
Pelosi 150 billion to Ukraine, US people homeless

(2023-03-07 17:25:25) 下一個

Embarrassed! Pelosi was stunned: Why did Ukraine give 150 billion U.S. dollars, and there are still people homeless in the United States?

2023-03-08 09:22 HKT

Pelosi was publicly stunned: Why are there still homeless people in the United States after giving Ukraine $150 billion?

Last weekend, a video of "questioning Pelosi" went viral online. This American politician who firmly supports aid to Ukraine was publicly questioned by his own people.

According to a report by the Russian Satellite News Agency on the 26th, it is not clear when this video showing an American man publicly questioning former US House Speaker Pelosi was shot, but its content has sparked heated discussions. The Russian Satellite News Agency stated that the video was shot in San Francisco.

The video shows Pelosi sitting at a table with a drink when a man starts asking, "Nancy, can you tell me why we have $150 billion going to Ukraine , and there are homeless people in your own city?"

Embarrassed! Pelosi was stunned: Why did Ukraine give 150 billion U.S. dollars, and there are still people homeless in the United States?

Screenshot of Pelosi being questioned

According to reports, the man who asked the question was immediately taken away from the scene. But as he left, he continued to question, referring to the Pelosi family's "stock trading skills." "Nancy, can I get some stock trading advice on how to buy semiconductors in Taiwan?" Next, he asked whether Pelosi's son was involved with Biden's son Hunter.

According to the media's previous introduction, Pelosi is considered to be one of the famous "traders" in the US Congress. According to public information, her husband traded stocks and other financial assets worth 25 million to 81 million US dollars from 2019 to 2021, and made a lot of profits. As the speaker, she has an important influence on the legislation proposed by the House of Representatives. The American media believes that her husband's financial transaction scale is constantly expanding and she has an inseparable relationship.

Regarding the man's above questioning, the satellite news agency stated that Pelosi's response seemed to be that he was not eager to answer these questions, nor was he eager to provide any meaningful answers.

Embarrassed! Pelosi was stunned: Why did Ukraine give 150 billion U.S. dollars, and there are still people homeless in the United States?

Embarrassed! Pelosi was stunned: Why did Ukraine give 150 billion U.S. dollars, and there are still people homeless in the United States?

Embarrassed! Pelosi was stunned: Why did Ukraine give 150 billion U.S. dollars, and there are still people homeless in the United States?

Embarrassed! Pelosi was stunned: Why did Ukraine give 150 billion U.S. dollars, and there are still people homeless in the United States?

Embarrassed! Pelosi was stunned: Why did Ukraine give 150 billion U.S. dollars, and there are still people homeless in the United States?

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