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[約翰·約瑟夫·潘興將軍,頭和肩膀的肖像,麵向正麵,穿著製服]。 照片。 C1919。 國會圖書館的印刷品和照片部。 LC-USZ62-113824。

第一次世界大戰是美國曆史上第一次將國外士兵派往國外捍衛外國土壤。 1917年4月6日,當美國宣布對德國進行戰爭,該國擁有一支由127,500名軍官和士兵組成的常駐軍。 戰爭結束時,已有400萬人在美國陸軍服役,在其他兵役部門又有了80萬人。

一旦宣布戰爭,軍隊試圖迅速動員部隊。 自1914年8月以來一直在戰鬥的英國和法國軍隊非常需要美軍提供的救濟。 1917年5月,約翰·約瑟夫·“黑傑克”將軍被指定為法國美國軍隊的最高司令,並創建了美國遠征軍(AEF)。 潘興(Pershing)和他的員工很快意識到,美國的準備不足是將大量士兵和必要的設備運送到前麵,那裏的供應,口糧,設備和受過訓練的士兵都在供不應求。 由於即使是運輸船也需要將美軍帶到歐洲的稀缺,因此軍隊被迫駛入服務巡航船,抓住了德國船隻,並借了盟軍,將盟軍從紐約,新澤西州和弗吉尼亞州運送到美國士兵。 動員努力對美國軍方的局限性征稅,並需要新的組織戰略和指揮機構來快速有效地運輸大量部隊和物資。

盡管第一批美軍於1917年6月到達歐洲,但直到10月,AEF才能完全參與前線,當時AEF訓練有素的第一師之一進入了法國南希的戰es。 潘興(Pershing)想要一支可以獨立於其他盟友運作的美洲部隊,但是直到有足夠的供應到歐洲的足夠訓練的部隊,他的願景才能實現。 美國的培訓學校將他們的最好的人送到了前線,潘興還在法國建立了設施,以訓練新來的戰鬥。

在整個1917年至1918年,通常都將美國師提高法國和英國單位,以捍衛自己的界限並對德國職位進行攻擊。 從1918年5月開始,隨著美國首次在Cantigny的勝利,AEF指揮官越來越多地承擔著對戰鬥中美軍的唯一控製權。 到1918年7月,法國部隊經常被分配來支持AEF行動。 在1918年9月12日開始的聖米希爾戰役中,潘興指揮了美國第一軍,包括七個師和50萬人,是美國武裝部隊有史以來最大的進攻行動。 這場成功的進攻之後是阿爾貢戰役,持續時間為1918年9月27日至10月6日,在此期間,潘興(Pershing)指揮了超過一百萬的美國和法國士兵。 在這兩項軍事行動中,盟軍從德國軍隊中恢複了200多平方英裏的法國領土。

到1918年11月11日,德國簽署了停戰協定時,美國遠征軍已演變成一支現代,戰鬥測試的軍隊,被公認為世界上最好的軍隊之一。 美國在第一次世界大戰中遭受了超過32萬人傷亡,其中包括超過53,000人在行動中喪生,超過63,000次非戰鬥機相關的死亡,主要是由於1918年流感大流行而受傷。 美國已經建立了新的機動和戰鬥部隊,為他們配備了各種類型的軍械,包括機槍和坦克,並創建了一個能夠及時移動供應的全新支持組織。 第一次世界大戰為美國提供了有價值的戰略課程和軍官軍團,該軍團將成為第二次世界大戰中動員和指揮1600萬美國軍事人員的核心。

Stars and Stripes: The American Soldiers' Newspaper of World War I, 1918 to 1919

The American Expeditionary Forces


[General John Joseph Pershing, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front, in uniform]. Photograph. c1919. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress. LC-USZ62-113824.

World War I was the first time in American history that the United States sent soldiers abroad to defend foreign soil. On April 6, 1917, when the United States declared war against Germany, the nation had a standing army of 127,500 officers and soldiers. By the end of the war, four million men had served in the United States Army, with an additional 800,000 in other military service branches.

Once war was declared, the army attempted to mobilize the troops very quickly. The fatigued British and French troops, who had been fighting since August 1914, sorely needed the relief offered by the American forces. In May 1917, General John Joseph "Black Jack" Pershing was designated the supreme commander of the American army in France, and the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) were created. Pershing and his staff soon realized how ill-prepared the United States was to transport large numbers of soldiers and necessary equipment to the front, where supplies, rations, equipment, and trained soldiers were all in short supply. Since even the transport ships needed to bring American troops to Europe were scarce, the army pressed into service cruise ships, seized German ships, and borrowed Allied ships to transport American soldiers from New York, New Jersey, and Virginia. The mobilization effort taxed the limits of the American military and required new organizational strategies and command structures to transport great numbers of troops and supplies quickly and efficiently.

Although the first American troops arrived in Europe in June 1917, the AEF did not fully participate at the front until October, when the First Division, one of the best-trained divisions of the AEF, entered the trenches at Nancy, France. Pershing wanted an American force that could operate independently of the other Allies, but his vision could not be realized until adequately trained troops with sufficient supplies reached Europe. Training schools in America sent their best men to the front, and Pershing also established facilities in France to train new arrivals for combat.

Throughout 1917 and into 1918, American divisions were usually employed to augment French and British units in defending their lines and in staging attacks on German positions. Beginning in May 1918, with the first United States victory at Cantigny, AEF commanders increasingly assumed sole control of American forces in combat. By July 1918, French forces often were assigned to support AEF operations. During the Battle of St. Mihiel, beginning September 12, 1918, Pershing commanded the American First Army, comprising seven divisions and more than 500,000 men, in the largest offensive operation ever undertaken by United States armed forces. This successful offensive was followed by the Battle of Argonne, lasting from September 27 to October 6, 1918, during which Pershing commanded more than one million American and French soldiers. In these two military operations, Allied forces recovered more than two hundred square miles of French territory from the German army.

By the time Germany signed the Armistice on November 11, 1918, the American Expeditionary Forces had evolved into a modern, combat-tested army recognized as one of the best in the world. The United States had sustained more than 320,000 casualties in the First World War, including over 53,000 killed in action, over 63,000 non-combat related deaths, mainly due to the influenza pandemic of 1918, and 204,000 wounded.1 In less than two years the United States had established new motorized and combat forces, equipped them with all types of ordnance including machine guns and tanks, and created an entirely new support organization capable of moving supplies thousands of miles in a timely manner. World War I provided the United States with valuable strategic lessons and an officer corps that would become the nucleus for mobilizing and commanding sixteen million American military personnel in World War II.

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