YouTube 為屠殺辯護:彌賽亞猶太複國主義邪教如何征服西方 | 托馬斯·蘇亞雷斯
托馬斯·蘇亞雷斯的最新著作是《被劫持的巴勒斯坦:猶太複國主義如何從河流到海洋打造出一個種族隔離國家》,諾姆·喬姆斯基稱其為“一個令人震驚的故事,有大量的文獻記載……太過暴露,讓人無法容忍。”他的上一本書《恐怖國家:恐怖主義如何創造了現代以色列》被著名的以色列曆史學家伊蘭·帕佩稱讚為“一部大膽審視猶太複國主義在 20 世紀上半葉對巴勒斯坦及其人民影響的傑作”,以及“首次全麵、係統地分析了猶太複國主義運動以及後來的以色列國對巴勒斯坦人民實施的暴力和恐怖行為。”
巴勒斯坦被劫持 關於本書
《巴勒斯坦被劫持:猶太複國主義如何從河流到海洋打造出一個種族隔離國家》,諾姆·喬姆斯基稱其為“一個令人震驚的故事,有大量的文獻記載……太過暴露,讓人無法容忍。”他的上一本書《恐怖國家:恐怖主義如何創造了現代以色列》被著名以色列曆史學家伊蘭·帕佩稱讚為“一部大膽審視猶太複國主義在 20 世紀上半葉對巴勒斯坦及其人民影響的傑作”,以及“首次全麵、係統地分析了猶太複國主義運動以及後來的以色列國對巴勒斯坦人民實施的暴力和恐怖行為。”
本書利用大量解密的英國文件(其中許多文件從未出版過),詳細描述了 20 世紀 40 年代和 50 年代巴勒斯坦發生的令人震驚的猶太複國主義恐怖主義活動,目標是任何挑戰其彌賽亞定居者目標的人,無論是英國政府、巴勒斯坦土著人還是猶太人。
Justifying Slaughter: How the Cult of Messianic Zionism Conquered the West | Thomas Suárez
Acclaimed author and researcher Thomas Suárez, a former West-Bank resident and faculty member of Palestine’s National Conservatory of Music, appeared at UMass-Amherst on April 16 to talk about the historical roots of Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine, the complicity of Western governments in manufacturing consent to the continuing horrors unfolding in Gaza and the West Bank, and what it will take to fundamentally transform Israel’s current apartheid policies and liberate the Palestinian people.
Suárez, who is also a professional concert violinist and world-renowned cartographer, is the author of four books based on exhaustive archival research into the history of Zionism, Zionist terror, and Israel’s formation.
Thomas Suárez's most recent book isWe and our third party partners use cookies, pixels, and other tracking technologies to operate the site, enhance site navigation, analyze site usage and performance, and assist in our marketing efforts such as to display personalized content, including ads. Please review ourPrivacy Policy which applies to your use of this site and make your cookie choices below.
Palestine Hijacked, How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State from River to Sea

About The Book
How terror was used by Zionist militias to transform Palestine into an apartheid settler state.
The Israel-Palestine “conflict” is typically understood to be a clash between two ethnic groups—Arabs and Jews—inhabiting the same land. Thomas Suárez digs deep below these preconceptions and their supporting “narratives” to expose something starkly different: The violent take-over of Palestine by a European racial-nationalist settler movement, Zionism, using terror to assert by force a claim to the land that has no legal or moral basis.
Drawing extensively from original source documents, many revealed here for the first time, Suárez interweaves secret intelligence reports, newly-declassified military and diplomatic correspondence, and the terrorists’ own records boasting of their successes. His shocking account details a litany of Zionist terrorism against anyone in their way—the indigenous Palestinians, the British who had helped establish Zionism, and Jews who opposed the Zionist agenda.
Far from being isolated atrocities by rogue groups, the use of terror was deliberate and sustained, carried out or supported by the same leaders who then established and led the Israeli state. We are still living this history: The book proves that Israel's regime of Apartheid against the Palestinians and the continued expropriation of their country are not the result of complex historical circumstances, but the intended, singular goal of Zionism since its beginning.
Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State from River to Sea, which Noam Chomsky called "a damning story, heavily documented ... far too revealing to be tolerated." His previous book, State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel, was praised by the eminent Israeli historian Ilan Pappe as “a tour de force that looks boldly at the impact of Zionism on Palestine and its people in the first part of the 20th century,” and “the first comprehensive and structured analysis of the violence and terror employed by the Zionist movement, and later the state of Israel, against the people of Palestine.”
Why has the Israel-Palestine ‘conflict’ endured for so long, with no resolution in sight?
In this meticulously researched book, Thomas Suárez demonstrates that its cause is not the commonly depicted clash between two ethnic groups — Arabs and Jews — but the violent takeover of Palestine by Zionism, a European settler movement hailing from the era of ethnic nationalism.
Tapping a trove of declassified British documents, much of which has never before been published, the book details a shocking campaign of Zionist terrorism in 1940s and 1950s Palestine that targeted anyone who challenged its messianic settler goals, whether the British government, the indigenous Palestinians, or Jews.
Today's seemingly intractable quagmire is that terror campaign’s unfinished business, an Israeli state driven by unrequited territorial designs and the dream of ethnic ‘purity’. The role of Zionist terrorism in establishing the Israeli state and perpetuating today's conflict is laid bare in Suárez’s groundbreaking narrating of the unbroken historical record.
Thomas Suárez is a London-based historical researcher as well as a professional Juilliard-trained violinist and composer. A former West Bank resident, he devoted several years to researching poorly-tapped and newly-declassified historical archives to compile this story. His previous books include three landmark works on the history of cartography, and Writings on the Wall: Palestinian Oral Histories.