南小鹿 (熱門博主)
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The poplar doth Alcides hold most dear,

The vine Iacchus, Phoebus his own bays,

And Venus fair the myrtle: therewithal

Phyllis doth hazels love, and while she loves,

Myrtle nor bay the hazel shall out-vie.



“到這兒來吧,俊美的孩子; 看吧,仙女們為你帶來了一整個籃子的百合花; 為你,美麗的水泉女神采來淺色的紫香堇和罌粟果,把水仙花和芬芳的茴香花放在一起,用蠟葉芫花和其他香草將它們纏繞,然後把柔軟的風信子和金色的金盞花放在一起。我要親自采集有著灰白色柔毛的榲桲和阿瑪瑞莉絲曾經鍾愛的栗子。還有蠟李,讓它享受榮耀。你,哦,月桂,我也要采來,還有你,月桂的鄰居香桃木,把你們混在一起香氣更加迷人”。

Come hither, lovely boy! See, for you the Nymphs bring lilies in heaped-up baskets; for you the fair Naiad, plucking pale violets and poppy heads, blends narcissus and sweet-scented fennel flower; then, twining them with cassia and other sweet herbs, sets off the delicate hyacinth with the golden marigold. My own hands will gather quinces, pale with tender down, and chestnuts, which my Amaryllis loved. Waxen plums I will add – this fruit, too, shall have its honour. You too, O laurels, I will pluck, and you, their neighbour myrtle, for so placed you blend sweet fragrance.




But you whether you are already sailing past the rocks of great Timavus or coasting the shore of the Illyrian sea – say, will that day ever dawn when I may tell your deeds? Shall I be ever free to spread your songs throughout the world, that alone are worthy of the buskin of Sophocles? From you is my beginning; in your honour shall I end. Accept the songs essayed at your bidding, and grant that, amid the conqueror’s laurels, this ivy may creep about your brows.





As this clay hardens and as this wax melts in one and the same flame, so may Daphnis melt with love for me! Sprinkle meal, and kindle the crackling bays with pitch. Me cruel Daphnis burns; for Daphnis burn I this laurel.

Bring Daphnis home from town, bring him, my songs!





winter is the farmer’s lazy time. In cold weather farmers chiefly enjoy their gains, and feast together in merry companies. Winter’s cheer calls them, and loosens the weight of care – even as when laden keels have at last reaches port, and the merry sailors have crowned the poops with garlands. Still, then is the time to strip the acorns and laurel berries, the olive and blood-red myrtle; the time to set snares for cranes and nets for the stag, and to chase the long-eared hares; the time to smite the does, as you whirl the hempen thongs of a Balearic sling – when the snow lies deep, when the rivers roll down the ice.



 Firstly, Nature has manifold ways for rearing trees. For some, under no man’s constraint, spring up of their own free will, and far and wide claim the plains and winding rivers; such as the limber osier and lithe broom, the poplar, and the pale willow beds with silvery leafage. But some spring from fallen seed, as tall chestnuts, and the mast tree, monarch of the woodland, that spreads its shade for Jove, and the oaks, deemed by the Greeks oracular. With others a dense undergrowth sprouts from the parent root, as with cherries and elms; the laurel of Parnassus, too, springs up, a tiny plant, beneath its mother’s mighty shade. These are the modes Nature first ordained; these give verdure to every kind of forest trees and shrubs and sacred groves.

(注:詩行裏的Jove 是朱庇特的別名,希臘人和意大利人都把橡樹同他們最高的神宙斯(即朱庇特,天神、雨神和雷神)聯係在一起。希臘最有名最古老的聖地多多納(Dodona)先後為母神狄俄涅和宙斯的供奉地,女祭司聆聽橡樹葉沙沙作響的聲音來解讀神諭。)


《農事詩》中大約有50行詩原封不動地出現在了《埃涅阿斯紀》(Aeneid)裏。《埃涅阿斯紀》是維吉爾最好的一部作品,作者曆時十年,寫了十二卷,敘述了埃涅阿斯在特洛伊陷落之後輾轉來到意大利,最終成為羅馬人祖先的故事。 可惜這部史詩般的作品尚未完成,維吉爾就病故了。

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