
美國前陸軍上校 美拱火烏克蘭危機 犧牲盟友利益維護霸權

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美國前陸軍上校:美拱火烏克蘭危機 犧牲盟友利益維護霸權



  美國前陸軍上校 勞倫斯·威爾克森:美國對於烏克蘭危機的態度對世界造成了困擾,這一切需要停止。美國在通過歐盟重建自己的霸權,我們在利用烏克蘭重建自己的霸權,而德國是我們的抓手。德國有民調顯示,62%的德國人希望烏克蘭危機立刻結束。不僅是他們,自從美國破壞了“北溪”管道後,德國的能源成本飆漲到原來的9到10倍,德國無法長期承受這些代價。我們在這一過程中,與我們最有實力的盟友逐漸疏遠。



  美國前陸軍上校 勞倫斯·威爾克森:美國自“9·11”事件開始,就是個熱衷於發動戰爭的國家。也可以說,早在那之前,我們就是個熱衷於發動戰爭的國家了。民意調查顯示,有三十億人認為美國瘋了。他們真的認為我們瘋了,並以不同方式表達這種觀點。2003年我們在伊拉克犯下了戰爭罪行。美國財政部的官方製裁名單中,有超過32個國家被美國製裁。世界上其他國家,尤其是這32個被製裁國家的民調顯示,他們認為美國是對他們未來最大的威脅。

so we have really Disturbed the world with regard to this conflict, it needs to
stop we're there to re-establish our hegemony over the European Union, we're
using Ukraine to re-establish our
hegemony, over them Germany is the one
we're leading with and Germany just had polls that shows 62 percent of the German people want this conflict over now.
not only that Germany's energy costs now since we we took out Nordstrom
Germany's energy costs are 9 to 10 times greater; so Germany's not going to take
this much longer we're alienating our own most powerful allies; in this process
we have been a Warfare State since 9 11.
and arguably we've been a Warfare state
for longer than that polls that indicate
three billion people I think we're
they truly think we're insane they
express it in different ways we
committed a war crime in 2003 in Iraq
the official list at the treasury
is over 32 countries that we have under
sanction right now the rest of the world
particularly people under 35 in poll
after poll show that they believe the
United States might in fact be the
greatest threat to their future

Lawrence B. Wilkerson (born June 15, 1945) is a retired United States Army Colonel and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Since the end of his military career, Wilkerson has criticized many aspects of the Iraq War, including his own preparation of Powell's presentation to the United Nations Security Council, as well as other aspects of American policy in the Middle East. He is a lifelong Republican and firmly on the political right.

Wilkerson was born in Gaffney, South Carolina. After three years of studying philosophy and English literature at Bucknell University, Wilkerson dropped out in 1966 and volunteered to serve in the Vietnam War. He told The Washington Post: "I felt an obligation because my dad had fought, and I thought that was kind of your duty."

Wilkerson arrived as an Army officer piloting an OH-6A Cayuse observation helicopter and logged about 1100 combat hours over a year. He flew low and slow through South Vietnam, and was involved in one incident in which he says he prevented a war crime by purposely placing his helicopter between a position that was full of civilians, and another helicopter that wanted to launch an attack on the position. He also had many vocal disagreements with his superiors and his own gunner crew over free-fire zones, including an incident in which one of his crew shot a wagon that wound up having a little girl inside it.[4] 

He went on to Airborne School and Ranger School before receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature and graduate degrees in international relations and national security. He attended the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, and later returned there to teach. He later served as deputy director of the Marine Corps War College at Quantico.

勞倫斯·威爾克森(Lawrence B. Wilkerson,1945 年 6 月 15 日出生)是美國退役陸軍上校,曾任美國國務卿科林·鮑威爾的幕僚長。 自從他的軍事生涯結束以來,威爾克森批評了伊拉克戰爭的許多方麵,包括他自己準備鮑威爾向聯合國安理會的陳述,以及美國在中東政策的其他方麵。 他是終生的共和黨人,堅定地站在政治右翼一邊。

威爾克森出生於南卡羅來納州的加夫尼。 在巴克內爾大學學習了三年哲學和英國文學之後,威爾克森於 1966 年退學並自願參加了越南戰爭。 他告訴《華盛頓郵報》:“我覺得有一種義務,因為我父親曾戰鬥過,我認為這是你的責任。”

威爾克森作為一名駕駛 OH-6A Cayuse 觀察直升機的陸軍軍官抵達,並在一年內記錄了大約 1100 小時的戰鬥時間。 他低空緩慢地飛過南越,並卷入了一起事件,他說他故意將他的直升機放在一個滿是平民的位置和另一架想要對該位置發動攻擊的直升機之間,從而避免了戰爭罪 . 他還與他的上級和他自己的炮手組在自由射擊區問題上發生了許多口頭上的分歧,其中包括他的一名組員開槍射擊了一輛貨車,結果車內有一個小女孩。 [4]

在獲得英國文學文學學士學位和國際關係與國家安全研究生學位之前,他繼續就讀於空降學校和遊騎兵學校。 他曾就讀於羅德島紐波特的海軍戰爭學院,後來返回那裏任教。 後來他擔任匡蒂科海軍陸戰隊戰爭學院的副主任。

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