

(2013-03-09 20:45:30) 下一個

曾和一個台南老鄉去國王大道(Kingsway +Wilson)的一家名為藏紅花Saffron的印度餐廳吃飯。感覺味道特好,老板 可能是中國人, 做出來的印度餐特合胃口, 跟其它印度飯館味道完全不同。

金黃色或橘黃色的藏紅花粉, 拌在飯菜中, 五顏六色,讓人食欲大增。Seekh Kebab錫克烤肉串有特色,就是把嫩羊肉卷,洋蔥,青椒,香料放在泥爐中燒著的炭火上烤, 再撒上辣椒粉。跟新疆的阿裏巴巴烤羊肉串放孜然,味道有所不同。

它的Tandoori Lamb Chops泥爐炭火烹飪羊肉還值得推薦,Tandoori是一種印度烹飪法,就是把羊肉加上香料在陶鍋中烹煮。羊肉在酸乳酪中浸泡過,再加特製的Masala,吃起來比一般的印度餐要細嫩得多。

新疆羊肉串是明火敞開烤,Tandoori是在含雜色金屬和二氧化矽較多的原料土爐中用木材或鋼炭燜烤製成的, 有點象四川人烤燒餅用的汽油桶爐,裏麵是耐火磚, 外麵是鐵皮汽油桶,齊腰高的裏麵燒煤的那種。隻不過印度人用的爐子沒有那麽大,現在也有在外麵用不鏽鋼包起來。 (20分鍾寫完)

Saffron Indian Cuisine

Danny Li, 2-14-2013

A Taiwan friend invited me to a restaurant named "Saffron India Cusine" on Kingsway and Wilson, Burnaby a few years ago. It tasted really good, maybe the boss of the restaurant is a Chinese, the flavour is quite different from other Indian restaurants. The saffron was used as a kind of food coloring and flavouring.

The golden brown or saffron yellow spice powders were mixed within the colored food , which provokes the appetite. The Seekh kebab was made of tender rolls of minced lamb blended with fresh onions, green papers, red chili powder and herbs.  It was roasted in a tandoor with a charcoal or wood fire, the kabab was burning and  thus exposed to live-fire, a kind of radiant heat cooking, and smoking by the fat of lamb that dripped on to the charcoal. It tasted differently from the barbecue lamb of Xinjiang.

Its Tandoori lamb chops were the special recipes, a real indian cuisine, several kinds of freshly ground Indian spices were mixed with the yogurt and the lamb marinated with masala, garlic, ginger, cumin, cayenne pepper, and other spices. When prepared, the lamb was garnished by mint leaves and served with onions and Indian Naan.

The Xinjiang barbecue lamb was roasted on a racket, a kind of traditional grill and tandoor was a kind of oven made of earth containing SiO2 and metal oxides impurities. The cuisine was similar to the Pan cake of Sichuan which was made of refractory materials and a iron petrol barrel. Now there is a charcoal or wood fired stainless steel body Tandoor oven, with ash tray and  temperature meter, available on the market of China. (20 minutes translation)      
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