這個夏天選了一門課, 學習的過程中,發現自己有很多生詞,有些是老詞的一些新的用法, 把它們收集起來,幫助自己學習記憶。隻收集自己認為有用的用法,不是簡單來自詞典。
1. precedent 先例, 前例
- a legal precedent
- set/creat a precedent
- precedent for
- without precedent
- break with precedent (= do something in a new way)
2. rein: 韁繩, 支配, 統治
- free rein : the freedom to do, say or feel what you want
3. predisposed 易感染的, 易於去做某件事的
- be predisposed to/toward something
- to be genetically predisposed to cancer
4. deceptive 迷惑的, 騙人的; 欺詐的; 虛偽的
5. veracity: the quality of being true, honest or accurate 說真實話, 誠實, 老實
- the veracity of such findings may be questionable
- Complementary qualitative evidence corroborates the veracity of such findings.
- Veracity of this story
6. subscribe to 訂閱,定購, 同意,支持
subscribe to a theory or belief
“If you agree with a theory or belief, you subscribe to it, just as
you subscribe to a magazine.”
7. prone 有…傾向的, 易於…的; 傾斜的; 俯臥的, 麵向下的; 陡的
- be prone to something or do something
- be prone to sickness
- be prone to cough and cold
- be prone to heart attack
- be prone to falls due to balance problems
- be prone to back pains thanks to unhealthy postures
- be prone to anger
- be prone to aggression
- be prone to memory problems
8. subservient to 屈從於,臣服於
- Women naturally subservient to men?
- the rights of the individual are made subservient to the interests of the state
9. precedence 優先, 居先
- take precedence over
- Business people often think that fluency and communication take precedence over grammar when speaking.
- Should seniority take precedence over competence?
- Should friendship take precedence over seniority?
10. inure 使習慣
- inure somebody to something
- if you become inured to something unpleasant, you become familiar with it and able to accept it and bear it