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作者:馬可·費爾南德薩 四月 13, 2023

盧拉·達席爾瓦 (Lula da Silva) 和迪爾瑪·羅塞夫 (Dilma Rousseff) 於 2009 年 11 月推動巴西增長加速計劃 (PAC)。照片:維基百科

巴西總統路易斯·伊納西奧·盧拉·達席爾瓦期待已久的中國之行的第一個活動是本周四(4 月 13 日)迪爾瑪·羅塞夫就任新開發銀行(俗稱金磚國家銀行)行長的正式宣誓儀式。


近年來,金磚國家的活力逐漸減弱。 原因之一是巴西的退出,巴西一直是該集團的引擎之一,其右翼和極右翼政府(2016年至2022年)選擇與美國結盟。


繼2022年上一次由北京主辦、線上舉行的金磚國家領導人會晤後,擴大金磚國家形象的想法更加堅定,預計今年會有更多國家加入。 三個國家已經正式申請加入該組織(阿根廷、阿爾及利亞和伊朗),其他幾個國家也正在公開考慮這樣做,包括印度尼西亞、沙特阿拉伯、土耳其、埃及、尼日利亞和墨西哥。

金磚國家在世界經濟中占有越來越重要的地位。 按購買力平價(PPP)計算的國內生產總值(GDP),中國是最大的經濟體,印度排名第三,俄羅斯排名第六,巴西排名第八。 金磚國家目前占全球 GDP 購買力平價的 31.5%,而七國集團的份額已降至 30%。




金磚國家之間的雙邊貿易也強勁增長:巴西與中國的貿易額逐年打破紀錄,2022年達到1500億美元; 巴西和印度之間,2020年至2021年增長了63%,達到超過110億美元; 2022年4月至2022年12月,俄羅斯對印度的出口額比上年同期增長了兩倍,達到328億美元; 而中俄貿易額則從2021年的1470億美元躍升至2022年的1900億美元,增長約30%。

烏克蘭衝突使他們在政治上更加接近。 中國和俄羅斯從未像現在這樣結盟,建立了“無限的夥伴關係”,這一點從習近平主席最近對莫斯科的訪問中可見一斑。

南非和印度不僅拒絕屈服於北約譴責俄羅斯引發衝突或對其實施製裁的壓力,而且還向莫斯科走得更近。 近年來與美國走得更近的印度似乎越來越致力於南方國家的合作戰略。


第二個基金可能成為國際貨幣基金組織 (IMF) 的替代基金,但自 2015 年成立以來缺乏強有力的領導,並且五個成員國缺乏堅實的戰略,阻礙了 CRA 的騰飛。

當前,全球南方的主要戰略戰役之一是創造美元霸權的替代品。 正如美國共和黨參議員馬可·盧比奧三月下旬所承認的那樣,如果各國減少美元的使用,美國將越來越失去製裁這些國家的能力。

各國之間幾乎每周都會達成一項繞過美元的新協議,例如巴西和中國最近宣布的協議。 後者已經與25個國家和地區達成了類似協議。

該項目之所以被稱為R5,是因為金磚國家的貨幣都以R開頭:人民幣、盧布、雷亞爾、盧比和蘭特。 這將使這些國家在不使用美元的情況下緩慢增加不斷增長的相互貿易,並減少其國際美元儲備的份額。

迄今為止另一個尚未開發的潛力是利用應急儲備安排(總計 1000 億美元)來拯救無力償債的人


當一個國家的國際儲備耗盡美元(並且無法再進行海外貿易或償還外債)時,它被迫向國際貨幣基金組織請求救助,國際貨幣基金組織利用了該國的絕望和缺乏實施緊縮的選擇 包括削減國家預算和公共服務、私有化和其他新自由主義措施的一攬子計劃。


目前,金磚五國的國際儲備沒有問題,但阿根廷、斯裏蘭卡、巴基斯坦、加納、孟加拉國等國的處境卻很糟糕。 如果他們能夠以更好的條件進入CRA,償還貸款,這將意味著金磚國家的政治突破,金磚國家將開始展示出建立華盛頓和布魯塞爾金融霸權替代方案的能力。

新開發銀行還需要開始自身去美元化,以五個成員國的貨幣開展更多業務。 例如,新開發銀行迄今為止批準的價值 328 億美元的項目中,約 200 億美元為美元,約 30 億美元為歐元。 隻有 50 億美元是人民幣,其他貨幣則很少。

重組和擴大新開發銀行和信用評級機構將是一個巨大的挑戰。 這五個國家的領導人需要在共同戰略上保持一致,以確保這兩個工具履行其最初的使命,但這並不容易。

迪爾瑪·羅塞夫 (Dilma Rousseff) 是一位經驗豐富、全球受人尊敬的領導人,她為新的開始帶來了希望。 羅塞夫在 20 世紀 60 年代和 1970 年代反對巴西的軍民獨裁,並因此入獄三年。 她在2000年代成為盧拉總統的重要部長之一,並當選為巴西第一位女總統,隨後贏得連任(2010年和2014年)。

她一直在任,直到被國會以欺詐為由的政變推翻(2016 年),國會後來承認了欺詐行為。 她剛剛重返政治生活,管理南半球最有前途的機構之一。

本文由 Globetrotter 製作,並提供給《亞洲時報》。


馬可·費爾南德斯 (Marco Fernandes) 是三大洲社會研究所的研究員。 他是《東升》雜誌的聯合編輯,該雜誌是一個由對中國政治和社會感興趣的國際研究人員組成的團體,也是“無冷戰”團體的成員。 他住在北京。

BRICS gains new chance to improve global development


New Development Bank and Contingent Reserve Arrangement may be able to fulfill their original mission under Dilma Rousseff


Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff promote Brazil's Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) in November 2009. Photo: Wikipedia

The first event of Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s long-awaited visit to China is the official swearing-in ceremony of Dilma Rousseff as president of the New Development Bank (popularly known as the BRICS Bank) this Thursday, April 13.

The appointment of the former president of Brazil to the post demonstrates the priority that Lula will give to the BRICS countries (Brazil, China, India, Russia and South Africa) in his government.

Also read: Will Lula find his El Dorado in China?

In recent years, BRICS has been losing some of its dynamism. One of the reasons was the retreat of Brazil, which had always been one of the engines of the group, in a choice made by its right-wing and far-right governments (2016-2022) to align with the United States.

A new momentum for BRICS?

After the last BRICS Summit in 2022, hosted by Beijing and held online, the idea of expanding the group was strengthened, and more countries are expected to join this year. Three countries have already officially applied to join the group (Argentina, Algeria and Iran), and several others are publicly considering doing so, including Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Nigeria and Mexico.

The BRICS countries occupy an increasingly important place in the world economy. In GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP), China is the largest economy, India is third, Russia sixth, and Brazil eighth. BRICS now represents 31.5% of the global GDP PPP, while the Group of Seven’s share has fallen to 30%.

The BRICS countries are expected to contribute more than 50% of global GDP by 2030, with the proposed enlargement almost certainly bringing that forward.

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Bilateral trade among BRICS countries has also grown robustly: Trade between Brazil and China has been breaking records every year and reached US$150 billion in 2022; between Brazil and India, there was a 63% increase from 2020 to 2021, reaching more than $11 billion; Russia tripled exports to India from April to December 2022 compared with the same period the preceding year, expanding to $32.8 billion; while trade between China and Russia jumped from $147 billion in 2021 to $190 billion in 2022, an increase of about 30%.

The conflict in Ukraine has brought them closer together politically. China and Russia have never been more aligned, with a “no limits partnership,” as visible from President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to Moscow

South Africa and India have not only refused to yield to NATO pressure to condemn Russia for the conflict or impose sanctions on it, but they have moved even closer to Moscow. India, which in recent years has been closer to the United States, seems to be increasingly committed to the Global South’s strategy of cooperation.

Alternatives to the dollar

The two most important instruments created by BRICS are the New Development Bank (NDB) and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA).

The first has the objective of financing several development projects, with an emphasis on sustainability, and is regarded as a possible alternative to the World Bank.

The second could become an alternative fund to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), but the lack of strong leadership since its inauguration in 2015 and the absence of a solid strategy from the five member countries has prevented the CRA from taking off.

Currently, one of the major strategic battles for the Global South is the creation of alternatives to the hegemony of the US dollar. As Republican US Senator Marco Rubio confessed in late March, the United States will increasingly lose its ability to sanction countries if they decrease their use of dollars.

Almost once every week, there is a new agreement between countries to bypass the dollar, such as the one recently announced by Brazil and China. The latter already has similar deals with 25 countries and regions.

The project is called R5 because of the coincidence that all the currencies of BRICS countries start with R: renminbi, rubles, reais, rupees, and rands. This would allow these countries slowly to increase their growing mutual trade without using the dollar and also decrease the share of their international dollar reserves.

Another untapped potential so far is the use of the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (totaling $100 billion) to rescue insolvent countries.

When a country’s international reserves run out of dollars (and it can no longer trade abroad or pay its foreign debts), it is forced to ask for a bailout from the IMF, which takes advantage of the country’s desperation and lack of options to impose austerity packages with cuts in state budgets and public services, privatizations, and other neoliberal measures.

For decades, this has been one of the weapons of the United States and the European Uniion to ensure the implementation of neoliberalism in the countries of the Global South.

Right now, the five BRICS members have no issues with international reserves, but countries including Argentina, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Ghana and Bangladesh find themselves in a bad situation. If they could access the CRA, with better conditions for repaying loans, this would mean a political breakthrough for BRICS, which would begin to demonstrate the ability to build alternatives to the financial hegemony of Washington and Brussels.

The NDB would also need to start de-dollarizing itself, having more operations with the currencies of its five members. For instance, from the $32.8 billion worth of projects approved so far at the NDB, around $20 billion was in dollars, and around the equivalent of $3 billion was in euros. Only $5 billion was in renminbi, and very little was in other currencies.

To reorganize and expand the NDB and the CRA will be a huge challenge. The leaderships of the five countries will need to be aligned on a common strategy that ensures that both instruments fulfill their original missions, which won’t be easy.

Dilma Rousseff, an experienced and globally respected leader, brings hope for a new beginning. Rousseff fought against Brazil’s civil-military dictatorship in the 1960s and 1970s and spent three years in prison for it. She became one of President Lula’s key ministers in the 2000s, and she was elected Brazil’s first female president and then won re-election (2010 and 2014).

She was in office until she was overthrown by a coup based on fraudulent grounds by Congress (2016), which has since admitted the fraud. She just returned to political life to run one of the most promising institutions in the Global South.

After all, as president, Dilma Rousseff never shied away from huge challenges.

This article was produced by Globetrotter, which provided it to Asia Times.

Marco Fernandes is a researcher at Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. He is the co-editor of Dongsheng, an international collective of researchers interested in Chinese politics and society, and is a member of the No Cold War collective. He lives in Beijing.

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