2013 (154)
2015 (47)
2016 (67)
2017 (115)
2018 (85)
2019 (93)
2020 (173)
2021 (141)
2022 (166)
2023 (174)
2024 (219)
Best Undergraduate Teaching National Universities
Please adhere to the following three rules:
1. Only include winners of the prize for Chemistry, Economics, Literature, Medicine and Physics. Do not include winners of the Peace prize.
2. Only include institutions where the Laureate received her/his undergraduate degree from
3. Add Fields Medalists since there is no Prize for Mathematics and the Fields medal is extremely prestigious.
Harvard University: 21
Columbia University: 16
University of Chicago: 13
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 11
University of California-Berkeley: 11
Yale University: 11
California Institute of Technology: 8
Cornell University: 5
Swarthmore College: 5
University of California-Los Angeles: 5
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign: 5
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor: 5
Amherst College: 4
Carnegie Mellon University: 3
Case Western Reserve University: 3
Dartmouth College: 3
Princeton University: 3
University of Pennsylvania: 3
University of Rochester: 3
University of Washington: 3
University of Wisconsin-Madison 3
Brandeis University: 2
Haverford College: 2
Johns Hopkins University: 2
Oberlin College: 2
Purdue University-West Lafayette: 2
Rice University: 2
Rutgers University: 2
Stanford University: 2
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities: 2
Williams College: 2
Brigham Young University: 1
Brown University: 1
College of the Holy Cross: 1
College of Wooster: 1
Colorado College: 1
Georgia Institute of Technology: 1
Gettysburg College: 1
Grinnell College: 1
Hamilton College: 1
Juniata College: 1
Lawrence University: 1
Michigan state University: 1
New College of Florida: 1
New York University: 1
Northwestern University: 1
Ohio State University: 1
Oregon State University: 1
United States Naval Academy: 1
University of California-Riverside: 1
University of California-San Diego: 1
University of California-Santa Barbara: 1
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: 1
University of Texas-Austin: 1
Vanderbilt University: 1
國際高等教育及人力資源研究機構Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)公布全球大學最新排名,香港大學下跌三名至全球排名第26位,是自2010年QS獨立研究公布排名榜後,首次失去「亞洲一哥」地位,新加坡國立大學(NUS)則躍升至亞洲首位。全球最佳學府續由美國麻省理工學院蟬聯榜首,美國哈佛大學晉升至全球第二位,去年排名第二的英國劍橋大學,則跌一級至排名第三。
Read more: 世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊 - 全球大學排名 港失 亞洲一哥