What started as the movie reviews of Youth escalated to be a beauty show of our own. Old pictures were dug from the depths of our boxes, to be put on the blogs for public display. “Show or Flash your picture” become buzz words in the 2018 Wenxue city. Helmed by YuanDao, the unveiling of "true faces" was like a stone thrown into a pond,rippling through the placid surface. People including me went ” wild", scurrying to the blogs to get a glimpse of bloggers, with whom we have been communicating online in writings for so long. As the raging fire uncontrollably spread, more bloggers joined in the fun parade, being nostalgic of our unforgettable youth. Flattering comments, topics of technical privacy control, laughter, Yuandao’s Lofty Awards punctuated the whole event, enticing more onlookers to jump in.
Being on the sidelines, I was caught in the thick of the contagious sentiment. Hesitantly, I turned to my LD for advice. He looked at me, a bit amused, and asked, "Why?". Adding promptly with a shrug, he said "I prefer you not to. But you have the liberty".
Why? A good rhetorical question. But should everything we do in our daily life have to be backed up by a good reason? Can’t we just do things without a second thought, for a moment of self-entertaining?
"No reason. I just want to be there, to be part of the party who is reminiscent of our youth, the past we can never return to" was my answer. The lure of proving that we were once young and pretty prevailed in the end.
Just started to visit your blog and enjoyed reading your wonderful articles,especially your English version ones, which were all well done and I really liked.
I might steal your idea to write my own stories in English too, hope someday, so my English-spoken friends could read them. However, I know it is a long way for me to go. Anyway, thanks again for your inspiration and good example.