
北美愚醫 (熱門博主)
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用"饑餓"來治療腫瘤? 一篇在頂級醫學雜誌發表的論文

(2017-03-02 10:44:51) 下一個

近年來,有關肥胖和腫瘤的關係研究得越來越多。比如乳腺癌 http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/69489/201612/1618849.html  ,腸癌,子宮內膜癌,以及最近的脂肪肝與肝癌的關係  http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/69489/201702/22696.html?  等等。雖然還不夠確定地說,肥胖是產生腫瘤的直接原因,但兩者的相關性已足夠引起重視。

有人嚐試用改變飲食習慣和結構的方式來治療癌症。這個方麵的報道可謂是五花八門,更難定論。被提得很多的是一種叫做ketogenic diet,其理論根據是去除食物中的糖類,來"餓死"癌細胞。本人尚未有足夠的精力和時間去深入了解這種方法,所以在這沒有發言權。大家可以自己去摸索討論。

那麽肥胖和血液腫瘤有相關性嗎? 在2007年發表在權威的《臨床腫瘤雜誌》Journal of Clinical Oncology 上,一組研究人員收集了從1988-1995年的343例肥胖,和3971例不肥胖的急性淋巴白血病患兒(ALL)。其結論是:肥胖影響到白血病患兒的複發和治愈率。


有趣的是,最近一群在德州(UT Southwestern Medical Center) 的華人學者,在頂級醫學刋物巜Nature Medicine》上發表了一篇用饑餓(fasting)使血白細胞受到抑製的文章。






應該說,這個重大研究目前僅在動物模型階段。在人體呢? 大家去推測吧。


1. Fasting selectively blocks development of acute lymphoblastic leukemia via leptin-receptor upregulation

  • Zhigang Lu, Jingjing Xie, Guojin Wu, Jinhui Shen, Robert Collins, Weina Chen, Xunlei Kang, Min Luo, Yizhou Zou, Lily Jun-Shen Huang, James F Amatruda, Tamra Slone,Naomi Winick, Philipp E Scherer & Cheng Cheng Zhang

Nature Medicine 23, 79–90 (2017)doi:10.1038/nm.4252


2. Obesity and Outcome in Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 

Anna M. Butturini, Frederick J. Dorey, Beverly J. Lange, David W. Henry, Paul S. Gaynon, Cecilia Fu, Janet Franklin, Stuart E. Siegel, Nita L. Seibel, Paul C. Rogers, Harland Sather, Michael Trigg,
W. Archie Bleyer, and William L. Carroll 

The 1988 to 1995 cohort included 343 obese and 3,971 nonobese patients. The 5-year event-free survival rate and risk of relapse,  in Conclusion : Obesity at diagnosis independently predicts likelihood of relapse and cure in preteenagers and adolescents with ALL. 

J Clin Oncol 25:2063-2069. © 2007 by American Society of Clinical Oncology 

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閱讀 ()評論 (11)
追夢 回複 悄悄話 長知識。謝謝!
北美愚醫 回複 悄悄話 回複 '泥中隱士' 的評論 : 你說的很有道理。畢竟動物實驗和人體的差異太大了。
泥中隱士 回複 悄悄話 截斷腫瘤的營養不是新的想法。問題是怎樣才能做到?靠吃一天餓一天?正常人一天得吃三頓飯,斷一頓都餓的慌。還是想別的辦法吧。
北美愚醫 回複 悄悄話 回複 '池上草堂' 的評論 : 非常感謝,很好的資料來源。
北美愚醫 回複 悄悄話 回複 'MoatCity' 的評論 : 謝謝你的評論
北美愚醫 回複 悄悄話 回複 'jyx-003' 的評論 : 我把原文複製過來:Strikingly, a regimen consisting of six cycles of 1 d of fasting, followed by 1 d of feeding,
jyx-003 回複 悄悄話 什麽是“間隙性一天禁食和一天進食,”?
MoatCity 回複 悄悄話 Honestly how many fat centenarians have you seen? Almost all the people who lived above 100 years have been thin. Hiking with a Nurse Practitioner, started talking about Hep-C treatment, and how effective the new drugs are, she said that Hep-C is the major cause of liver transplant, now with the new drug, it won't be any longer. Then she asked me about the 2nd cause, I said Alcohol, she said NO, it is fatty liver.
Thanks for sharing, one more reason to keep the new year resolution of dropping weight, 2 LB so far, and 5 more pounds to go!
池上草堂 回複 悄悄話 Many years ago, scientists believe sugar is the only source that cancer cell can use as energy. (To starve a tumor from MIT, http://news.mit.edu/2010/cancer-metabolism-0406). The reason behind ketogenic diet is to eliminate any kind of sugar intake.

Recently, MIT have two articles about how cancer cell can use other substance as energy. (How cancer cells get by on a starvation diet from MIT, http://news.mit.edu/2011/cancer-metabolism-1121; and How cancer cells fuel their growth from MIT, http://news.mit.edu/2016/how-cancer-cells-fuel-their-growth-0307).

According to this article, low calorie fasting does help to kill cancer cell (Fasting-like diet turns the immune system against cancer, http://news.usc.edu/103972/fasting-like-diet-turns-the-immune-system-against-cancer/)

Hope this information helps.

北美愚醫 回複 悄悄話 發表的文章是真的。附上 References. Please refer to them.
心戚然2 回複 悄悄話 真的,假的?