Playing pingpong is our new pastime. With the pandemic re-surging and rampant over the region, we are more confined than ever. When the idea came up that we may be able to play pingpong indoors, I rummaged in the garage for a pair of rackets that I remember bought many years ago. Still unpacked in the original package, the three aging white balls turned pale yellow, but bouncy enough. Thus began our daily pingpong rally, in a master bedroom, without a pingpong table in between. We made our own rules, and had our own way, for the sole purpose of exercising. But along came the fun, the laughter, and the challenge. When the right hand rally culminated in persistently over 100, we challenged ourselves to play left-handed. What seemed an unsurmountable switch at first thought proved to be successful. Over only two weeks of practice, our left-hand, once awkward and clumsy, becomes just as adept. Given more practice, it could outplay our right-hand.
One day, a new idea of playing with one standing leg was brought forth and it welcomingly became our interest. Playing with one leg asks for better balance and skills, as we hop from time to time to catch the flying ball. And alternating left with right foot gives more muscles to stretch. Within a short period of time, our blood circulates, leading to quicker sweating. In the end, my toes stay warm long after the play is over.
報告一下,姐上次推薦的話筒我買了,這幾天正在練習中 :)
慢慢要發展到雙手各執一拍, 打兩個球了。 :)
歌聲像和風細雨,沒暴風驟雨 :)
謝謝閣閣誇我,想起閣閣心裏甜:)) 閣閣周末快樂!
It's more admirable that you two can play together. You definitely need a ping-pong table :-)
這首歌的發現真是因為你,那天去找《陪你一起看草原》,結果發現烏蘭托婭的這首,也很喜歡,就反複聽,把它學會了。不過草原的歌,音域太寬,我都降低三個key,結果前麵的"阿妹"都低到聽不見了。後麵已經放開唱了,不過太高了,音不穩不好聽,不過就這水平了,唱完了事了:)) 謝謝你這麽用心讀文聽歌。那天聽到周深唱周傑倫的《煙花易冷》,覺得適合你唱。預祝秋水周末快樂!
Given the pandemic re-surging and rampant over the region, we are more confined than ever.confining ourselves at home doesn’t mean we are banned from doing physical exercise. Some people may do YOGA, some dance, some walk in their back yard. We can play Pingpong!
When the idea came to my mind, I was so excited! I remembered we have a pair of brand new Pingpong rackets which I bought years ago. “ Yeah! My smart and lovely wife!” when I told my husband this idea, he shouted with a grinning face. Ahead of me, he ran to the garage like the wind. At the very corner of garage, He found the racketes, still being sealed with plastic film and 3 PINGPONG balls which have tuned into pale yellow from aging.
From there, we began our daily pingpong rally in a master bedroom. Sicne we don’t have a pingpong table at home, we set up our own rules of scoring, even win or lose is not important, but having physical exercise and fun . We had tried playing with left-hand, with one leg standing…
我買了和你類似的掦聲器,用ipad 連線後試錄沒成功,錄成了重音好象兩處進聲被錄,不知道是我用法不對還是別的原因。
我天生是左撇子,被“糾正”成了右撇子。隻有單臂用力時,還會下意識地用左手。中學時曾想過恢複左手寫字,沒堅持下去 -- 如同太多事情。