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另一層麵的分析,我想把這些行為的不同歸於東西方文化的差異。我們是內斂的文化,到美國後也成為所謂從不抱怨的模範的少數民族。可是西方人從古就是奔放的,直率的,初次見麵他們就把手伸過去與客人握手,而我們古代不是,我們是雙手握成團狀相互結拜和祝福。也就是說,西方人相互握手,我們的古人是握自己的手。我們不去與對方的軀體接觸,就是孩子長大與父母擁抱的機會都很少。在談判桌上,中國人也是令西方人摸不清Yes與No, 當然英文裏的否定式反問句也令中國人頭痛。西方人很難讀懂中國人臉上神秘的微笑,這次貿易談判至少美國人認為天朝要求推倒重來。丹麥人還告訴我,每次與中國人談生意都是見到的中國女性,使他狠話都不敢說,西方基本上是男人說了算。但是我想告訴美國華裔家長的是,應該把小中男培養成頂天立地的男子漢,他們在西方社會是拿主意的人。
Do not tell me girls do not enjoy being and expect to be looked at. Anyone denying that is either a hypocrite or lying.
The mainland Chinese press too physically close to others when conversing because they are used to not having personal space, with the authorities free to rummage through their personal affairs. The Westerners keep certain distance since they respect individual personal space. This respect is reflected in the foundations of free market capitalism, the sanctity of private properties and contractual agreement. That is precisely why the Chinese have never learnt to practice the free market capitalism, but rather the evil perversion of it, the state capitalism, with a special disdain for both private properties and contracts. This distain has precipitated over so many decades and has turned American hospitality into fury.
As for construction workers staring at pretty women, it is only human. Only the hypocritical left socialists try to stifle free expression and turn all men into sexless eunuchs. 窈窕淑女,君子好逑。The Chinese (men) are so emasculated since childhood to suppress their true emotions and desires that when they grow up into men, they have lost their sexual instinct and are at a loss at how to chase and seduce women.
You see workers helping you charging battery, I see workers fantasized passing pretty girls , yep, they stopped working and looked at the girl for a very long time. You see the suspicious Chinese visitors, I see the eager Chinese visitors asking for help. Interesting, right?
The blogger is friendly and talks to everyone, the Chicago boy, the laborers, not just the Chinese. That is precisely the source of his comparison and his conclusion. You, on the other hand, fits precisely the mode of Chinese the blogger is depicting: suspicious, nervous, paranoid and with a chip on his shoulder, states of psychosis all rooted in the deeply seated insecurity.