wenxueOp2018-03-28 10:51:11回複悄悄話
分享 商店賣的蝴蝶蘭的 使用說明書。我每兩周把花浸泡一次,注意苔蘚不要太多導致水分過量:
LIGHT: keep indoors in bright, indirect light.
TEMPERATURE: Maintain 65-80'F range while blooming.
WATER AND FERTILIZER: water once per week at most {最多一周一次}。 Submerge entire pot in water for 5 minutes, then allow to drain. Or place 2 or 3 ice cubes on top of the bark once weekly. Fertilize with a balanced mix (such as 20-10-20) every second watering at half the normal dose.
分享 商店賣的蝴蝶蘭的 使用說明書。我每兩周把花浸泡一次,注意苔蘚不要太多導致水分過量:
LIGHT: keep indoors in bright, indirect light.
TEMPERATURE: Maintain 65-80'F range while blooming.
WATER AND FERTILIZER: water once per week at most {最多一周一次}。 Submerge entire pot in water for 5 minutes, then allow to drain. Or place 2 or 3 ice cubes on top of the bark once weekly. Fertilize with a balanced mix (such as 20-10-20) every second watering at half the normal dose.