南小鹿 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2021-07-18 09:56:16) 下一個


第一處:曆史劇《理查二世》(Richard II)第一幕第一場:貴族波林勃洛克(Bolingbroke)和毛勃雷(Mowbray)在理查二世麵前互相指摘對方。波林勃洛克說毛勃雷貪汙軍餉,還設計謀害葛羅斯特公爵(理查二世的叔叔)等。毛勃雷為自己辯護,認為不存在貪汙一說,因為那筆錢是國王欠他的。他摸棱兩可地稱自己失職,未能好好地保護葛羅斯特(事實上查理二世正是殺死親叔叔的幕後主使)。毛勃雷隻痛快地承認自己曾經密謀反對當今國王,但他早已後悔了。兩人激烈爭吵,甚至扔下手套(gage)準備決鬥。波林勃洛克的父親岡特的約翰(John Gaunt,查理二世的叔叔)勸兒子放棄決鬥,理查二世也給毛勃雷下了同樣的命令。毛勃雷義憤難平,對國王說:“尊敬的陛下,我願意撲倒在您的腳下。您可以支配我的生命,但不能強迫我接受恥辱。為您盡忠效命是我的職責所在,可是即使死神住在我的墳墓之上,您也不能讓我的美好聲譽受到玷汙。我在這兒遭到莫名其妙的羞辱和彈劾,誹謗者有毒的長矛刺穿了我的靈魂,沒有香膏能夠醫治,隻有他那吐著毒瘴的心頭的血液才可為我療傷。”


Myself I throw, dread sovereign, at thy foot.

My life thou shalt command, but not my shame:

The one my duty owes; but my fair name,

Despite of death that lives upon my grave,

To dark dishonour’s use thou shalt not have.

I am disgraced, impeach’d and baffled here,

Pierced to the soul with slander’s venom’d spear,

The which no balm can cure but his heart-blood

Which breathed this poison.)




Discomfortable cousin! know’st thou not

That when the searching eye of heaven is hid,

Behind the globe, that lights the lower world,

Then thieves and robbers range abroad unseen

In murders and in outrage, boldly here;

But when from under this terrestrial ball

He fires the proud tops of the eastern pines

And darts his light through every guilty hole,

Then murders, treasons and detested sins,

The cloak of night being pluck’d from off their backs,

Stand bare and naked, trembling at themselves?

So when this thief, this traitor, Bolingbroke,

Who all this while hath revell’d in the night

Whilst we were wandering with the antipodes,

Shall see us rising in our throne, the east,

His treasons will sit blushing in his face,

Not able to endure the sight of day,

But self-affrighted tremble at his sin.

Not all the water in the rough rude sea

Can wash the balm off from an anointed king;

The breath of worldly men cannot depose

The deputy elected by the Lord:

For every man that Bolingbroke hath press’d

To lift shrewd steel against our golden crown,

God for his Richard hath in heavenly pay

A glorious angel: then, if angels fight,

Weak men must fall, for heaven still guards the right.)




Ay, no; no, ay; for I must nothing be;

Therefore no no, for I resign to thee.

Now mark me, how I will undo myself;

I give this heavy weight from off my head

And this unwieldy sceptre from my hand,

The pride of kingly sway from out my heart;

With mine own tears I wash away my balm,

With mine own hands I give away my crown,

With mine own tongue deny my sacred state,

With mine own breath release all duty’s rites:

All pomp and majesty I do forswear;

My manors, rents, revenues I forego;

My acts, decrees, and statutes I deny:

God pardon all oaths that are broke to me!

God keep all vows unbroke that swear to thee!

Make me, that nothing have, with nothing grieved,

And thou with all pleased, that hast all achieved!

Long mayst thou live in Richard’s seat to sit,

And soon lie Richard in an earthly pit!

God save King Harry, unking’d Richard says,

And send him many years of sunshine days!

What more remains?)


第四處:《亨利五世》(Henry V)第四幕第一場,阿金庫爾(Agincourt)的英軍陣地。亨利五世穿著借來的披風,扮成士兵進入軍營,與三位兵哥聊天。當士兵們退下後,他來了一段精彩的長篇獨白:“的確,法國人可以用二十比一的法國人頭(注:crown指的是法國錢幣)下賭注,來打敗我們,因為他們的‘人頭’就長在他們的肩上。可是英國人割法國‘人頭’也不算叛國,明天國王就要親自操刀呢。(士兵們下)要國王負責!讓我們把我們的生命、靈魂、我們的債務、我們細心的妻子、我們的孩子以及我們的罪惡全都交給國王負責吧。哦,伴隨著尊榮而來的艱難責任聽憑每個蠢人的胡說亂議,他能感受到的隻有自己的痛苦。做了國王,就得放棄普通人享受的無限生活樂趣。除了排場,除了盛大的排場,國王能享受到的,還有什麽是普通百姓享受不到的?你又算什麽呢,你偶像式的排場?你又是什麽樣的神明,比你的崇拜者遭受更多的苦難?你收到什麽租金?帶來什麽進賬?哦,排場,向我顯示你的價值!你為什麽被人崇拜呢?除了地位、階層和儀式之外,你還有其他能激發別人敬畏之情的東西嗎?你叫人恐懼,卻比那幫誠惶誠恐的人更不快樂。你經常喝的是有毒的奉承,而不是甜蜜的尊敬。喔,偉大的尊榮呀,你試著生一場病,吩咐你的排場來治愈你吧!你認為由諂媚鼓吹出來的頭銜可以退去滾燙的高燒嗎?鞠躬作揖會治愈病痛嗎?當你命令乞丐雙膝跪下時,能同時命令他把健康奉獻給你嗎?不,你是妄自尊大的幻夢啊,善於戲弄國王的好眠。我是一個國王,早已看穿了你,我明白不是香膏、權杖、金球,不是劍、錘矛、王冠、由金線和珍珠織成的王袍、加在王號前頭的花哨頭銜、他高踞的寶座,或者拍打著這個世界的陸岸的華麗盛典的浪潮,不,不是所有這些,這些無比輝煌的排場,能讓你睡在禦榻上,和一個卑賤的奴隸睡得一樣香甜。一個奴隸用辛苦勞動掙來的麵包塞飽了肚子,空著腦子,上床去睡覺,就再也看不見從地獄裏產生的可怕的黑夜。他倒是像一個伺候太陽神的小廝,從日出到日落,在烈日下流著汗,整個晚上睡在至福樂土,第二天天一亮,又爬起來替太陽神把駿馬套上了車。年複一年,他就幹著這辛苦營生,直到進入了墳墓。除了排場,如此一個可憐蟲,日出而作,日入而息,卻比國王過得好。那個奴隸享受著國家的太平,愚鈍的大腦從不為此操心,做君王的夙興夜寐為了維護這和平景象,卻是那鄉野村夫得到了最大的好處。”


Indeed, the French may lay twenty French

crowns to one they will beat us, for they bear

them on their shoulders. But it is no English

treason to cut French crowns, and tomorrow

the king himself will be a clipper.

(Exeunt soldiers )

Upon the king! Let us our lives, our souls, our

debts, our careful wives, our children, and

our sins lay on the king!

We must bear all. O hard condition,

Twin-born with greatness, subject to the breath

Of every fool, whose sense no more can feel

But his own wringing. What infinite heart’s ease

Must kings neglect that private men enjoy?

And what have kings that privates have not too,

Save ceremony, save general ceremony?

And what art thou, thou idol ceremony?

What kind of god art thou, that suffer’st more

Of mortal griefs than do thy worshippers?

What are thy rents? What are thy comings in?

O ceremony, show me but thy worth!

What is thy soul of adoration?

Art thou aught else but place, degree, and form,

Creating awe and fear in other men,

Wherein thou art less happy, being feared,

Than they in fearing?

What drink’st thou oft, instead of homage sweet,

But poisoned flattery? Oh, be sick, great greatness,

And bid thy ceremony give thee cure!

Think’st thou the fiery fever will go out

With titles blown from adulation?

Will it give place to flexure and low bending?

Canst thou, when thou command’st the beggar’s knee,

Command the health of it? No, thou proud dream,

That play’st so subtly with a king’s repose.

I am a king that find thee, and I know

'Tis not the balm, the scepter, and the ball,

The sword, the mace, the crown imperial,

The intertissued robe of gold and pearl,

The farcèd title running 'fore the king,

The throne he sits on, nor the tide of pomp

That beats upon the high shore of this world.

No, not all these, thrice-gorgeous ceremony,

Not all these, laid in bed majestical,

Can sleep so soundly as the wretched slave,

Who, with a body filled and vacant mind,

Gets him to rest, crammed with distressful bread;

Never sees horrid night, the child of hell,

But, like a lackey, from the rise to set

Sweats in the eye of Phoebus, and all night

Sleeps in Elysium; next day after dawn, 

Doth rise and help Hyperion to his horse,

And follows so the ever-running year

With profitable labor to his grave.

And, but for ceremony, such a wretch,

Winding up days with toil and nights with sleep,

Had the forehand and vantage of a king.

The slave, a member of the country’s peace,

Enjoys it, but in gross brain little wots

What watch the king keeps to maintain the peace,

Whose hours the peasant best advantages.)




在亨利五世的率領下,由步兵弓箭手為主力的英軍擊潰了由大批貴族組成的法國精銳部隊,這就是英法百年戰爭中著名的以少勝多的阿金庫爾戰役。這場戰役成為了英國長弓手最輝煌的勝利,也是一場在戰爭史有重要影響的戰役 — 以弓箭手作為主力對抗重裝騎士的勝利。


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