2013年5月23日, 美國雪城 (Syracuse, NY) 風和日麗, 鮮花怒放, 春色滿園。人們一點也看不出, 這裏曾經是暴風雪肆虐的地方。那天,一個聯邦陪審團在雪城判決, 紐約州立大學技術學院(SUNY IT)沒有續約前教授周序申博士的雇傭合約, 以報複他的投訴, 違反了一九六四年民權法第七章, 《美國法典》第42篇第1981節以及紐約州人權法。
該陪審團同時判決, Dr. Lisa Berardino (老板E), Dr. Stephen Havlovic (老板B), 和 Dr. William Langdon (老板A) 對紐約州立大學技術學院的報複違法行為, 負有個人責任, 違反了《美國法典》第42篇第1981節以及紐約州人權法。
至此, 四個被告, 一網打盡,無一漏網。所有指控,全部成立。真可謂法網恢恢,疏而不漏。
擁 有64個校園和八萬八千名教員, 並培養出無數法官和律師的紐約州立大學(State University of New York,簡稱SUNY)是美國規模最大的綜合性高教係統。其在聯邦法庭敗訴後, 美聯社,《華爾街日報》, 《高等教育紀事報》(The Chronicle of Higher Education), 以及紐約州立大學技術學院附近的幾個城鎮的報紙和電視台等媒體廣泛報道了陪審團的判決。
紐約州政府的人權執法機構, 紐約州人權署 (New York State Division of Human Rights) 更是在推特(Twitter) 上發表了推文(Tweet), 並在臉書上轉發了報導。
謝謝。Always be happy.
Thanks. Go for the kill!
Some suggestions:
If you review all the prof.'s publications, you can find whether those publications are truly written by him.
If you can find the other two Chinese Prof. who had similar experience as witness, your case would be convincing.
Thanks. Your suggestions are good for all of us. I did review all the prof.'s publications.
謝謝, 律師費對方另外付。都是圍城,94。
謝謝, 歡迎互相交流學習。
實在不敢當, 歡迎互相交流學習。
Some suggestions:
If you review all the prof.'s publications, you can find whether those publications are truly written by him.
If you can find the other two Chinese Prof. who had similar experience as witness, your case would be convincing.
I have the courage because justice is on my side.
It may take a while, but I will. Thanks.
懲罰 is only for private entities, such as companies. You cannot punish the government.
謝謝。早有人做了, 我們才從一九六四年民權法中受益。
94, 沒有老板敢雇用我了。
謝謝。幸會, 不知那個學校?
Hope you can draw a conclusion to the case and start new life again.
This country has too many lawyers already, most of them are not good. Just say no to a law degree.
Beside, if I were in a big law firm, as a Chinese, I would only get half or a quarter of yearly bonus as other lawyers get, even if I can win more cases than others. This is a reality.
The court has the thick menu for Pro se litigators, but went to the court hearing myself without a lawyer, arguing for many many hours just as though I were the lawyer. Did two depositions myself as though I were the lawyer. Had some help but no help when in the court.
Reinstatement or front pay 正在打官司中。
謝謝,官司還沒有完, 還有律師費及front pay 正在打官司。
謝謝,EEOC or 州政府的判決不屬於聯邦法院, 所以說"本案在聯邦法院的...."
"本案在聯邦法院的第一場戰役的戰果" The link 似應是在州政府的判決