
Nothing comes from nothing.
老套筒 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

德國巴伐利亞行隨感【2】- Beer Hall Putsch ( 慕尼黑啤酒館政變 )

(2012-01-15 07:44:21) 下一個

啤 酒館政變是納粹 1923 年 11 月 8 日和 9 日在慕尼黑發起的一次未遂政變。以希特勒為首的納粹黨人在政變後,經過審判後被送進了監獄,希特勒在監獄裏口述完成了其臭名昭著的《我的奮鬥》一書。正如 《第三帝國的興亡》書中所說: “ 政變雖然是場大失敗,可是卻使希特勒成了全國著名的人物,而且在許多人的心目中,成了一個愛國誌士和英雄。納粹黨的宣傳立 刻把這次政變說成是他們運動中偉大傳奇之一 “ 。

在 1935 年希特勒當政後,啤酒館政變中斃命的 16 個納粹黨徒的屍體被挖掘出來,改葬在英雄祠( Feldherrnhalle )為其所建的墓室中,這地方也就成了納粹的聖地。在 1934 年後的納粹德國的 Blood Order 勳章就是以此為背景。有意思的是當時 16 個納粹黨徒的名字被刻在墓室上的金屬板上,而四名在事件中死去的巴伐利亞警察的名字也被銘刻在安置在英雄祠的側牆上的金屬板上。顯然德國人,即便是納粹黨 徒對敵人和同胞的概念與我們不同。二戰期間英雄祠在盟軍的猛烈轟炸下沒有受到什麽損害。 16 個納粹黨徒的屍體被盟軍在 1947 年移走,英雄祠恢複成了原樣。

以下文字節選自《第三帝國的興亡》第三章 凡爾賽、魏瑪和啤酒館政變:

11 月 9 日德意誌共和國成立紀念日上午快到 11 點鍾的時候,希特勒和魯登道夫率領大約 3000 人的一隊衝鋒隊員,從貝格勃勞凱勒酒館的花園裏出發,向慕尼黑市中心前進。同他們並肩走在行列前麵的,有衝鋒隊長戈林、施勃納一裏希特、羅森堡、希特勒的 衛士烏裏希 • 格拉夫以及六七個納粹黨的其他頭目和戰鬥聯盟的領袖。一幅卐字旗和高地聯盟的旗幟在隊伍前麵迎風招展。在頭幾排行列後麵跟著一輛卡車,架著機 關槍,載著機關槍手。衝鋒隊員們肩上掛著馬槍,有的還上了刺刀。希特勒手中握著手槍。這並不是一支什麽了不起的軍隊,但是曾經統率德國百萬雄師的魯登道夫 顯然認為,要實現他的目的,這已經夠用了。【此後省略若幹字】

在海軍廣場,納粹黨隊伍遇到了正在聽紐倫堡來的反猶主義者尤利烏斯 • 施特萊徹講話的一大群人。施特萊徹是在一聽到政變消息後馬上趕到慕尼黑來的。他不想被拋在革命之外,就中斷了演講,參加了反叛分子的行列,緊緊地跟在希特勒的後麵。


為了要到陸軍部去救羅姆出險,希特勒和魯登道夫現在領導他們的隊伍穿過狹窄的府邸街,這條街在英烈祠旁邊,通向開闊的奧第昂廣場。就在這條狹窄的街道盡頭,有大約 100 名荷槍實彈的警察把守著,不準隊伍通過。他們位居戰略要衝,這一次,他們不再退讓了。


不 管怎麽樣,反正有人開了一槍,接著就是一陣雙方互擊,頓時使希特勒的希望化為泡影,施勃納一裏希特倒了下來,受了致命的重傷,戈林大腿上中了一槍,傷勢甚 重,也倒了下來。在 60 秒鍾之內,槍聲就停止了,但是已經有不少人躺在街上 —— 總共 16 名納粹黨人和 3 名警察,有的已經斃命,有的奄奄一息,另外還有不少人受傷,其餘的人,包括希特勒在內,都臥倒在地躲避子彈。



Toward on the morning of November 9, the anniversary of the proclamation of the German Republic, Hitler and Ludendorff led a column of some three thousand storm troopers out of the gardens of the Buergerbraukeller and headed for the center of Munich. Beside them in the front rank marched Goering, commander of the S.A., Scheubner-Richter, Rosenberg, Ulrich Graf, Hitler’s bodyguard, and half a dozen other Nazi officials and leaders of the Kampfbund. A swastika flag and a banner of the Bund Oberland were unfurled at the head of the column. Not far behind the first ranks a truck chugged along, loaded with machine guns and machine gunners. The storm troopers carried carbines, slung over their shoulders, some with fixed bayonets. Hitler brandished his revolver. Not a very formidable armed force, but Ludendorff, who had commanded millions of Germany’s finest troops, apparently thought it sufficient for his purposes.


At the Marienplatz the Nazi column encountered a large crowd which was listening to an exhortation of Julius Streicher, the Jew-baiter from Nuremberg, who had rushed to Munich at the first news of the putsch. Not wishing to be left out of the revolution, he cut short his speech and joined the rebels, jumping into step immediately behind Hitler.

Shortly after the marchers neared their objective, the War Ministry, where Roehm and his storm troopers were surrounded by soldiers of the Reichswehr. Neither besiegers nor besieged had yet fired a shot. Roehm and his men were all ex-soldiers and they had many wartime comrades on the other side of the barbed wire. Neither side had any heart for killing.

To reach the War Ministry and free Roehm, Hitler and Ludendorff now led their column through the narrow Residenzstrasse, which, just beyond the Feldherrnhalle, opens out into the spacious Odeonsplatz. At the end of the gullylike street a detachment of police about one hundred strong, armed with carbines, blocked the way. They were in a strategic spot and this time they did not give way.

Which side fired first was never established. Each put the blame on the other 。


At any rate a shot was fired and in the next instant a volley of shots rang out from both sides, spelling in that instant the doom of Hitler’s hopes. Scheubner-Richter fell, mortally wounded. Goering went down with a serious wound in his thigh. Within sixty seconds the firing stopped, but the street was already littered with fallen bodies – sixteen Nazis and three police dead or dying, many more wound.


1. Marienplatz 譯成為海軍廣場是個錯誤,應為瑪麗亞或瑪麗廣場,當年的譯者大概不懂德文和不了解慕尼黑及巴伐利亞的羅馬天主教的影響和曆史。而將 Marien 與 marine 混淆了。

2. Residenzstrasse 譯成府邸街有意思,其原意是皇宮大街。

3. 將 Feldherrnhalle 譯成英雄祠比英烈祠要更加準確。

4. 衝鋒隊員: The storm troopers

5. carbine: 馬槍。需要說明地是這裏 carbine 不是指 Karabiner 98k (真正意義上的 carbine )而是指的是 Karabiner 98b ,其與 Mauser98 長度相同。

這就是狹窄的府邸街( Residenzstrasse ),銅獅子前的街道就是納粹與警察交火的地方

巴伐利亞陸軍英雄祠 ( Munich Feldherrnhalle - Field Marshals' Hall 。
It is a monumental loggia in Munich, Germany. It was built between 1841 and 1844. The Feldherrnhalle was a symbol of the honors of the Bavarian Army. It contains statues of military leaders Johann Tilly and Karl Philipp von Wrede. The central sculptural group was added in 1882, after the Franco-Prussian War. From Wikipedia )

奧第昂廣場( Odeonsplatz ),英雄祠( Feldherrnhalle )及 Theatine 教堂

1923 年 11 月 9 日的奧第昂廣場的圍觀人群(納粹與警察交火之後) - 照片來自於網絡

啤酒館政變的主要人物在審判期間( 4/1/1924 )的合影 - 照片來自於網絡

1945 年盟軍占領慕尼黑時的照片 - 照片來自於網絡
從照片中可以看到, 16 個納粹黨徒的墓室及紀念牌以及 4 個警察的紀念牌 .

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