
Professor 理查德·沃爾夫 Richard Wolff

(2024-07-27 07:31:16) 下一個

理查德·大衛·沃爾夫 Richard David Wolff


1942 年 4 月 1 日出生,  美國馬克思主義經濟學家,以其在經濟方法論和階級分析方麵的工作而聞名。他是馬薩諸塞大學阿默斯特分校經濟學名譽教授,也是新學院國際事務研究生項目的客座教授。沃爾夫還在耶魯大學、紐約城市大學、猶他大學、巴黎第一大學(索邦大學)和紐約市布萊希特論壇教授經濟學。

1988 年,沃爾夫與他人共同創辦了《重新思考馬克思主義》雜誌。2010 年,他出版了《資本主義大爆發:全球經濟崩潰及其應對之策》,也以 DVD 形式發行。 2012 年,他出版了三本新書:《占領經濟:挑戰資本主義》(與大衛·巴薩米安合著,舊金山:城市之光出版社)、《競爭經濟理論:新古典主義、凱恩斯主義和馬克思主義》(與斯蒂芬·雷斯尼克合著,芝加哥:幹草市場出版社)。2019 年,他出版了著作《理解馬克思主義》。

沃爾夫主持每周 30 分鍾的節目《經濟更新》,該節目由他共同創辦的非營利組織《民主在工作》製作。《經濟更新》在 YouTube、FreeSpeech TV、紐約市 WBAI-FM(Pacifica Radio)、CUNY TV(WNYE-DT3)上播出,並可作為播客觀看。沃爾夫經常出現在電視、印刷和網絡媒體上。《紐約時報》雜誌稱他為“美國最傑出的馬克思主義經濟學家”。[9]沃爾夫與他的妻子兼長期合作者、執業心理治療師哈麗特·弗拉德 (Harriet Fraad) 住在曼哈頓。

Richard David Wolff


 (born 1 April, 1942) is an American Marxian economist known for his work on economic methodology and class analysis. He is a professor emeritus of economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a visiting professor in the graduate program in international affairs of the New School. Wolff has also taught economics at Yale University, City University of New York, University of Utah, University of Paris I (Sorbonne), and The Brecht Forum in New York City.

In 1988, Wolff co-founded the journal Rethinking Marxism. In 2010 he published Capitalism Hits the Fan: The Global Economic Meltdown and What to Do About It, also released on DVD. In 2012 he released three new books: Occupy the Economy: Challenging Capitalism, with David Barsamian (San Francisco: City Lights Books), Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynesian, and Marxian, with Stephen Resnick, and Democracy at Work (Chicago: Haymarket Books). In 2019 he released his book Understanding Marxism.[8]

Wolff hosts the weekly 30-minute-long program, Economic Update, which is produced by the non-profit Democracy at Work, which he co-founded. Economic Update is on YouTube, FreeSpeech TV, WBAI-FM in New York City (Pacifica Radio), CUNY TV (WNYE-DT3), and available as a podcast. Wolff is featured regularly in television, print, and internet media. The New York Times Magazine has named him "America's most prominent Marxist economist".[9] Wolff lives in Manhattan with his wife and frequent collaborator, Harriet Fraad, a practicing psychotherapist.



YouTube 2024年7月27日

沃爾夫教授向我們指出,西方和烏克蘭已經輸了戰爭掉了,俄羅斯贏了。他從美國曆史的角度分析了為什麽美國將中國崛起視為威脅。那麽,誰將成為新的全球秩序的領導者呢? 如果安排停火如果戰爭最終通過談判達成最終,西方極有可能會加班加點地讓俄羅斯成為邪惡的替罪羊,這將減輕中國的一些壓力,中國人真正能做的就是真正認真地向世界說我們不想成為另一個隨後崩潰的帝國,我們將努力在烏克蘭建立一個真正的多極世界,戰爭已經結束,俄羅斯贏得了烏克蘭,西方已經失去了,危險在於西方他們會因為這種損失而感到非常沮喪,以至於他們會冒著使用核武器的風險,然後我當然不知道這會將世界帶向何方我甚至不想去想它,因為它太可怕了,但諷刺的是,如果達成停火協議,如果戰爭最終通過談判結束,西方極有可能加班加點地讓俄羅斯是邪惡的、應受譴責的替罪羊,這將減輕中國的壓力,你們將開始看到,你們已經看到,美國和西歐正在竭力分裂中國和俄羅斯。這樣他們就可以指責俄羅斯,讓中國加入,或者至少置身事外。這一策略的問題在於,對於大多數美國人來說,他們從來沒有看到過俄羅斯製造的東西。如果你去美國的一家商店,所有的東西都寫著“中國製造”。我們買我的襯衫、我的電話,我桌子上的所有東西都是中國製造的,美國人都知道中國,他們知道電動汽車現在來自中國,他們知道太陽能可以讓他們使用太陽能發電來自中國等,所以可以說中國是邪惡的,沒有任何東西來自俄羅斯,美國人,我不知道從俄羅斯進口了什麽但你從來沒見過任何關於俄羅斯的東西,所以這會讓事情變得更加困難,另一方麵,他們把普京描繪成一個邪惡的戰爭販子,你知道,他已經被逮捕,並被當作戰犯,他們把普京變成了斯大林把斯大林複活為大惡魔,普京先生是現代斯大林,所以已經做了大量的工作,他們可能會繼續這樣做,但這將給中國帶來壓力,因為已經有美國領導人去中國告訴你不要發送貨物,不與俄羅斯進行貿易,不購買俄羅斯的石油和天然氣,我的意思是,你不聽,中國不聽,我知道俄羅斯人很感激,印度人也不聽,他們購買俄羅斯的石油和天然氣,這使得西方對俄羅斯的製裁變得毫無意義,改變了世界曆史,但我猜這需要做很多工作,我希望中國人能做這項工作,因為這將使我們更有可能成功一個我們可以解決分歧而不是最終陷入戰爭的世界,因為如果你想要一個看看烏克蘭或加沙,你就會明白戰爭會帶來什麽後果,戰爭解決不了任何問題,隻會讓一切變得更糟,這是我們的曆史,答案永遠是這樣的,這是我們的曆史,讓我給你舉個例子,當美國美國決定不再成為英國的殖民地,這就是英國人來到北美時進行種族清洗的原因,他們屠殺了住在這裏的人們,大量美洲原住民被英國人殺害好吧,他們和來自歐洲的定居者建立了一個殖民地,然後在 1776 年的某個時候,這些人不想再成為殖民地了,他們對英國說,我們想要獨立,當時英國是霸權國家,英國為了鎮壓獨立而進行了兩次戰爭,1776年的獨立戰爭,幾年後又發生了1812年的戰爭,這是英國第二次試圖摧毀這個獨立國家,所以這個國家是在與英國霸權帝國的鬥爭中誕生的,這就是為什麽這就是方法它思考了 19 世紀的世界,在兩次戰爭中擊敗英國後,它開始作為一個獨立國家進行經濟發展,它認為自己的使命是取代英國,而英國卻不這麽認為,他們認為世界就是這樣運轉的羅馬帝國、希臘帝國、土耳其帝國、大英帝國,現在輪到我們了,我們有了美利堅帝國,所以他們預計它會永遠存在,這有點幼稚,沒有一個帝國能永遠存在,每一個崛起的帝國也曾經衰落過,但他們不想考慮這一點,就像英國不想考慮他們的帝國的終結一樣,所以二戰後,美國發現自己處於一個非常獨特的地位其他具有潛在競爭力的經濟體被摧毀,英國、法國、德國、日本、俄羅斯、中國,許多人喪生,鐵路和工廠遭到嚴重破壞,你知道,你知道整個美國的狀況,除了珍珠港之外,沒有炸彈落在這裏,戰爭剛開始時,這裏沒有戰鬥,死亡的美國人數量比其他許多國家少得多,也沒有破壞,事實上,美國在 20 世紀 30 年代走出了大蕭條,戰爭使經濟複蘇,一半失業者得到了製服,參軍了,另一半失業者在工廠找到了工作,製造槍支、子彈和參軍人員使用的製服,具有諷刺意味的是,在 1945 年戰爭結束時,美國是絕對占主導地位的經濟強國,歐洲的重建是美國人出錢的,美國人生產並運往德國、法國,設備、機器,一切,所以在過去的 75 年裏,大約 1945 年到 2010 年 2015 年,美國占據絕對主導地位,曆史上一個又一個帝國,包括他們自己的帝國假設這就是中國人將要做的事情,當他們看到中國競爭對手在一個又一個行業中取得越來越大的成功時,當他們意識到像馬雲這樣的人已經能夠與政府一起發展中國技術,以便與西方最先進的技術競爭時,他們就無法理解正在發生的事情,這就是為什麽我之前對你說,中國人能做的真正原創的事情就是向世界真正而嚴肅地告訴世界,我們不想成為另一個崩潰的帝國,我們將努力發展一個真正的多極世界,如果中國人這樣做,如果他們能成功地向美國人民展示這一點,這可能是說服美國人民不要讓中國成為替罪羊,不要讓他們為那些他們沒有特別責任的事情負責,中國人確實提供了進入中國市場的勞動力,但他們這樣做是為了換取技術和進入西方市場的機會,他們得到了這是一種交換,沒有人拿槍指著別人的頭,這是一種自願的互利交流,如果中國人能夠讓大家明白,他們的目標不是取代美國,那麽你就能得到一個完全不同的曆史,但這並不容易做到,我敦促有興趣的中國人致力於此,但要意識到曆史意識形態障礙給我們所有人造成了這個問題

YouTube 美國經濟學家:中國崛起給美國人民帶來了希望



If a ceasefire is arranged if the war finally gets negotiated to an end it will be extremely likely that the West will work overtime to make Russia the evil blame worthy scapegoat and that will take some of the pressure off of China the really original thing that the Chinese can do is to say to the world really and seriously we don't want to be another Empire that then collapses we are going to try to develop a genuinely multi-polar World on the ground in Ukraine that war is already over Russia has won Ukraine and the West have lost the danger is that the West will be so upset by that loss that they will risk nuclear weapons and then of course I have no idea where that takes the world and I don't even want to think about it because it is so horrible but here's the ironic way it may help if a ceasefire is arranged if the war finally gets negotiated to an end it will be extremely likely that the West will work overtime to make Russia the evil blameworthy scapegoat and that will take some of the pressure off of China and what you'll begin to see and you're already seeing it is a desperate effort led by the United States and Western Europe to separate China from Russia to split to so that they can blame Russia and have China join or at least stay away the problem with that strategy is that for most Americans they never see anything made in Russia if you go to a store here in the United States everything says made in China everything we buy you know my shirt my telephone all the things here on my desk they're made in China everybody in America knows China right they know that the electric
cars are now coming from China and they know that the solar that allows them to use the Sun for electricity it comes from China etc., so they can be told China is the evil nothing comes from Russia Americans I don't know what is imported from Russia but you never see anything that says Russia so that will make it more difficult on the other hand they have portrayed Mr Putin as an evil warmonger you know there's a warrant out for his arrest as a war criminal they have they have turned Putin into Stalin they have resurrected Stalin as a great evil and Mr Putin is a modern uh Stalin so an enormous amount of work has been done and they may stay with that but that will put pressure on China as you already have American leaders go to China and tell you not to send Goods not to trade with Russia not not to buy Russian oil and gas I mean you don't China doesn't listen and and the Russians I know are grateful for that the Indians don't listen either and they buy the Russian oil and gas and and that made the Western sanctions against Russia useless has changed world history but my guess is it's going to take a lot of work and I hope the Chinese do that work because it'll make it more likely that we succeed in having a world where we work out our differences rather than end up in Warfare against one another because if you want to get an idea of where that leads just look at Ukraine or look at Gaza and you can see what Warfare will do it solves nothing and only makes everything much much worse it's our history it's always the answer it's our history let me give you an example when the United States decided it did not want anymore to be a colony of Great Britain which is how remember the British came to North America they ethnically clean that is they slaughtered the people who lived here the indigenous original American people were killed in huge numbers by the arriving British okay they set up a colony with settlers from Europe who came okay then at a certain point 1776 these people here didn't want to be a colony anymore and they said to England we want independence at that time England was the great hegemonic power the British fought two Wars to repress Independence the war of independence in 1776 and then a few years later what was called the War of 1812 the second time Britain tried to destroy the independent country so this country was born in a struggle against a hegemonic Empire Britain that's why this is the way it thinks about the world over the 19th century after the it had defeated Britain in both of those Wars it began to economically develop as an independent country and it saw its job as replacing Britain that they didn't they thought that's the way the world Works you've had the Roman Empire the Greek Empire the Turkish Empire the British Empire and now it's our turn we have the American Empire so they anticipated that it would last forever this is a little childish right no Empire has lasted forever every Empire that went up also fell down at some point but they didn't want to think about that just like the British didn't want to think about the end of their Empire so after World War II the United States discovered itself in an incredibly unique position all the other potentially competitive economies had been destroyed Britain France Germany Japan Russia China many people killed much destruction of railroads of factory you know you know the condition of all of the United States no bomb fell here with the exception of Pearl Harbor at the very beginning of the war there was no combat here the number of Americans killed much smaller than many other countries and no destruction in fact the United States came out of a Great Depression in the 1930s and the war picked the economy up half the unemployed people were given a uniform and put into the military and the other half of the unemployed people got jobs in factories making the guns and the bullets and the uniforms that the people who went into the army used so the irony was at the end of the war in 1945 the United States was the absolutely dominant economic power the rebuilding of Europe the Americans paid for that the Americans produced and literally shipped to Germany France the equipment the machines everything so the last 75 years roughly 1945 to roughly 2010 2015 have been the United States absolutely dominant and given their history of one Empire after another including their own their assumption is
that that's what the Chinese are going to do and as they watch Chinese competition becoming more and more sucuccessful in one industry after another when they realize that people like Jack maah and others have been able with the government to develop Chinese technology so that it competes with the most advanced technology in the west well then they they don't they can't understand anything else happening that's why I said to you earlier the really original thing that the Chinese can do is to say to the world really and seriously we don't want to be another Empire that then collapses we are going to try to develop a genuinely multi-polar world if the Chinese do that and if they can successfully show that to the American people that may be a very important way to convince the American people not to allow China to be scapegoated to be blamed for things that they have no particular uh blame for the Chinese offered true they offered Western capitalist Enterprises labor access to the Chinese market they did but they did that in exchange for technology and exchange for access to Western markets which they got this was an exchange nobody had a gun to anybody else's head it was a voluntary mutually profitable exchange if the Chinese can get that idea across if they can make it credible that their goal is not to be the heiman that replaces the United States then you could get a very different history but that that is not easy to do and I would urge those in China who are interested to be committed to this but to be aware of the historical ideological obstacles that create this problem for all of us.

The works of Richard Wolff


Richard Wolff: Resilience in a Time of Change

Don't miss Richard Wolff on WDRT 91.9fm as they cover various critical economic topics. Dr. Wolff discusses the changing global economic landscape, highlighting the rise of China as a major economic player. He emphasizes the need for resiliency in facing economic challenges and advises diversifying investments, including in gold. Dr. Wolff raises concerns about the declining American economy and its impact on job markets and trade. The interview concludes with insights on adapting to a shifting economic environment and the importance of being prepared for potential changes ahead.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt  July 26, 2024

Trump and the Billionaires

Join Richard Wolff on The Socialist Program as they explore the impact of billionaires like Elon Musk endorsing and financially supporting political campaigns, such as Trump's, with a focus on the changing economic landscape and the tensions between old and new capitalists. They discuss the historical pattern of capitalism that shifts based on profitability, causing conflicts within capitalist groups who seek different government interventions in their favor. The conversation delves into how current political tendencies, like proposing extreme tariffs against China, signify a declining American empire unwilling to adapt to a changing global dynamic. Wolff argues that the U.S. lacks genuine representation for the working class, with both Democrats and Republicans maintaining a system that benefits the wealthy elite at the expense of the majority. The interview concludes by emphasizing the urgent need for the U.S. to acknowledge its declining status and to cooperatively engage with emerging global powers for a sustainable future.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt  July 22, 2024

The Critical Hour: Weekly News Wrap Up (20.07.2024)

On The Critical Hour, Richard Wolff offers perspectives on global political economic dynamics, emphasizing the misjudgments of the U.S. in its confrontations with China and the seizing of Russian assets. He critiques past strategies, such as Trump's tariffs and trade wars that failed to cripple China's economic growth, which continued at a pace three times that of the U.S. Wolff warns of the risks for foreign investments in the U.S. considering the potential for seized assets, suggesting any such deal by China under current circumstances would be ill-advised. He addresses the emergent multipolar world economic order where the BRICS countries are now an economic powerhouse surpassing the traditional dominance of the West. Finally, Wolff stresses the importance of recognizing the shifting balances of global power, signaling a decline in Western capitalism, as countries strategize to navigate between the opposing geopolitical tensions.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
July 22, 2024

China Dumps US Debt, Fearing a Capitalist Armageddon

Watch Richard Wolff on Thinkers Forum as they discuss the shifting landscape of global capitalism, highlighting the transition of economic growth from the West to the East, with BRICS countries surpassing the G7 in GDP. Wolff critiques the American capitalist system, underscoring how corporations and the rich avoid taxes while receiving government services, leading to a reliance on borrowing and growing national debt. He explains that governments borrow from the wealthy, who benefit from not paying taxes and instead lending money to the state with interest. Wolff suggests this unsustainable model favors the elite and can lead to crisis if the masses refuse to bear the burden of debt repayment. The interview also touches on historical capitalist movements, noting how industrial centers shift to maximize profits, with China emerging as a powerful economic influence at the expense of traditional Western hegemonies.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
July 22, 2024

China Has to Make a HUGE Decision Now

Join Richard Wolff on Thinkers Forum as they explore the consequences of neoliberalism and globalization on the American working class, with a critical look at the policies from roughly the 1970s to 2015. Wolff highlights how these policies helped corporations profit by outsourcing labor and accessing new markets, while resulting in significant job losses and economic downturn in the US, particularly impacting the manufacturing sector and cities like Detroit. Political scapegoats, such as immigrants and China, have been utilized to divert blame from corporate and political leaders for the decline in American worker conditions and the rise in economic challenges. The interview delves into the ways in which both major political parties in the US have contributed to this issue, with Republicans focusing more on anti-immigrant sentiment while Democrats place more emphasis on blaming China, despite corporate America's continued interest in globalization.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
July 22, 2024

Brutal Signs of a Collapsing Empire

Richard Wolff discusses on Dialogue Works his perspective that both Western political ideologies and capitalism are in decline, as evidenced by election outcomes like Emmanuel Macron's defeat in France. He notes that neither the political right nor the left propose viable solutions to the systemic issues facing capitalist societies. Wolff highlights the growing economic might of China and asserts that the West's failure to establish partnerships with emerging powers is a strategic mistake. He views the BRICS countries' initiative for a North-South transportation corridor as a future economic powerhouse, with Europe potentially losing out for not being more integrated. Wolff concludes by expressing disappointment over Western denial of their declining global economic influence and calls for a more honest assessment of global economic shifts.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
July 10, 2024

France Marches Left as Far Right Suffers Huge Setback

In this The Socialist Program episode, Richard Wolff and Brian Becker talk about the surprising victory of the left in France under the new popular front, challenging the Macron government and the far right. He criticizes the biased coverage of the elections in the United States, emphasizing the importance of the leftist victory as indicative of broader shifts in European politics. Wolff points out that young French voters mainly supported socialist candidates, signifying a potential sustained leftist presence in French politics. Addressing American politics, he highlights the comparative exclusion of socialism within the U.S. political system, where major media fails to present socialist perspectives, and meaningful choices are limited by the dominant parties. Finally, he discusses the potential impact of another Donald Trump presidency on American society, suggesting that it could signify a rightward shift enacted by Supreme Court decisions rather than reflecting the true will of the American people.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
July 10, 2024

The Critical Hour: Weekly News Wrap-Up: Biden Debate Debacle

On The Critical Hour, Richard Wolff offers perspectives on the recent US presidential debate, critiquing the state of American capitalism and leadership. He scrutinizes the economic systems of the United States and other Western countries, noting a shift in global financial power to the BRICS nations. Wolff dismisses the personal economic claims of both candidates as irrelevant to the systemic issues facing the country, emphasizing the deeper structural failures such as the inability to provide adequate housing. He highlights the US's recent military and geopolitical losses as indicative of a declining empire, urging a more introspective national assessment. Additionally, Wolff challenges the notion that either Trump’s or Biden’s administration could single-handedly shape the economy, pointing to the complexities of global economic dynamics and growth disparities.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
July 08, 2024

BRICS on the Rise, Countries Ditching the Dollar & U.S. Empire Declines

Don't miss Richard Wolff on Rachel Blevins show as they cover the state of the US economy, exploring the rising cost of living and Americans' dwindling optimism about the economic future. Wolff criticizes other economists and mainstream media for being out of touch with the average person's struggles, highlighting the inability of many Americans to afford housing and education costs. They discuss the global economic shift as the BRICS alliance—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—surpasses the G7’s economic influence, reshaping world dynamics and lessening US power. With attention on the shift from dollar dependency and potential emergence of a collective global currency, Wolff proposes a future where instead of seeking dominance, leading countries like China might pursue a collective and more equitable global arrangement. Throughout the interview, both Wolff and Blevins emphasize a disconnect between government priorities and the needs of ordinary people, illustrated through domestic and international economic policies.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
July 01, 2024

Israel is Losing Significantly, and It's Only Getting Worse

Watch Richard Wolff on Dialogue Works as they discuss the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its repercussions in the United States, particularly in the context of student demonstrations and university responses. Wolff highlights the historical struggles between Israelis and Palestinians, emphasizing the imbalanced power dynamic and the controversial Israeli military actions, which he argues have only worsened the crisis. He expresses deep concern that U.S. universities and police have suppressed student protests against U.S. foreign policy through force, possibly curtailing civil liberties and igniting a wider student movement. Wolff also discusses the shifting global sympathies towards Palestine, fearing that Israel's actions are damaging its position and amplifying support for Palestinians as victims. Lastly, Wolff stresses the potential long-term impacts of these events, forecasting an energized movement among students and faculty that could influence future American politics and foreign policy.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
June 28, 2024

West's Colossal Failure: Peace Summit in Switzerland, US Decline, Rise of BRICS

On Dialogue Works, Richard Wolff covers the topic of global political dynamics, particularly focusing on the Ukraine conflict, the West's decline in influence, and the rise of China. He dissects the West's attempt to maintain control, despite the shifting economic balance towards Eastern powers like China and Russia, and criticizes the West's symbolic political gestures as ineffective. Wolff suggests that the efforts to break up Russia or isolate China are futile, as they form a strategic alliance with each other and with other nations turning away from Western alliances. He highlights the changing world order, where BRICS is expanding and the U.S. dollar's global role is waning, and describes the U.S. military spending and foreign policy rooted in a historical context of violence. Finally, Wolff argues that American politics is largely theatrical, failing to adapt to a world that no longer conforms to its narratives of dominance and seeing enemies everywhere.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
June 24, 2024

Capitalist Speculators Drive the Dangerous Math Behind Nuclear Energy

Richard Wolff joins The Socialist Program to discuss the recent 233% surge in uranium prices over five years due to geopolitical tensions and a shift in energy demands. Wolff emphasizes that the price spike is being driven not only by increased interest in nuclear energy as an alternative to Russian fuels but also by speculators seeking capital gains. He critiques the capitalist system for prioritizing profit over environmental and public health, highlighting how massive subsidies for fossil fuels could be redirected to develop renewable energy. Wolff also touches on the pressures faced by countries like India and China, as they seek to develop while dealing with historical economic disparities. Ultimately, he underscores the need for mass movement and public engagement to overcome the capitalist interests dominating global energy policy decisions.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
June 20, 2024

Economic Update: Labor Vs Capital Struggle in US Intensifies

In this week’s Economic Update, Professor Richard Wolff discusses The Washington Post's exposure of the corporate rich sponsoring police repression against student protests and how Boeing rewards CEOs while it exhibits the airlines' worst safety record. In addition, the UAW loses union election as German capitalists and southern governors join forces to intimidate workers with job threats. Finally, we highlight why mass public transport is a better alternative to gas-powered vehicles than electric vehicles.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
June 11, 2024

U.S. Escalates ‘Nuclear’ Risk: World Stands On 'Edge' Of Destruction

On David Lin's show, Richard Wolff covers the topic of escalating tensions in the Ukraine conflict and the potential descent into World War III not being adequately addressed in mainstream media. He outlines how Western powers, by potentially allowing Ukraine to conduct strikes inside Russia and discussing the use of Russia's seized assets to fund Ukraine's war efforts, have drastically escalated the situation. Wolff suggests that this confrontation is the most severe since the Cuban Missile Crisis, with the potential to broaden into a direct conflict involving the U.S. and Europe. Additionally, he touches on economic dimensions, criticizing U.S. sanctions against Russia as ineffective due to strengthening Russia-China ties, and he also presents his views on domestic economic policies, recommending alternatives to interest rate hikes for combating inflation. Lastly, Wolff advocates for workplace democracy, arguing that it could resolve economic dysfunctions and promote a broader democratic ethos.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
June 03, 2024

U.S. Health System Fails Cancer Patients, But Wildly Successful for Investors

Richard Wolff provides insights on The Socialist Program regarding the problematic nature of profiteering in the American healthcare system, especially the impact on cancer patients. He criticizes the system's failure to provide essential services and the resultant medical bankruptcies that affect two-thirds of Americans. Wolff emphasizes the stark contrast between the U.S. healthcare model and universal healthcare systems in Europe and other countries, which manage to cover all citizens at a lower cost and with better health outcomes. Discussing the immense profits of insurance companies and pharmaceuticals, he sees a fundamental need for a systemic overhaul to achieve equitable healthcare access. Despite being achievable under capitalism, Wolff argues that entrenched interests make such health reforms difficult without significant political transformation.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
May 29, 2024

The End of Financial Colonialism | Richard D. Wolff and Michael Hudson

Dialogue Works features Richard Wolff and Michael Hudson discussing the evolving geopolitical climate, specifically focusing on the shifts in global power dynamics involving Russia, China, and the West. He talks about the complex interplay between international trade, political ideologies, and the apparent failure of the U.S. to adapt to a multipolar world moving away from dollar hegemony. Both Wolff and his fellow speaker express doubts about the effectiveness of current U.S. foreign policies, criticizing their aggressive stance towards China and Russia. They predict worsening global relations unless there is a significant shift toward cooperation, and they highlight the potential for emerging economies to reset their financial and trade frameworks independent of the U.S. influence. Lastly, the interview touches on the diminishing impact of two-party political systems and the long-term implications of ongoing global conflicts.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
May 29, 2024

The Critical Hour: Weekly News Wrap Up (25.05.2024)

Richard Wolff provides insights on The Critical Hour regarding the state of the U.S. labor market, dismissing the notion that low unemployment is a sign of strength when wages and purchasing power are not keeping pace with inflation. Wolff argues that the real measure of a strong labor market should include job security, adequate benefits, and living wages that can keep up with the cost of living. He criticizes the mainstream narrative that the economy is strong when many Americans are experiencing a deterioration in their economic conditions. Citing historical examples, Wolff suggests alternative measures to combat inflation, such as price controls, that don't rely solely on interest rate hikes which can exacerbate the problem. Lastly, he calls out the disconnect between official economic indicators and the reality faced by non-supervisory, working-class Americans.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
May 28, 2024

Economic Update: New Energies Organizing Unions

In this week’s Economic Update, Professor Richard Wolff comments on US megabanks once again taking new off-the-books risks, Elon Musk endorsing right-wing undemocratic census proposals and Fossil Fuel industry executives bribe Trump with campaign donations. In addition, we highlight the many US and global labor unions and workers who have joined the movement in supporting of ending the Israeli military actions in Gaza.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
May 28, 2024

Economic Update: Roots of a Surging US Labor Movement

In this week’s Economic Update, Professor Richard Wolff discusses the reasons why the official United States unemployment rate is currently low in comparison to historic rates; We also highlight why U.S. restaurants are losing business. We then turn to the hypocrisy of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in the face of repression of growing American protest movement against Israeli policy in Gaza. In addition, we discuss Gabriel Zuckman's report on the economic impact of the dramatic cuts in taxes on billionaires vs rising taxes on the poorer half of the U.S.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
May 20, 2024

Lena Petrova: APWest’s Colossal Mistake: Us Decline, Rise of BRICS, Tariffs Damage US Economy

In this interview with Lena Petrova, Richard Wolff shares insights on the United States' waning dominance in the global economy, exacerbated by tariffs, sanctions, and a changing international power landscape. He highlights how U.S. external and internal economic policies are failing to adapt to the rise of competing economies, such as China, and the resultant shift to protectionism which may stoke further inflation. Wolff also critiques the growing national debt, which he connects to a mismatch between government spending demands and an aversion to raising taxes, leading to unsustainable borrowing. He foresees a generational shift as younger Americans question capitalism and propose more democratic workplace structures as a solution to inequality and systemic problems. Throughout, Wolff emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing deep-seated economic issues rather than relying on political posturing or short-term fixes.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
May 20, 2024

Dialogue Works: Ukraine Collapsing, Russia-China Alliance Tightens, NATO in Decline

In this Dialogue Works Interview, Richard Wolff talks about the shifting global economic dynamics with the rise of BRICS nations challenging the longstanding dominance of the G7 countries. He argues that China's economic growth and strategic alliances have created a larger economic unit than the G7, compelling nations worldwide to realign their economic ties. Wolff highlights the risks of American decline and the importance of recognizing this shift, as illustrated by the United States' strategic missteps with Russia and the war in Ukraine. He suggests that internal economic systems and class struggles deeply influence global power dynamics, potentially overshadowing geopolitical conflicts. Lastly, Wolff criticizes the US policy responses, such as increased tariffs, as symptomatic of a failure to adapt to a changing world order where other nations are capitalizing on globalization more effectively.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
May 20, 2024

The Socialist Program: Biden’s Tariff War on Clean Energy

Richard Wolff provides insights on The Socialist Program regarding the Biden administration's imposition of heavy tariffs on Chinese goods, particularly electric vehicles and green tech, as a protective measure for U.S. industries. Wolff argues that these tariffs are a response to American companies' failure to compete globally, particularly against China's advancements in electric vehicle production. The tariffs, he asserts, may lead to higher costs for American consumers and contribute to inflation, as it stifles competition and gives U.S. companies less incentive to innovate. Additionally, he criticizes the political motivations behind these tariffs, which are influenced by election politics and corporate lobbying rather than genuine concern for job creation or the climate crisis. Ultimately, Wolff suggests this protectionist strategy is indicative of a decline in American competitiveness and offers a critique of the capitalist system's approach to employment and environmental sustainability.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
May 15, 2024

The Critical Hour: Weekly News Wrap Up (11.05.2024)

In this The Critical Hour interview, Richard Wolff talks about the false narrative presented by capitalism's proponents regarding its benefits and the historical struggle required for workers' advancements. He critiques the stagnant federal minimum wage in the U.S. and highlights the resistance of capitalist structures to improve workers' livelihood. Wolff also dismantles the notion that China's success is attributable to capitalism, crediting their socialist approach for lifting millions out of poverty. He further argues that criticisms of China's and Russia's political systems are rooted in their refusal to submit to Western hegemony, not their actual governance models. Lastly, Wolff insists that America's decline is the result of systemic economic issues rather than external factors, challenging listeners to critically assess the reality of global economic shifts.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
May 15, 2024

Economic Update: Prospects for a Political Turn Left

This week’s Economic Update Professor Richard Wolff discusses the successful unionization drives that is sweeping across US universities (example: Boston University), We highlight the facts that disprove Biden's "great economy" claims and why inflation is much worse in the United States than in China. Finally we have an exclusive Interview with Jared Yates Sexton, writer and political analyst, on prospects for a left turn in US politics

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
May 13, 2024

Richard Wolff on Empowering Workplace Democracy: Address to Icelandic Labor Movement, April 18, 2024

In this address to Icelandic Labor Movement, Richard Wolff advocates for a radical reorganization of the workplace into worker cooperatives as a strategic solution to capitalism's deep-seated issues. He acknowledges the current unique struggles of American capitalism and the decline of the American empire, drawing parallels to Britain's historical economic descent. Wolff emphasizes that with capitalism in significant turmoil, there's an opportunity for strategic initiatives like worker co-ops, which are not a standalone solution but part of a broader goal for economic transformations. During the interview, Wolff also critiques capitalist strategies and highlights the increasing labor militancy in the United States as a response to systemic economic failures. Lastly, he suggests that the problems facing modern capitalism could be countered by government support of worker cooperatives, thus challenging the traditional profit-focused enterprise structure.

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Richard Wolff
posted by RICHARD WOLFF | 14099pt
May 08, 2024


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