
護士疏忽 加拿大3歲小女孩手廢掉 girl lost hands in hospital

(2018-01-25 04:08:21) 下一個


周而複始» 士嘉堡慈恩醫院(Scarborough Grace Hospital) 大事紀

敢去醫院?護士疏忽 加拿大3歲小女孩輸液手廢掉!(圖)

新聞來源: 頭條ABC 於 2018-01-25 5:11:22 






前幾天她因為心髒問題入住埃德蒙頓Stollery Children’s Hospital ,因為護士的疏忽失去了健康的雙手。







Edmonton girl, 3, suffers serious injury to her hand due to botched IV line, mother says

Warning: This story contains graphic images

By Andrea Ross , CBC News Posted: Jan 21, 2018 5:28 PM MT Last Updated: Jan 21, 2018 5:28 PM MT

Emmy Gunther, 3, was recovering from open-heart surgery at the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton when she developed severe complications from an IV line that went interstitial, her mother says.

Emmy Gunther, 3, was recovering from open-heart surgery at the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton when she developed severe complications from an IV line that went interstitial, her mother says. (Submitted by Jalena Gunther)

An Edmonton mother is worried her three-year-old daughter, who is recovering from open-heart surgery, sustained lifelong damage to her hand after a misplaced IV line caused the tissue to blister and decay.

Jalena Gunther's daughter, Emmy, underwent surgery to repair a hole in her heart at the Stollery Children's Hospital on Tuesday. She was recovering well, but wasn't eating much, so she was hooked up to intravenous fluids at about 6 p.m. MT Friday.

An hour later, Emmy started fussing and crying. Gunther figured it was because her child was still sore from surgery or overtired. She did her best to calm her daughter, but having not slept much in several days, left Emmy with her grandmother for the night and headed home.

Emmy's grandmother texted Gunther at 8:30 p.m. Friday and said Emmy was still crying. She said she had requested more medication and asked for the doctor to check on the young girl.

The doctor never came, Gunther said, and the nurses who visited didn't fully assess the toddler. She wasn't given more pain medication aside from what was already prescribed.

When a nurse came by in the morning to do an assessment, she saw that the hospital bed and the tape on Emmy's hand were wet, and immediately knew something had gone wrong, Gunther said.

Emmy Gunther

Emmy's mother, Jalena Gunther, took this photo of her daughter's hand an hour and a half after the IV was removed Saturday morning. (Submitted by Jalena Gunther)

"She felt up her arm and felt that it was just stiff and swollen, which was the fluid in there," Gunther said. "She immediately started ripping off the tape and pulling everything off. That's when she'd seen her hand was very red, which was her skin starting to die."

The IV line had gone interstitial, Gunther said, slipping out of the vein and spilling the fluid mixture of sugar, potassium and sodium underneath Emmy's skin. Her hand blistered and the skin turned white.

The nurse immediately paged a doctor and plastic surgeon. Emmy underwent surgery to relieve the pressure in her arm.

Doctors had to cut along her carpal tunnel, and on the inside and outside of her elbow, Gunther said. They cut the dead tissue and left the wound open, packing it with gauze and wrapping it in a bandage.

'Her hand was very red, which was her skin starting to die.'- Jalena Gunther, Emmy's mom

On Sunday, the toddler underwent another surgery to close the wound and remove any excess dead tissue.

Emmy was set to leave the hospital early this week after her heart surgery, but is now expected to stay at least another two weeks for skin grafts, Gunther said.

She said her daughter was supposed to be checked every 15 minutes throughout the night her IV failed. But she said that didn't happen.

"I believe it was negligence," Gunther said. "Things were just missed and I really don't know why, truthfully. They knew she had the IV. It should have been checked.

"I wouldn't know to check her IV. I assumed it was her heart, as did her grandmother. But that's something that they're trained to know and is in their protocol to check and … I don't know why they didn't do it, so to me, it is negligence."

Emmy Gunther

Emmy underwent two unexpected surgeries after some of the tissue in her hand died due to a misplaced IV line, her mother says. (Submitted by Jalena Gunther)

Alberta health authority 'very sorry'

In a statement to CBC News, a spokesperson from Alberta Health Services (AHS) said the health authority's sympathies are with Emmy and the Gunther family, and that it has started a "quality review of the care" Emmy received.

"We are doing all we can to make sure she receives the care she needs. We are involved with this family and reviewing the care that has been provided," the statement said.

"We are very sorry about the complication that this little girl has experienced. Our standards of care should not result in this type of complication for any of our patients. AHS takes every patient or family complaint regarding care extremely seriously, and we are thoroughly reviewing the circumstances of this case.This includes closely reviewing the care provided to Emmy, and working closely with the family to answer any questions or concerns they may have.

"We will continue to be available to them at any time."

'Our standards of care should not result in this type of complication for any of our patients.'- Alberta Health Services

?Gunther said she isn't sure whether her daughter's hand will heal normally.

Emmy's arm muscles seem unaffected, she said, but the girl showed a delayed response in moving her hand and fingers  — a major concern for Gunther, as Emmy is non-verbal and uses sign language to communicate.

"We won't know for a few weeks what the use of her hand will be," Gunther said. "She'll likely need physio. Even just because she hasn't used it for so long, there will be retraining of those muscles."

She said it's too early to tell what the long-term impacts of the injury could be.

"If she can't have meaningful use of that hand or make a fist and move her hand, she won't be able to sign with her hand."

'You question everything'

Gunther said the doctor on call has apologized, as did the nurse who discovered the problem. She said she wants the Stollery to take disciplinary action where needed and review hospital protocols to ensure this doesn't happen again.

Up until now, the family has had good experiences at the Stollery, Gunther said.

Her son, Malachi, who is also three years old, is currently in the intensive care unit recovering from influenza. He has complex medical needs, Gunther said, so she has spent 70 days of the past four months in the hospital with her son.

"We have had mistakes by nurses, but they've always been corrected instantly. Managers have always addressed them instantly, done retraining where they needed to and thankfully it was nothing that affected lifelong care and his life," Gunther said.

"Most of the nurses here we love. Most of the doctors we love. They do try their hardest and do their best, but then when things like this happen, you question everything."

慈恩醫院(Scarborough Grace Hospital) 大事紀、業績列表清單

  1. 2009年12月4日江蘇女移民馮雨樓膽結石造成急性胰腺炎去世
  2. 2008年5月18日大陸移民產婦潘敏紅進行分娩,期間死亡
  3. 2008年11月17日陳秀蘭剖腹產下一名女嬰於身亡
  4. 2006-05-20士嘉堡醫院爆發肝炎疫情 8病人確診
  5. 2003年3月13日關姓婦人的兒子,謝誌貴(譯名),去世,死於沙斯。通過關、謝及慈恩醫院傳染而死亡32人
  6. 2002年7月中國福建的移民李先生,在士嘉堡慈恩醫院動手術死亡
  7. 1991年2月18日柳哲生(1914年2月22日—1991年2月18日),****空軍官方認可擊落架數最高的王牌飛行員於1990     年底赴加拿大探視兒女時因腦溢血病逝於加拿大士嘉堡醫院。
  8. 2009/04/09消息加拿大移民醫生Jocobo Joffe性侵犯女病人 逃回故國墨西哥。Joffe士嘉堡醫院(Scarborough Hospital)做肥胖有關的手術,Joffe自從1998年以來治療的女性有數百名。發起共同起訴的女子40多歲,身份受法庭保護。她在2002年時接受Joffe的手術,而性侵犯就發生在Joffe對女子進行術後檢測胃部鹽溶液含量的過程中。
  • 士嘉堡全科醫院死亡率排全國第3高得分134﹐士嘉堡慈恩醫院(Scarborough Grace Hospital)得分110。(CIHI的標準死亡率:100)
  • 士嘉堡醫院(Scarborough Hospital﹐包括恩澤院址及慈恩院址) 病人死亡率高投訴多 士嘉堡醫院全省最差
  • 慈恩醫院改名英文名是「The Scarborough Hospital - Birchmount Campus」。
  • The Scarborough Hospital (TSH), Grace Campus, is the nearest urban community hospital to Steeles. It is located just south of the neighbourhood at 3030 Birchmount Road.
  • The Scarborough Hospital became well-known around the world when the SARS outbreak hit Toronto in 2003.
  • from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

醫院裏的笑話(轉載) 最近夕陽紅的李生遇到了另一件發生在醫院裏的笑話。他的一個朋友因工受傷同時被工頭欺負暈道在工作現場,被工頭嗎回家。第二天去到SCARBOROUGH GRACE HOSPITAL醫院看腰疼病。結果他的朋友因居喪、氣憤過頭說了幾句氣話,而被此醫院的護士以及庸醫當成精神病人給看管起來。這期間因李生常去探望他的朋友發生了如下可笑之事: 一、 門診處登記完後就找來了兩個所謂的社工,問了一統情況,而且重點不是放在工作,而是家庭上。因發現他的朋友講話消極,建議送到精神病房觀察。然後就走啦。再沒露麵; 二、 因他的朋友不想住院,說了幾句氣話,在加委屈哭了一下。結果被關進了精神病院監管房。一待就是一周。期間約的醫生左等不來又等不來,就護士在再三要求下給了止疼藥。同時,給的藥因護士心不在焉掉到地上,仍然要給吃; 三、 其他病人在他的朋友上衛生間時,隨意出入他的朋友病房,將東西翻個遍,而無人管; 四、 病人不願意吃護士給的飯,結果說病人不想吃飯; 五、 期間因他的朋友生病無了生活來源,醫院找來醫院的社工幫助解決。結果是這也不合,哪也不行; 六、 李生因懂得很多,認為可以領取工傷。結果醫院的醫生怕擔責任不給出報告,李生不管三七二十一先將他的朋友工傷報告發給工傷局; 七、 李生一看,真真的病不給看,盡在哪讓人招罪,於是李生出主意先搬出監管房,同時象醫院要診斷結果; 八、 期間李生因氣不過護士欺負他的朋友發生不愉快,過後欺負他的朋友,要藥要好幾次,推三阻四不得已才給。還有更不象話的事是掛斷家裏人打去的電話。以及因一 個醫生太傲氣,待理不理而發生爭執,結果他們不自身檢討,說李生說話大聲。同時在給他的朋友看病時,不先看病,而來了一統說教:李生如何不對,對他的朋友 病如何不利;而看病時,不是看病人,反複問家族有沒有精神病史,背疼的病就是不看; 九、 出了監護房約了醫生看,哪個庸醫看的結果是說他的朋友有抑鬱病。這真是無稽之談,他的朋友是被欺負,氣憤過了頭,說了幾句胡話、氣話而被診斷有精神病? 十、 而他的朋友腰疼始終沒給檢查和看,這已經是第十天,結果他的朋友也忍受不住啦,工作中是因受不了欺負而來到醫院,結果到了醫院仍然是有人欺負她,讓她如何好? 十一、 於是李生建議出院再說,好人待在這裏也會得精神病。出去先看腰疼再說;結果晚上去探病人時,護士說,隻有他的醫生同意才能出院;同時一個社工給拿來了空白工傷報告讓他的朋友添自己的信息; 十二、 他的朋友一看,哪就等明天在交涉,但是,等回家後,他的朋友給他家裏打電話說,護士同意出院;到底是誰說了算?

你 看到這些事後,你還敢住院嗎?醫院本身是救死扶傷的。可護士玩忽職守無人問津;醫生怕擔責任,該看的病不看;領導躲避在外不過問,這是醫院嗎?怪不得該醫 院能將人家生孩子的媽媽奪取生命,而留下還不懂事的孩子!笑話歸笑話,不過要是落到你的頭上,哪就不是啦!嘿嘿!要想不受害:將不是病人看病看成了病人, 將小病看成了大病。而有的病人待的時間長了,病自愈好後,一看這好吃好住,裝病待著不出院!結果是護士以及住院地方都不夠用,結果醫院美其名曰,我們以有 限的人力物力辦了無限的事。我們感到很自豪。到處填傳單宣揚。你看到這裏,你認為這個醫院還能讓它存在嗎?拿著我們納稅人的高工資、高待遇,竟然做這樣不 盡情理的事。可憐的病人及其家屬站出來說話,讓這樣的醫院消逝!


    她的急診室 真的一言以敝之 慢慢慢 十年來 家中人及親友的經驗 不見改進 最短的等待時間 六小時又卅四分鐘 何計三百卅四分鐘 最讓我難忘的 是晚上八時前送院 早上差不多六時才看到醫生 試問 一位九十多歲的老人家 那堪如斯折騰 結果 第二天老人仙遊 唉

  2. 2012年9月9日 02:37 
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