

每日一句漢譯英 - 文青

(2011-11-06 07:35:06) 下一個

生活篇: 人們早就知道,高端職業會阻礙或推遲女性生小孩的計劃。

(my attempt) It has long been believed that holding a high-end profession would hinder or postpone a woman's plan to have kids.

It's long been known that high-powered careers can hamper or delay women's plans to have children.


國際政治篇: 歐洲遏製債務危機的新策略振奮了全球金融市場,但方案具體怎樣執行、是否足以結束已經延續兩年的危機,這些問題仍然有待解答。

(my attempt) Even though Europe's new policy to control debt crisis inspired the global financial market, however the questions such as how to execute the strategy and whether it would be enough to end the two-year crisis are still remian to be answered.

Europe's new strategy to tame its debt woes invigorated global financial markets despite lingering questions over how the plan will work and whether it will be enough to end the two-year-old crisis.

佳佳妹提到這個中文翻得有點小偏差,英文原文重點是說的invigorated global financial markets的事,但是中文重點強調有問題有待解答。我覺得佳佳妹提得很對,謝謝!



財經篇: 在利用賄賂手段達成目的的頻繁程度方麵,中國企業僅次於俄羅斯企業。

(My Attempt) Chinese companies are only second to Russia's in terms of how frequent bribery is used to achieve purpose.

Chinese companies trail only their Russian counterparts in how often they use bribes to get what they want.


科技篇: 不過,蘋果公司指控三星公司這款平板電腦的觸摸屏技術在某些方麵侵犯了該公司iPad平板電腦的專利。
(my attempt)  However, Apple accused 三星(?) of violation, to a certain degree, of the patent held by iPad, on the touch screen technology used in the company's latest release of the flat-panel tablet.

However, Apple alleges certain features of the computer's touchscreen technology violate patents it holds for its own iPad tablet computers.


社會篇: 百老匯新喜劇《中式英語》(Chinglish)講述的是一個美國商人在中國為自己的標牌製造公司爭取一份利潤豐厚的合同時努力克服種種語言障礙的故事。
(my attempt) Chinglish, Broadway's new comedy, is about an American businessman in China, how he overcame various language barriers to win a lucrative contract for his sign-making firm.

The new Broadway comedy 'Chinglish' explores the language barriers that a U.S. businessman tries to overcome as he looks to secure a lucrative contract in China for his sign-making firm.


中國篇: 新華社網站上的一篇文章說,如果把天宮一號、神舟八號交會對接任務,看成是一對熱戀情侶的盟約,那將是這個季節裏最浪漫的事情。

(my attempt) An article on Xihua news agency website says it would be the season's most romantic thing if thinking the docking event between Tiangong 1 and Shenzhou 8 as the promise between a couple in love. 

'If we compare the space docking mission with the pact of a pair of lovers deeply in love, it will be the most romantic story of the season,' said an article on the state-run Xinhua news agency's website.

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