerial positions; I guess that was for timely dealing with some thorny social issues as that of the firefighter, which proved his high personal quality and high political intelligence in social governance.


Dr. Pierre Trudeau and honorable Jean Chretien are few politicians who well understood for the nature of social governance from the root level of human civilization without ideological prejudice on communism or capitalism and dictatorship or democracy. This is the essential quality for being outstanding politician. The main part of the political career for some politicians is to provoke ideological arguments and takes as political skills in endlessly looking for barking.


Under such childish governance, the pandemic can never end. Now, the world needs the honorable Jean Chretien to save from sliding towards disaster abyss.


Firstly, I would like to tell you a happier news that the pandemic will be easily to be contained.


The antiviral volatile from the disinfectant of daily workplace disinfection is able to kill the possible invaded virus in people’s eyes and respiratory tract through normal breath inhaling; which provides a simple way to kill the invaded virus during their days’ incubation period to stop their reproduction in human body.


May 1, 2020, I wrote article Easily, Canada can lead world out of pandemic and safely reopen economy to have introduced the process of my finding on the effect of the antiviral volatile from emails conducting the meat foods plant DC Foods Waterloo - a hotbed for Covid-19 infection due to the labor intensive working in shoulder to shoulder under low temperature work environment with fans always circulating the air in workshop.


The honorable Jean Chretien may contact PM Justin Trudeau to video the detailed process of the disinfection in DC Foods Waterloo as a model for businesses following globally. Thus we can confidently reopen economy by daily disinfecting on the workplace and any public places, or simply disinfecting on the body of people to kill possible invaded virus on or in the body.


If the government globally insists to make such disinfection every day, then soon, we can effectively stop the reproduction of the virus on human body. By the cheaper antiviral volatile, we can easily beat Covid-19 virus as well as the most kind of virus that cause infectious diseases, no matter how they tricky mutated.


The contact of the business owner of DC Foods Waterloo, the doctor of classical music Peter Shoore is as below.


13538 73rd Avenue, Surrey, BC V3W 2R6

Tel: 604-596-9505  Fax: 778-578-6420


Study shows that diet vinegar has both function in virus killing and immune boosting. Even it is overdosed, the burnt area can self recover naturally without complication. The vinegar based combination of Alcohol, Aromatic hydrocarbon and others will be the best agent for antiviral volatile.


I have discussed this issue in the article of Easily, Canada can lead world out of pandemic and safely reopen economy and article in Jan. 26, 2020, Vinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus.


Since this time pandemic started, I have written several articles that discuss the treatment of Covid-19 patients, for save the time of the honorable Jean Chretien and his brother Michel Chrétien; I collectively summarized them as article To Cure Covid-19 by immune optimizing of Daoism from virus killing of Reductionism.


There are two reasons that are in negatively affecting the pandemic control globally.


First one is no effective leadership, so that the pandemic control in the chaotic state globally without proper coordination. Even if in one country, the local governors are also fighting against with the leaders of federal government for the right in pandemic control. Under the wrongful political design and the kidnap of the confused ideologies, the good measures for anti-pandemic cannot be practiced.


July 9, 2020, in article The mechanism of human intelligence & the humanization of pandemic control, I discussed the necessary of the establishment of non-political medical committee by medical staff who work in ICU.


Second one is that the way for the treatment of Covid-19 in developing specific pill to kill specific virus is wrong in the philosophy.


By reviewing the reports on the treatment of Covid-19, I found that the most of cured cases were not from the effect of virus killing, but from the effect of physical restoration; such as, a critical patient cured by simply turned face down on stomach, a critical sick doctor cured by old drug for suppressing cytokine storms and some patients cured by pure Chinese medicine that is without the effect in virus killing.


By updating philosophy from the Reductionism of western medicine by taking virus killing as treatment to be Daoism of Chinese medicine (TCM) by taking physical restoring as treatment, we will be able to get plenty of medications for curing Covid-19 patients.


The thousand years’ experiences of TCM and modern studies were both showing that the best medications will come from the unlimited combination of the medicinals and daily diet.


From the perspective of holistic medicine and the magical ability of human body in self-healing, only by promoting the restoration of the natural state of human body, the symptoms of the most disease will be disappeared, and there will be no sequelae.


The cause of the epidemic could not be contained is due to that the wrongful philosophy Reductionism in misleading the pandemic control going on wrong way. The right philosophy can only come from the humanized civilization.


The philosophy Reductionism of Western medicine was budding from the civilization of pursuing material wealth by endless killing and looting, so it naturally views humans as non-human as the mechanical assembly of inanimate parts, and tries to study diseases through the isolated part by reducing human body as micro as protein, gene and even micro more. In recent years, we have cost the most of intelligence and funds on such studies, but the outcomes are useless in beating Covid-19. The worse is at that it has distorted reasoning function of people in taking wrong as right. By so-called scientific double blinded clinical trial, they dumped scientifically developed synthetic drugs, while by the name of unscientific reject the use of experience based medication.  


The philosophy Daoism of Traditional Chinese medicine was budding from the civilization of pursuing social harmony by building Great Wall to defense the inhuman invading without conquers others, so it naturally views human body as human as organic whole, in all organs and tissues are harmony integrated, interconnected, mutual-influenced, and as the mutual basis for the existence of each others. The psychological factors are in decisively affecting the development of diseases with thousand year’s beliefs that the disease treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy, only three-tenths in medication. A well balanced human body can effectively handle with diseases, so that disease treatment is focusing on the restoration of the physical balance of Yin and Yang.


In past thousands of years, TCM has identified 11,146 plants, 1581 animals and 80 minerals as medicinal use with accumulated nearly 100 thousands of experience-based formulas in covering almost all known diseases. In China, by modern bio-technology, those experience-based formulas have been updated to have produced many OCT medicinals in the forms of injections and tablets with the labels of treated-ranges, precautions and dosages.


Modern studies show the medicinals used in TCM can boost human immunity, such as, boosting the weight gains of immune organs, increasing the number and activity of the immune cells, such as, phagocytes, NK cells and so on. The acupuncture, Massage, Moxibustion and Cupping are also in treating diseases by boosting autoimmunity.


This is the reason that Chinese medicine can cure Covid-19 infection.


July 2, 2020, article They were denied testing in the early days of COVID-19. Four months later, they are still sick and asking for help reports that 51 Canadians signed an open letter to Dr. Theresa Tam and each provincial chief medical officer of health asking for help for people with persistent symptoms of COVID-19.


Obviously, for the patients in long-term complications, the virus killing cannot help, it is the job of restoring physical balance, and this is just the good at of TCM.


For Covid-19 infections, the effective treatment will be from vinegar based multi-agents combined antiviral volatile and, the unlimited combination of medicinals in synthetic or natural, the vitamins of C, D, B3 and more, as well daily diet vinegar, horny and more.


The more medicinals combined, the more curative effects will be multiplied, and the more side effects will be multiply-reduced.


Even if the mega dose of vitamin C, D and B3 in individually or combined will be better than that of synthetic virus killers. Such as:


50 grams of sodium ascorbate in one time per day for three days cured 170 pounds patient in heavy sick of Influenza.


In lab work done with mice and human blood, researchers found the high doses of the vitamin B3 increased the ability of immune cells to kill the bacteria by 1,000 times.


By 1-time 50 000 IU dose of vitamin D3 or 10 000 IU 3 times daily for 2 to 3 days cured the patients in  influenza with complete resolution of symptoms in 48 to 72 hours. The treatment costs less than a dollar.


I believed that by 300 ml water dilutes 10 – 20 ml 5% vinegar + 20 ml honey to drink with 3 g vitamin C in several times will be able to cure infected patients.


I believe that above combo can cure the patients in long-term complications. Adds a little vinegar in daily diet will be able to prevent Covid-19 infection.


In China, there were many ancient compound preparations in Chinese medicine are showing magic effect in curing Covid-19 infections. Chinese medicine Lianhua Qingwen capsule is the best medication for the patients in Covid-19 and combined use with other treatment for critical patients will largely reduce the death and bad complications.


But in many countries, Chinese medicinals that prepared for the treatment of Covid-19 infection were treated as illegal cheating medication.


Actually, by simply updating philosophy, the infectious diseases Covid-19 will be turned as easy treatable. Then the thorniest for treatment is those chronic diseases, especially the degenerative one; which is the main cause that has been in overcrowding the hospitals of Canada.


Obviously, based on the rational philosophy and plenty of choice in therapies and natural medicinals, Chinese medicine is the best medicinal source for unloading overloaded hospitals of Canada.


Please Professor Michel Chrétien has a look at my writings, then, we join hands to unload overloaded hospitals starting from the treatment of the thorniest one. I have prepared hundreds of pounds of Chinese herbal medicine that is good at the treatment for the Alzheimer's disease.


Dr. Qinzhang Zhu, the Manager of the Core Facility of IRCM is in the background of Chinese medicine when his bachelor studying. Phone: 514 987-5727, qinzhang.zhu@ircm.qc.ca


It is better to support Dr. Qinzhang Zhu making some lab work on vinegar, vitamins and Chinese medicine in the test of LD50, immune promotion and cytokine storm suppression, the effect in positive and negative from unlimited combination of the medicinals, synthetic, natural, vitamins and vinegar (LD50 and immune) and more.


Vinegar, honey and vitamin C, B and D combo will be in both effects of damaging virus to sop its reproduction and largely boost autoimmune and protecting immune cells, while avoid cytokine storm.


Vinegar, honey and vitamins are cheaper and handy available, they should out on the top of focus.


It is a wrongful manner that wastes valuable social resources in both talents and funds to develop synthetic killers for playing the games – marketing – killing - withdrawing.


It is better to reduce the cost in the study on stem cells and genetic therapies due to that human body is too comprehensive physically and psychologically to be treated in Reductionist way; which has wasted too much social resources.


Initiates a Medical Funds for raising money to reward the medical staffs whom work in the ICUs


I have an idea, whether, the honorable Jean Chretien initiates a Medical Funds for raising money to reward those medical staffs whom work in the ICUs for saving the life of Covid-19 patients; which should include all countries, everyone is treated equally, but it is best to give special care to those people in economically poor countries and the families whose members have sacrificed for others when working in the ICUs.


I cannot help but tearful every time when seeing the photos of people who work in ICUs with full protective.


The honorable Jean Chretien may ask China’s PM Li Keqiang for help, to get some TV series that filmed according to the historical records of China to translate into English and other languages to make income for the Medical Funds. Of course, the donations will be welcomed from the individuals, organizations and governments.


The TV series filmed according to the historical records of China are mostly in introducing the improvement in social governance, from which, people can understand that the process of China’s history was a process of continuously improvement in social governance.


Firstly, please ask below three.


1.. The Qin Empire                     (Around 350 BC)



2.. The Emperor of Han Dynasty  (Around 140 BC)



3.. The Tang dynasty                   (Around 630 AD)



China’s PM Li Keqiang will not refuse the request from the honorable Jean Chretien; he is in watching all of the efforts that the honorable Jean Chretien has been doing endlessly.


Develop Business Council of Canada as assistant for government in social governance

From some public interview talks, especially May 12, 2019 article Our politics is suffering from analysis paralysis and the illusion of action, I believe that current President and CEO Mr. Goldy Hyder is a capable leader for playing some significant role in practically assisting social governance.


As my vision, BCC should set branches in each province in unlimited members and to be headed and named as vice President by selecting recognized entrepreneurs with establishing their own cluster and own independent activities in their own expense. The branches will rationalize and facilitate the operation of BCC as a leading player in rationalizing social governance.


Backed by technocratic team with wide range of representativeness, BCC will eventually develop as actual non-partisan body of legislature by easily beating the ignorant play of the oppositions.


To initiate non-political medical committee to lead world out of pandemic


Apr. 21, 2020, a report that Markham Stouffville hospital invite news reporter to a look inside its ICU with a hope that will give pause to those urging end to social distancing.


I guess that the initiator of the idea was Markham Stouffville's chief of medicine Dr. Anand Doobay, who is the leader of the ICU. He is a perfect leader, or coordinator for the medical committee, because of only the people who have the courage to decisively put own idea into practice can do rational business.


Dr. Anand Doobay will surely be able to deal with this simple but vital important issue as that May-3-2020 report less than half of Canadians wear masks or gloves when out in public.


Below is the links of some of my writings.


I have summarized some them as article To Cure Covid-19 by immune optimizing of Daoism from virus killing of Reductionism.


Jan. 26, 2020, Vinegar, Vitamin C, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for Covid-19.

Jun. 09, 2020, To Cure Covid-19 by immune optimizing of Daoism from virus killing of Reductionism

May 01, 2020, Easily, Canada can lead world out of pandemic and safely reopen economy

May 15, 2020, TCM can promote recovery and avoid complications of COVID-19

Mar. 25, 2020, The therapies used in China and globally in curing COVID-19

May 15, 2020, Why hydroxychloroquine dumped in the West, but takes as magic in China

Jun. 26, 2018, The approaches for enhancing the social cornerstones of Canada

Dec. 21, 2011, Chinese Medicine - A Promising Therapeutic Approach

April 18, 2011, Kill Cancer with Lesser Impact on Normal Tissue

Mar. 15, 2020, Why China has successfully contained epidemic of COVID-19

Mar. 15, 2020, Why Italy has so many people infected and being killed

May 29, 2020, The novel coronavirus is an examiner for the quality of human civilization


I specially prepare article The mechanism of human intelligence & the humanization of pandemic control to dedicate to the honorable Jean Chretien, I think that he will be interested.


Thanks for all


All my best

Frank  July 16, 2020, in Waterloo, On. Canada



From:Team Outlook.com sinohealer@hotmail.com

Sent: April 5, 2020 6:38

To:jeffyah@163.com jeffyah@163.com

Subject:Please tell Zhong Nanshan , shut up is greatest contribution     




Please tell Zhong Nanshan, the wrongful comments are in killing people, the speaker will be liquidated in the future.  


He has never self ashamed for those people have been suffering from sequelae since past 17 years from being treated with he suggested hormones.



Please look at the west, the mess and the death from bad epidemic control are all caused by stupid politicians in full heart for good.  


For such kind of stupid, if they shut up is greatest contribution.  


Wearing mask is the best way for containing the epidemic   


                Frank Mar. 26, 2020, in Waterloo, Canada  




     Apr. 2, 2020, articleYou may be able to spread coronavirus just by breathing, new report finds*reports that: "The novel coronavirus can spread through the air, not just through the large droplets emitted in a cough or sneeze. The studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing. The New England Journal of Medicine that SARS-CoV-2 can float in aerosol droplets—less than 5 microns across—for up to 3 hours, and remain infectious. The researchers at Wuhan University found the novel coronavirus can be resuspended in the air when health care workers remove their PPE, clean the floors, and move through infected areas. "  



     Now, China, South Korea and Japan have basically contained the epidemic, which should thank the mask to have effectively prevented the spread of the virus by confining them in the mouth and nose of the individuals who carries the virus.   


     However, in western countries, there increasingly people were infected and being killed by virus, because their officials and people did not wear mask in opening mouth and nose to spread and accept virus. Even, some health authority and officials are openly advise people to stop use of mask until they are successfully infected.      

     It is the childish play in killing people, rather than the virus.     

     Thanks, it is not all people born in ignorance, Mar. 19, 2020,  a report said that Czech government forced all of their people must wear face masks or keep face covered outside home by anything available, by any means, stop the manner of spreading and accepting virus by opening own mouth and nose.  


     The successful experience of the Japan and South Korea proved that if everyone wears mask in social activities and in workplace, it is no need of blockading at all, and thus the daily life of whole society can go as normal as before, which can largely reduce the loss in the economy.      

     After huge infected and death, CDC changed its tune in covering mouth and nose     

     Recommendation Regarding the Use of Cloth Face Coverings, Especially in Areas of Significant Community-Based Transmission     


     CDC continues to study the spread and effects of the novel coronavirus across the United States.  We now know fromrecent studiesthat a significant portion of individuals with coronavirus lack symptoms (“asymptomatic”) and that even those who eventually develop symptoms (“pre-symptomatic”) can transmit the virus to others before showing symptoms.  This means that the virus can spread between people interacting in close proximity—for example, speaking, coughing, or sneezing—even if those people are not exhibiting symptoms.  In light of this new evidence, CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.     

     Page last reviewed: April 3, 2020  

Singapore shows that hot and humid can inhibit the spread of the novel coronavirus     

              Frank  April 4, 2020 in Waterloo, Canada   


    Feb. 29, 2020, theWHO-China Joint reportsaid that the infected people develop signs and symptoms of fever and respiratory on an average of 5 - 6 days. There other reports said that some infected people have never showed symptoms, but they infected their families.   

     Besides recessive carriers of COVID-19 virus, Mar. 3, 2020, article Transmission interval estimates suggest pre-symptomatic spread of COVID-19 indicates that the infection of COVID-19 was transmitted on average 2.55 and 2.89 days before symptom onset. So that it is the best way that every one must wear mask for avoiding the virus spreading.     

     Apr. 2, 2020, articleYou may be able to spread coronavirus just by breathing, new report finds*reports that: "The novel coronavirus can spread through the air, not just through the large droplets emitted in a cough or sneeze. The studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing. The New England Journal of Medicine that SARS-CoV-2 can float in aerosol droplets—less than 5 microns across—for up to 3 hours, and remain infectious. The researchers at Wuhan University found the novel coronavirus can be resuspended in the air when health care workers remove their PPE, clean the floors, and move through infected areas. "  



     The facts show that covering mouth and nose is essential for stopping the spread of the virus by confining the virus in the mouth or nose of individuals who are carrying.  

     Now, China, South Korea and Japan have basically contained the epidemic, which should thank the mask to have effectively prevented the spread of the virus by confining them in the mouth and nose of the individuals who carries the virus.   

     In comparison, the main cause of failure in epidemic control in western countries is their ungovernable people who have no essential sense of self-protection in blatantly violating the directive of government to prohibit going out and grouping.   

       There are many manner of citizen in western countries will never happen in the countries within the culture circle of China, such as, Japan and South Korea, but Singapore is exception in this time epidemic control.   


     As a country in the culture circle of China, thesocial governance of Singapore is in Western cloak covering the essence of the culture of China in technocratic democracy.   


     But, unfortunately, it goes opposite in this time epidemic control, due to there are too many Singaporean did not cover the mouth and nose in outdoors and workplace as same as that of in western countries.   


    From the photos below, we can see that the majority of Singaporean, especially politicians are not cover own mouth and nose.   

     With such an incredible loose epidemic control, thelower infection rate and mortality rate inSingapore have clearly proved that the environment in high temperature and humid can inhibit the spread of the novel coronavirus.     

     Thanks Singaporean for brave practice.             

     Photo source: Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong addresses nation on COVID-19 situation  

     Apr 3, 2020,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adA6_PnIUuA      

     Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong addressed the nation live on Friday (Apr 3) on the COVID-19 situation. He announced "significantly stricter measures" to contain the spread of the virus. Most workplaces will be closed and schools will move to home-based learning. Singaporeans are advised to stay home and to go out only for essential services. It is followed by a news conference by the COVID-19 taskforce with more details on the measures PM Lee announced.  

    Photo source: Can Singapore's coronavirus success last? | Foreign Correspondent  

     Mar 31, 2020,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdDpmAt3lxo&t=1404s  

   ABC News In-depth: “Let us...take sensible precautions, help one another, stay calm and carry on with our lives” Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.  While the world shuts down in an effort to control the coronavirus pandemic, Singapore is more or less business as usual. Its schools and universities remain open and its restaurants and malls are operating – albeit with fewer customers."  




Team Outlook.com

Sun 2021-04-04 19:55?





Uproot epidemic by inhalable antiviral volatile stopping the replication of virus.docx

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致張維為教授 吸入式消毒劑勝過疫苗接種 Jan. 19, 2021.docx

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新冠疫情催生新型犯罪 西醫教化的人 利用善心殺人.docx

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消除新冠病毒流行 必須停止病毒複製 中醫斃西醫原理.docx

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人,智力,本性,心理 與 社會治理人性化.docx

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Vinegar, Vc, B3, and Chinese medicinals is the best curative for 2019 new coronavirus and other acute and chronic diseases.docx

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The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19.docx

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上述思路很好,可是,2021年2月25日,香港大學的研究人員發表文章Robust SARS-CoV-2 infection in nasal turbinates after treatment with systemic neutralizing antibodies 說,疫苗可抑製新冠病毒在肺部複製和減輕損傷;但是,不能阻止病毒侵入鼻甲複製和傳播。









1... 國內研究快速結束疫情的方法

1.1... 開發吸入式兒消毒劑


附件文章The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19介紹了我發現吸入式消毒劑可避免新冠感染的過程,包括我寄給肉食品工廠的6封電子郵件。                      



1.2... 研究各種疫苗抗體的免疫功能

當務之急,中國立刻組織力量驗證世界各種疫苗產生的抗體能否避免呼吸道被感染為病毒複製和傳播。附件文章《致張維為教授 吸入式消毒劑勝過疫苗接種》就是談論疫苗替代物問題。

1.3... 用易得的食物做治療藥物




用水稀釋10 – 20 毫升5%濃度的醋 + 20毫升蜂蜜,服用 5 – 10毫克腿黑色素 + 3克維生素 C + OTC中藥片劑。這裏,中藥片劑選用黃芪綜合保健,刺五加雙向調節中樞神經,何首烏的蘆薈大黃素消炎和促進腸蠕動,複方丹參片促進微循環。


2... 把加拿大打造成快速結束疫情的樣板

在中國,要推動上述項目很容易。但是,在加拿大要推動這件事,很難。必須有一位能夠同時推動政界和醫界的權威人士。這個人就是加拿大第20任總理克雷蒂安Jean Chretien。但是,需要您出麵電話求助他,這是我給您寫信的主要目的。

月前,我上傳了視頻Pierre Trudeau comments about Deng Xiaoping in 1994,在視頻的2’16’’ – 2’49’’, 有加拿大現總理賈斯丁特魯多的父親皮埃爾·特魯多對鄧小平的評論,這是我見過的最確切的評論:鄧小平務實,有原則並付諸實踐,可以選擇不同的路線達到相同目的,但是,目標隻有一個,那就是中國的強大,中國的統一和中國的穩定。

這個評論令我感動, 2015年10月17日,我搜集資料,了解特魯多,寫了文章Pierre Trudeau and the establishment of Canada's diplomatic relation with China。老特魯多對社會主義中國的友好是源自對人類文明的認知,他的哈佛畢業論文題目是《共產主義和宗教》。29歲時,騎摩托車周遊歐洲,後來到中國走訪一個月,說,他眼見的中國,與西方的報道不同。他說,白宮裏麵的人都是小醜,因此,他帶領加拿大采取獨立外交政策。

由此可以理解皮埃爾·特魯多當年的得力助手克雷蒂安的人品,他對中國友好,也是源自對人類文明的認知。針對加拿大民主的胡鬧,2016年1月30日, 我寫了<Gov-authorize non-partisan Super Leadership to assist social governance> 並寄給克雷蒂安。


From Labelle, Denise; Administrative Assistant Adjointe du très honorable Jean Chrétien

2016/8/10 17:19?

D +1 613 783 9696; denise.labelle@dentons.com

Dear Mr. Li, 

I would like to acknowledge receipt of your email sent to Dentons team for Mr. Chrétien, August 10th at 14:55. 

Mr. Chrétien will be receiving you email tomorrow. You may send your emails to my email address when it comes to Mr. Chrétien. 

Thank you and have a wonderful evening.

Denise Labelle

加拿大大成律師事務所與中國北京的大成律師事務所合並,中國彭雪峰是管理合夥人及全球董事會主席, 電話 +86 10 5813 7799, 大成北京律師事務所網站



613 783 9696; denise.labelle@dentons.com 能直接與克雷蒂安的助手聯係,然後,可與克雷蒂安談話。

與克雷蒂安的助手說您是受Ontario Waterloo Frank 的委托。他的助手會馬上明白,不然,顯得唐突。疫情爆發以後,我給Denise打了問候電話,因為丈夫身體不好,她一直在家辦公。作為政治家,克雷蒂安相信的人,Denise的能力也錯不了。


1... 加拿大聯邦政府出麵製作記錄片


從2020年3月12日,我發給他們第一封Email開始,該廠就設置專人負責日常消毒,人接觸過的水龍頭,用過的餐桌,等等,立刻噴灑消毒液,然後用抹布擦幹。由此,餐廳和衛生間,整天充滿消毒液的味道。其他肉食品廠員工感染的報道不斷,我指導的這家工廠沒有人被感染。據此,2020年5月1日,我寫了《醋基組合物能夠消除新冠病毒的流行》The vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19

2... 加拿大疫情惡化 政府急需援手

2021年4月2日,文章《加拿大一家三口感染 分送三地ICU搶救 不幸全部去世》:過去通常是家庭長者患病,需要進入ICU搶救,其他家庭成員出現比較輕微的症狀。但現在,有時一個家庭全部需要ICU救護,但由於ICU病床不夠,一個家庭需分到不同城市、醫院救治。

2021年4月3日,文章《加國安省陽性率高達4.7%成“開封府”,具體措施公布》說, 安省陽性率達4.7%,主要的變異病毒B1.1.7類型正在迅速增加,該變異病毒會使患者的住院風險增加63%,進入ICU風險增加103%。

2021年2月28日,看過文章《冰山的一角,新冠後遺症患者麵臨財務危機》The tip of the iceberg COVID long-haulers facing financial ruin,我進行搜索,發現,在加拿大,有許多新冠後遺症患者因無法工作而失去生活來源。他們申請保險補償和殘疾人補償失敗。我覺得,難點在於,他們看上很健康,沒人相信他們會失去工作能力。

英國的情況也類似,2021年1月17日報道,《近1/3的新冠康複者在5個月內重返醫院,其中1/8死亡》Almost a third of recovered Covid patients return to hospital in five months and one in eight die,在第一波出院的47,780人中,有29.4%在140天中再次入院,死亡12.3%。冠狀病毒幸存者遭受毀滅性的長期後遺症,許多人發展為糖尿病,心髒問題和肝腎疾病。

這些新冠後遺症患者將是西方國家的大麻煩,數量太大,需要社會幫助,大大降低勞工素質。還有,變異病毒感染者正在快速增加,症狀更嚴重,更致命,醫院不堪重負。我確信,以食用醋,蜂蜜,腿黑色素和維生素 C 為主,就能快速治愈住院的和已經出院的新冠感染者,減輕政府的壓力。引入中藥治療效果會更好。




3... 做與中國相同的實驗






李洪德 禮, 2021年4月3日 於加拿大安省滑鐵盧市



發件人:Team Outlook.com


收件人:jeffyah@163.com jeffyah@163.com

主題:If talk about TCM, stop talk about virus  


 Lianhuaqingwen exerts anti-viral and anti-inflammatory activity against novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
Please tell Zhong Nanshan, he is in misleading public with good intention making bad result. The philosophy of western medicine has badly injured the brain of you all.   

Mar. 16, 2020, there is a report indirectly revealed the theoretical base of TCM cured patients in COVID-19.  


The researchers at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, the University of Melbourne published research reportBreadth of concomitant immune responses prior to patient recovery: a case report of non-severe COVID-19to have introduced thatCOVID-19: The immune system can fight backaccording to the clinical case.    


Just such a reason, in fighting against 2003 SARS and now in fighting against COVID-19 pneumonia, Chinese medicinals are both played key role in curing patients.  

Chinese Medicine - A Promising Therapeutic Approach  



Please forward to Dr. Amelie Boisclair at Quebec Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital  


Please Quebec nurse Moonella and her mother in law to forward this email to Dr. Amelie Boisclair at Quebec Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital, and all of available friends who are working in ICU of any hospital in Canada or out of Canada.   


From:Outlook.com Team
Sent:December 31, 2021 16:29
Cc:justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca ; Chrystia.Freeland@parl.gc.ca ; richard.horton@lancet.com ; Astrid.James@lancet.com ; xiebing@pku.edu.cn; tutcm@hotmail.com ; ljli@zju.edu.cn ; jzk86848421@163.com ; zdjkx@sona.com
Subject:ICU medical staff will uproot epidemic quickly  


ICU medical staff will uproot epidemic quickly   


Please forward to Dr. Amelie Boisclair at Quebec Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital   


To Denise Labelle    

Administrative Assistant Adjointe du très honorable Jean Chrétien  

Dentons, Ottawa;  

D +1 613 783 9696;labelled2014@gmail.com   


Share to   

The honorable Justin Trudeau:justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca  

The honorable Chrystia Freeland:Chrystia.Freeland@parl.gc.ca  

Lancet Editor: Richard Horton:richard.horton@lancet.com  

Lancet Deputy Editor:Astrid James:astrid.james@lancet.com  

Peking University research management, Xie Bing:xiebing@pku.edu.cn  

Zhang Boli, former President of Tianjin University of TCM;tutcm@hotmail.com  

Li Lanjuan, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University,ljli@zju.edu.cn  





Dear Denise Labelle:  

Good morning; this is Frank from Waterloo. I am sorry for bothering again.  

The Omicron variant is in making new wave of patients flooding into hospitals; there are provinces vowed to allow COVID positive health-care staff to work. You would never forget that, in last year Italy and this year US; there were reports that ICU workers suicide from seeing patients helpless dying and new patients flooding in without hope to see the end. I worry that may happen in Canada soon.  

For the death of COVID-19 infections, the most painful people are not dying patient but their families and medical staff, I once read a report, that patients who are going to die have long been lost their consciousness, so that they can't perceive pain and sadness for the coming of the end of the last breathing on this Earth. But, due to epidemic quarantine, the scenes of patients’ lonely pass away made ICU's medical staff heartbreak; this is the main reason that caused medical staff suicide.  

Recently, I found Dr. Amelie Boisclair at Quebec Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital Twittered about her suffering of stress day after day, hour after hour as ICU specialist in lasting about two years without hope to see the end. The Twitter post is just on the time that the wave of Omicaron infacted patients will flood into ICU; such feeling is surely shared by most others; we must help the medical staff who works in ICU from desperate state to avoid thehappen of the sadness as that in Italy and the US.  

Now, some medical experts are happy for the infection of Omicron variant becoming much gentle in similar as that of the ordinary colds, so that humans are able to co-live with Covid-19 as they long hoped; without sense of uprooting the epidemic. The people in such a quality are never able to pre-think for the bad consequence that Omicron will easily mutate as new version of variant by tearing off the cheating face of gentle to be much fatal in unbeatable to paralyze social operation completely.  

In compared with the practice of China; in the West; the easily uprootable epidemic Covid-19 is worsened as this day; no rational people would deny the fact that the process of anti-pandemic is a typical psychotic attack of social diseases from the social system that has been in ignorance hijacked.  

This is the reason that I endlessly share email to you with the hope that the rare rational politician, the honorable Jean Chretien is able to help ending the epidemic as my emails persuaded that by inhalable disinfectant kills potential virus in people’s respiratory tract in daily once; will be no one virus-attacked as disease, then people may safely engage in daily social activities as normal as that of before epidemic, without the need of vaccination, infection test and quarantine.  

Since the outbreak, I have sent hundreds emails and many phone calls globally, but no one care about; which revealed a sad reality that hopeful medical experts who are able to end the epidemic are just unwilling to see the end of the epidemic; due to that they need the epidemic for easy research funding; while the drug makers need epidemic for profiting from marketing genetic products; in such a greedy driven mad social environment; even if the honorable Jean Chretien can do nothing.  

The helpless feeling of increasingly people died from easily avoidable made me insomnia and two times car accidents with scrapped a car; and the auto-insurance increased to $2372 from about $600 yearly. The Twitter of Dr. Amelie Boisclair gave me a new hope; the people who work in ICU under the prssure of the psychological torture of helpless seeing people endless dying are able to practice my idea and the suggestion to unload overloaded hospitals by daily diet and diet supplements.  

We may promote the practice of uprooting epidemic by the help of the civil force of the health-care staff who works in ICU of hospitals. This email is hope that the honorable Jean Chretien is able to help Dr. Amelie Boisclair and her colleague with a green light by requesting PM Justin Trudeau for the potential legal permission and support from federal government; so that Dr. Amelie Boisclair and her colleagues are able to make clinic trial as soon as possible.  

Recently,the Israel Biotech Company Amorphical developed drug Amor-18by Amorphous Calcium Carbonate CCaO3; in clinic trial, 100% of covid-19 patients cured in a few days; and AMOR-18 is able to beat all variant of SARS virus family; includes Delta and Omicron; at the time that the others addict in genetic play as mad as that of drug abusing.  

According to the studies and my personal experience, diet vinegar C2H4o2 is able to achieve much better effect than that of the CCaO3 did in quickly cleaning the viruses in human body with great advantage of curing potential existing diseases; so that the Covid survivors will be no complications; and especially, vinegar is cheaper handy available for any one in any country.  

Please forward this email to Dr. Amelie Boisclair at Quebec Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital.


Thank you very much  

Best regards  

Frank (Hongde) Li, Morning; Dec. 31, 2021, in Waterloo  



ToDr. Amelie Boisclair   


ICU specialist  

Quebec Pierre-Le Gardeur Hospital  

DearDr. Amelie Boisclair:  

This is Frank (Hongde) Li from Waterloo, Ontario, a technical immigrant from China. As a specialist in metal materials, I once worked in a Research Institute with plenty of time for free reading. As hobby, I interested in the results of modern studies on bio-active ingredients, pharmacological effects and the clinical applications of natural medicinals that identified and used by Traditional Chinese Medicine – TCM in about 11,146 plants; 1581 animals; 80 minerals; with about 100 thousands of experience based formulas. In this process, I have inevitably gotten into touching with some knowledge in Western medicine.  

Perhaps; due to that; besides my metal material major; my self-studied knowledge in scattered and variety that is just in roughly overall understanding without the formation of the rigid dogma that will be formed when systematically professional studies in college, therefore I am without the dogmatic bondages from any professional expertise; so that, I am able to make general comparison on the pros and cons of the different field medicinally, politically; socially; historically of the East and West.  

I learnt you from the reports that introduce yourTwitter about that you have been in suffering stress day after day, hour after hour as specialist working in ICU, which has been last nearly two years without hope to see the end; sadly seeing infected people died in hospital; while outside of hospital, there many people are still going out to expose in the virus and being beaten down to be moved into ICU endlessly; the terrible is that your own experiences aren't always reflected, or understood in the outside world; so that the same ignorant drama is in endlessly repeating;.....  

Actually; as airborne infectious disease; the epidemic Covid-19 is easily to be uprooted by diet vinegar C2H4O2.    

By water dilutes 20 ml 5%vinegar (White, Wine or Apple cedar) or 2x 500mg vinegar capsule to oral 4 times daily, it will be able to cure Covid-19 infected people in any severe condition in one or two days. I believe that after one dose, the patient will desire for drinking and eating.    

Put 5%vinegar mixed Fragrance in a plastic bag to cover nose and mouth inhaling vinegar mixed air in daily once, will kill potential virus in respiratory tract to stop onset as ill; then people may engage in social activities as nomal without need of vaccination, infection test and quarantine.    

By vinegar fumigating room or ward is able to prevent and treat patients of babies and those who can't self-take medicine. Put several ml of 5%vinegar in the water for filtering oxygen will cure the patients who are in oxygenating.  

Now; the politicians and parents are hesitating for the open of schools; which is easily solved by vinegar or hypochlorite fumigating a room and ensure teachers and students to inhale several breath of the antiviral air daily once.  

If we set equipments in all of public facilities to ensure people inhaling several breath of the antiviral air in daily once, then we will make all of social activities keep in normal without the need of vaccination, infection test or quarantine.    

There were many studies about hypochlorous acid; they are just paid attention to its toxic effect without considering benefits. By comparing to the atom of Oxygen (electronegativity 3.5) and Chlorine (electronegativity 3.0) in the molecule of hypochlorite; I infer that the physiological function of hypochlorite is similar to that of vinegar in good than bad when properly use; at the time killing virus; it also is able to cure the multi-lesions of the infections.  

The safe of vinegar in-taking or air fumigating has been a household truth. As daily diet without need of prescription in clinic use; you and your colleagues should try it by self at first; and then use it treating patients directly.  

For the use of hypochlorite, it may need to be confirmed in lab by animals; although after two years massively used globally as disinfectant without the reports in complications.  

As airborne infectious disease, the epidemic covid-19 will be easily uprooted quickly; if we stop the replication of virus directly. Then we may join hands to unload overloaded hospitals; I have prepared hundreds pound of herb that is able to eliminate amyloid for curing the patients in Alzheimer.  

In attached articles; I have discussed the necessary and potential of the revolution in medical philosophy that will trigger the revolution in drug concept; and which will trigger the revolution in disease treatment, and then we may make breakthrough in the treatment of the thorny chronic degenerative diseases.    

The failure in anti-pandemic Covid-19 is the failure of the social system that is based on improper social elements: the wrongful adopted philosoph Reductionism mis-guided Western medicine that is not suitable for huamn life;  the multi-party malicious opposition dysfunctioned Government that cannot properly perform desired governing role.    

As the rational group; the medical staff should join other social elites, such as, the entrepreneurs; to form a civil legislature to take one thirds of voting right of official legislature as a assitant for government to promote the radically improvement in social governance.  

Rational people must take action to improve social environment that is not conducive to the survival of own families; rather than passively helpless sigh.  

Please encourage your colleagues cheer up by sharing this email to them.  

Waiting for good news  

Thank you very much  

Best regards  

Frank (Hongde) Li, Morning; Dec. 31, 2021, in Waterloo    


From:Outlook.com Team   

Sent:December 28, 2021 17:37
Cc:consular@beijing.mfa.gov.il ; Call.Habriut@moh.health.gov.il ; pniot@mfa.gov.il ; pengsz@most.cn ; il@mofcom.gov.cn ; jzk86848421@163.com ; zdjkx@sona.com ; 1753718567@qq.com <1753718567@qq.com>; 360535848@qq.com <360535848@qq.com>; 1016665388@qq.com <1016665388@qq.com>; 249235233@qq.com <249235233@qq.com>; 81  


   Dear Denise Labelle:  

   This is Frank from Waterloo, Ontario.  

   Recently, I read Oct. 24, 2021 articleFormer PM Chretien on inflation concerns, current affairs. In The interview of CTV, the honorable Jean Chrétien concerned that “We’re printing money like crazy,” “We’re moving into a dark alley, but we’ll have to go to the end of the alley.”  

I have been worry that the left of Aline Chretien may blow down honorable Jean Chretien, but from the interview and the book My Stories, My Times, Volume 2 that published week ago, I am convinced honorable Jean Chretien is strong man and I happy for seeing that.  

Recently; I happily found that PM Trudeau was in repeating the tone of honorable Jean Chretien’ comments about China; I cannot help but laughed loudly.  

The rational practice of honorable Jean Chretien inspired me to write to China’s Premier Li Keqiang.  

For “to the end of the alley”; the key is at that to finish epidemic as soon as possible.  

I Google found that, in today Nov. 5, Friday, only half day; in Ontario the new cases has reached 563 and 5 deaths; now US, Europe, and even in China; the infections are all soaring up; which means that vaccination cannot end the epidemic at all.  

For ending the epidemic, the only way is to stop the replications of virus by inhalable disinfectant killing virus in respiratory tract. In this concern; since May 2020, I have sent hundred emails to medical experts and officials; but all failed.  

I hope that the honorable Jean Chretien may help to forward my letter to Premier Li Keqiang; with their good friendship; it certainly will play a role for ending historical unprecedented big disaster of human beings. And the Professor Michel Chrétien will certainly play a decisive role.  

Please call Professor Michel Chrétien checking emailmichel.chretien@ircm.qc.cain the subject of Please uproot epidemic by stopping virus replication and see the feasibility of my ideas.  

I am in writing the letter; I will update it to you for once needs to Premier Li keqiang  

Waiting for good news  

Best regard  

Frank Li; Nov. 5, 2021, In Waterloo, On  


發件人:Team Outlook.com
收件人:Team Outlook.com
主題:轉發: Please uproot epidemic by stopping virus replication  


發件人:Team Outlook.com
抄送:arivkc@nus.edu.sg ; arismyb@nus.edu.sg ; carol_chan@nus.edu.sg ; president@uwcsea.edu.sg ; hannah.williamson@uwcsea.edu.sg ; jon.parr@uwcsea.edu.sg ; jill.kaplan@uwcsea.edu.sg ; alexandra.touchaud@uwcsea.edu.sg ; lee_hsien_loong@pmo.gov.sg ; pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg ; connie_chan@pmo.gov.sg ; yeo_lim@pmo.gov.sg ; GAN_Kim_Yong@mti.gov.sg ; ong_ye_kung@moh.gov.sg ; HENG_Swee_Keat@pmo.gov.sg ; Irene_SEE@pmo.gov.sg ; Sally_TAN@pmo.gov.sg ; teo_chee_hean@pmo.gov.sg ; patrina_tan@pmo.gov.sg ; tharman_s@pmo.gov.sg ; loh_pang_shing@pmo.gov.sg ; GOH_Chok_Tong@pmo.gov.sg ; Wendy_HO@pmo.gov.sg ; indranee_rajah@mof.gov.sg ; shanti_kanan@mof.gov.sg ; maliki.osman@mfa.gov.sg ; omer_farook_sevatha_maricar@mfa.gov.sg
主題:Please uproot epidemic by stopping virus replication  


To Prof. Kishore Mahbubani  

Asia Research Institute  

Singapore 119260  

Tel: +65 65165450  



Good morning Prof. Kishore Mahbubani:  

This is Hongde Li from Canada. This email is for requesting your help to save world from the destructing state by epidemic covid-19 and improper social governance.  

1. To promote the use of practice proved inhalable disinfectants to uproot epidemic covid-19 by targeting on mammalian respiratory tract to kill virus and stop its reproduction.  

2. To promote the rationalization in social governance by adding controlled rational intelligence to rationalize uncontrolled intelligence malicious disabled democratic legislature.  


Share to    

Asian Peace Programme:  

Varigonda Kesava Chandra: arivkc@nus.edu.sg  

Bertrand Seah Ming Yan: arismyb@nus.edu.sg  

Carol Chan:carol_chan@nus.edu.sg  


International school in Singapore:  

President Carma Elliot: president@uwcsea.edu.sg  

Hannah Williamson: hannah.williamson@uwcsea.edu.sg  

Jon Parr: jon.parr@uwcsea.edu.sg  

Jill Kaplan: jill.kaplan@uwcsea.edu.sg  

Alexandra Touchaud:alexandra.touchaud@uwcsea.edu.sg  


The ministers of Singapore:  


1 Private Secretary to Prime Minister  

Mrs Connie CHAN, PB:connie_chan@pmo.gov.sg  

2 Private Secretary to Prime Minister  

Ms YEO Lim, PB, PBS:yeo_lim@pmo.gov.sg  

Minister for Trade and Industry  

GAN Kim Yong:GAN_Kim_Yong@mti.gov.sg  

Minister for Health:  

ONG Ye Kung:ong_ye_kung@moh.gov.sg  

Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies  

HENG Swee Keat:HENG_Swee_Keat@pmo.gov.sg  

Personal Assistant to Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies  

Ms Irene See:Irene_SEE@pmo.gov.sg  

Ms Sally TAN:Sally_TAN@pmo.gov.sg  

Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security  

TEO Chee Hean:teo_chee_hean@pmo.gov.sg  

Personal Assistant to Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security  

Ms Patrina TAN:patrina_tan@pmo.gov.sg  

Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for Social Policies  

Tharman SHANMUGARATNAM:tharman_s@pmo.gov.sg  

Personal Assistant to Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for Social Policies  

LOH Pang Shing, PB, PBS:loh_pang_shing@pmo.gov.sg  

Emeritus Senior Minister  

GOH Chok Tong:GOH_Chok_Tong@pmo.gov.sg  

Private Secretary to Emeritus Senior Minister  

Ms Wendy HO:Wendy_HO@pmo.gov.sg  


Ms Indranee RAJAH:indranee_rajah@mof.gov.sg  

Personal Assistant to Minister  

Ms Shanti KANAN:shanti_kanan@mof.gov.sg  


Dr Maliki OSMAN:maliki.osman@mfa.gov.sg  

Personal Assistant to Minister  

Omer Farook s/o SEVATHA MARICAR, BBM:omer_farook_sevatha_maricar@mfa.gov.sg  



發件人:Team Outlook.com
抄送:pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg ; connie_chan@pmo.gov.sg ; yeo_lim@pmo.gov.sg ; GAN_Kim_Yong@mti.gov.sg ; ong_ye_kung@moh.gov.sg ; HENG_Swee_Keat@pmo.gov.sg ; Irene_SEE@pmo.gov.sg ; Sally_TAN@pmo.gov.sg ; teo_chee_hean@pmo.gov.sg ; patrina_tan@pmo.gov.sg ; tharman_s@pmo.gov.sg ; loh_pang_shing@pmo.gov.sg ; GOH_Chok_Tong@pmo.gov.sg ; Wendy_HO@pmo.gov.sg ; indranee_rajah@mof.gov.sg ; shanti_kanan@mof.gov.sg ; maliki.osman@mfa.gov.sg ; omer_farook_sevatha_maricar@mfa.gov.sg
主題:Easily, Singapore leads out of epidemic covid-19  


To PM Lee Hsien Loong and the group of Prime Ministers of Singapore  

Prime Minister's Office of Singapore  

Quality Service Line: 1800 2229 986  

Tel: 6235 8577;  Fax: 6835 6621  


Easily, Singapore leads out of epidemic covid-19  


Shares to   


1 Private Secretary to Prime Minister   

Mrs Connie CHAN, PB:connie_chan@pmo.gov.sg   


2 Private Secretary to Prime Minister   

Ms YEO Lim, PB, PBS:yeo_lim@pmo.gov.sg   


Minister for Trade and Industry   

GAN Kim Yong:GAN_Kim_Yong@mti.gov.sg   


Minister for Health:   

ONG Ye Kung:ong_ye_kung@moh.gov.sg   


Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies   

HENG Swee Keat:HENG_Swee_Keat@pmo.gov.sg   


Personal Assistant to Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies   

Ms Irene See:Irene_SEE@pmo.gov.sg   

Ms Sally TAN:Sally_TAN@pmo.gov.sg   


Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security   

TEO Chee Hean:teo_chee_hean@pmo.gov.sg   

Personal Assistant to Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security   

Ms Patrina TAN:patrina_tan@pmo.gov.sg   


Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for Social Policies   

Tharman SHANMUGARATNAM:tharman_s@pmo.gov.sg   


Personal Assistant to Senior Minister, Coordinating Minister for Social Policies   

LOH Pang Shing, PB, PBS:loh_pang_shing@pmo.gov.sg   


Emeritus Senior Minister   

GOH Chok Tong:GOH_Chok_Tong@pmo.gov.sg   


Private Secretary to Emeritus Senior Minister   

Ms Wendy HO:Wendy_HO@pmo.gov.sg   



Ms Indranee RAJAH:indranee_rajah@mof.gov.sg   


Personal Assistant to Minister   

Ms Shanti KANAN:shanti_kanan@mof.gov.sg   



Dr Maliki OSMAN:maliki.osman@mfa.gov.sg   


Personal Assistant to Minister   

Omer Farook s/o SEVATHA MARICAR, BBM:omer_farook_sevatha_maricar@mfa.gov.sg   



Dear Lee Hsien Loong and the group of Prime Ministers of Singapore:  


This is Hongde Li from Canada, a technical immigrant from mainland China. This email is for requesting your help to end the epidemic. It is easy.  

Yesterday, I saw your speech of "Protecting the Vulnerable and Securing Our Future” in Oct. 9, 2021. From your expression; I understood your anxiety for the uncontrollable infections; especially badly impacts on economy.  

Actually, according to my studies and practical experience; the epidemic covid-19 will be easily uprooted by disinfectant nixed air killing the possible viruses in Mammalian reparatory tract to stop the reproduction.  

In attached articleUproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virusandThe vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19; I introduced the detailed method for the practice.  

Last year Mar. 12; inspired by the zero infection of China’s factories with local employees in covid-19 sweeping country Iran; I email conducting meats plant DC Foods Waterloo, On, Canada; also achieved zero infection.  

Later, globally endless reports that meat plants became the hotpots of infections; due to that operators have to operate manually in shoulder to shoulder in low temperature. Though all of the plants carefully disinfecting every day, even if, in some plants, the employees took full PPE; but they still cannot avoid from infections.  

Then I investigated the practice of daily disinfection in DC Foods Waterloo.  

After getting my emails, DC Foods sets several people as disinfection operators. For social distancing, employees grouped in turns to take lunch in a small lunchroom; the repeated disinfection made the lunchroom fill with strong smell of the disinfectant; I guess that was the disinfectant mixed air inhaled and killed the possible viruses in the respiratory tracts of people who use the lunchroom; because of the disinfection in plant cannot avoid employees cluster infected in home; which is main cause of the infections.  

It is understandable that the hypochlorite disinfection is able to kill the viruses in the environment; then the disinfection produced antiviral air is certainly able to kill the viruses in the respiratory tract after being inhaled along with normal breathing.  

On this regard, there is favorable factor; it is because that the harm of virus is at the replication; so, we don't need to completely kill viruses; but only castrates to disable replication as that of castrating rape prisoner; and in this way, it may only need a small dose or lower concentration of disinfectant with lesser toxic. So that inhalingdisinfectant mixed air is able to effectively stop the replication of the viruses.  

Thus may produce a phenomenon that the tests showing the virus is in existing; but it is harmless already; so that we need an anti-infection method that is without the need of testing at all; but disinfects in daily once to kill the possible invading virus. Thehypochlorite and vinegar is able to achieve this goal.  

Above findings in meat plants reveal the fact that the environment disinfection cannot stop the virus airborne transmission from respiratory tract to respiratory tract when the natural breathing of people; and also provided an inspiration for stopping the viruses airborne transmission; which is to produce antiviral air.  

Then I reviewed the practice of high density populated China and India, I found that large-scale hypochlorite disinfection has also played a decisive role in reducing the infections; and also without complication reported from inhaling disinfectant; but ignorantly; no one recognized such a virtual important fact. So that I said that the process of anti-pandemic is a process of the heavy attack of scientific psychosis of social diseases that rooted in Western Individualistic Civilization in fooling people ignorant.  

Since Mar. 13, 2020, the disinfection operators in DC Foods Waterloo have been working on the job for more than 19 months; they are still healthy doing the same job every day; though they have inhaled times more hypochlorite mixed air than that of others did; which means that inhaling hypochlorite mixed air is safe without long-term complications. Also, globally has no related report; though the hypochlorite disinfection worldwide used.  

There were many studies about hypochlorous acid are just paid attention to its toxic effect; rarely paid attention to its benefits for human health. The safe of in-taking vinegar on human health has been a household truth. By comparing to the electronegativities of the atoms of Oxygen and Chlorine in the molecule of hypochlorite; I infer that the physiological function of hypochlorite is similar to vinegar in good than bad when properly using.  

Now, the disinfection operators of DC Foods have indirectly carried out the biological experiment for testing the long-term poisonous effect of the hypochlorite on human body. We may have those disinfection operators medical checked in physiological indicators; such as; immunocyte counting, the positive results may provide confidence in the use of physiological disinfection; which is the best disinfection agent that will help to uproot epidemic.  

Sep. 29, 2021, I once sent an email to the WHO Representative to China with the hope they may help to end epidemic, but it is useless. I copy main section as below.  


1... To uproot epidemic by stopping the reproduction of viruses   

1.1... Put 5 – 10%vinegar in a plastic bag; then cover mouth and nose to inhale several breathes of the vinegar mixed air in daily once; or roll two piece of diet vinegar soaked paper to put in the nostrils in daily once to kill the possible virus in respiratory tract. Meantime, the vinegar is able to increase immune cells, decrease abdominal fat, and eliminate snoring and apnea with multi-health-benefits......   

1.2... Ensure people inhaling several breathes of Hypochlorite disinfectant mixed air in daily once to kill possible viruses in respiratory tract as prevention and treatment in the public facilities; such as, schools, airports, hospitals, factories; super markets and government agencies......   

1.3... We should develop a portable nose and mouth covering sprayer with inhalable disinfectant for people timely use to kill possible virus inrespiratory tractwith the benefits of health Keeping.   

2... To cure covid-19 patients and the complications of covid-19 survivors   

2.1... Copy the practice of above section 1.1...; but it is used in several tines daily.   

2.2... Cure severe covid-19 patients by vinegar fumigating the wards of hospitals several times daily.   

2.3... Add some vinegar into the water for filtering oxygen to the patients who are in oxygenating.   

2.4... Drinking water dilute diet vinegar in equal to 1 gram pure vinegar per 50 kilo body weight, 4 times daily.  

2.5... Drinking water dilute 5%Vinegar 20 ml + (any or all of; Honey 20 ml + Melatonin 5 mg + Vitamin C 3g + OTC tablets Chinese medicine such as, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule + other medications), 4 times daily.   

2.6... DevelopVinegar,Melatonin; Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicnals of TCM based multi-medicinal combined tablets.   

Note:I infer thatthe virus killing effect and therapeutic effect of the diet vinegar is from that electronegativities of the oxygen atoms in vinegar molecule are able to destroy the covalent bonded viruses and bacteria in regardless of the types or mutations; while, the electronegativities of the oxygen atoms are also able to trigger the physiological activities of covalent bonded human body to produce therapeutic effect that is able to exceed the effect of any current medications.  

As my understanding; as of now, among the diets, natural medicinals and synthetic drugs; the vinegar is the only one that is safe in-taking with labs confirmed function of killing covid-19 and clinically proved multi-therapeutic effects; so that at the time it kills virus also is able to clean up the residuals – the multi-lesions that covid-19 harms in human body.  

I infer that by the properly use of above diets and diet supplements; we will be able to cure the most of known diseases and will make breakthrough in the treatment of degenerative diseases that western medicine has failed; while the double blind clinic trial that limited in single composition and the genetic study will lead to ruin human life.I made theoretical explanations for above inferences in the section 1...Diet supplements based combinations and the theoretical basisof the attached articleUproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virus.  

I hope that by the influence of your job position to help the implementation of the ideas as below.  

1... Please contact with Professor Zhang Boli and Professor Li anjuan   

I have shared the email to Professor Zhang Boli, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; and Professor Li Lanjuan, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University.  

They have the ability to promote the practice of my idea in China. Also they may promote the study of inhalable disinfectant and thepharmacological mechanism of diets and diet supplements.   

2... Study inhalable disinfectant and thepharmacological mechanism of diets and diet supplements   

The best researcher in this regard is Professor Maosheng Yao atBioaerosol Laboratory;Peking University; we have made exchanges by email and phone chat.In attached articlesection5.1.3..The infection by respiratory tract;I mentionedabout the Professor.   

Contact:http://scholar.pku.edu.cn/myao/home; Email:yao@pku.edu.cnTel: 13120205311  

Below are the study reports of the team of Professor Maosheng Yao regard the airborne transmission of Covid-19.I am sure that you will be also convinced by the thirst-quenching studies.   

Jun, 02, 2020,Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Exhaled Breath from Patients Ready for Hospital Discharge.   

Jun. 02, 2020,Exhaled breath is a significant source of SARS-CoV-2 emission.   

Jun. 24, 2020,Breath-borne VOC Biomarkers for COVID-19  

Aug. 08, 2020,COVID-19 patients in earlier stages exhaled millions of SARS-CoV-2 per hour   

Aug. 20, 2020,On airborne transmission and control of SARS-Cov-2   

In attached article, I have mentioned the targets for study, you may provide some suggestions. Besides the study on the mechanism of vinegar in the treatment of covid-19 and the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases, the vital study should focus on the effect of vinegar in calcium absorption, whether it dissolve calcium to cause osteoporosis.  

In Shanxi province, China, people eat more vinegar, in southern China; people eat more sugar, which provided statistical resources for understanding the role of vinegar and sugar on human health in long term. The WHO in China may do a meaningful survey on this regard.  

I hope that Professor Maosheng Yao may act as a coordinator to associate the labs and hospitals in Peking University to finish the study on the pharmacological mechanism aboutVinegar, Melatonin; Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicinals.   

For the study ofProfessor Maosheng Yao; the key is at the source of funding. I hope that the WHOPeking or Peking University is able to provide some funds to start the study, and then I would like to return by funding from commercial way. Such study has valuable commercial values; many businesses will be willingly providing sponsorship. I hope that Professor Maosheng Yao is able to get enough funds to engage in the studies whatever he concern; he would never waste money. I would like to help him.   

3... Request the help of Dr Bruce Aylward to test the safety of inhaling disinfectant mixed air   

Please forward this email to Dr Bruce Aylward, Senior Advisor to the Director-General of WHO. Dr Bruce Aylward is from Canada; he may help to contact related leaders of Canada to organize a test regarding the safety of inhaling disinfectant mixed air.  

Since Mar. 12, 2020, after I sent email to conduct the anti-infection, the meats plant DC Foods Waterloo specially sets several disinfection operators to disinfect the area that people are just touched by spraying disinfectant at first then wiping with rag; thus the small lunchroom are filled with strong smell of disinfectant and to be inhaled by employee to have stopped onset of the infection. In this process; those disinfection operators have inhaled times more disinfectant mixed air than others did. Now over the time of one year and half, those disinfection operators are still healthy doing the same job every day.   

We should study the health condition of those disinfection operators; such as, blood test and related health indicators, by which prove the safe of inhaling antiviral air and find the safe disinfectant. Also we should study and video the practice of daily disinfection in DC Foods Waterloo as the global guidance in anti-pandemic; which will play a role as the test practically with reliable result than that of making in labs.   

The safe inhalable disinfectant mixed antiviral air may help us uproot all kind of airborne infectious diseases.   


Now the chance left for Singapore.   

1 ... Suggest Canadian government conducts physical examination of DC Foods's disinfection operators to determine the safety of hypochlorite.  

2 ... Suggest China Government funds Professor Maosheng Yao team of Peking University studying the use of hypochlorite and vinegar on anti-virus effects and best way for use  

3 ... In Hospitals of Singapore make clinical experiments for my suggested diets and diet supplements to covid-19 infections and other diseases  

The best way is to inform the governments of Canada and China; and then the Ambassadors of Singapore to Canada and China directly contacts 20th prime minister of Canada Jean Chretien's brother and Professor Maosheng Yao to fund them for designated studies.  

Jean Chretien's brother Prof. Michel Chrétien is a medical researcher specializing in neuroendocrinology research at the Clinical Research Institute of Montreal, (IRCM). Prof. Michel Chrétien may conduct the practice of the physical examination of DC Foods's disinfection operators with wide range of social contacts in medical and social field.  

Contact Prof. Michel Chrétien may viaDenise Labelle, the Administrative Assistant for honorable Jean Chrétien at Canada 613 783 9696.   

 If the Singapore government provides funding, the study may be accelerated. As a promoter of the researches; Singapore will play a role as the leader for ending the epidemic.  

The advantage of Singapore finishing the studies is at that the results will be acceptable globally; if it is finished by China, the results will be attacked without desired help for ending the epidemic.   

I would like to cooperate withProf. Michel Chrétien andProf. Maosheng Yao timely by email or phone.   

     Waiting for good news  


Warmest Regards  

Hongde Li; Oct. 19, 2021, in Canada  


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主題:To Dr Gauden Galea, WHO to China  


To Dr Gauden Galea, the WHO Representative to China  

WHO Representative Office in China  

Beijing 100600, PR China  

Tel: +8610 6532 7189/+8610 6532 7190/+8610 6532 7191/+8610 6532 7192  



Dear Dr Gauden Galea  

This is Hongde Li from Canada. This email is to request your help to end epidemic covid-19.  

The epidemic is in quickly suffocating human society by paralyzing economy; we must turn to directly stop the reproduction of viruses by cheaper disinfectant mixing air to kill possible viruses in the Mammalian respiratory tracts.    

The attached articleUproot epidemic covid-19 by antiviral air stopping the replication of virusintroduced above idea and related issues in medicine and social governance.  

1... To uproot epidemic by stopping the reproduction of viruses   

1.1... Put 5 – 10%vinegar in a plastic bag; then cover mouth and nose to inhale several breathes of the vinegar mixed air in daily once; or roll two piece of diet vinegar soaked paper to put in the nostrils in daily once to kill the possible virus in respiratory tract. Meantime, the vinegar is able to increase immune cells, decrease abdominal fat, and eliminate snoring and apnea with multi-health-benefits......    

1.2... Ensure people inhaling several breathes of Hypochlorite disinfectant mixed air in daily once to kill possible viruses in respiratory tract as prevention and treatment in the public facilities; such as, schools, airports, hospitals, factories; super markets and government agencies......    

1.3... We should develop a portable nose and mouth covering sprayer with inhalable disinfectant for people timely use to kill possible virus inrespiratory tractwith the benefits of health Keeping.    

2... To cure covid-19 patients and the complications of covid-19 survivors   

2.1... Copy the practice of above section 1.1...; but it is used in several tines daily.    

2.2... Cure severe covid-19 patients by vinegar fumigating the wards of hospitals several times daily.    

2.3... Add some vinegar into the water for filtering oxygen to the patients who are in oxygenating.    

2.4... Drinking water dilute diet vinegar in equal to 1 gram pure vinegar per 50 kilo body weight, 4 times daily.  

2.5... Drinking water dilute 5%Vinegar 20 ml + (any or all of; Honey 20 ml + Melatonin 5 mg + Vitamin C 3g + OTC tablets Chinese medicine such as, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule + other medications), 4 times daily.    

2.6... DevelopVinegar,Melatonin; Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicnals of TCM based multi-medicinal combined tablets.    

Note:I infer thatthe virus killing effect and therapeutic effect of the diet vinegar is from that electronegativities of the oxygen atoms in vinegar molecule are able to destroy the covalent bonded viruses and bacteria in regardless of the types or mutations; while, the electronegativities of the oxygen atoms are also able to trigger the physiological activities of covalent bonded human body to produce therapeutic effect that is able to exceed the effect of any current medications.  

As my understanding; as of now, among the diets, natural medicinals and synthetic drugs; the vinegar is the only one that is safe in-taking with labs confirmed function of killing covid-19 and with multi-therapeutic effects proved clinically; so that at the time it kills virus also is able to clean up the residuals – the multi-lesions that covid-19 harms in human body.  

I infer that by the properly use of above diets and diet supplements; we will be able to cure the most of known diseases and will make breakthrough in the treatment of degenerative diseases that western medicine has failed; while the double blind clinic trial that limited in single composition and the genetic study will lead to ruin human life.I made theoretical explanations for above inferences in the section 1...Diet supplements based combinations and the theoretical basis.    

The attached articleThe vinegar based unlimited combinations can contain pandemic Covid-19introduced the process that I found the disinfectant produced antiviral air is able to stop the onset of infection with six emails that sent to meats plant DC Foods Ontario. Canada.  

I hope that by the influence of your job position to help the implementation of the ideas as below.  

1... Please contact with Professor Zhang Boli and Professor Li Lanjuan   

I have shared the email to Professor Zhang Boli, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; and Professor Li Lanjuan, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University.  

They have the ability to promote the practice of my idea in China. Also they may promote the study of inhalable disinfectant and thepharmacological mechanism of diets and diet supplements.   

2... Study inhalable disinfectant and thepharmacological mechanism of diets and diet supplements   

The best researcher in this regard is Professor Maosheng Yao atBioaerosol Laboratory;Peking University; we have made exchanges by email and phone chat.In attached articlesection5.1.3..The infection by respiratory tract;I mentionedabout the Professor.    

Contact:http://scholar.pku.edu.cn/myao/home; Email:yao@pku.edu.cnTel: 13120205311  

Below are the study reports of the team of Professor Maosheng Yao regard the airborne transmission of Covid-19.I am sure that you will be also convinced by the thirst-quenching studies.    

Jun, 02, 2020,Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Exhaled Breath from Patients Ready for Hospital Discharge.    

Jun. 02, 2020,Exhaled breath is a significant source of SARS-CoV-2 emission.    

Jun. 24, 2020,Breath-borne VOC Biomarkers for COVID-19  

Aug. 08, 2020,COVID-19 patients in earlier stages exhaled millions of SARS-CoV-2 per hour   

Aug. 20, 2020,On airborne transmission and control of SARS-Cov-2   

In attached article, I have mentioned the targets for study, you may provide some suggestions. Besides the study on the mechanism of vinegar in the treatment of covid-19 and the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases, the vital study should focus on the effect of vinegar in calcium absorption, whether it dissolve calcium to cause osteoporosis.  

In Shanxi province, China, people eat more vinegar, in southern China; people eat more sugar, which provided statistical resources for understanding the role of vinegar and sugar on human health in long term. The WHO in China may do a meaningful survey on this regard.  

I hope that Professor Maosheng Yao may act as a coordinator to associate the labs and hospitals in Peking University to finish the study on the pharmacological mechanism aboutVinegar, Melatonin; Orthomolecular Medicine and natural medicinals.    

For the study ofProfessor Maosheng Yao; the key is at the source of funding. I hope that the WHOPeking or Peking University is able to provide some funds to start the study, and then I would like to return by funding from commercial way. Such study has valuable commercial values; many businesses will be willingly providing sponsorship. I hope that Professor Maosheng Yao is able to get enough funds to engage in the studies whatever he concern; he would never waste money. I would like to help him.    

3... Request the help of Dr Bruce Aylward to test the safety of inhaling disinfectant mixed air   

Please forward this email to Dr Bruce Aylward, Senior Advisor to the Director-General of WHO. Dr Bruce Aylward is from Canada; he may help to contact related leaders of Canada to organize a test regarding the safety of inhaling disinfectant mixed air.  

Since Mar. 12, 2020, after I sent email to conduct the anti-infection, the meats plant DC Foods Waterloo specially sets several disinfection operators to disinfect the area that people are just touched by spraying disinfectant at first then wiping with rag; thus the small lunchroom are filled with strong smell of disinfectant and to be inhaled by employee to have stopped onset of the infection. In this process; those disinfection operators have inhaled times more disinfectant mixed air than others did. Now over the time of one year and half, those disinfection operators are still healthy doing the same job every day.    

We should study the health condition of those disinfection operators; such as, blood test and related health indicators, by which prove the safe of inhaling antiviral air and find the safe disinfectant. Also we should study and video the practice of daily disinfection in DC Foods Waterloo as the global guidance in anti-pandemic; which will play a role as the test practically with reliable result than that of making in labs.    

The safe inhalable disinfectant mixed antiviral air may help us uproot all kind of airborne infectious diseases.    

I would like to cooperate with WHO Beijing and Professor Maosheng Yao timely by email or phone.    

Waiting for good news  

Warmest Regards  

Hongde Li; Sep. 29, 2020, in Canada  


Share to  

WHO Representative Office in China:wpchnwr@who.int  

WHO China media office:wpchnmedia@who.int   

WHO Media Contacts Margaret Harris:harrism@who.int  

Western Pacific Office Philippines:wprocom@who.int  

WHO Representative in Viet Nam:wpvnmwr@who.int  


Democratic People’s Republic of Korea:wrindia@who.int  





Sri Lanka:sesrlregistry@who.int  



South Africa Office:afwcozawr@who.intmedia:afwcozamedia@who.int  

Professor Zhang Bo, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;tutcm@hotmail.com  

Professor Li Lanjuan, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University,ljli@zju.edu.cn  

Professor Maosheng Yao atBioaerosol Laboratory;Peking University;yao@pku.edu.cn  


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主題:To the stupid staff of The Lancet  


    Only the extremely humiliating language can activate the numb brain of the reasoning function has been badly distorted by the confused philosophies and toxic ideologies from European based individualistic flawed barbaric civilization.    


      It is the wrongful adopted philosophy Reductionism guided Western medicine in misleading anti-pandemic going on wrong way of addicted looking for killing; in which The Lancet has been playing negative role by acting as a drummer.    


      For quickly ending the epidemic Covid-19; the correct way is to actively block thereproduction of Covid-19 virus by inhalable antiviral volatiles targeting on the respiratory tracts of people or domestic and wild animals, rather than passive prevention.  


      The staff of The Lancet is a best team that can quickly coordinate the influenced expertsglobally to act synchronously for quickly convincing people in the safe and effective of disinfectants that can be used as inhalable antiviral volatiles.     


發件人:Team Outlook.com
抄送:michel.chretien@ircm.qc.ca ; chrystia.freeland@canada.ca ; susan.scotti@thebusinesscouncil.ca ; 'Denise' ; Labelle, Denise
主題:The approachs for ending epidemic  


The antiviral volatile is the best approach for quickly ending the epidemic from root level of stopping virus reproduction in cheaper available and convenient applicable as assistant for vaccination.    

The antiviral volatiles have function of broad spectrum in anti-virus regardless of the types and quick mutation of the virus, so that we don’t have to worry about airborne infectious diseases anymore.   


To Denise Labelle, the Administrative Assistant Adjointe du très honorable Jean Chrétien   

Dentons, Ottawa   

D +1 613 783 9696   

denise.labelle@dentons.com   labelled2014@gmail.com

Dear Denise Labelle:   

This is Frank from Waterloo, Ontario. Now I must bother you for help again. I tried, but many ideal experts on favorable positions are not interested, so that I think of you again. Only you can rationally recognize and promote this matter by the help of the honorable Jean Chrétien who is a rare rational politician inhigh social influence without ideological bias.   

Now; I am sure that you and the honorable Jean Chrétien are in anxious for the rapid worsening of epidemic Covid-19; also I noticed that the long anxious make PM Trudeau look like 20 years aged suddenly with a haggard face and gray beard. The rational people would deeply worry for that virus is in finishing humans by interrupting life necessaries.   

All of this shouldn't have happened. The practice of China proved that epidemic Covid-19 is controllable; but the democracies play it into uncontrollable under the ideologies that values playing are important than lives saving. As rational people, live in such an ignorance-kidnapped ungovernable society is a kind of suffering.   

The different results between China and Western countries were caused by the difference in the Philosophies politically and medicinally. In attached articleTurn off Covid-19 virus-replicators to end epidemic by curing social diseases, I discussed this issue with easy approaches for quickly ending the epidemic.    

It is the wrongful philosophies and ideologies twisted reason function of too many people in the West; so that they take wrong as right and make society ungovernable; while medical philosophy Reductionism views human body as the assembly of inanimate parts; by infinite subdividing body as microscopic units to diagnose and treat diseases, and by killing pathogens as the treatment; thus misleads the anti-epidemic going on wrong way of ignored the key point of human respiratory tract is the primary host for virus’ invading, replicating and spreading.    

Though, human normal breathing helps the spread of the viruses easily; but, it also provides us an easy way for the prevention and treatment of the infections of virus.   

Inspired by zero infection of China’s firms in Iran; I conduct meats foods plant DC Foods Waterloo Ontario in zero infection also. I judged that it is the daily disinfection produced antiviral volatile to be inhaled and suppressed the onset of the possible virus in the respiratory tract of employees. Because of the mask and disinfection in plant cannot avoid the infections of employee in home where is in producing the most of cluster infections.    

Because of the particularity of the meats foods production of intensively manual operation, the operators have to work shoulder to shoulder for hours; which caused meats plants as the hotbeds for the virus spreading and even made the areas of the plants located as the hardest hit places of the epidemic. The success of DC Foods Waterloo in anti-pandemic has proved the magic effect of the inhaling antiviral volatile in preventing infection.   

It is easily understandable that disinfectant can kill virus in natural environment; its volatile will be certainly able to kill the virus in the respiratory tract of people by its property of inhalable.   

Lab study shows that sodium hypochlorite can inactivate Coronavirus in 0.1% concentration. In China, the sodium hypochlorite has been widely used for disinfection in homes and public facilities. It said that in the room of hotels for quarantining inbound people, the disinfectant on floor even needs 3 days to dry up. It produced volatile will be certainly inhaled by people. Now, it is about 11 months; there is no report of the complications on human body.   

Also, in DC Foods Waterloo, the people who work on disinfection have been more than 9 months. Every day, they take a disinfectant sprayer to spray disinfectant on the places where people have touched, and wipe them with rag. Thus they make the lunchroom and lock room filled with the irritating smell of disinfectant. In this process; they have inhaled times more volatile of disinfectant than others did, but now they are still healthy doing on same job.   

The safe of inhaling antiviral volatiles is not because of the disinfectant harmless, but it is because that human body is able to smartly self-protection. 2014 studyDiscover Protein Protecting Bacteria Against Chlorine: In the presence of chlorine, a protein in the intestinal bacterium E. coli tightly bonds with other proteins for self-prevention. Once the danger passed, they released and continue to work as usual. Obviously, human body will be smarter than that of the bacterium E. coli did.   

Phone called my college classmates in China; learned that the smell of the volatile of sodium hypochlorite is acceptable and it is better than the usual smell of formalin disinfectant of the hospitals in China.   

Suppose that we can coordinate all countries globally in synchronous action, by disinfectant mixing fragrance produced antiviral volatiles in acceptable smell to fill in the rooms of families, the classrooms of schools, the wards of hospitals, the cabins of passenger aircrafts, and any possible places; so that people are able to breathe in some antiviral volatiles daily. Then we will be able to end the pandemic within few weeks.   

I am sure that the inhaling antiviral volatile will be the only approach to be used as prevention and treatment for the Covid-19 infections in both of men and animals.   

Jan. 16, 2012, a Mandarin reportSeven animals have infected with Covid-19, just vaccinating humans is not enough: after tigers, lions, mink, snow leopards, dogs and cats were confirmed to be infected, gorilla is the seventh animal to be naturally infected with the virus. Laboratory studies have shown that hamsters, monkeys, ferrets, civet cats and genetically engineered mice, even squirrels, sheep and sperm whales may be infected by the novel coronavirus.   

Besides the prevention on infections, the prevention on the complications of the cured survivors from Covid-19 is also an important concern.   

There were many reports about the bad complications of the survivors from Covid-19; which inspired us that we not only need to save the lives of people from the infection, but also we must ensure that the survivors are healthy without complications; so that they are able to enjoy a quality life. More importantly, only healthy people can ensure the quality labors for developing quality economy and thereby creates the quality life.   

Nov. 13, 2020, on the official website; CDC of the US postsLong-Term Effects of COVID-19; in which listed 18 complications from acute kidney injury to heart injury. If you Google by keywords “Covid-19 complications”, it will return a lot of severe complications that are in badly affecting daily life of the survivors who luckily escaped from covid-19 virus.    

But in China, the situation is much better. Jan. 8, 2021, there was a study report6-month consequences of COVID-19 in patients discharged from hospital: a cohort studyshows that “at 6 months after acute infection, COVID-19 survivors were mainly troubled with fatigue or muscle weakness, sleep difficulties, and anxiety or depression. Patients who were more severely ill during their hospital stay had more severe impaired pulmonary diffusion capacities and abnormal chest imaging manifestations, and are the main target population for intervention of long-term recovery.”   

The fewer and milder complications in China should attribute to the dialectical philosophy Daoism guided Traditional Chinese medicine -TCM thatviews human body as organic whole, all of the organs are in harmony inter-connected and inter-influencedwith long belief that the disease treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy, only three-tenths in medication. A well balanced body can effectively handle with diseases, so that disease treatment in TCM is focusing on the restoration of the balance of Yin and Yang.   

The compound prescription is the unique therapeutic method of TCM since ancient time, which is to put many different natural medicinals as one dose in targeting on different symptom of the syndrome of multi-lesions. In 1980s, Germany carried out about 300 clinical studies with standardized phytopharmaceuticals. The studies proved that compound medication is able to produce synergy effect of increasing the positive effect and decreasing the side effect.    

For the synergy effect of compound medication; there are other evidences also.Nov. 22, 2013, articlePlant Nutrient 'Cocktail' Kills Breast Cancer Cellsreports that researchers tested protective chemical nutrients from turmeric, soybeans, broccoli, grapes and tea. Individually, they were ineffective against cancer. But once combined, they suppressed breast cancer cell growth in lab by more than 80 percent, and eventually triggered the process leading to cell death.   

In China,under the guidance of Daoism;the doctors massively cured patients in Covid-19 by the combo of the multi-combined medicinals in regardless of synthetics or naturals byfocusing on the underlying diseases and the comorbidities, such as, insomnia, irritability,constipationand loss of appetite, etc;rather than on virus killing. Such as, the Hydrochloroquine -HCQof a drug for Arthritis is used as one of ingredients of the comboand never use in single as that of used in the failed West.    

By the comprehensive treatment of compound medication, patients’ sleep improved, anxiety relieved,constipationrelieved and appetite improved, the physical fitness of patients will be naturally restored and the depressed mood will be naturally improved, which will play a role as psychotherapy to promote recovery. More importantly; the autoimmunity will be enhanced also. The treatments focused on the promotion of physical restoration are the reason that China has largely reduced the mortality rate and help patents quickly recovered with less bad complications.   

The clinical effect of HCQ is from the comparison before and after the use; itsignificantly reduced the rate of the mild patient developed as critical one; which certainly can reduce the rate of mortality (but no report available); at least, it has largely reduced the complications.Thus, in the collaborative team, the HCQ played its role to contribute own share of contribution in saving lives; which is the contribution of dialectic philosophy Daoism.    

But in the West; theHCQand many WHO suggested clinically showed effective synthetic drugs were proved as ineffective by double blind trail in single use. On the Website of WHO, there are still several posts about the ineffective of HCQ on Covid-19 infection.    

May 15, 2020, I once wrote articleWhy hydroxychloroquine dumped in the West, but takes as magic in Chinato indicate that Coronavirus certainly can cause inflammation and thus causes swelling. The therapeutic role of HCQ is not from virus killing, but it is from original therapeutic function of decreasing the inflammation and swelling to reduce the damage on certain organs.    

As a drug for Arthritis, theHCQcandecrease inflammation and swelling has been a great contribution by relieving one of major symptom of the syndrome in multi-lesion; which eliminated the main cause of the complications. However, theReductionism culturedscientific players in Western medicine globallycheck the effect ofHCQon virus killing by single use, but theHCQ does not have such function from the design.    

Please see section8..The philosophical base for ending pandemic Covid-19in attached articleTurn off Covid-19 virus-replicators to end epidemic by curing social diseases.   

Therefore the inhalable antiviral volatile and multi-combined medicinal combo will be effective approaches for quickly ending the epidemic Covid-19.   

My suggestions   

Itis better that; at first; you make a investigation about the anti-pandemic practice of DC Foods Waterloo by phone call the business owner Dr. Peter Shoore or his son at Tel: 604-596-9505; Fax: 778-578-6420; in 13538 73rd Avenue, Surrey, BC V3W 2R6.    

After gotten convincing results, please start the actions as below.   

Request the honorable Jean Chretien to contactPM Justin Trudeau for fully supportingtheEmeritus Research Professor Michel ChrétienofIRCM to organize some studies on designated targets by his outstanding influence and experience:   

1.. Organize a team of medical experts to study the anti-pandemic practice of DC Foods Waterloo   

Actually, the employees of DC Foods Waterloo have unexpected played the role as the biological experiment for the effect and safety of the inhaling antiviral volatile in directly on people; which has created reliable result than that of testing in labs.    

By studying the anti-pandemic practice of DC Waterloo, we may find the safe disinfectant and the feasible approach as the global guidance for quickly ending the epidemic; especially, the impact of disinfectant on human health. The results will act as convincing evidence for showing people that inhaling antiviral volatile is safe; which point is important for quickly globally synchronized use of antiviral volatile.   

In convenient concern, the medical experts do not need to go to DC Foods Waterloo in person; it is better send medical experts in local to make possible checks; maybe by a car to take blood samples of some employees in DC Foods Waterloo will be enough. The other information may request the management in DC Foods Waterloo to provide.   

2..Conduct lab test on the feasible disinfectants for antiviral volatile   

My suggested disinfectants are vinegar, hypochlorite, phenol and fragrance. See1..To stop virus replication by inhalable antiviral volatile kills virus in the respiratory tractinattached articleTurn off Covid-19 virus-replicators to end epidemic by curing social diseases.   

The best disinfectants for antiviral volatile will come from multi-combination in regardless synthetic or natural, or diet. The vinegar is safe for use with the function of damaging the function of virus replication; increasing autoimmune; reduce inflammation and swelling, and improve overall body function; we may try it at first; especially for the treatment of infected people by vinegar steaming Hospital wards.   

Since the nutrients of grains or fruits and the nutrients that produced during fermentation have wide range of pharmacological and physiological functions, the vinegar has been medicinal used since ancient times, both in China or in the West. The grain vinegars or fruit vinegars are medicinal combo that can be used as medications for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.       

According to my personal experience, vinegar can immediately stop a runny nose, eliminate sticky sputum that can't be coughed out in the throat, and thereby reducing snoring and apnea. Autopsy showed that a large amount of mucus blocked the bronchial airway inside the lungs, and then asphyxia caused the death of patients of Cvid-19. Vinegar can eliminate snot and sticky sputum; it certainly can reduce the mucus from the bronchial airway inside the lungs.   

Also, we may develop medicinal inhalants for daily health-keeping with the function of castrating virus in replication; promoting immune function and enhancing physical fitness with adjustable in the seductive smell, then, we will be no longer worrying about any airborne infectious diseases; even it will be able to cure infected people and cure some chronic diseases by specific medicinal inhalants.   

I have been using vinegar for avoiding snoring and apnea by putting it in a plastic bag and opening the bag to inhale the volatile. The method will be an easy way for the use of antiviral volatile in the process of epidemic prevention; with the advantage of convenient carrying in pocket for daily use. According to my personal experience, vinegar can stop cough and runny nose.    

Therefore, vinegar will be an effective agent for antiviral volatile as the medication for the prevention and treatment on Covid-19 infections.   

3..Introduce the methods of Covid-19-treatment of China into Canada   

Canada should set a hospital as the test base forintroducing the methods of Covid-19-treatment of China into Canada.   

Only the treatments under philosophy Daoism can cure patients in fewer complications.Only the treatment in multi-combination of medicinals in regardless of synthetic or natural, as that of shotgun targeting on the multi-targets; is able to synchronously cure multi-lesions of patients without complications. Only TCM medicinallyidentified 11,146 plants, 1581 animals, 80 minerals, with nearly 100 thousands of experience-based formulas can reach this goal.   

Modern studies show that those natural therapies of TCM, such as Acupuncture, Massage, Moxibustion and Cupping are all in curing diseases by boosting autoimmunity. Therefore, in the subjective viewing, TCM is to regulate the physical balance Yin and Yang, but in the objective practice, the process of the regulations is in playing the role of improving the immune function, then the enhanced immune system will naturally clear up the pathogenic agents.    

Biotechnical studies show that some of those natural medicinals have therapeutic effect similar to synthetic one in killing the pathogens directly, and some of them have nutritional effect similar to orthomolecular medicine. Some can boost immunity, such as, boosting the weight gains of immune organs, increasing the number and activity of the immune cells. Some Chinese medicinals can improve sleep, some can reduce anxiety, and some can improve appetite, etc.   

Also, the honorable Jean Chretien may contact China’s PM Li Keqiang to request the help in medical experts and some natural medicinal. Globally; only the honorable Jean Chretien is able to confidently talk with top officials of China without worry for being refused in any requesting.   

4.. The treatment of chronic degenerative diseases   

As my view, the thorny disease for treatment in Canada is Covid-19 infections, but the chronic degenerative diseases; which takes up the most medical resources.    

Jan. 2010, theprofessor at Pennsylvania State UniversityRustum Roywhoindicates that, in the US,there almost 20% of the average citizen's life spent chronically ill, many American live a poor quality of life in old age. Though medical science has won major extensions of lifespan, but these are negated by the failure to tackle the chronic disease. There about75% of total social medical spendingcost in chronic diseases, which is unnecessary due to that chronic diseases are preventable or reversible simply by diet and lifestyle.    

In this regards, Canada should be similar with that of the US. Due to that chronic diseases are degenerative without pathogens for killing, so that western medicine is helpless, but the treatment targets on promoting self-healing by combo of multi-combined medicinals is the only effective one.    

Western medicine based ideology is the dead barrier for the practice of the antiviral volatile   

The reason that I chosen ProfessorMichel Chrétienas the leader for organizing the studies is that he is the brother of the honorable Jean Chretien; and thushewill be easily convinced without time waste on arguments. Because of many people have been addicted in the Reductionism guided Western medicine and reject the use of experience based medications with a lot of sound reasons for argument.    

Such as, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule is a combo of 12 natural medicinals. In vitro experiments found that it has weak inhibitory effect on the virus, but its benefit is the good repair effect on virus-induced cell damage and inflammation. Clinically, the patient's symptoms improved faster in two days earlier; the CT film recovered faster; shortened the time of fever and avoided bad complications with improving cellular immune function without cytokine storm.   

On Jan. 27, 2020, in China, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule was listed as the recommended medication in theNational Diagnosis and Treatment Program for Novel Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia. But, in the West, the Lianhua Qingwen Capsule was rejected in many countries.   

May 7, 2020, articleDoctors warn against claims that Beijing-touted health supplement distributed in Canada treats COVID-19indicates that though Lianhua Qingwen Capsule has met the requirements of theFood and Drugs ActandNatural Health Products Regulationssince 2012 and is sold in Canada. But Health Canada is vowing to take action to stop any false or misleading claims that products can prevent, treat or cure COVID-19.   

Nature is the world’s foremost international weekly scientific journal and is the flagship journal for Nature Research. May 6, 2020, it published articleChina is promoting coronavirus treatments based on unproven traditional medicines.   

In Canada, the Western medicine based ideology is dead barrier for the practice of the antiviral volatile and introduce the methods of Covid-19-treatment of China into Canada. The wrongful ideology is social problem; so that I name the attached article asTurn off Covid-19 virus-replicators to end epidemic by curing social diseases.    

In China,Western medicinepoisoned peopledeadly resist TCM for treating Covid-19 patients    

In China, the time anti-epidemic Cvid-19 is under a team of medical experts and the officials in all level work as assistants to carry out the plans of the team. Feb. 23, 2020, I once wrote articleSome medical experts are in acting as the Killer aid of SARS-CoV-2, due to that they persuade people not use of experience base medications on the pretext of unscientific; which was same in China.    

Mar. 12, 2020, a Mandarin article ofThe specialist was quietly replaced from the position of leader of medical experts’ teamintroduced the process of the formation of the team of medical experts.    

On Jan. 19,a respiratoryspecialist who was appointed as the leader of the team of medical experts;heresists the participation of the medical experts in TCM for the treatment of Covid-19.    

On Jan. 25, the top leasers of China held a special meeting and made the strategy of TCM integrates Western medicine in the treatment of COVID-19 patients. On the same day, the first experts’ team in TCM arrived in Wuhan, China.   

On Feb. 8, China added experts in TCM into the team of medical experts and therespiratoryspecialist was removed from the position of team leader, but he remained as the member of the team of medical experts.    

The article alleges that therespiratoryspecialistresisted against the experts in TCM was because that he did not believe Chinese medicine. In other report, therespiratoryspecialistsaid that if use Chinese medicine, it must be with proved ability in killing virus, prevent the virus from entering cells, and prevent immune cells from self-injuring.   

The practice of the respiratory specialistproved that the people cannot reason something that has no related knowledge in brain. With a brain that filled with the stuff of western medicine, he will be always thinking about genes; ells and how to kill virus.   

But, TCM is never thinking about curing people by inhuman killing but by humane restoring. This is also the philosophy of China in dealing with social issues and whichis the reason that China built Great Wall to avoid wars.    

Mar. 3, 2020, articleWhat role does Chinese medicine play in the prevention and control of the epidemicsaid that the participating-rate of TCM in the treatment of Covid-19 was 91.05% in Hubei province. In other provinces were 96.37%.   

The facts show that; even in China, the TCM was unable to be used in the treatment on all patients, which showed dead harm of the philosophy Reductionism guided western medicine, it badly distorted the reasoning function of people and distorting themmake bad for good; by the concern of the safe of patients; they deadly resist the use of TCM and thus caused more deaths.   

The application of experience based medicine TCM is also difficult in the birth place China; its application in Canada will be impossible. For saving lives and helping survivors a quality life by TCM; we need to explore a feasible way.   

In Canada, the Federal government should also force medical experts to use experience based therapies   

Luckily, in Canada, there are several key politicians and social elites are rational without such ignorance caused ideological bias, besides Denise Labelle and the honorable Jean Chrétien; the PM Justin Trudeau, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and the CEO of Business Council of Canada Goldy Hyder.   

When many politicians are full of mouth of democracy and values; PM Justin Trudeau worries about the inefficiency of democratic government, openly appreciate the high efficiency of the Chinese government, and as a result he was attacked by public opinion.    

In 2019, in articleChrystia Freeland: Liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians", Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland indicated the dead flaw of democracy; the low-quality politicians has twisted it into a battlefield.    

In 2019, the CEO of Business Council of Canada, Goldy Hyder who wrote article: “The political pendulum has swung too far to one extreme,” “The procedural obstacles we’ve put in place make it possible for a handful of individuals to hold up initiatives endorsed by most Canadians. Important projects, programs and policies can be delayed until supporters give up and move on.”   

Canada should prepare an Anti-epidemic Coordination Committee in the level of Federal Government for further coordinate the anti-pandemic action domestically and globally.    

The approaches above are able to prevent humans from the finish of Covid-19 virus, but, no approach is available for preventing humans from the finish of self-destruction by arm raced atomic bombs; unless optimizes legislature by the people who have ensured humanized reasoning function.    

In this concern, Mr. Goldy Hyder may expand Business Council of Canada as non-partisan civil legislature as assistant for Federal government. Please use keyword “civil legislature” inattached articleTurn off Covid-19 virus-replicators to end epidemic by curing social diseasesto read several sections in discussing about this issue.   

Although non-partisan civil legislature cannot directly participate in legislation, but the rational voices of many entrepreneurs will constitute a psychological deterrent to those irrational legislators and prevent them from being unscrupulous.   

Jan. 30, 2016; in viewing the reckless political opposition disabled government, I wrote articleGov-authorize non-partisan Super Leadership to assist social governanceand suggested that human society must be governed by high quality non-partisan social elites.Gov-authorize non-partisan Super Leadership to assist social governance.   

Maybe, due to the unbearable torture of seeing increasingly people are sacrificing to Covid-19 virus simply due to the ungovernable society;in Apr. 12, 2020, in articleThe Virus Should Wake Up the Westthe editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News, Dr. John Micklethwait despaired sigh:   

“The job of government is to protect its citizens. The pandemic reveals that key institutions in Europe and the U.S. are no longer up to the job.”    

“The West’s governmental advantage is now questionable: Simply ask yourself whether you would feel safer today in New York and London or in Singapore and Seoul? Asia is catching up with the West, and in some smaller countries has overtaken it, in large part because Confucian Asia in particular has taken government seriously over the past few decades while the West has allowed it to ossify.”    

“Behind the ideological squabbling, the main problem with Western government is simple: It is out of date.” “Many key government institutions have looked out of shape and outdated.”   

In viewing that the reckless political opposition has dysfunctioned the government of the most of democracies and messed those countries increasingly ungovernable; I think of that, in nowadays, the social governance has been evolved as that legislations set orbit and then society runs accordingly; which provides a feasible way for optimizing social governance without the need of troublesomely touching current political system; which is to set a non-partisan civil legislature as assistant for government.    

In this concern; the Business Council of Canada will be able to play a role as organizational foundation for the non-partisan civil legislature.    

Best regards   

Waiting for good news   

Frank Li, Jan. 18, 2021, in Waterloo, On. Canada   

Share to:   

1.. Michel Chrétien,  the Emeritus Research Professor, IRCM,michel.chretien@ircm.qc.ca   

2.. Chrystia Freeland;Minister of Finance:chrystia.freeland@canada.ca    

3.. President, Business Council of Canada:susan.scotti@thebusinesscouncil.ca   

If it is possible, I am happy for forwarding this email to PM Justin Trudeau   



發件人: Team Outlook.com sinohealer@hotmail.com

發送時間: 2021年2月25日 19:57

收件人: Don Kilimnik d.kilimnik@dcfoodsinc.com

主題: A urgent request from Frank

  morning Don

Good morning Don

This is Frank; there is an urgent problem that needs your help again.

Recently my wife got a Functional Ability Form (FAF) that needs the signature of the family doctor, my family doctor is in Toronto, and my car has broken and dumped, so that I cannot go to Toronto for getting the signature timely.


My wife is in deeply worried and anxiety for that, and since I was fined, my wife has been in making only income for supporting my family. I hope that you may tell Dave Martin to relieve the pressure of my wife by that the signature may allow to postpone some time until I buy a new car.


Before there are many people in purposefully making trouble to my wife and often made her tearful. But after some top managements retired home, the situation was radically changed. But, now the trouble maker is the yellow hat Brander whose boyfriend has been collecting and dumping garbage for a long time.


As wise entrepreneurs, you and Dr. Peter Shoore should have understood that, in fact, personal consumption is limited. Running a business is not just for personal prosperity, but importantly is for mobilizing social resources of the means of production to create jobs for the public, and create tax revenue for social governance.


Now, China's railway transportation has reached the main corners of the Europe, and the South Asian railway is also under construction. Due to the coordination capability of the government of China, the freight does not need to be cleared along the road countries until to reach the destination. Sunrise Farms should set branch in China to open the world largest market.


The purpose of enterprise acquisition should be for acquiring the right of operation. Therefore, it should be reserved certain share (30 – 40%) for participating in dividends for the entrepreneurs who sell the enterprise. In this way, reduce the cost on acquisition and with others shared the risk together.


You may send this email to the son of Peter Shoore.


Thank you very much

Best regards


Frank, Feb. 25, 2021, in Waterloo


My view on Entrepreneur and Enterprise inspired by Peter Shoore

http://www.kwcg.ca/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=61910&do=blog&id=1373This is fr



發件人: Team Outlook.com

發送時間: 2021年1月9日 7:54

收件人: anna.banerji@utoronto.ca anna.banerji@utoronto.ca

主題: Ending epidemic Covid-19 in weeks

To Anna Banerji;  O.ONT, MD, FRCPC, MPH

Associate Scientist, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute

Email: anna.banerji@utoronto.ca

Tel: 416-978-8319

Other: Anna Banerji Dalla Lana School of Public Health

Other: Anna Banerji Continuing Professional Development

Other: Indigenous Health Conference

Dear Anna Banerji :

This is frank Li from Waterloo, On. Canada. I learnt you from the link of Jan. 8, 2021 article Ontario shatters COVID-19 record with more than 4,200 new cases, cites data backlog. I further Googled about your background and which make confidence to me to write to you.


The failure in anti-pandemic is from the flaw of the intelligence that cannot rationally reasoning under the poisoning of the wrongful philosophies; so that it can never reach the key point of the solution. Exactly, it is the wrongfully adopted philosophy Reductionism in misleading series of cognitive errors in helping virus killing people.


The key for avoiding the infections is not at prevention; but at eliminating the resource that is in producing the virus; and thus the key is at that shuts off the replicators for virus reproducing. The key replicators for Covid-19 virus or any airborne infectious diseases are Mammalian respiratory tract; if we turn to kill virus on the key point of respiratory tract;  there will be cheaper and easy approaches available for ending the epidemic.


In comparison with China quickly contained epidemic; in the democracies, the failure of anti-pandemic is wrong in philosophies politically and medicinally. If we update philosophy, the epidemic covid-19 will be ended in a period of couple of weeks, and cured patients will be no complications. Below is my article:







發件人: Team Outlook.com sinohealer@hotmail.com

發送時間: 2020年12月31日 2:51

收件人: richard.horton@lancet.com richard.horton@lancet.com

抄送: Sabine.Kleinert@lancet.com ; naomi.lee@lancet.com ; duc.le@lancet.com ; stuart.Spencer@lancet.com ; r.cooney@elsevier.com ; he.wang@lancet.com ; jocalyn.clark@lancet.com ; helen.frankish@lancet.com ; tamara.lucas@lancet.com ; Joanna.Palmer@lancet.com ; jessamy.bagenal@lancet.com ; sean.cleghorn@lancet.com ; j.gibson@lancet.com ; r.park@lancet.com ; Jonathan.Pimm@lancet.com ; m.sabin@lancet.com
主題: End the pandemic Covid-19 by inhalable antiviral volatile

To Richard Horton

The editor-in-chief of The Lancet


Dear Richard Horton:

This is Frank Li from Waterloo, Canada. The attached articles introduces the approaches for ending the Pandemic Covid-19. Just help people to breathe in a few mouthfuls of Antiviral Volatile daily, we can stop the onset of the possible invaded virus in people’s respiratory tract, or treat already infected patients.

The urgent task is to verify the effectiveness and safety of the potential disinfectants for inhalable antiviral volatile. My assumption is to organize medical experts globally to start the experiment immediately. I propose a few pre-selected disinfectants for reference: Hypochlorite, Vinegar, Phenol, and Fragrance.

I think that, in the current world, in the West, every elected politician thinks that they are the authority to save the world; every elected politician wants to be such an authority, and thus destroys the authority that already exists legally. As a result, there is no effective authority in this world for doing some right business. In this way, the editors of the leading medical journals, due to the nature of personal quality and the nature of the work, can perform some work as authority to save the world.

In ancient China, about 2700 years ago, when the development of Chinese characters are enough for expression in written, people start to make friends by own wrings. The writings can effectively demonstrate the quality of the writer in thoughts and talents. I have read your articles and understood your quality. I am sure that you and your assistants will be able to lead the world out of the epidemic.

Now, in Britain, it is 7:36 a.m.; December 31, 2020. Please notice of each other about this email and have a discussion for a feasible plan.

Best regards

Waiting good news.

Frank Li   Dec. 31, 2020, in Waterloo, On. Canada

 shared to:

Deputy Editor

Astrid James: Astrid.James@lancet.com

Senior Executive Editors

Pam Das: Pamela.Das@lancet.com

Sabine Kleinert: Sabine.Kleinert@lancet.com

Naomi Lee: naomi.lee@lancet.com

Duc Le: duc.le@lancet.com

Stuart Spencer: Stuart.Spencer@lancet.com

International Executive Editors

Rebecca Cooney, r.cooney@elsevier.com

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Executive Editors

Jocalyn Clark: jocalyn.clark@lancet.com

Helen Frankish: helen.frankish@lancet.com

Tamara Lucas: tamara.lucas@lancet.com

Joanna Palmer: Joanna.Palmer@lancet.com

Senior Editors

Jessamy Bagenal: jessamy.bagenal@lancet.com

Sean Cleghorn: sean.cleghorn@lancet.com

Josefine Gibson: j.gibson@lancet.com

Rebekka Park: r.park@lancet.com

Jonathan Pimm: Jonathan.Pimm@lancet.com

Miriam Sabin  m.sabin@lancet.com


發件人:Team Outlook.com   




主題:End the pandemic Covid-19 by inhalable antiviral volatile    

Shared To:   

The editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News,    

Dr. John Micklethwait:  micklethwait@bloomberg.net   

The political editor of the Economist,    

Dr. Adrian Wooldridge:adrianwooldridge@economist.com   

Dear Dr. John Micklethwait and Dr. Adrian Wooldridge:    

Please promote it by your outstanding influence.    

Best regards   

Frank Li   Dec. 31, 2020, in Waterloo, On. Canada   


發件人:Team Outlook.com  



抄送:Pamela.Das@lancet.com ; Sabine.Kleinert@lancet.com ; naomi.lee@lancet.com ; duc.le@lancet.com ; stuart.Spencer@lancet.com ; r.cooney@elsevier.com ; he.wang@lancet.com ; jocalyn.clark@lancet.com ; helen.frankish@lancet.com ; tamara.lucas@lancet.com ; Joanna.Palmer@lancet.com ; jessamy.bagenal@lancet.com ; sean.cleghorn@lancet.com ; j.gibson@lancet.com ; r.park@lancet.com ; Jonathan.Pimm@lancet.com ; m.sabin@lancet.com   

主題:End the pandemic Covid-19 by inhalable antiviral volatile   


To Richard Horton   

The editor-in-chief of The Lancet   


Dear Richard Horton:   

This is Frank Li from Waterloo, Canada. The attached articles introduces the approaches for ending the Pandemic Covid-19. Just help people to breathe in a few mouthfuls of Antiviral Volatile daily, we can stop the onset of the possible invaded virus in people’s respiratory tract, or treat already infected patients.   

The urgent task is to verify the effectiveness and safety of the potential disinfectants for inhalable antiviral volatile. My assumption is to organize medical experts globally to start the experiment immediately. I propose a few pre-selected disinfectants for reference: Hypochlorite, Vinegar, Phenol, and Fragrance.   

I think that, in the current world, in the West, every elected politician thinks that they are the authority to save the world; every elected politician wants to be such an authority, and thus destroys the authority that already exists legally. As a result, there is no effective authority in this world for doing some right business. In this way, the editors of the leading medical journals, due to the nature of personal quality and the nature of the work, can perform some work as authority to save the world.   

In ancient China, about 2700 years ago, when the development of Chinese characters are enough for expression in written, people start to make friends by own wrings. The writings can effectively demonstrate the quality of the writer in thoughts and talents. I have read your articles and understood your quality. I am sure that you and your assistants will be able to lead the world out of the epidemic.   

Now, in Britain, it is 7:36 a.m.; December 31, 2020. Please notice of each other about this email and have a discussion for a feasible plan.   

Best regards   

Waiting good news.   

Frank Li   Dec. 31, 2020, in Waterloo, On. Canada   

 shared to:   

Deputy Editor   

Astrid James:Astrid.James@lancet.com   

Senior Executive Editors   

Pam Das:Pamela.Das@lancet.com   

Sabine Kleinert:Sabine.Kleinert@lancet.com   

Naomi Lee:naomi.lee@lancet.com   

Duc Le:duc.le@lancet.com   

Stuart Spencer:Stuart.Spencer@lancet.com   

International Executive Editors   

Rebecca Cooney,r.cooney@elsevier.com   

Helena Wang,he.wang@lancet.com   

Executive Editors   

Jocalyn Clark:jocalyn.clark@lancet.com   

Helen Frankish:helen.frankish@lancet.com   

Tamara Lucas:tamara.lucas@lancet.com   

Joanna Palmer:Joanna.Palmer@lancet.com   

Senior Editors   

Jessamy Bagenal:jessamy.bagenal@lancet.com   

Sean Cleghorn:sean.cleghorn@lancet.com   

Josefine Gibson:j.gibson@lancet.com   

Rebekka Park:r.park@lancet.com   

Jonathan Pimm:Jonathan.Pimm@lancet.com   

Miriam Sabin  m.sabin@lancet.com   


發件人:Team Outlook.com   











我看過視頻Round table conversation Nexus Conference 2017, 'The Last Revolution'。   



被您感動,引起我思考,寫了文章,The mechanism of human intelligence and the humanization of social governance,也許會對您有所幫助。僅僅是草稿,還需要完善。   

如果覺得可以,我想求您與Martin Jacques談談,是否發表在英國最古老的報紙上。   


The mechanism of human intelligence and the humanization of social governance    



Round table conversation Nexus Conference 2017, 'The Last Revolution'    



Chinese Medicine - A Promising Therapeutic Approach    


The approaches for enhancing the social cornerstones of Canada      


The feasible steps for improving Canada's health care system radically    


How to save Canada's manufacturing from disappearing    





我曾經與原ISO CEO張曉剛,在同一個科室工作過。   

Automatic reply: Treatment of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia by vinegar, vitamins  

Kishore Mahbubani   

周五2020/1/24 22:03你  

發件人: Team Outlook.com
發送時間: 2020年1月24日22:02
收件人: kishore_mahbubani@nus.edu.sg
抄送: cheliub@nus.edu.sg ; wangxinjie@fudan.edu.cn ; whcslyb@126.com
主題: Treatment of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia by vinegar, vitamins    

To professor Kishore Mahbubani,  

The Distinguished Fellow  

Asia Research Institute  

AS8 #07-01  

10 Kent Ridge Crescent  

Singapore 119260  



Dear professor Kishore Mahbubani:  

This is Li Hongde from Canada, a technical immigrant from China and now lives in Waterloo, On. Ca.  

I was convinced and appreciated that you are a rare rational politician and scholar who can speak truth from your writings and your speeches in the documentaries.  

Dec. 29, 2019, I wrote articleThe mechanism of human intelligence and the humanization of social governance, by which I am trying to dig the reason of the world has been increasingly chaos from the root level of human nature – it is not all people with human feature are in human nature, and liberal democracy is just in providing chance for inhuman people to exert the animal instinct by the power of the State Apparatus.  

Recently, I have been anxiously concerning the outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in China.  

Now facing the medical difficulties, the only way out at the updating in medical philosophy from Reductionism to Holism and thereby lead the humanization in treating human life from viewing human body as the assembly of inanimate parts in emotionless to be viewing as an organic whole with all parts are mutually influencing under the drive of emotion, by which humanize the way in treatment from looking for killing to be promoting for self-healing.  

Under such a philosophical vision, I wrote the attached article on the treatment of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia by vinegar, vitamins and natural Chinese medicinals.  

I tried to post on the website of the government of the city of Wuhan, China, but failed.  

I think that this matter needs the promotion personally by a capable scholar who can reach the top leaders of China, otherwise it cannot work.  

I hope that please you forward it to Professor Zhang Weiwei of Fudan China institute. He can reach the leaders in any level of the government of China.  

Also, you may share my article to the government of Singapore, I am sure that it will be good for the improvement of healthcare system.    

Best regard,    

Hongde Li, Jan. 24, 2020, 09:56pm in Waterloo, Canada    

Shares to    

whcslyb@126.com Government of Wuhan, China  

wangxinjie@fudan.edu.cnFudan China Institute  

cheliub@nus.edu.sgBin LIU, Vice President (Research and Technology), NUS  

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