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    101. beat the odds: to still win/succeed even when the odds are against you ie its unlikely that you'll win. 克服困難而成功

  • Armstrong beat the odds, in the same way he would go on to beat every challenger in the Tour de France after returning to racing.

    102. susceptible to 1easily influenced or harmed by something 易受...影響的; 敏感的, 過敏的

  • What make some people susceptible to allergies?

  • I am very susceptible to cold and cough.

  • Why are some people more susceptible to cold viruses?

  • Among particularly susceptible children, the disease can develop very fast.

    2)describes someone who is easily emotionally influenced多情的; 易被感動的, 易動感情的;

  • This study investigated the neural mechanism underlying the females’ liability to affective disturbances by hypothesizing that females are more susceptible to negative emotions than males.

  • It makes me susceptible emotionally.

    103. suffice: be enough, be sufficient, be adequate, meet the needs of; satisfy足夠, 有能力; 使滿足

  • suffice ( it )to say: it is enough to say

  • Lyrics to Suffice To Say

    by: Lee Ryan

There’s a way she touches me
Gently like a summer’s breeze
It’s like poetry in motion when she speaks
By the warmness of her hands
I can heal them once again
I feel strong enough and free enough to love

There’s something in her way
That tells me she’s the one
This love won’t change throughout the seasons
She’s more than words can say

A lullaby in harmony is all that’s really needed to convey
Suffice to say, she’s my everything

When the snowflakes fall at night
It reminds me of her eyes
I can sit amazed for hours at a time
I’ve been meaning to say
Precious words to make you stay
So I’ve devoted time to open to you my heart

There’s something in her way
That tells me she’s the one
This love won’t change throughout the seasons
She’s more than words can say
A lullaby in harmony is all that’s really needed to convey
Suffice to say, she’s my everything

She’s the reason, my guiding light
There’s no expression…????
She’s the summer time and winter through spring
She’s my everything
My everything

There’s something in her way
That tells me she’s the one
This love won’t change throughout the seasons
She’s more than words can say
A lullaby in harmony is all that’s really needed to convey
Suffice to say, she’s my everything

        104. hard-wired (also hardwired): automatically thinking or behaving in a particular way

  • We are because we are hardwired for these feelings and emotions.

  • Babies are hard-wired to pay attention to anything that is fast-moving, brightly coloured, or loud.

  • All humans are hard-wired to learn languages and to communicate.

  • In summary, humans have an innate, built-in, hard-wired ability to acquire and communicate complex language from the moment of their birth. Animals do not.

    105. cast/shed/throw light on sth.: something or someone that casts/sheds/throws light on a situation provides an explanation for it or information which makes it easier to understand. 解釋,提供信息易於理解

  • As an economist, he was able to shed some light on the problem.

  • Kohlberg provides a psychological analysis that sheds light on how reason influences moral judgements.

  • Five-nation study sheds light on costs of adapting agriculture to climate change.

    106. through reference to ...

  • explain something through reference to psychological, social or biological causation

    107. endorse: 1) to make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone 公開支持, 擁護

  • The National Executive is expected to endorse these recommendations.

  • ( formal ) I fully endorse (= agree with) everything the Chairperson has said.

    2) to write something in order to give permission for something, especially your signature on the back of a cheque, in order to make it able to be paid to someone else 簽名於(票據)等的背麵

    108. relay: to repeat something you have heard, or to broadcast a signal, message or programme on  television or radio   傳播,傳遞信息

  • I was told the news first and then I relayed it to the others.

  • TV pictures of the war were relayed around the world by satellite.

  • With videos, you can clearly relay the message that you want to portray.

  • During their visit to America they also have a special message of peace and kindness that they wish to relay.

  • They explain that they do not agree with people fighting other people and they vigorously tried to relay the message that America should put the guns down and keep peace.

    109. cement: to make something such as an agreement or friendship stronger 鞏固

  • The university's exchange scheme has cemented its links with many other academic institutions.

  • creating and cementing relational ties to the community ..

    110. the preference to consider sth./sb. rather than sth./sb. else ...

    偏向於考慮 ... ... 而不是 ... ...

  • In courts, the liberal perspective is seen in individualized justice—the preference to consider the offender rather than the offense. This would involve the acceptance of reasons or rationales for unlawful behavior.

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