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        61. string: ; ; 鏈條; 細繩, 一條; 纖維

  • strings attached: If something such as an agreement has strings attached, it involves special demands or limits.

  • with no strings attached: doing something for someone without asking for anything in return.

  • no string attached relationship: a relationship that has no conditions or contractual requirements.

    -- Where two people decide to engage in a sexual relationship that has no ties or expectation with regards to finances, exclusivity or romance. Literally, there are no strings binding the two together.

    62. butterflies in the stomach: being anxious and nervous 緊張, 焦慮, 渴望

  • I had terrible butterflies before the exam.

  • Butterflies-in-the-stomach-love

  • People feel butterflies in the stomach at the beginning of love, as they get to know each others, the butterfly feeling may fade away.

  • The truest love doesn't feel like "butterflies in your stomach".

    63. lead to:
     if an action or event leads to something, it causes that thing to happen or exist.

  • Does it lead to someone thinking that... ... ?

  • A thousand roads lead men forever to Rome.

  • All paths lead to Rome.

  • Too many expectations can lead to disappointment.

  • 100 tips in life that leads to happiness.

  • Suppressed emotions can lead to aggression.

    64. involve:
    to include someone or something in something, or to make them take part in or feel part of it 包括

  • would be perceived as an attempt to influence their decisions in matters involving someone...

  • The firm also provides assistance to its clients in matters involving labour law and other matters incidental to their commercial activities.

  • He has extensive experience in matters involving intellectual property.

    65. bring something to someone's attention: to draw their attention to it 引起某人注意

  • until a blatant misuse of power brings it to the public's attention

  • I would like to bring this problem to your attention.

    66. parallel situations a parallel situation is likely to happen when some small occurrence grabs your attention and/or reminds you of a larger, concurrent situation.

  • Examine Hamlet, Laertes and Fortinbras – their parallel situations in this play and how each seeks restitution for the death of a father.

  • there doesn't seem to be the parallel situation of ... ...

    67. blow: an unexpected event that has a damaging effect on someone or something 打擊

  • a blow to someone's reputation

  • Losing his job was a severe blow to his confidence.

  • The young woman's death was a terrible blow to her parents.

    68. insulate: protect 保護

  • Children should be insulated from horrors of war.

  • Asia's commodities business is still largely insulated from looming fears of yet another global financial crisis, although new projects might face difficulties in getting financing.

    69. love, infatuation, obsession

What is Love; What is Infatuation; What is Obsession

How do you know what love is if you've never been in it before? How do you know the first time? What if that wasn't love? What if it was just infatuation or obsession? How can you tell the all-important difference between love and its deceiving lookalikes so that you can have the relationship of your dreams and not your nightmares?

It could be said that infatuation is primarily an emotional phenomenon--you see somebody and you're hooked; that obsession is primarily a physical psychological phenomenon--that you're addicted to how this person makes you feel and now believe that you need this person to survive; and that love is primarily a spiritual phenomenon--that two souls, each whole and complete in themselves, come together and create a third entity all its own - the relationship. (http://womansavers.com/love-infatuation-obsession.asp)

    70. unbecoming: not in accord with the standards implied by one's character or position

  • conduct unbecomingdescribes behaviour that is not correct or not acceptable 

  • Conduct unbecoming refers to the conduct on the part of a certified professional that is contrary to the interests of the public served by that professional, or which harms the standing of the profession in the eyes of the public.

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