
李光耀1965年拒美軍基地 誘捕中情局特工

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fasion stopper看新加坡  2020年8月16日


在六十年代預測對了一件事,數十年之後的李光耀的確成為了和亞曆山大大帝與拿破侖一樣可以名留千古的人物。 這段講話發生在1965年8月30日,新加坡剛脫離馬來西亞不到一個月。李光耀通過這個機會向外界發出明確信號,雖然獨立不久的新加坡百廢待興,經濟和防衛極度脆弱,但新加坡不希望外國勢力趁機滲透進新加坡。如果當時李光耀拿了外國的賄賂,或是邀請外國軍隊進駐,那新加坡定會像南越一樣領導人一茬茬的更換,李光耀落跑去倫敦做寓公,新加坡淪落成巴拿馬。

i want to be quite frank with you here
if the british withdraw
i am prepared to go on with the
australians and the new zealanders
but i am not prepared to go on with the
what why not mr prime minister why do
you think america can i put it this way
i think there are highly
intelligent well-meaning often
people and some of their leaders
like kennedy the late president had
signs of
growing greatness depth but
you know by and large the administration
lacks death
and judgment or wisdom
which comes out of an accumulation of
knowledge of human beings and human
over a long period of time that's
and it's not therefore what have they
three 400 years of history and they've
become a nation just recently
you know i'll tell you this i've had
three experiences
only three experiences with the
and they did not intend any harm in each
one of them
but the tragedy was they did real harm
first this is old stuff now
we caught an american cia agent trying
subvert our intelligence special branch
bribe him so that the special branch
will feed the cia because the cia
wants to know what's happening i mean
a singapore officer the man
might have succeeded but i'm proud to
say that the officer
offered large sum of money and
sums of money this was in 1960
refused and reported the matter to his
who reported it to me man was caught
locked up
and it was on razor's edge whether we
charged him in open court or not
no no let me explain this when i told
the american government
all right we keep quiet you take this
man away
100 million dollars to the singapore
government for economic development
no no no listen to me i didn't you know
i i never spoke to the americans direct
you know it's they are they lack the
finesse and you know some they
they may say yes they give it to you why
not why should the singapore government
just give to you
to me which would have ruined me
but through an intermediary they offered
and my party 10 million dollars
i mean the insult you know i told them
keep it earth men like ramses alexander
caesar napoleon hitler lee kwan
your whole earth history is made up of
men seeking absolute power
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