

《來時的路》(中英文對照版)3.11 很高興見到你

(2015-05-29 22:58:25) 下一個

3.11    很高興見到你

 “Bonjour, good to see you!(你好,很高興見到你!)尹伯文不早不遲出現在迎賓口,咧著嘴,給程弈田一個大大的擁抱,“I guess the trip must be alright, my dear lady!(親愛的女士,我猜你的旅途一定是不錯的。

“Yeah, it was just right. I was squeezed right in the middle.(還行吧。我就被這樣擠在中間。)程弈田精神抖擻地回應著他的問候,“just like this.(就這樣。)說著,她還做起動作,僵硬著身體,兩臂緊緊地貼在身旁,雙腿收縮在一塊兒,“for the whole trip. Don't ask me about the restroom breaks. Where is the restroom, by the way?(整個行程都是這樣。不要問我怎麽去的洗手間。對了,這兒的洗手間在哪兒?)程弈田微笑著順著尹伯文手指的方向匆匆走去,行李丟給了他。

“Here you are. Finally!(終於到了!)尹伯文替程弈田背著包,拖著行李,從Central Square(中央廣場)走回AshdownMIT的宿舍),放下背包的那一刻,長舒了一口氣。“I was worried that I had to carry this luggage, and YOU~ back. You were sleeping like a log on the train. Oh my, you even slobbered on my sweater, yucky!(我剛才還有點擔心,我不僅要拉回這些行李,還要背你回來呢。你在火車上睡得像根木頭。天哪,你還在我的毛衣上流口水了呢。好惡心哦!) 

望著作出及其嫌棄表情的尹伯文,程弈田放鬆了緊繃了一路的肌肉,嘻皮笑臉:“Oops,  俏皮地捂住嘴,“next time, you can slobber on mine. Fair?(下回,你在我毛衣上流口水得了。這下公平了吧?)

“Ok, Yitian. Not teasing you anymore. You must be so tired! Get rested. See ya.(好,弈田。不逗你了。你一定很累,好好休息吧。再見咯。)尹伯文輕輕親了程弈田的臉頰,拍拍她的肩,微笑著拉上了門。“Hey, email me your MSN account.(對了,待會兒把你的MSN號給我發過來。)

程弈田已經好久沒有專門去中國市場了,沒有了奚濤開的汽車,那條路顯得有點遠,來回一趟有點勞心。少了那個選擇,程弈田才發現附近的美國超市卻也不錯:隔三差五地在超市入口處擺著各類的打折券供人隨意使用不說,這裏更有她了解這個國家衣食住行的窗口。“The brownish stuff I had was For Gras, right? And, it's not even legal to sell it in some states in the US. I knew this because I was intrigued by this little food can called Pate in Star Market. I researched it online, and it's considered the substitution of For Gras. (你原來給我吃的那種黃黃的東西應該是鵝肝吧?在美國有些州都禁止銷售呢。我稍微做了些調查才知道的。這是因為在星星超市裏我看見了一種叫帕特的小罐頭。網上說,人們普遍這種帕特當作是鵝肝的替代品。

“Very good, welcome to the French Cuisine world!(非常好,歡迎來到法國料理的世界!)不出意料,尹伯文在MSN上最喜歡的表情符號是個咧著大嘴的笑,也是兩排整齊潔白的牙。“Did you try that pate? How was it compared to For grais?(你試了帕特嗎?跟鵝肝比起來哪個更好吃?)

程弈田認為,兩者的區別,嚐過的人,隻要不是連中國用大熊貓做亞運會吉祥物都要反對的動物保護主義者,便不會說他更偏向Pate,“Well, it's different, I guess people tried to imitate the soft and melting texture of stuffed goose liver, it's still not the same!”(帕特,“兩者當然不同。我猜啊,人們想用帕特來模仿鵝肝那種軟滑的口感,不過,真的不一樣的!)回車鍵之後,“Not at all!(一丁點都不一樣!)幾個字一出,程弈田才覺得自己想要表達的意思完整了。

“Yeah, you know the caviar! I am glad that I did not give it to the pig. That's another delicacy I need to show you another time, the Caviar, the real one, the one Einstein loves!(恩。你相當識貨。我很高興沒有明珠投暗呢。還有一種精致的食物,我下回給你試試啊。就是魚子醬,愛因斯坦最愛吃的那種!)"

“How nice! I would love to try that.(那麽好!我好想嚐嚐的。)

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