6)告訴孩子在Palo Alto高中一個普通孩子(每學期至少一個B)將會是南加大的學習尖子。不要用這個高中的標準判斷自己在世界的位置。告訴他們"你比你想象的要更聯明有能力。你會在大學感覺很棒"。所以好日子就要來了;
為方便與孩子交流,以下是英文的list,感謝Debra, Amy and the PACPC team的整理:
1) Make sure your kid has AT LEAST 6 hours sleep every day.
2) Only allows your kids to take the AP class if he/she likes the subject, not for peer pressure.
3) Drop AP class or downlane if your kid routinely can't go to bed by 12:00.
4) Extracurricular activities are primary for kids to get relaxed from their academic stress by doing what they enjoy and learn team work and people skill. Make sure your kid does not pick extracurricular activities for boosting his resume only, not for personal enjoyment.
5) Tell your kids you love them who they are, not what grade they bring home. Tell them you love them every day. Tell them they are your apple of your eyes!Tell them you love them every day. Tell them that they will be loved by more people in their long journey of life later.
6) Tell your kids the average kid in Paly (at least one "B" per semester is an academic star at USC). Don't use Paly standard to judge themselves in the world. Tell them "You are a lot smarter and capable than you think. You will feel great in college." So better time is coming.
7) Take your kids out for hiking, camping or other outdoor activities, a good way to decompress. Boys tend to open up when doing parallel activities together like in the car and hiking. Bedtime and dinner table are also the good time to talk to your kids.
8) Tell your kid it is good to experience setback and failure which gives you experience and confidence that you can overcome it and therefore become resilient. So embrace setback and failure because it makes you strong, don't be scare of it.
9) Learn to ask for help from friends, parents, teachers and other adults. It is called "Resourceful", a very important trait for high EQ individual. Ask for help is being "Smart" not being "Weak".
10) Help your kids to find their passion which gives them the purpose of their lives through activities, religion, etc.
11) Spend at least half hour everyday sitting side by side with your kid(s), doing things together or just talking.
有一句著名的話,It takes a village to raise healthy kids(教育出健康的孩子需要全村的努力),我想同樣,it also takes a village to hurt the kids(傷害孩子的也來自全村的環境)。這是我們全社區應該意識到的。
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