2013 (154)
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We are very lucky to be so close to Forest Park, the gorgeous city park that can rivalry with its peers in London and Paris. I could go through Forest Park daily with four seasons in plenty of lakes, flowers, and birds, what a life! Now the Queeny Tower was gone and the new Cardiology Tower is on the rising.
Our CSRB (Clinical Science Research Building) was a giant when I arrived in St. Louis more than thirty years ago, now is only a nobody among those huge buildings in the medical center.
One of the unique gifted talents of John Atkinson is his humor which is always with him. When our department hired an artist to paint his portrait that will be placed in a visible location on campus where we were all interested in knowing. People ask him in the ceremony where the portrait will be hung, his spontaneous response was: "I think they will hang it in the Queeny Tower" when everyone knew Queeny is going to be demolished.
我等到昨天深夜睡覺前看周末後的最reliable numbers, 發現這絕對是個奇跡,美國一天新病例創141萬之記錄,死亡仍然隻有1673,兩個曲線脫鉤了。雖然死亡人數會滯後幾周,但是現在數據粗略計算美國的死亡率:1673/1417493=0.12%,與英國的曲線一致,真是神奇啊!
二月八日:“兒子情況在好轉中。他也就第一個晚上有發點燒,但主要症狀是累。昨天下午去送飯,在門口聽到他在電話上。我開車回家的路上,他來了個電話,說當時正在給自己的病人“視頻”看病。我問,“你自己找醫生看了看嗎”?他說,”Dad, I am THE doctor”! 一付不知天高地厚的嘴臉[捂臉]”
我開始懷疑是假的,現在似乎是MGH感染科主任說過的話,這位應該是接了華大校友CDC主任Walensky 在MGH的類似位置。
“美國著名的麻省總醫院國際傳染病主任Edward Ryan對新冠疫情的樂觀判斷。全文如下:
“與馬薩諸塞州總醫院國際傳染病主任、哈佛大學醫學教授Edward Ryan MD 會議記錄如下:
1. 麻省陽性病例近100%為奧密克戎。Delta幾乎完全從新英格蘭消失了。
2. 這種波動將在1/10到1/21之間達到峰值,然後開始一個2到4周的快速下坡旅程。
3. 我們最終會有20-50%的陽性率。
4. 2月4日將進入清理模式,3月將開始恢複“正常”。
5. 奧密克戎存在於感染者的鼻子和上呼吸道區域,這就是它如此具有傳染性的原因。它不能像其他變種一樣與你的肺結合。
6. 對增加的住院人數應持保留態度,因為其中大多數是二次入院(即之前接受手術、骨折等檢查的患者)。
7. 我們不需要針對奧密克戎的疫苗。因為在其完全消失之前,我們無法研製出加強針。大部分人都將被感染,這將給我們提供所需的免疫力,以渡過難關。
8. Omicron將加入已有其他4種冠狀病毒的行列,它們會導致普通感冒、上呼吸道感染、呼吸道合胞病毒等。它將成為一種兒科疾病,主要影響無免疫力的幼兒。
9. 40%的感染者將無症狀。
10. 快速檢測對有症狀者50-80%敏感,對無症狀者僅30-60%敏感。追蹤接觸者是毫無價值的,因為我們都將被感染,我們不可能跟上它的傳播速度。
11. 我們正在與COVID進行最後一場戰爭,應該回歸正常生活,但社會還沒有完全做好準備。
12. 除非你免疫功能低下或85歲以上,否則沒有必要遠離工作或隱居在家,但建議在接下來的六周內遠離大型聚會。
13. 春末/夏初情況將會變好!”
I'm not an epidemiologist so not in the business of predicting when the surge will peak. But I think its important to keep in mind that these predictions that the surge will peak in a week are predictions based on experiences in other countries like South Africa. And the United States is not South Africa, there are many other variables.
Some of the hospitalizations are people coming in for other reasons who also happen to have COVID with mild symptoms or no symptoms. However, there are still plenty of people coming to the hospital because of COVID and it is still massively straining the hospital in terms of beds and staff. And if the surge isn't going to peak for another week, at the rate of increases in cases, hospitals will not be able to keep up.
I think its irresponsible to say that COVID will become like the other coronaviruses. It may mutate to cause less symptoms and be less serious, but there's just as much possibility for it to mutate to become more serious.
I hope his optimism becomes reality and we can return to some kind of new normal. But I think its far too premature to make such statements, and honestly, irresponsible. Because if the pandemic doesn't slow down, people may take what he says and drop their precautions like masks and avoiding large gatherings and cause more outbreaks.