我們的systems manager 昨天在辦公室待了一晚上。他要給VM hosts 升級,中間出現問題。四個小時的計劃,變成了十二個小時的勞作。他可以半途回家,早上再回來等VMware 的客服幫助解決問題,但是那樣我們的運作就會受到幾個小時的影響。他決定待下來,自己想辦法解決。我早上發現係統有問題,發郵件/打電話給他,他說遇到問題,還在解決。我七點趕到辦公室,陪著他把問題解決並且收尾。
我們都把加班解決係統 emergency 當成份內的事。但是每逢這種時候,我總是記著寫郵件感謝他,並 copy 公司的COO, 財務總監,供應鏈總監等公司運作的決策人,如果我不說,他們不會知道這位員工在這件事上的貢獻。下麵是我寫給 systems manager並 copy 給其他人的郵件:
thank you so much for walking in the office yesterday in the morning and just left the office 30 minutes ago today.
If you did not spend the whole night resolving the VM host issue on your own and we had to wait for VM tech support to working on it this morning, our xxxx/xxxx interface would have been down for at least 4 hours this morning.
Your dedication is very much appreciated.