

(2011-10-28 07:39:14) 下一個

這個夏天選了一門課, 學習的過程中,發現自己有很多生詞,有些是老詞的一些新的用法, 把它們收集起來,幫助自己學習記憶。隻收集自己認為有用的用法,不是簡單來自詞典。

11. devoid 全無的, 缺乏的

  • be devoid of something
  • be devoid of compassion
  • be devoid of love
  • be devoid of comforts
  • be devoid of emotion
  • be devoid of faith
  • be devoid of caring
  • be devoid of colour
  • be devoid of friendship

12. hark back: 追溯,回憶 recall the past; refer to the original form of something; be reminiscent of the olden days

  • hark back to sth.

definition: If someone harks back to something in the past, they talk about it again and again, often in a way which annoys other people

e.g. He’s always harking back to his childhood and saying how things were better then.

13. corollary 必然的結果; 推論;

  • the corollary

14. all the more 更加

15. coerce 強製; 強迫

  • be coerced into
  • be coerced into an illegal action

16. to be labeled as 被貼上標簽

17. prediction 預言, 預報

  • conform to predictions

18. truism 老套, 老生常談

  • everyday truisms
  • some of those famous truisms you can find on the internet are as the following:

“a little knowledge can go a long way

a lot of professionals are crackpots

a man can’t know what it is to be a mother

a name means a lot just by itself

a positive attitude means all the difference in the world”

19. bombardment 炮擊; 轟炸

  • out of the bombardment of information 有大量的信息

  • information bombardment

  • In a society bombarded with commercials for drugs that are guaranteed to do everything from curing the common cold to giving new life to “fired blood,” it is no wonder that drug related problems are a major social issue.

    20. regardless of the circumstances 不論情況如何

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