
尚達曼 Tharman Shanmugaratnam

(2024-04-21 15:47:34) 下一個



I have times reviewed this video; the radical difference of two speakers revealed the root reason that why Lee Kuan Yew was able to develop Singapore as humanized country; while the democracy can go popular in West and has been ruining the player country and human world,

An investigative interview: Singapore 50 years after independence - 45th St. Gallen Symposium




尚達曼(Tharman Shanmugaratnam,1957年2月25日出生),新加坡政治家和經濟學家,自 2023 年起擔任新加坡第九任總統。

在擔任總統之前,尚達曼於 2019 年至 2023 年期間擔任新加坡高級部長,於2015年至 2023 年期間擔任社會政策統籌部長,並於 2011 年至 2023 年期間擔任新加坡金融管理局主席。

尚達曼是一位經濟學家,其職責主要與經濟和社會政策相關。 他還同時領導多個國際理事會和小組。 尚達曼擔任三十國集團董事會主席,該集團是一個由來自公共和私營部門以及學術界的經濟和金融領導人組成的全球委員會。 他還與 Ngozi Owonjo-Iweala、Mariana Mazzucato 和 Johan Rockström 共同擔任全球水經濟委員會的聯合主席。 其初步建議幫助形成了 2023 年 3 月聯合國水會議的成果。自 2021 年以來,尚達曼還擔任 G20 流行病防範和應對全球融資高級別獨立小組的聯合主席。2017 年,尚達曼被任命為 G20 全球金融治理知名人士小組。

他曾是執政黨人民行動黨(PAP)的成員,並於2001年至2023年期間擔任代表裕廊集選區的裕廊分區的國會議員。他還於2011年至2019年期間擔任副總理、財政部長 2007年至2015年擔任教育部長,2003年至2008年擔任教育部長。

尚達曼在2001年大選中首次亮相,並在隨後的2006年、2011年、2015年和2020年大選中四次當選國會議員。2023年6月8日,尚達曼宣布有意競選2023年總統選舉 由於總統職位是無黨派職位,他計劃於 2023 年 7 月 7 日辭去在政府中的所有職務以及人民行動黨成員的職務。 2023年9月2日,尚達曼以70.41%的壓倒性優勢獲得70.41%的選票,當選為新加坡第九任總統。 他是第一位在新加坡有爭議的總統選舉中獲勝的非華裔總統候選人。 


尚達曼 1957 年出生於英國殖民統治期間的新加坡一個錫蘭泰米爾裔家庭,並在印度教信仰中長大。[4] 尚達曼年輕時就讀於英華學校 (ACS)[5],隨後畢業於倫敦經濟學院 (LSE),獲得經濟學理學學士學位。 (倫敦經濟學院後來於 2011 年授予他榮譽院士稱號)。

隨後,他繼續前往劍橋大學沃爾夫森學院學習,並在那裏獲得了經濟學哲學碩士學位。 [7] 隨後,他成為哈佛大學肯尼迪學院的學生,在那裏完成了公共管理 (MPA) 碩士學位,並獲得了 Lucius N. Littauer 研究員獎(授予表現出卓越學術成就和領導力的 MPA 學生) 。

尚達曼 20 世紀 70 年代在英國留學時是一名學生活動家。[8] 他最初持有社會主義信仰,但他對經濟學的看法在他的工作生涯中不斷演變。

Tharman Shanmugaratnam


From Wikipedia

Tharman Shanmugaratnam[a] (born 25 February 1957), also known mononymously as Tharman, is a Singaporean politician and economist who has been serving as the ninth president of Singapore since 2023.

Prior to his presidency, Tharman served as Senior Minister of Singapore between 2019 and 2023, Coordinating Minister for Social Policies between 2015 and 2023, and Chairman of the Monetary Authority of Singapore between 2011 and 2023.[1]

Tharman is an economist in roles principally related to economic and social policies. He has also led various international councils and panels simultaneously. Tharman chairs the Board of Trustees of the Group of Thirty, a global council of economic and financial leaders from the public and private sectors and academia. He also co-chairs the Global Commission on the Economics of Water with Ngozi Owonjo-Iweala, Mariana Mazzucato and Johan Rockström. Its initial recommendations helped shape the outcomes of the UN Water Conference in March 2023. Tharman has also been co-chair of the G20 High Level Independent Panel on Global Financing for Pandemic Preparedness and Response since 2021. In 2017, Tharman was appointed to chair the G20 Eminent Persons Group on Global Financial Governance.

A former member of the governing People's Action Party (PAP), he was the Member of Parliament (MP) representing the Taman Jurong division of Jurong GRC between 2001 and 2023. He also served as Deputy Prime Minister between 2011 and 2019, Minister for Finance between 2007 and 2015, Minister for Education between 2003 and 2008.

Tharman made his political debut in the 2001 general election, and has been re-elected to Parliament four times at subsequent general elections in 2006, 2011, 2015 and 2020. On 8 June 2023, Tharman announced his intention to run for the 2023 presidential election and his scheduled resignation on 7 July 2023 from all his positions in the government and as a member of the PAP, as the presidency is a non-partisan office.[2] On 2 September 2023, Tharman was announced as the winner after receiving 70.41% of the vote in a landslide victory and was elected as the ninth president of Singapore. He is the first presidential candidate not of Chinese descent to win in a contested presidential election in Singapore.[3]

Early life and education
Tharman was born in Singapore during British colonial rule in 1957 to a family of Ceylonese Tamil origin and was raised in the Hindu faith.[4] In his youth, Tharman attended the Anglo-Chinese School (ACS)[5] before graduating from the London School of Economics (LSE) with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics. (LSE later awarded him an Honorary Fellowship in 2011).[6]

He subsequently went on to Wolfson College at the University of Cambridge, where he completed a Master of Philosophy degree in economics.[7] He then became a student at the Harvard Kennedy School at Harvard University, where he completed a Master in Public Administration (MPA) degree and was a recipient of the Lucius N. Littauer Fellows Award (given to MPA students who demonstrate academic excellence and leadership).

Tharman was a student activist while studying in the United Kingdom during the 1970s.[8] He originally held socialist beliefs, but his views on economics evolved over the course of his working career.[8]


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