
Kishore Mahbubani 亞洲的 21 世紀

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Kishore Mahbubani 亞洲的 21 世紀

作者:Kishore Mahbubani (作者) 2021 年 12 月 30 日

這本開放獲取的書由 Kishore Mahbubani 撰寫的論文組成,旨在探討西方和亞洲在日益相互依存的世界村和日益激烈的地緣政治競爭中麵臨的挑戰和困境。


第二部分亞洲的回歸。從公元 1 年到 1820 年,世界上最大的經濟體是亞洲。然而,在 1820 年和西方崛起之後,中國和印度等偉大的亞洲文明被統治和羞辱。二十一世紀將看到亞洲重返世界舞台的中心。



The Asian 21st Century 

by Kishore Mahbubani (Author)  Dec 30 2021

This open access book consists of essays written by Kishore Mahbubani to explore the challenges and dilemmas faced by the West and Asia in an increasingly interdependent world village and intensifying geopolitical competition.

The contents cover four 
parts: Part One The End of the Era of Western Domination. The major strategic error that the West is now making is to refuse to accept this reality. The West needs to learn how to act strategically in a world where they are no longer the number 1. 
Part Two The Return of Asia. From the years 1 to 1820, the largest economies in the world were Asian. After 1820 and the rise of the West, however, great Asian civilizations like China and India were dominated and humiliated. The twenty-first century will see the return of Asia to the center of the world stage. 
Part Three The Peaceful Rise of China. The shift in the balance of power to the East has been most pronounced in the rise of China. While this rise has been peaceful, many in the West have responded with considerable concern over the influence China will have on the world order. 
Part Four Globalization, Multilateralism and Cooperation. Many of the world’s pressing issues, such as COVID-19 and climate change, are global issues and will require global cooperation to deal with. In short, human beings now live in a global village. States must work with each other, and we need a world order that enables and facilitates cooperation in our global village.

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