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1981年,戴安娜王妃的婚禮大典,當一對新人出場時,宏大的場麵,伴隨著一首神聖的曲子,叫做"Arrival",《到來》。其實,這首曲子並不是古典作品,而是幾年前的1976年,瑞典著名四人組ABBA的第五張專輯的結尾曲。當時聽起來也是很普通的流行曲,並未引起巨大的轟動。反而是專輯裏麵的另外幾首風靡至今,比如Knowing me, knowing you; Money, Money, Money; Fernando; Dancing Queen等等。
但是,是金子,總是會發光的。Arrival 因其適合風笛演奏的獨特配器,以及神聖莊嚴的旋律,幾十年來旋即被改變成了無數版本。有的是節奏明快的動感音樂。有的規模宏大,由軍樂隊上千人齊奏。有的是休閑悅耳的吉他或者放鬆音樂。也有美聲歌唱或者抒情歌唱。也有不能忘懷的懷舊小資版本。有人說,這首曲子至今是瑞典的驕傲。
Sing, sing, sing, the song of sirens
If that is what it takes
Bring, bring, bring them back again
To to each lonely heart that aches
I'll be first to know of your arrival
I'll be first to pour the wine
May they ring, then in our hearts
The jubilant bells of 'Auld Lang Syne'
I'll be first to know of your arrival
I'll be first to pour the wine
May they ring, then in our hearts
The jubilant bells of 'Auld Lang Syne'
Sing, sing, sing a song of sadness
That they are so long gone
Bring, bring, bring a ray of hope
And the courage to go on
We'll be here awaiting their arrival
How that moment's gonna shine
May they ring then in our hearts
The jubilant bells of 'Auld Lang Syne'
We'll be here awaiting their arrival
How that moment's gonna shine
May they ring then in our hearts
The jubilant bells of 'Auld Lang Syne'
Sing, sing, sing the song they sang
With us when they sailed away