As we were approaching the seventh month of working from home, I got an email from the company, seeking our advice of continuing working remotely, and what the company can do to help out those in need. I later heard that our office leases are expiring and that the executives plan to size down the office space. I believe this will be hailed as a good decision, a welcome move most employees favor. A recent HR survey on August 21 shows that out of 69% respondents, 92% employees enjoy working from home. As surprised as the result may sound, it speaks volume of our preferences.
While we see no end of this pandemic, people and companies are voluntarily and involuntarily changing their way of doing businesses. What would have previously seemed a bit bizarre of remote working is now becoming a norm, as more employees settle into routines. More importantly, the business owners are accepting it. In my company, it is a big leap from first suspiciously following suit, to now proactively endorsing it. On September 9, HR issued a Telework Program Policy, telling us that each eligible employee will be reimbursed monthly with $25 cell phone expense, and $25 equipment connectivity fee, retroactively to March 2020. Then on September 12, a surprise gift of a Snackbox was delivered to our doorsteps. Small the gift is, I remember the day with warmth and joy swelling in my heart.
Though the workplace is only ten- minute- drive from home, working remotely still makes differences. I don’t have to dress up in the mornings. I can nap 20-30 minutes at home on a comfy bed. I cook three meals every day, tending to his weak stomach. I don’t have to worry about my little watchful boss lurking behind me. I can do my readings in the down time, and once in a while going downstairs or backyard for a stroll or a breath. But whenever an urgent request comes, I overtime at night, never missing any work or deadline. It is true that telecommuting may has blurred the start and end of working hour, but we have at our hands the freedom of tackling the fixed workload at our preferred pace without much interference.
I don’t know what our reactions will be once the lockdown is lifted, and we are asked to go back to the office. Some of my co-workers live in a suburban area, hours’ drive away. In order to avoid the traffic, they get up five or six in the mornings. I remember one of them once told me that how hard it was to get up in the dark and drive in the cold in winter. In my team, I have a coworker who has three kids. Two elder ones are in the elementary school, and the youngest one, less than one year old, is in daycare. Each month, the daycare and after school expenses alone exceed $2000. Will people like them wish that the clock will never be turned back?
說說我的得意的減重經驗吧:幾個月前這裏的理發館終於重新開門,我一舉告別若幹磅。 :-)
我們每天上班也是要turn on Skype,所以你在不在線上都可以看見,當然你可以坐在電腦前不幹活。我的小老板也是很喜歡micromanagement,好像錢是從她口袋了掏出來的。但是我們的owner人特別好。在家上班要是忙一點不合算了。但是也是沒有辦法。有些時候能推就推,不要逼自己,就是一份工作。周末了,忙了一星期了,好好休息吧。周末快樂!
Also I would like to apologize for my being one-sided or stubborn (too) in my last comment. People ARE different, and as far as we are doing what we enjoy and what we think are good for us, physically or mentally, there is really no point of asking others to align with us. You are such a disciplined, diligent and resilient person that you have all my respect and admiration. Thank you for the good usage of "breathe down the neck". I just came across a good sentence too, to share with you here. " Yet the disaster may have an upside." Thank you for your visit, and have a great weekend!
I too enjoyed working remote although I do miss face-to-face with people.
> As surprised as the result may sound
"surprising" is better here.
這些零食是公司送的,一盒子裏麵的美國食物,那天正巧給女兒寄火龍果,就順便把其中的2/3轉寄給她了。這是我不是太愛吃,還是瓜子好吃:)我們在家上班可沒有那麽自由,離開電腦都可以track的:) 忘了寫這段了。謝謝菲兒,周末快樂!