


(2019-02-25 22:52:16) 下一個

To Whom It May Concern:


I need help against serious criminal activity under Microsoft CEO and board. The illegal activity includes illegal monitoring, harassment, murder, IP steal, employment interruption and retaliation and personal injury. The illegal activity also involves spying activity from other countries, stealing technology from legal residents in us. It also hurts the health and interrupts the employment of the legal resident of the us. That should not happen in the land of us. You can get billions of dollars if you can help me winning this case. It’s not only money, it’s fighting against a criminal group under Microsoft and guarding the justice of law for this country.


I have been illegal monitored by Microsoft and California government over the last 5 years. They installed recording device and spy camera in my bedroom. They have been stealing my intelligent property and idea. They steal software code from the computer in my room. They put poison material to my food and seriously hurt my brain, blood, nerve and health. They interrupted my employment a few times. They even tried to murder me by turning on the gas switch in the oven during midnight.

1. One of my patent was stolen by Microsoft. It worth more than 3 billion dollar. Recently Apple paid half billion dollar to Microsoft for this patent.

2. I am applying another patent in US. This patent also worth more than 2 billion dollar. Since they pay the money to the landlord who illegally monitored me, I had to apply the patent in the library. However, they sent many people monitoring me in library and steal my idea. Those people applied the same patent at the same time.

3. They harassed me in daily lifework and entertainment. It seriously affected my health. Many time I was almost out of control, trying to kill the landlord and someone else who harassed me.

4. My previous landlord put some medicine in my food, which caused my spine numbness for a few months. Another time my leg was very painful and the blood had serious problem. I believe that they put some (low) radioactive material in my bedroom. My another previous landlord continues doing the same bad thing again. He put some poison chemicals to my oil and sauce using for food. They put some medicine for Alzheimer’s disease and my memory was hurt seriously.

5. They interfered my job illegally. I was fired by my employers 4 times since Microsoft changed CEO. The shortest time was 3 days. Though I did a great job and outperformed all my teammates, Microsoft affected my supervisor to fire me with the promise of senior management position. Now I have to drive Uber for living, but they continue playing the game through Uber. One time they steal my money in my account.

6. During the Microsoft CEO transition period, I was living in another apartment. Some Indian engineers steal software code in the computer in my apartment. I was developing some mobile application myself on weekend. Every Monday, there are many Indian enginners outside my apartment. After I took the computer to my car, those Indian engineers disappear.

7. They tried to murder me a couple of time. When I bought an used car from my previous landlord, he asked me trying to drive the car in high way but he did not attend. The car was out of control while the belt controlling the steering wheel was broken. I believe it was set purposely. When I was in Starbuck coffee, they put a poison spider on my neck. Recently the gas switch in the oven in the house I rented was turned on in the midnight. The landlord always asked me closing all doors and windows. The gas problem also happened in the house of third landlord.

8. One time I was trapped by them and forced to stay in mental hospital over 3 months.

9. Recently they scared my daughter very badly, forcing her agreeing to give up the half billion dollar.

  1. They steal my memory stick that contains 3 pending patent applications and one software application.


  1. They hire lots of people harassing me all the time. My new car was hit twice. I rent one room in a house and other roommates blocking the rest room, stealing my socks, put dirty stuff on desk, etcon purpose. When I played porker in casino, they organized a group of people playing against me. It caused me losing lots of money.


They claimed for philanthropy, but actually they are trying to steal all my ideas for their company. They cheated my fiends and relatives, claiming to help me. Things go to serious criminal and they tried to murder me. My health is already seriously injured. I am a legal individual without any dependency in law. Though I came from China, I don’t have any relationship with Chinese government, even though there might be spy from Chinese government following me.



I am looking for the full copyright and paid patent fee for 2 patents. I also look for the compensation of IP, health and spiritual damage of 20 billion dollar.  You can get 30% of the total compensation (include the patent fee) as lawyer fee if you win the case.


I seek for primary criminal charge against Nadella. He shamelessly steal the Microsoft CEO with my solution that was taped by previous president Obama.There might be spy activity from India government to illegally catch the Microsoft CEO position so they can transfer the wealth through their consulting company. When I lived in Sunnyvale, Nadella sent some engineers to my apartment to steal code. He interferred my jobs a few times after he became CEO of Microsoft. I lost my last job because of retaliation from Nadella when I found the head of hardware not performing well and the company decided to terminate his job. He and Nadella are both from India. Nadella also paid my previous landlord to put poison material to my drink. 


I am seeking criminal charges against Bill Gates who are the primary organizers for those criminal activity. They steal my IP and innovative ideas through my friends and relatives. That is how Bill Gates became the richest man while Microsoft steal and copied many products from other companies. He interrupted my stock trading a few times. He paid the money to my landlord for putting Alzheimer’s kind of stuff to my food. He also tried to murder me on the road with over 10 continued cars. He is fucking cheating other people for philanthropy.


I am seeking for criminal charge against my previous 4 landlords who put the poison stuff to my food after they received the money.


I am going to sue President Obama and California governor Jerry Brown. The US government did not work properly. When Microsoft changed CEO, I was called by my classmate who asked many product questions about Microsoft. Previous President Obama provided my answers through illegal recording to his friend Nadella, who steal the CEO position using my soultions. California government also participated the illegal activity. I am going to sue California government. Those illegal activity not only violates the constitution, they also involve lots of spy activity from other countries that hurt the benefits of United States. 


Nadella also tried to bribe the daughter and son-in-law of current president Trump, who participated those activists before he was elected as president. President Trump did help the safety of my daughter but he should stop those illegal things under law. 


I am going to sue the US government if they do illegal monitoring for the interests of their friends or family.


I am looking lawyers in personal injury, criminal justice, employment and other areas. You can sue Microsoft in one area or working together in all areas.


Thanks and regards,


Qiusheng Gao


phone: 4083148201

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