I, 某某某, take you, 某某某, for my lawful wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life.
我說,為什麽要說“until death do us part”?有的說是“until parted by death”,或者“as long as we both shall live”。我們的婚禮上也是這麽說的,不喜歡。
他問,那怎麽說?我說這麽說有邏輯問題。比如,我們天天相愛,但某一天你突然看到一個年輕美女,你就把我biaji了,然後我就死了,我們就理所當然地分開了。這也符合那個結婚誓言吧,因為在那一天之前你每天都是愛我的,until my death do us part? 或者一個什麽意外,我們其中一個走了,你就不愛我了,是嗎?
我說中國人不是這樣說的。有個大書法家叫趙孟頫,他的妻子寫了個詞:“你儂我儂,忒煞情多,情多處,熱如火。 把一塊泥,捏一個你,塑一個我, 將咱兩個一起打破,用水調和, 再捏一個你,塑一個我,我泥中有你,你泥中有我。 與你生同一個衾,死同一個槨。”
他說法文版的“亭亭如蓋”,是經典歌曲《Tous les arbres sont en fleurs》,《樹上的花兒都開了》,是希臘現代最偉大的兩名音樂家之一 Nana Mouskouli 演唱的 (另一位是Vangelis)。說的是妻子懷念皮埃爾的故事,音樂旋律非常優美,回腸蕩氣。又一個春天到了,樹上的花兒都開滿了,可是沒有你的春天也沒意思了,你在那邊的春天也這麽美麗嗎?
All the trees are in bloom
And the forest has these colors that you loved
Pink apple trees on a blue background
Have the scent of happy days
Nothing has changed a little snow remained
The snow that you removed I remember
When I woke up I didn't see
That the spring that grew
In our garden you laughed like a child
You never pretended
When you laughed
When your clear eyes looked at me
You knew how to read my every thought
You were so strong and yet
I rocked you like a child
When you cried
I've hurt you many times
Yet all my life is you
That I would love Pierre I love you
I only had you
But you're just a shadow
Who sleeps next to me
When I came home late sometimes
You didn't fall asleep without me
You were waiting for me, you talked to me all night
Of what our life would be like if I wanted
A stormy evening before Christmas
You told me it was sunny
And I believed in it, I remember, you told me
That we would never leave each other and I believed in it
Pierre I love you I only had you
And you're just a shadow
Who sleeps next to me
Why these flowers in the garden
This blue night illuminated by the stars?
I feel that spring is coming again
But it's no longer of any use to me
Than to hurt me
Despite everything, despite time
I see you laughing and running through the fields
It was my last real spring
You fell asleep for a long time
For too long
In another world far away
Is there a garden more beautiful than here?
A great theater where my love
Play and continue to love life every day