
The students in University of Waterloo die by suicide

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UW student dies by suicide at student residence | TheRecord.com

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UW student dies by suicide at student residence

NEWS 01:24 PM Waterloo Region Record

Liz Monteiro

by Liz Monteiro

Liz Monteiro can be reached via Twitter@MonteiroRecord

Email: lmonteiro@therecord.com FacebookTwitter


WATERLOO — A University of Waterloo student died by suicide Monday when he jumped from a 12th floor student residence building.

Staff Sgt. Jim Strand of Waterloo Regional Police said officers were called to Claudette Millar Hall at 165 University Ave. at about 5 a.m. after a student called UW security.

The body of the 22-year-old Scarborough resident was found on the ground and security called police, Strand said.

Strand said police are still trying to contact next of kin in the Toronto area.

Strand said the student's death is not suspicious and no foul play is associated with the death.

"Our university community is saddened by the loss of one of our students who died on campus earlier today," the university said Monday.

The student was in fourth year, said university spokesperson Matthew Grant.

It's the first suicide on campus at UW in 2018, Grant said.

Grant said students requiring support can contact counselling services at 519-575-6560, ext. 32655 or the 24/7 post-secondary student helpline, Good2Talk, at 1-866-925-5454.

Two UW students died by suicide in a two-month period last year.

It prompted UW president Feridun Hamdullahpur to create an advisory committee on mental health.

The committee sought input from students, staff, faculty and the community on how to assist students in getting the help they need.

The report was slated for completion last fall but was delayed.

Grant said the report is now completed and recommendations will be shared with the university community within two weeks.

Last March, first-year student Chase Christopher Graham, 19, died by suicide at a student residence.

Graham's father, Mark, said his son, a math whiz, was an International Baccalaureate student with top honours in high school, graduating with a 99 per cent average. He was looking forward to studying computer science at UW.

Mark Graham said his son didn't have any known mental health issues, but was daunted about leaving his Kingston home to attend school and "feeling alone in a strange, unwelcoming environment."

Two months before Graham's suicide death, an 18-year-old female UW student took her own life in a student residence.

The two deaths prompted students to organize a vigil on campus and one student garnered 15,000 signatures on a petition asking the university to foster student mental health on campus.

At the University of Guelph, four students died from suicide during the 2016/2017 academic year.

It's the highest number of suicides the school had ever had in a single academic year.

At UW, there have been about 10 deaths by suicide of university students since 2012.

lmonteiro@therecord.com , Twitter: @MonteiroRecord

Waterloo Regional Police said officers were called to Claudette Millar Hall at 165 University Ave. at about 5 a.m. after a student called UW security.

A University of Waterloo student died by suicide Monday when he jumped from a 12th floor student residence building.
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Frank Li It was that placebo effect inspired “science based medications”

Frank Li Mar 6, 2018 in Waterloo
...See more
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Frank Li Chinese medicine can reduce the suicide of sufferrer with depression
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Rich Reist Any type of therapy can help but science based medications are more reliable than untested herbs and that sort of thing.
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Frank Li Thanks Rich Reist for kind comment.
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Lara Kristina Rich Reist many "science based" antidepressants actually cause suicidal thoughts. They are a huge part of a very complex problem.
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Frank Li Lara Kristina 

Thanks Lara Kristina for your thoughtful comment.

Indeed, the problems that threatening human survival is caused by the limitation or may say the problems of philosophy. Modern western medicine entered the quagmire under the guidance of the Reductionism, which is to find the pathogen, and then managed to kill it. If it cannot find the pathogen, or if there is no available drug to kill the pathogen, the proud western doctor will surrender. The new name "Super Bug" was also given to those pathogens that were no drugs available.

There is no good way for western medicine to treat physical functional disorders and diseases that have no pathogens, such as mental illness. Although some medicines are used clinically, they can only play a role of maintaining and cannot cure. They are not only having side effects but also producing resistance to drugs. 

Here I would like to explore the origin that Rich Reist said “science based medications”.

In 1955, Dr. Henry K. Beecher published the “placebo effect” after found that placebo can also achieve a clinical cure rate of 50-60%. This is the cause that FDA's request before a new drug to be marketed, it must make double-blind clinical trials to prove it is better than placebo, and which is the origin that Rich Reist said “science based medications”.

In fact, the effects of many western medicines were not much better than placebos, but their side effects are huge. They play the game of marketing – killing – recalling, and which was that origin that Ms. Lara Kristina said “many "science based" antidepressants actually cause suicidal thoughts. They are a huge part of a very complex problem.”

Since 1955, Dr. Henry K. Beecher published the “placebo effect”, in the medical field of western medicine, there has been a battle for the effectiveness of drugs for mental disorders, especially antidepressant drugs, and some have used clinical tests to prove that they are no more effective than placebo.
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Frank Li Under Frank Li Chinese medicine can reduce the suicide of sufferrer with depression. Rich Reist made a comment: “Any type of therapy can help but science based medications are more reliable than untested herbs and that sort of thing.” 
Thanks Rich Reis
t for kind comment. 
Science based and well tested depression-medications from western medicine are by chemicals fighting against chemicals with ignoring the improvement of physical condition at whole, which is based on the philosophy of Reductionism that views human body as a lifeless mechanical parts in ignoring human body is a organic whole with all parts are closely in interacting. 
Chinese medicine were proved effective from the experience of thousands years of folk applications, which was not targeted on chemical but focus on bringing back the natural balance, which is based on the Holistic philosophy of Daoism that views human body is an organic whole and all components are closely interacted. A well-balanced human bodies will form an effective self-defence system that can handle the most of pathogenic agents. The diseases could happen only if there are some unbalanced parts in a human body. The treatments do not directly target to kill pathogenic but to bring back the natural balance. It achieves the purpose by natural therapeutic approaches, such as, natural medicines, acupuncture and physical exercises, etc.. 
For the treatment of depression, Chinese medicine can reduce the negative effects of psychological stress largely. Because it can alleviate the stress symptoms by releasing endorphins, decreasing the stress hormone cortisol, eliminating the oxygen free radicals, lowering the blood pressure, reducing the heart rate, relaxing the muscle tissue, improving the digestion and sleeping, improving immunity and bringing more fresh oxygen to body tissues by improving the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids. This increased blood flow will eliminate the waste products from inside the body and enhance the nutrition supply to take an Antiaging effect.
For the sufferer of depression, the main cause is the poor sleep, so that a good sleep will be the best medication, and Chinese medicine can help in sleep by bidirectional regulation of the central nervous system, to adjust excessive excitement or excessive inhibition to normal.
Follow are some of my writings about Chinese medicine on my blog.
Chinese Medicine A Promising Therapeutic Approach
Chinese Medicine can Improve Sleep
Recover Mental Disorders by Chinese Medicine
Chinese Medicine can enhance immune system
Chinese Medicine can enhance Sexual Function
Thanks Rich Reist again for kind comment
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Jon Tobin Alienation and depression at universities residences have been a factor for years. Better than it used to be but lacks human tactile comfort. Hitting the smile key doesnt work.
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Marissa Catherine Can we recognize how problematic the writing in this article is ? THIS IS NOT OKAY TO POST!!! The details of the students death are insensitive and reckless. Student mental health is a crisis on university campus’ and this makes it worse !! Trigger war...See more
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Renee Sanders Did you know that if you text Youthspace when you are feeling depressed or suicidal, a crisis worker will text you back immediately and continue to text with you? Many people, especially millennials, don't like talking on the phone and would feel much ...See more
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Liz Campbell Shame on you Waterloo Region Record for writing about this tragedy and posting it. Let's start with the enormous risk of 'copycat attempts' and move along to the fact that this poor child's next of kin haven't been notified. This is not OK
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Rich Reist I'm disturbed that they'd release potentially identifying info about the deceased before their family has been notified. At least they didn't release their name but I'm sure any parents in Scarborough of a 4th year UW student who can't reach them are p...See more
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Tracey Neeb So very sorry. 
Huge loss last year too - so - this should - and could have been avoided. 
All these losses of lovely, loved children, and talented students, needs to be Examined by the University, Authority, and the Governments - Provincial and Federal.
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Andrew Underwood To think in this day and age with all the sucide awareness and encouragements to seek help something like this could happen. Awful. He obviously felt completely helpless. One conversation could have changed his outlook.
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Kelly Diebold Tragic!!! My heart goes put to his family. They are going to need much support and prayer. Horrible that no one was observant of demeanour or actions prior to this.
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Terry Cote So sad, so much h to live for but so much pressure. My kids are grown but I couldn't imagine having kids in this day and age.
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Jeanette Roth So very sad. Such pressure on students sometimes and such isolation sometimes as well. Somehow a better support system is needed.
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Kim Hopper This is incredibly sad.
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Tammy Acton Russwurm My thoughts and prayers to this family and friends ???? mental illness is a tough thing to deal with ????
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Melissa Wint-Salih Heartbreaking for the family and loved ones ????
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Michelle Lee This is terrible my thoughts and prayers are with the family . ????????
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Joseph C Delaney Unbelievably sad. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family. This should never happen. Is there a problem at this University? This has been happening a lot their in the last few years. STUDENTS PLEASE DONT TAKE YOUR SCHOOLING THAT SERIOUS. YOUR LIFE IS WORTH MORE AND FAMILY AND FRIENDS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME WITHOUT YOU. YOU ARE LOVED.
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Katrina Kirsten May he rest in peace
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Chantal Nicole McCulligh Absolutely horrible.
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Martha Caldas This is sad and alarming! How to help?
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Alexandra Cooke That's awful.
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Devon Bailey So sad ????
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Wanda MacKinnon RIP...sorry to his family & friends...
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Karla Cameron So sad rip
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Laurie Grosz So sad ????rip
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Heather Connell Oh my ????
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Len Friest It was on CTV news as well
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