
完成愛萊莎的奔跑 (Finish Eliza's Run)

(2022-09-07 17:10:02) 下一個

今天收到郵件,是 Run Sign Up 網站發來的。我的很多馬拉鬆都是從這個網址注冊的,所以我的信息全在裏麵。要跑什麽比賽,點進去,一分鍾就搞定了。


注冊費用為“0”。是為了紀念周五遇難的Eliza Fletcher的。申明不是為了捐款,和家庭也無關。完全是自願報名注冊。無論什麽距離,無論什麽地點,時間是在9月9日到18日的任何時間。如果覺得不方便,也可以不注冊,隻要你奔跑時心中有這個主題。我們不畏懼,會堅持頑強地,安全地跑下去,完成Eilza的意願。




Friday morning at 4:20 AM, Eliza Fletcher was abducted during her morning run around the University of Memphis campus and later murdered. This virtual run is a way to honor and grieve the loss of Eliza Fletcher. Our run is not sanctioned by the family and is not a fundraiser, nor our we accepting any donations. This is a completely free event.

Run anytime you feel safe, anywhere you feel safe, any distance you wish starting Friday morning, September 9, through Sunday evening, September 18. Registration will close on Sunday evening, September 11.

We welcome all runners. If you can not run or are not a runner but would still like to participate, you are more than welcome to walk, cycle, roller skate, swim, etc.. Submit your distance and time here if you would like, and tag your run on social media using #finishelizasrun.

We are encouraging runners to wear a pink top and purple shorts in solidarity with Eliza and what she was wearing on her run.


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