
Bill Gates COVID-19 幾乎在各個方麵都加劇了不平等

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比爾·蓋茨:COVID-19 幾乎在各個方麵都加劇了不平等


作者:艾倫·伍爾霍斯特 2020 年 9 月 15 日

紐約,9 月 14 日(湯森路透基金會)——冠狀病毒大流行已經抹去了在未來十年消除世界貧困和饑餓等崇高目標方麵取得的進展,但 COVID-19 造成的經濟損失表明全球發展有多麽嚴重慈善家比爾蓋茨說,這是需要的。


該報告概述了 COVID-19 造成經濟損失並阻礙聯合國五年前通過的許多全球發展目標進展的方式。

微軟公司聯合創始人蓋茨在與記者舉行的電話會議上表示:“新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情不僅阻礙了進步,還讓進步倒退。”他和妻子梅琳達·蓋茨 (Melinda Gates) 於 2000 年成立了該慈善基金會。

2015 年,聯合國成員一致通過了 17 項可持續發展目標,即 SDG,這些目標讀起來就像是一份雄心勃勃的任務藍圖,從消除饑餓和性別不平等到擴大教育和醫療保健的機會。

這些目標的最後期限是 2030 年。


他說:“大流行強化了這些目標的重要性。” “畢竟,疫情幾乎在各個方麵都加劇了不平等。”

報告稱,二十年來,生活在極端貧困中的人數一直在下降,但新冠病毒危機已使近 3700 萬人陷入極端貧困。



根據聯合國 5 月份發布的《世界經濟形勢與展望》報告,近 90% 的世界經濟處於某種形式的封鎖之下,供應鏈受到幹擾,消費者需求受到抑製,數百萬人失業。


5 月份的聯合國報告預測,COVID-19 將在未來兩年內使全球經濟產出減少 8.5 萬億美元,並表示今年全球經濟預計將萎縮 3.2%,這是自 1930 年代大蕭條以來最嚴重的一次。

Bill Gates: COVID-19 Has Worsened Inequity in Nearly Every Way


By Ellen Wulfhorst Sept 15, 2020

NEW YORK, Sept 14 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) — The coronavirus pandemic has wiped out progress on lofty goals such as ending world poverty and hunger in the next decade, but the economic damage of COVID-19 shows how badly such global development is needed, philanthropist Bill Gates said.

Across the world, the virus has deepened social and economic inequality in areas like education, pay, and health care access, Gates said in remarks accompanying Monday's release of a global development report by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The report outlines ways in which COVID-19 has wreaked economic damage and derailed progress on many of the global development goals adopted by the United Nations five years ago.

"The COVID-19 pandemic not only stopped progress, it kicked it backward," said Gates, who co-founded Microsoft Corp., in a conference call with reporters. He and his wife, Melinda Gates, set up the philanthropic foundation in 2000.

UN members unanimously passed 17 Sustainable Development Goals, known as SDGs, in 2015, that read like a blueprint of ambitious tasks from ending hunger and gender inequality to expanding access to education and health care.

The goals had a deadline of 2030.

"The SDGs represent the values that we have for humanity as a whole," Gates said.

"The importance of the goals if anything is reinforced by the pandemic," he said. "After all, the pandemic has in almost every dimension made inequity worse."

The number of people living in extreme poverty had been dropping for two decades, but the coronavirus crisis has pushed nearly 37 million more into the category, the report said.

It said the pandemic has widened inequality between men and women in terms of unpaid work, with women handling more child care and housework than ever before.

Experts have been warning since the virus emerged that the global goals would be threatened as economies shrink, public financing dries up and international cooperation wanes.

Nearly 90% of the world economy has been under some form of lockdown, disrupting supply chains, depressing consumer demand, and putting millions out of work, according to a UN World Economic Situation and Prospects report issued in May.

Earlier critical assessments of the Global Goals had predicted that conflict or climate change would slow progress, but the pandemic marks the biggest obstacle yet, specialists have said.

The May UN report predicted COVID-19 would slash global economic output by $8.5 trillion over the next two years and said the global economic contraction of 3.2% projected for this year was the sharpest since the Great Depression in the 1930s. 

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