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2015 08 Banff Hiking - Tea Houses

(2015-08-11 12:45:13) 下一個

Day 3: 再見。。。明年!

按計劃今天將走兩個Tea house trails:先走Lake Agnes ,然後通過Highline trail,連接Plain of Six Glaciers,外加兩個side trip,總計約21公裏,7.5小時。

路線:Lake Louise parking lot -- > Lake Agnes -- > Side trip to Big Beehive -- > Lake Agnes Teahouse -- > Highline trail -- > Plain of Six Glaciers Teahouse -- >Side trip to Abbot Pass Viewpoint -- > Lake Louise parking lot


Lake Agnes tea house trail 的起點在Lake Louise 湖畔。9點多我們依然是到Lake Louise village的Laggan's 喝咖啡。然後到對麵的Banff Lake Louise Tourism Bureau (201 Village Rd,Lake Louise, AB)拿地圖。工作人員給了一個Day Hiking的折疊地圖,信息全麵而且詳細。並推薦了兩個side trail:Big Beehive和Abbot Pass Viewpoint。同時提醒我們要早些到Lake Louise 的停車場,因為這裏是著名景點,去晚了停車會很擁擠。

趕緊催促正舉著咖啡杯曬太陽的老公,趕到Lake Louise 停車場時是9:40am,還有很多停車位,鬆了一口氣。

Lake Louise遊人如織,劃船的也不少。

9:50am 正式沿Lake Agnes trail爬山,一路人很多。還有浩浩蕩蕩的韓國中老年旅行團。雖然都不年輕了,走路一絲不苟,隊形齊整,且服裝設備很專業。

上山路是緩坡,但持續不斷。途中望Lake Louise。

經過Mirror Lake,是個很小的湖。

繼續爬山,去往Lake Agnes的人是實在太多了。到了Big Beehive的trail入口,我們決定先去這裏,路上立刻安靜了下來,幾乎看不見什麽人了,看來多數人的重點應該是Teahouse。

一路攀升,遠望可以看見Lake Agnes Teahouse 盤恒在岩石上的木質樓梯。

11:20am到達頂端,俯瞰Lake Agnes周邊,Lake Louise和Chateau Hotel,景色壯觀。另一邊可以俯視整個Bow Valle,氣派非凡。

然後下山去Teahouse,從這裏走隻有不到兩公裏的路。Lake Agnes 湖不大,淺淺的靜靜的淡淡的。

至於Teahouse本身,卻有點讓人失望,人很多,服務跟不上。本來想嚐嚐本地特產Herbal tea,但據說要等20分鍾。隻好要了立等可取的black tea,端出來的茶水上麵漂浮著薄薄的茶葉末,味道很一般。

休息,吃點自帶的午餐。12:30pm左右開始下山,先走的Highline trail這一段道路比較平坦。期間可以另一個角度遠望Lake Louise。

正式進入Plain of Six Glaciers Trail之後,冰川山峰巍峨矗立,景色粗曠,我們很喜歡。前半段路依然比較好走,甚至有點下坡路,加之周圍景觀偉岸, 我們不由地加快了腳步,應時應景,頗有些英雄氣慨。



回望Lake Louise和Chateau,離我們越發的遠了。

路在不知不覺中攀升,我們的速度也慢下來,走走停停。Almost there,有人在大聲說,blueberry pie。。。


人家的好心建議怎能不聽,坐望雪山的小桌子旁,我們點了blueberry pie,ginger tea latte,綠茶。老公後來又加了湯和三明治。上菜速度很快,樣樣好吃,我們吃得添嘴咂舌!

茶足飯飽,繼續登山,前往Abbot Pass Viewpoint。雪山冰川就在眼前的震懾力,我不知道怎樣形容,隻有滿心歡喜地奔向它的懷抱!

來一個可以看到Abbot Pass Hut的正麵照,這是我們今天hiking的主要目的之一:敬仰地凝視一下它。Hut位於白色冰川之上,兩山之間的低凹處。




返回tea house時看了一下時間,整個side trip我們用掉了1小時40分。

4:10pm開始下山。返回Lake Louise的路與上山不太相同,注意看路標就可以了,整個國家公園內的trail標識都非常清楚完整。


到達Lake Louise湖畔時,下起了濛濛細雨,景致別有韻味。

5:25pm回到停車場,雨大了起來。遊人紛紛逃離,交通堵塞,我們大約花了半小時的時間才離開Lake Louise。

緊張的肌肉急需溫泉的撫慰。這次到Banff Upper Hot Spring,比Radium的規模小很多,人滿為患。

晚餐在Earl's,雖然是Steak house,顧客大多是像我們一樣衣著隨意。然後趕夜班飛機回多倫多,因為是長周末的結束,路上一度堵車,很讓我們擔心了一陣子,好在及時趕到了機場。




1. 關於怎樣避免遇到熊,遇到了怎麽辦,這裏有很詳細的介紹:

2. 一定要穿hiking的鞋子,衣服要透氣而不吸汗的,我們沒有很專業的戶外服裝,但穿了運動服。

3. 畢竟是有一定難度的trail,曾兩次見到有人受傷,所以必要的外傷藥品,止痛膏rub等盡量攜帶。

4. 因為要走一天,背很多東西, 有個得力的背包很重要,推薦Osprey Daylite。

5. Banff 小鎮上,位於Bear St 的停車場是免費的。


  1. Lake Agnes: Moderate: 3.4 km one way, 385 m elevation gain, 2.5 to 3 hour round trip
    Framed by a quaint European style tea house (seasonal), the Lake Agnes hike is the most “civilized” way to see the Rockies. To get there, hike up the well maintained trail and enjoy a beautiful tarn tucked underneath towering peaks.
    Side trip to Big Beehive: 1.6 km one way; 135 m elevation gain from Lake Agnes. Beyond Lake Agnes, a switchback trail climbs the Big Beehive for a stunning panorama of Lake Louise and the Chateau.
  2. Plain of Six Glaciers: Moderate: 5.3 km one way; 365 m elevation gain; 4 hour round trip
    Beyond Lake Louise you’ll discover a high mountain treasure chest; a collection of impressive peaks and glaciers. Here, you can relax and enjoy the view or rest at a quaint Swiss-built tea house (seasonal). Connect the Lake Agnes and Plain of Six Glaciers trails, via the Highline trail, to form a 14.6 km, 5 hour round trip loop.
    Side trip to Abbot Pass Viewpoint: 1.5 km one way; 50 m elevation gain; 1 hour round trip
    Look down into crevasses on the Lower Victoria Glacier, and look up to Abbot Hut, one of the highest buildings in Canada.

Lake Louise tea house hikes, the Lake Agnes and Plain of Six Glaciers tea houses are iconic destinations accessible by relatively easy trails (although be prepared for many hours of hiking). From the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise, it is a 7 km round trip to Lake Agnes and 11 km round trip (1100feet elevation gain) to Plain of Six Glaciers, or a 15 km loop to visit both.

Plain of Six Glaciers, is by far one of the most scenic hikes in the Canadian Rockies, the Plain of Six Glaciers trail offers expansive views of the impressive mountain features that surround Lake Louise, including Mt. Lefroy, Mt. Victoria and the Victoria Glacier. After your steady hike up, enjoy a snack at the historic Plain of Six Glaciers Teahouse before continuing 1 kilometre to talus slopes that provide a high viewpoint of Abbot Pass.

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