
Manon Aubry 批評烏爾蘇拉·馮德萊恩

(2024-07-22 10:14:54) 下一個

Manon Aubry 批評歐盟委員會主席烏爾蘇拉·馮德萊恩


2024 年 7 月 22 日

在此訂閱:https://bit.ly/eudebates 刀鋒投票將導致委員會首位女性領導人再任五年任期,或歐盟陷入危機。烏爾蘇拉·馮德萊恩呼籲歐洲議會給予她第二任期歐盟委員會主席,她反對“我們社會的極端兩極分化”。

烏爾蘇拉·馮德萊恩提出了她對更強大、更繁榮的歐洲的願景。關鍵舉措包括一項新的清潔工業協議,以推動脫碳和工業增長,以及一個歐洲競爭力基金來促進創新。她宣布將加強安全,將歐洲刑警組織工作人員增加一倍,將歐洲邊境和海岸警衛隊人數增加兩倍至 30,000 人。她提出了一項歐洲民主盾牌,以對抗外國信息操縱和幹涉,以及一項歐洲經濟適用房計劃。

馮德萊恩女士還提出了一項農業計劃,以應對氣候變化的需要,並提出了一項婦女權利路線圖。她說:“我們必須讓年輕人充分利用歐洲的自由”,並強調了 Erasmus+ 計劃、心理健康以及解決與屏幕時間和社交媒體相關的問題(包括成癮行為)的重要性。





Manon Aubry criticizes EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen


Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/eudebates Knife-edge vote set to result in another five-year mandate for commission’s first female leader or a crisis for EU. Ursula von der Leyen has spoken out against “the extreme polarisation of our societies” as she appealed to the European parliament to give her a second term as European Commission president.

Ursula von der Leyen put forward her vision for a stronger and more prosperous Europe. Key initiatives include a new Clean Industrial Deal to drive decarbonisation and industrial growth, and a European Competitiveness Fund to boost innovation. She announced that she would boost security by doubling Europol’s staff and tripling the number of European Border and Coast Guards to 30 000. She proposed a European Democracy Shield for countering foreign information manipulation and interference, and a European Affordable Housing Plan.

Ms von der Leyen also suggested a plan for agriculture to address the need to adapt to climate change and a Roadmap for Women’s Rights. Saying that “we must enable young people to make the most of Europe’s freedoms”, she highlighted the importance of the Erasmus+ programme, mental health, and tackling issues related to screen time and social media, including addictive practices.

She put significant focus on defence, proposing to create a new post of Commissioner for Defence to drive the European Defence Union and calling for a comprehensive aerial defence system – a European Air Shield – to protect EU airspace and “as a strong symbol of European unity in defence matters”.

Ms von der Leyen reiterated the EU’s unwavering support for Ukraine, reaffirming that “Europe will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes”.

New Commissioner roles she announced include Housing, to tackle the continent’s housing crisis; the Mediterranean, to foster regional stability and cooperation; and Intergenerational Fairness, to ensure policies consider the needs of future generations.

Responding to her speech, MEPs emphasised the importance of listening more to workers, farmers, and industry voices. They welcomed the new policy focus on housing, and stressed the need for fair international competition, strong support for Ukraine, ending the war in Gaza, and better control of migration. Many called for continued efforts to push back against the rise of far right politics, and to promote social justice, climate action, and gender equality. Several MEPs wanted more focus on the fight against poverty, unemployment, and for a solidarity-based Europe.

Some MEPs also argued for the importance of listening to citizens’ desire for protection, identity, and sovereignty, rejecting excessive regulation and mass immigration while also calling for strategic autonomy. Some condemned current economic and agricultural policies, advocating instead for a Europe of free and sovereign nations.

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