
暖冬cool夏 (熱門博主)
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(2023-04-24 23:52:40) 下一個
躁鬱症英文叫manic-depressive illness, 又稱bipolar disorders, 是一種精神疾病。從英文名稱上就可以看出,它是兩種疾病的合稱,即狂躁症與憂鬱症。根據作者書上所言,一般是先有狂躁症,後有憂鬱症緊緊相隨。通常情況下,病人狂躁時,像一匹脫韁的野馬,狂野瘋癲,行為怪異可怕,但同時精力旺盛亢奮; 憂鬱時,陰鬱焦慮,絕望厭倦,疲憊不堪,夢魘般的生活甚至讓患者產生自殺傾向。整個過程伴隨著痛苦、孤獨、恐懼、興奮。情緒高漲時,人的想法、情感洶湧澎湃,思維飛快,像流星般劃過(常常自己一個句子說到一半已經忘了句子的開頭)。這種亢奮強烈地充斥著他們的神經和骨髓。
《躁鬱之心》(An Unquiet Mind)是一本自傳回憶錄,作者以躁鬱症患者和研究者/醫生這樣一個雙重身份來大膽剖析自己的病情和與其抗爭的心路曆程。書出版於1995年。作者Kay Redfield Jamison是一位精神科研究員和醫生,就職於UCLA和John Hopkins大學的心理所。她本人是一個長期患有躁鬱症的患者,從高中最後一年開始出現第一次躁鬱症一直到年老。她曾經自殺過,認為既然人的一生短而沒有意義,既然人生最後都是走向死亡, 那何不早死早超生。她想過跳樓自殺,可不忍父母收屍時看到的慘劇,最後她服用大劑量的lithium試圖自殺。未遂,被兄弟救起。作者後來是靠藥物lithium控製,從大劑量慢慢過度到劑量的減輕,後來情況一直比較穩定。
從她書中所陳述的內容可以得出結論,躁鬱症是要靠藥物治療的,她文章提及的lithium(鋰)是一個很有效的藥物,能非常有效控製病情。但是這種藥物副作用很大,比如服用後,患者會惡心、嘔吐,注意力和記憶力都會受影響。像許多患者一樣,病人病情一旦得到控製緩解,往往會拒絕接著服用lithium。可問題是,一旦停服,病就會卷土重來,而且會加重,最後又不得不重新服用。大劑量lithium的藥物治療,會導致病人反應遲鈍,注意力無法集中,記憶力衰退。比如作者,她曾經是一個非常喜歡閱讀的人,一星期要讀3到4本書。可是患病服藥後, 她十年裏沒有正兒八經從頭到尾讀完一本嚴肅的文學作品或非小說類的著作,隻能讀雜誌文章這些短篇幅的東西。即便如此,她還是覺得讀得費勁,有時候一行字要反複讀才能理解意思。更讓人沮喪的是,讀的東西記不住。最後作者隻能靠做一些像針線活,比如做了無數個墊子,來打發時光,分散注意力。
現代社會,因為壓力、環境各方麵原因,患這種躁鬱症的人越來越多。從醫學角度上說,躁鬱症是具有家族遺傳性的。但是,社會不能就此剝奪精神病人的生育權利。作者書中提到,她自己曾經想跟前男友David生一屋子(a houseful)的孩子,還曾經因為有一位醫生告誡她最好不要孩子,而十分生氣地甩門就走。在作者眼裏,有這種疾病傾向的人對社會發展是有著積極一麵的,這世上很多音樂家、畫家、詩人都是躁鬱症患者。因為躁鬱症,人的大腦遊蕩在極限的邊緣,想象力,創作力都超乎異常,精力也特別旺盛。如果人類故意限製,不讓這類人繁衍生存下去,那麽躁鬱症患者會像斑點貓頭鷹、雲豹一樣成為"瀕臨滅絕"的物種。
作者本人是一名優秀的心理學研究員和心理醫生,才華橫溢, 還是一位非常出色的作家,著作豐厚。她曾經被譽為"全美最好的醫生之一",多次受到各種嘉獎。
這本書除了讓人了解躁鬱症病人的一些信息和他們的心裏世界,讀者似乎也可以得出這樣一個啟示: 要正確認識和看待精神病人,這世界本來就是由各種各樣的人、物組成,因為不同,這世界才炫麗多姿,豐富多彩。正像作者Kay在申請John Hopkins教職,告訴部門負責人她有躁鬱症時,那位負責人非常正麵地回答並且錄用了她。 他說,"如果我的部門是清一色的正常人,那這個部門太boring了。"由此可見,專業人士對這種疾病患者的接受程度。隻要有藥物控製著,他們遠沒有我們想象的那麽可怕。


“Which of my feelings are real? Which of the me's is me? The wild, impulsive, chaotic, energetic, and crazy one? Or the shy, withdrawn, desperate, suicidal, doomed, and tired one? Probably a bit of both, hopefully much that is neither.”

“We all build internal sea walls to keep at bay the sadnesses of life and the often overwhelming forces within our minds. In whatever way we do this—through love, work, family, faith, friends, denial, alcohol, drugs, or medication—we build these walls, stone by stone, over a lifetime. One of the most difficult problems is to construct these barriers of such a height and strength that one has a true harbor, a sanctuary away from crippling turmoil and pain, but yet low enough, and permeable enough, to let in fresh seawater that will fend off the inevitable inclination toward brackishness.”

“Manic-depression distorts moods and thoughts, incites dreadful behaviors, destroys the basis of rational thought, and too often erodes the desire and will to live. It is an illness that is biological in its origins, yet one that feels psychological in the experience of it, an illness that is unique  in conferring advantage and pleasure, yet one that brings in its wake almost unendurable suffering and, not infrequently, suicide.”

“Love, like life, is much stranger and far more complicated than one is brought up to believe.”

“No pill can help me deal with the problem of not wanting to take pills; likewise, no amount of psychotherapy alone can prevent my manias and depressions. I need both. It is an odd thing, owing life to pills, one's own quirks and tenacities, and this unique, strange, and ultimately profound relationship called psychotherapy”

“I look back over my shoulder and feel the presence of an intense young girl and then a volatile and disturbed young woman, both with high dreams and restless, romantic aspirations”

“Depression is awful beyond words or sounds or images...it bleeds relationships through suspicion, lack of confidence and self-respect, the inability to enjoy life, to walk or talk or think normally, the exhaustion, the night terrors, the day terrors. There is nothing good to be said for it except that it gives you the experience of how it must be to be old, to be old and sick, to be dying; to be slow of mind; to be lacking in grace, polish and coordination; to be ugly; to have no belief in the possibilities of life, the pleasures of sex, the exquisiteness of music or the ability to make yourself and others laugh.”

“Love has, at its best, made the inherent sadness of life bearable, and its beauty manifest.”

“I long ago abandoned the notion of a life without storms, or a world without dry and killing seasons. Life is too complicated, too constantly changing, to be anything but what it is. And I am, by nature, too mercurial to be anything but deeply wary of the grave unnaturalness involved in any attempt to exert too much control over essentially uncontrollable forces. There will always be propelling, disturbing elements, and they will be there until, as Lowell put it, the watch is taken from the wrist.”

“Chaos and intensity are no substitute for lasting love, nor are they necessarily an improvement on real life.”

“I had a terrible temper, after all, and though it rarely erupted, when it did it frightened me and anyone near its epicenter. It was the only crack, but a disturbing one, in the otherwise vacuum-sealed casing of my behavior.”

“Depression, somehow, is much more in line with society's notions of what women are all about: passive, sensitive, hopeless, helpless, stricken, dependent, confused, rather tiresome, and with limited aspirations. Manic states, on the other hand, seem to be more the provenance of men: restless, fiery, aggressive, volatile, energetic, risk taking, grandiose and visionary, and impatient with the status quo. Anger or irritability in men, under such circumstances, is more tolerated and understandable; leaders or takers of voyages are permitted a wider latitude for being temperamental. Journalists and other writers, quite understandably, have tended to focus on women and depression, rather than women and mania. This is not surprising: depression is twice as common in women as men. But manic-depressive illness occurs equally often in women and men, and, being a relatively common condition, mania ends up affecting a large number of women. They, in turn, often are misdiagnosed, receive poor, if any, psychiatric treatment, and are at high risk for suicide, alcoholism, drug abuse, and violence. But they, like men who have manic-depressive illness, also often contribute a great deal of energy, fire, enthusiasm, and imagination to the people and world around them.”

“I remember sitting in his office a hundred times during those grim months and each time thinking, What on earth can he say that will make me feel better or keep me alive? Well, there never was anything he could say, that's the funny thing. It was all the stupid, desperately optimistic, condescending things he didn't say that kept me alive; all the compassion and wamrth I felt from him that could not have been said; all the intelligence, competence, and time he put into it; and his granite belief that mine was a life worth living.”

“It is true that I had wanted to die , but that is peculiarly different from regretting having been born. Overwhelmingly, I was enormously glad to have been born, grateful for life, and I couldn’t imagine not wanting to pass on
life to someone else.”

“[The] persevering steadiness of my mother, her belief in seeing things through, and her great ability to love and learn, listen and change, helped keep me alive through all the years of pain and nightmare that were to come. She could not have known how difficult it would be to deal with madness; had no preparation for what to do with madness--none of us did--but consistent with her ability to love, and her native will, she handled it with empathy and intelligence. It never occurred to her to give up.”

“Slowly the darkness began to weave its way into my mind, and before long I was hopelessly out of control. I could not follow the path of my own thoughts. Sentences flew around in my head and fragmented first into phrases and then words; finally, only sounds remained.”

“Far too many doctors-many of them excellent physicians-commit suicide each year; one recent study concluded that, until quite recently, the United States lost annually the equivalent of a medium-sized medical school class from suicide alone. Most physician suicides are due to depression or manic-depressive illness, both of which are eminently treatable. Physicians, unfortunately, not only suffer from a higher rate of mood disorders than the general population, they also have a greater access to very effective means of suicide.”

“I had a horrible sense of loss for who I had been and where I had been. It was difficult to give up the high flights of mind and mood, even though the depressions that inevitably followed nearly cost me my life.”

“The disease that has, on several occasions, nearly killed me does kill tens of thousands of people every year: most are young, most die unnecessarily, and many are among the most imaginative and gifted that we as a society have.”

“From the time I woke up in the morning until the time I went to bed at night, I was unbearably miserable and seemingly incapable of any kind of joy or enthusiasm. Everything--every thought, word, movement--was an effort. Everything that once was sparkling now was flat. I seemed to myself to be dull, boring, inadequate, thick brained, unlit, unresponsive, chill skinned, bloodless, and sparrow drab. I doubted, completely, my ability to do anything well.....

And always, everything was an effort. Washing my hair took hours to do, and it drained me for hours afterward; filling the ice-cute tray was beyond my capacity, and I occasionally slept in the same clothes I had worn during the day because I was too exhausted to undress.”

“But if love is not the cure, it certainly can act as a very strong medicine.”

“When I first thought about writing this book, I conceived of it as a book about moods, and an illness of moods, in the context of an individual life. As I have written it, however, it has somehow turned out to be very much a book about love as well: love as sustainer, as renewer, and as protector. After each seeming death within my mind or heart, love has returned to recreate hope and restore life. It has, at its best, made the inherent sadness of life bearable, and its beauty manifest. It has, inexplicably and savingly, provided not only cloak but lantern for the darker seasons and grimmer weather.”

“There is a particular kind of pain, elation, loneliness, and terror involved in this kind of madness. When you're high it's tremendous. The ideas and feelings are fast and frequent like shooting stars, and you follow them until you find better and brighter ones. Shyness goes, the right words and gestures are suddenly there, the power to captivate others a felt certainty. There are interests found in uninteresting people. Sensuality is pervasive and the desire to seduce and be seduced irresistible. Feelings of ease, intensity, power, well-being, financial omnipotence, and euphoria pervade one's marrow. But, somewhere, this changes. The fast ideas are far too fast, and there are far too many; overwhelming confusion replaces clarity. Memory goes. Humor and absorption on friends' faces are replaced by fear and concern. Everything previously moving with the grain is now against--you are irritable, angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and enmeshed totally in the blackest caves of the mind. You never knew these caves were there. It will never end, for madness carves its own reality.

It goes on and on, and finally there are only others' recollections of your behavior--your bizarre, frenetic, aimless behaviors--for mania has at least some grace in partially obliterating memories. What then, after the medications, psychiatrist, despair, depression, and overdose? All those incredible feelings to sort through. Who is being to polite to say what? Who knows what? What did I do? Why? And most hauntingly, when will it happen again? Then, too, are the bitter reminders--medicine to take, resent, forget, take, resent, and forget, but always take....And always, when will it happen again? Which of my feelings are real? Which of the me's is me?”

“People say, when I complain of being less lively, less energetic, less high - spirited, "Well, now you're just like the rest of us," meaning, among other things to be reassuring. But I compare myself with my former self, not with the others. Not only that, I tend to compare my current self with the best I have been, which is when I have been mildly manic. When I am my present "normal" self, I am far removed from when I have been my liveliest, most productive, most intense, most outgoing and effervescent. In short, for myself, I am a hard act to follow.



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閱讀 ()評論 (40)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '覺曉' 的評論 : 謝謝覺曉閱讀,覺曉能靜下心來讀書讀英文。我現在發現書讀得越多,文字好的比比皆是:) 歡迎你讀下一篇書摘,文字也好的不行。
覺曉 回複 悄悄話 是很美的文字,比如讀到“sanctuary”,聖經體了。:)我讀出聲音來。不過一般讀你含英文的,我得回頭繼續,自我分劇。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '水沫' 的評論 : 水沫好!你女兒的同學太可惜了! 你看,這個作者的書是1995 出版的,她患有躁鬱症很多年了,從ucla離職申請John Hopkins,)大約就是1980年前後)要填表的,她選擇跟部門領導約談一次。我驚訝她居然都沒有任何問題就被接收了。現在這種病越來越了解,藥物應該有跟上了,反而這個學生退學了(當然情況不同,學校不同的)。謝謝水沫臨帖和信息,周末快樂!
水沫 回複 悄悄話 我女兒有個同學,聰明美麗,也考上了醫學院,可是醫學院第一年就被診斷為躁鬱症,隻好退學,很可惜的。她到我們家來過幾次,完全看不出有任何異樣。看過美劇《國土安全》,女主也是躁鬱症患者,像暖冬說的,靠藥物控製,但她對於破案有特別敏銳的直覺,吃了藥就沒有了。謝謝暖冬分享專業資料~~
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'laopika' 的評論 : 謝謝Pika!我這個是讀書筆記,是寫書的人很厲害,很專業!是的,精神上的疾病也是要引起高度重視的,現代社會越來越多人得了。Pika五月快樂!
laopika 回複 悄悄話 暖冬非常專業的好文,現在許多人自殺,其中也許就有躁鬱症的關係,如果好好讀讀此書,或許很有幫助。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : Oncemm好!希望你媽媽身體一天好一天,你也可以安心回來。是的,照作者所說的,藥物副作用再大都得服用,否則會卷土重來,當然這個是躁鬱症,不知道抑鬱症是不是也如此。這些患者人很聰明的,你看英文中最後一段,作者其實是懷念那種輕微manic的狀態,那才是最佳狀態:)
另外,我你讀到博士了,在人生需要讀書的時候把書讀完了,哪怕你現在真的不讀書了,照某人的說法,“這世上99%的書是不用讀的,其中50%的書讀的是有害,可能還低估了這個百分比,應該是75%的書是有害的,尤其在當今,人人都可以出書。” 我讀這些書是想了解一些知識信息:)
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 暖mm好,讀了你精彩的書評,對mental illness又多了層了解。作者的雙重身份,也使得她的文字更引人入勝,而且我覺得寫作本身也是一種治愈。她說的是,真正的治療靠藥物和自己的意誌力,缺一不可。謝謝暖mm的介紹,你的博覽群書,讓不讀書的我受益匪淺!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '平等性' 的評論 : 謝謝平等兄臨帖!你是學醫的,了解的自然比我們一般人多。這世界物質發達了,人的精神生活並不能跟上。祝五月快樂!
平等性 回複 悄悄話 暖冬好文章!這個話題的確挺沉重的,而在疫情以後,精神病患者的比例大幅提高,現在已經成了全社會的大問題。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '海風隨意吹' 的評論 : 謝謝海風臨帖!問候你!
海風隨意吹 回複 悄悄話 謝謝暖冬的書評,還有摘錄的那些英文原文,學習了。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '小聲音' 的評論 : 小小好!是好像感覺有一陣不見了:)小小說的是,現代人承受壓力的能力不及我們,當然可能壓力比我們年輕時要大。而且各種藥物的研究生產,又讓人產生依賴。這些藥還真是有副作用的呢。躁鬱症的人可能有點暴力傾向的,憂鬱症隻是憂鬱而已,所以躁鬱症更可怕些,所以作者服用像鋰這樣的化學藥物,毒性蠻大的。但願我們周邊的人都能一生快樂!謝謝小小臨帖!
小聲音 回複 悄悄話 聽說過抑鬱症的,還不知道有躁鬱症,隨著社會的發展,好像精神上有疾病的人越來越多,在我們小時候,沒聽說誰得了抑鬱症,現在人們越來越重視抑鬱症、躁鬱症,而且還有藥物可以緩解治療,暖冬讀書多,謝謝知識性的書評分享!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '燕麥禾兒' 的評論 : 燕兒好! 這個病原來有個很直接了當的叫法,manic-depressive illness,後來為了尊重患者,改名叫bipolar disorders,有些人不喜歡被人說出manic, madness. 我也是讀到最後才明白,原來就是bipolar disorders. 寫到這裏想起梵高,他就是躁鬱症患者。藝術領域估計不少這樣的人,極其聰明又是危險人物。我還沒有看過《心居》,會留心一下。謝謝燕兒臨帖!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '南山鬆' 的評論 : 鬆鬆好!我自己也是從中受益,了解了這樣一群人,因為作者本來有著這樣的雙重身份,她有權利說,躁鬱症患者其實有她的advantage,她自己就是最好的例子。謝謝鬆鬆臨帖!
燕麥禾兒 回複 悄悄話 一月份的時候,看了一部海清演的電視劇《心居》,男主角的媽媽就是躁鬱症,那是我第一次聽到躁鬱症,不知道是什麽病,男主角媽媽的行為怪異。暖兒的文章,給我解了疑惑。暖兒層層推進,解析詳細,非常感謝!讚暖兒好文!
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 謝謝暖暖分享精彩的書評,不僅讓我了解了躁鬱症,而且明白了要正確對待躁鬱症患者,以及他們存在的意義。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 : Thanks, my friend, for your thoughtful comments. I was trying to translate this paragraph, and was stuck with this word “brackish”:) Also I learned the word “amulet” in the reading, which I happened to see it in your recent M list:)
I just checked the library and they do carry The WEIRDest people in the world, which I will add to my list. I vaguely remember your book review on this.
I will stop here as typing English on the cell phone is slow and time consuming. Thanks again my friend! Much appreciated!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'tugan' 的評論 : 歡迎tugan! 我相信你這裏說的,藥物的副作用很大。就拿這個lithium來說,這是一種chemical的東西,剛看到這個字我就在想這個字怎麽這麽熟悉,原來還真是鋰電池,作者在書中也說了,毒性很大,但是根據她書中所說,躁鬱症不服藥不行,病人很容易最後自殺了,所以,我想兩權相害取其輕吧。每個人對藥物排毒功能不同,很不幸,你的朋友腎都被損壞了,但願她能走出這種疾病的折磨。憂鬱症我想有輕有重的,如果不用藥就能抵抗當然是最佳選擇。聽說憂鬱症多曬太陽,補充vitamin D有幫助。祝你和朋友都能健健康康,開開心心過每一天!謝謝你的留言!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '康賽歐' 的評論 : 康康好!這個英文不是我寫的,是書中抄摘的,我要是能寫成這樣,都要笑醒了:) 康康說的又幽默又正確,確實如此,普通人正常人可能沒有“非”正常人這樣聰明,智力/創作力/想象力超群。讀這書,發現美國人的觀點還是比較超前,你想,學校招聘者完全接受“精神病人”,這還是在二三十年前,而且事實證明他的決定是對了,這位作者很優秀很成功的。謝謝康康留言,祝你在中國生活愉快!
7grizzly 回複 悄悄話 Thank you for sharing your book review.

'brackish' strings together the water, the animals, and the human feeling. What
a beautiful word.

We all deal with it. Seneca said "Sometimes even to live is an act of courage"
and "The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling against
adversity." I think the author should take pride and strength from her own

"The WEIRDest People in the World" by J. Henrich, which listed suicidal
inclination as one of the traits of Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich,
Democratic people and discussed it from a cultural and historic point of view.
Highly recommended.
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '無法弄' 的評論 : 弄弄好!這個躁鬱症可以不是焦慮症,我想焦慮症是不是anxiety attack,那個應該是短期的壓力焦慮造成的精神的恐慌。這本書寫得是躁鬱症,程度上更嚴重,而且是遺傳的。焦慮症應該不會遺傳,我想。現代人壓力大,所以有這樣那樣的反應正常啊。問候弄弄,祝你家公子翻開新篇章,你也是,多享受空巢日子!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '迪兒' 的評論 : 迪兒好!迪兒說的極是,知識尤其是這種知識,我們其實很缺乏也很需要的,懂這些知識才可以幫到自己,幫到家人和朋友。現在聽到太多憂鬱症的例子了。我現在比較喜歡讀傳記,真實的比較有啟發。謝謝迪兒臨帖,你多保重!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '混跡花草中的灰蘑菇' 的評論 : 輝蘑菇好!是的,作者Kay非常有才華的,她好像還是某個大學的英語教授,英文寫的很漂亮的,她嚴格上說是psychiatrist,精神科醫生,自己既是病人又是專家,1995年就出版了這本,還是很有勇氣的。非常推薦你讀,隻有200多頁,an easy read too.謝謝輝蘑菇臨帖!
tugan 回複 悄悄話 燥鬱症我知道一些。我不是患者,是我朋友。蠻麻煩的。我也沒有問她什麽感覺,就我觀察,她犯病時,就像一個人沒有靈魂一樣。外殼是她,神不是她了,讓我都不認識她了。一直吃藥,把腎髒都吃壞了,非常糟糕。然後,其他症狀也跟著來。
康賽歐 回複 悄悄話 暖冬這篇文寫得好,特別是英文部分令人佩服。我覺得應該算精神病的一種,人都有不同程度的精神病,隻不過程度深淺而已,程度一深,超出常規,就不正常了。據說愛因斯坦的腦子也不太正常,反正一不正常,就很容易出頂尖的科學家,藝術家等等。
無法弄 回複 悄悄話 是焦慮症吧?我家就有人這樣,疫情期間發現的,可以醫治,現在都沒事了,好了。發病時容易痙攣,動氣,為一點點別人想不到的事動怒,吃藥就好了,幾個月後就正常了,一定要看大夫。
迪兒 回複 悄悄話 冬妹妹心靜,閱讀的題材也很廣泛,這篇的分享是心理精神方麵難得的科普。我因為之前失眠求醫,開始關注心理和精神健康。對普通人而言,具備一些這方麵的知識非常有用,可以幫助親友,意識到可能的問題,及早幹預。
混跡花草中的灰蘑菇 回複 悄悄話 “作者本人是一名優秀的心理學研究員和心理醫生,才華橫溢, 還是一位非常出色的作家,著作豐厚”,聽暖冬介紹這作者,就覺得這書值得一讀,存下了。謝謝介紹,還有quotes,可以先品味一下
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'BeijingGirl1' 的評論 : 謝謝京妞臨帖!你說的是,bipolar就是兩極的意思,躁鬱症就是在這兩個極端徘徊。作者的文筆沒得說的,這些人都是有過人之處的,不是普通人。相對而言,美國社會比較能容忍這類人。我摘抄這些也是為自己以後可以重溫。謝謝京妞留言!
BeijingGirl1 回複 悄悄話 暖冬好文。 以前知道躁鬱症患者的情緒在兩極間搖擺。 原來有還家族遺傳的因素和具有非凡創造力。 很喜歡你摘錄的一些quote。 比如
““There is a particular kind of pain, elation, loneliness, and terror involved in this kind of madness. When you're high it's tremendous. The ideas and feelings are fast and frequent like shooting stars, and you follow them until you find better and brighter ones. 。。。But, somewhere, this changes. The fast ideas are far too fast, and there are far too many; overwhelming confusion replaces clarity. Memory goes. Humor and absorption on friends' faces are replaced by fear and concern. Everything previously moving with the grain is now against--you are irritable, angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and enmeshed totally in the blackest caves of the mind. You never knew these caves were there. It will never end, for madness carves its own reality. ”。 如果作者不是患者, 可能就沒有這麽細膩生動的描寫。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '歲月沈香' 的評論 : 沈香好!沈香研究和翻譯了很多心理學的著作,一定比我知道了解的多多了。我是覺得這方麵的知識不可或缺的。謝謝沈香的認同,很多年前,在國內我有個鄰居,估計患的就是這類疾病,回想起她,就更加覺得要了解這類病人,他們可以正常,可以不正常,全麵地看才是對他們公平。謝謝沈香,我最近互動少了,都沒去拜訪你們,不好意思了。祝沈香在台灣健健康康快快樂樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 謝謝菲兒臨帖!也有一陣沒有讀書寫筆記了,也是對這類題材感興趣,想了解一下。最近互動少了,都很少去看菲兒了,見諒了。祝好!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '素月-2006-' 的評論 : 歡迎新朋友臨帖留言!謝謝!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '曉青' 的評論 : 給曉青上茶,這就有點夏天的感覺,給領導上綠茶!是的,她好像還專門寫了一本書,羅列那些患有躁鬱症傑出的音樂家、畫家。那些人的大腦跟普通人不一樣的。謝謝曉青臨帖!
歲月沈香 回複 悄悄話 讚暖冬好書評!從暖冬的書評中感覺這是一本值得閱讀的書,作者以心理學專業人士和患者雙重身份來講解躁鬱症,非常有說服力。“要正確認識和看待精神病人,這世界本來就是由各種各樣的人、物組成,因為不同,這世界才炫麗多姿,豐富多彩”,很喜歡這句話,說得真好!謝謝暖冬好書評分享!
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 暖冬真是個讀書人,讚翔實,有料的書評,學到很多,精神疾病真的很麻煩。
素月-2006- 回複 悄悄話 有意思,感謝分享.
曉青 回複 悄悄話 沙發!