


(2012-05-31 11:59:36) 下一個


(me)Facing the ever rising China, U.S. is opening up to India.

(ori.) Faced with an increasingly assertive China, the United States is embracing India.

和美國一樣,印度是一個民主國家,一個開放的、多元化的社會。華盛頓的軍事決策者不像對中美衝突那樣擔心和印度的戰爭。服務業發達的印度經濟也不像中國的製造業巨人一樣對美國構成挑戰 。

(me) Like U.S., India is a democratic country, and an open, diversified society. Military policy makers in Washington would not have as much concern on war with India as with China. Compared with manufacture giant China, service advanced India would not be as a threat to America.

(orig.) Like America, India is a democracy – an open, pluralistic society. Military planners in Washington don’t spend time fretting about war with India, the way they do about conflict with China. India’s economy, with its vibrant services sector, doesn’t pose nearly the same the challenge to the U.S. as China’s manufacturing juggernaut .

簡言之,對擔心來自中國長期威脅的美國決策者來說,印度看起來是一種有用的製衡力量 。

(me)Simply put, for American policy makers who worry about the long term threat from China, India appears a useful balance force.

(orig.) In short , to U.S. policy-makers worried about the long-term threat from China, India looks like a useful counterbalance .

別急著下結論 ── 這是新書《中國和印度的戰略行為》( Chinese and Indian Strategic Behavior )的觀點。該書作者為某國際能源公司駐中國首席代表吉爾博伊( George Gilboy )和蘭德公司( RAND Corporation )高級政治科學家赫金博瑟姆( Eric Heginbotham ),該書認為,認為印度處於華盛頓決策圈內的樂觀看法可能隻是種幻想,這種看法更多地源於美國對中國的不安全感,而非基於對印度實打實的評估。兩位作者認為,如果不再通過中國這麵棱鏡看印度,那麽情況就會大相徑庭。在從貿易投資到伊朗及武器擴散的很多對華盛頓至關重要的問題上,印度的看法與中國驚人的相似 。

Don’t be too quick to draw conclusion – this is the opinion in the book titled “ Chinese and Indian Strategic Behavior”. The authors of the book are George Gilboy, top reprehensive in China from international energy Cooperation, and Eric Heginbotham, senior political scientist from RAND Corporation. The book argues that the idea of India being in the circle of Washington’s strategy is more caused by America’s insecurity toward China, not based on the solid analysis of India. The authors believe that India would look different if not through the mirror of China. India and China have surprisingly similar opinions on issues important to Washington, from investments, Iran to weapon proliferation.

(orig.) Not so fast, says a newly published book by George Gilboy, the chief representative of an international energy firm in China and Eric Heginbotham, a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation. “ Chinese and Indian Strategic Behavior ” argues that the benign view of India in Washington policy-making circles may be an illusion , rooted more in U.S. insecurity about China than a hard-nosed assessment of India. When you stop looking at India through the prism of China, the authors argue, the picture looks very different. On many issues of key concern to Washington, from trade and investment to Iran and arms proliferation, India’s view of the view of the world is strikingly similar to China’s.

該書的一大要點是:印度不僅不是對中國的 “ 製衡力 ” ,它的崛起對華盛頓可能還意味著 “ 雙重麻煩 ” 。

(me) One of the main views of the book is that not only India’s rising is not a counterbalance to China, it could mean “double trouble” to Washington.

(orig.) One of the book’s big takeaways: Far from being a “ balancer ” to China, the rise of India could mean “double trouble” for Washington.

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